The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-72 The Harem that isn’t.

The sun trickled down through the canopy of trees that hung over the lonely trail. The two groups had traveled for hours talking about their adventures when Jaina brought up the palanquin and how they should get one. Roric dismissed the comment as he felt it was unnecessary, but Jaina was upset by that remark. It escalated into an argument where Roric insisted they didn't need the palanquin.

“I demand to be carried in comfort like they are,” Jaina said as she pouted on the side of her simple disk. She wasn’t really angry, only playing a game, teasing Roric for her lack of comfort.

Roric rolled his eyes and looked at the palanquin as if trying to find a way to fault it and suggest it wasn’t special. He let out a tired sigh when nothing came to mind and went with a new tactic.

“I seem to recall I am the master here,” he pointed out, causing Gisley to giggle. It was a sign that he had no defense, so Jaina decided to push her advantage.

“I am not debating who is in charge. If you want your girls to ride like luggage, then so be it,” Jaina said and folded her arms. “I thought you valued us more than that.”

I bought you a magic tent and filled it with all the comforts you will ever need,” Roric pointed out as he accepted her challenge and didn’t budge an inch.

They have a magic door that takes them home with a single step,” Jaina countered as the battle increased.

“We don't have a home to go back to,” Roric said, causing Jaina to frown even deeper.

Umm, if it matters to you two, it was Legeis who built our palanquin,” Heather interrupted and pointed to the goblin standing in his armor, waiting for the confrontation to end. “Maybe he can build you one as well?”

Jaina looked to Legeis with a pleading expression as the goblin felt all eyes turning on him.

I guess I could,” Legeis said with a scratch at his ear. “But it takes some time. I would need to get to my workshop for a few things.”

See, then we can ride on a bed full of pillows,” Jaina said with a pleased smile.

“We can’t ask them to build us a palanquin so you can ride more comfortably,” Roric insisted.

“We didn't ask; they offered,” Jaina corrected. “But you are the one who is in charge. I will abide by your decision and sit on our empty disk.”

You're lucky I don't make you walk,” Roric countered with a firm glare.

You wouldn’t dare,” Jaina said as Evalynn jumped in to get between them.

“I think what she meant to say was could she ride in the palanquin for a little bit?” Evalynn interjected.

Roric gave Jaina a shake of disapproval but pointed out it wasn’t his choice. “That isn't my decision,” Roric replied and looked to Blackbast. “That is up to you.”

Blackbast lay on her side on the back of Legeis's golem, wearing nothing but a black silk at her waist. She had three gold rings in one ear that twitched as she looked at Heather and Quinny still perched on Frank's shoulder.

“I don’t see what harm that will do,” Blackbast said with a widening smile. “But why don’t you two ride with her and give poor Frank a rest.”

But we’re happy up here,” Heather protested.

“I said get down and ride in the palanquin,” Blackbast commanded.

Heather growled and reached over to take Quinny's hand. Suddenly they vanished in a flash of green, only to reappear beside the palanquin.

That was very neat,” Gisley said as she fluttered over. “How did you do that?”

Devil powers,” Heather replied and pointed to the horns sticking out of her red hair.

So you are some kind of devil,” Jaina said seductively. “Not a succubus, perhaps?”

Lilithu,” Heather was quick to correct as Jaina groaned.

Ha, you lost the bet,” Evalynn laughed. “You are paying up tonight.”

“Oh,” Jaina groaned and jumped down from the disc to join Heather. “Shall we climb in?” She waited for Quinny and Heather to join Breanne inside, then crawled in and leaned out the door. With a wave to let Roric know she was settled, the group began to move again. Jaina then settled in beside Heather while Quinny snuggled with Breanne. It was lovely to travel in such plush conditions with padded walls and comfy cushions to cradle her form.

“So this is how a princess travels,” Jaina said as she enjoyed the soft cushions. “I am so envious.”

Honestly, it's just part of the disguise,” Heather said and explained how it fit the whole slave girl theme. Legeis and Frank acted as bodyguards, while the others were just slave girls.

And no desire to actually be one?” Jaina asked.

Well,” Heather began with a sigh. “I can't say I haven't thought about it, but until recently, I have only wanted to get the thing off.”

What changed recently?” Jaina pressed.

“You did,” Heather replied and gave up, trying not to notice the woman was naked. “I have to admit you seem perfectly happy to be a slave.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jaina laughed. “I have a master who dearly loves me and several sisters in the collar who would do anything for me. Who doesn’t want a life surrounded by people who love you?”

“That par sounds wonderful,” Heather agreed. “But you’re property.”

Alright, I suppose we need to be honest about a few things,” Jaina said with a serious tone. “First, throw out all the negative connotations of the word slave. I know it's a horrible thing that should never happen to anyone, and it was still going on even before I came to New Eden. But here, the name is almost a completely different thing. A better description would be somebody who is loved so much their partner wants to possess them completely.”

And he wants you to be naked?” Breanne interrupted.

That's part of the fun,” Jaina replied. “I surrender to him, and he asks me to play the role, pushing my boundaries and keeping me in that mindset.”

“You can’t play your role with a dress on?” Breanne asked.

“Roric likes me to be naked,” Jaina replied as if the point was moot. “So I am naked. There is nothing more to say. It helps us to establish our roles and keeps the dynamic going. It's hard to explain unless you have a master pushing your boundaries, but there is magic in obeying. It fills you with tension and energy that drives your desires and keeps you in a perpetual state of thrill.”

At least he lets you wear slave cuffs,” Quinny added and pulled at the ring by Jaina’s ankle.

Honestly, Chandice gets more use out of that than Roric does,” Jaina said.

“Speaking of her, why does Chandice get to wear clothes when you and Gisley are naked?” Heather asked.

“Oh, Chandice isn’t a slave,” Jaina said. “She’s my girlfriend.”

Your girlfriend?” Heather and Breanne said in unison.

Is that a problem?” Jaina asked.

“No,” Heather replied and looked at her two friends. “I just didn't realize.”

“Wait,” Quinny jumped in. “Roric introduced her as Jaina’s girlfriend when we first met. How did you not remember that?”

“Actually, I didn’t remember it either,” Breanne said. “I suppose I was a little in shock and not listening to everything.”

“Shock over seeing us naked?” Jaina laughed.

“It does kind of grab your attention,” Heather said with a blush. “I was so busy trying to avert my eyes I missed half that conversation.”

“Oh, you two are funny,” Jaina insisted. “You are so close to understanding what it's like to be free, yet you can't see it because you're afraid to give up your freedom.”

“I told you I am thinking about it,” Heather said and waved a hand. “But let's get back on topic. So Chandice is your girlfriend despite the fact that you are a slave to somebody else?”

“It's no big deal,” Jaina said with a toss of her hand. “I happen to like women, so Roric told me I could have a girlfriend. I already had a thing for Chandice, so it was a natural fit. Besides, she has a wild side that you would never guess.

I can guess,” Quinny said with a wide smile.

“Of course, you can,” Jaina teased. “You got to experience it after all.”

“And let’s move on to another topic,” Heather interrupted.

Jaina looked confused until Quinny explained that Heather was a prude and sex talk made her uncomfortable.

It does not,” Heather countered. “I just don’t see the need to talk about it so freely.”

“Why not?” Jaina asked. “Everybody does it, and since there is no disease or pregnancy to worry about, people embrace it and have fun.

There really isn't a good reason not to do it.”

“I did try to tell you that before,” Breanne added. “Quinny has told you too.”

I am more than aware,” Heather sighed and shook her head. “I am just more reserved than that. I have traditional values.”

“Is that why you’re getting married?” Jaina asked. “You want the whole wedding to mark your union properly?” Jaina listened as Heather launched into a very unexpected explanation. Heather had wanted another set of the magic doors, and those only came from her mother, Queen Gwen. However, the doors had a significant cost in social points, and Gwen wanted Heather to pay the points back. To do this, Heather and Frank would marry in a royal wedding so Gwen could make all the points back plus more from a massive social event. It was not the answer she expected, and it immediately raised questions.

So, does that mean you don’t want to marry him?” Jaina asked.

“No, that's just it. I do want to marry him,” Heather insisted. “I just didn't realize it at the time. It's hard to explain, but I have been kind of confused since coming to New Eden, and I needed time to straighten myself out.”

Ah, you had translation shock,” Jaina said with a nod. “You must have come in before they instituted the programs to prepare people for the trip.”

Yeah,” Heather agreed though her response seemed less than truthful. There was something more about this situation she wasn't saying, but prying would be rude. Jaina didn't know this group well enough to risk an argument with, so she let the matter drop. Instead, she decided to test a theory and set her gaze on Quinny, who had her arm around Breanne.

“Would you mind trading places with me?” Jaina asked.

Quinny shrugged and got on her hands and knees so the two women could swap. Now Jaina sat right beside Breanne as Quinny and Heather rubbed together. Quinny wasted no time leaning into Heather, who seemed perfectly at ease having her there.

There, I think that's much better,” Jaina said, then looked at Breanne. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you about your impending sale.”

There isn't going to be a sale,” Breanne groaned. “I already told Blackbast I didn't want to be sold.”

And you are so sure you won’t be happy?” Jaina asked as she wondered why the woman was so against the idea.

Not being sure is the problem,” Breanne countered. “I hardly know the man, and I am not going to let him lock a collar around my neck until I am sure I will be happy.”

So the idea isn't off the table. You just need more time to make a decision,” Jaina said with a nod.

That’s why we are going to ask him to come with us,” Heather said. “So they have time to get to know one another.”

And if he turns out to be the sweetheart he seems to be?” Jaina asked and smiled at Breanne.

“I don't know!” Breanne cried. “He certainly seems to be a good man, but I had my heart set on another.”

“His name is Skullman,” Quinny added.

It isn’t Skullman,” Breanne quickly shouted and folded her arms. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

I think Skullman and Alura had something going on,” Heather said as she thought back. “They came to the party together and seemed to know what each other was thinking.”

“These are two people you know well?” Jaina asked, as the names were unfamiliar to her.

“Breanne knows Skullman really well,” Quinny laughed.

Oh, that kind of well,” Jaina replied and nudged Breanne.

Will you all stop badgering me about this,” Breanne grumbled. “Blackbast was right, I understand commitment, and if I were to do something as foolish as allowing a slave master to collar me, it would have to be a man I completely trusted. Somebody I knew was as stable and reliable as the sun rising. He would have to be a hero who always looks after me and seeks my heart.”

“Somebody is a romantic,” Jaina said and patted Breanne's leg. “But there is nothing wrong with that. I love how you put that; it explains a lot of how you feel. Good on you for understanding yourself so well.” Jaina hoped that her words sounded diplomatic because she could see they had taken this too far. Meeting this ogre was bothering Breanne far more seriously than she showed. Everyone was pushing on her to give it a chance, but Breanne didn't like the pressure. She also seemed to have a very clear image of the kind of man she would like. Jaina was about to ask her more when Heather practically said the same thing.

“But you said you knew somebody like that,” Heather interjected.

I do,” Breanne replied and looked away. “But he doesn’t belong to me.”

“Oh, he already has a woman in his life,” Jaina said sadly, putting an arm around Breanne. “There will be other men like him.” She hoped this wasn't too forward, but the elven woman looked distressed. She knew exactly who she wanted but sadly, he wasn't hers to have.

Breanne laughed and shook her head. “I have been alive long enough to have grandchildren your age. I have never seen a man like him in all that time. He is the most fearless and dependable person I have ever known, and he treats women like gold.”

Sounds like a catch, to be sure,” Jaina said and looked across the palanquin to the other two. It seemed like a good idea to take the focus off Breanne, so she decided to steer it to Quinny and Heather. “So, could either of you stomach the idea of being sold?”

I could,” Quinny said with a shrug. “So long as I got along with my new master.”

You could just go off with somebody new?” Heather asked.

“What's the harm in it?” Quinny asked. “I think it's exciting to know you could be sold to anyone anytime. Besides, Blackbast has explained the collars. They fall off if you're miserable or your master mistreats you.”

“That's a very positive way of looking at it,” Jaina said as she admired the woman's answer. Even for Jaina, the thought of being sold was frightening, and she made Roric promise it would never happen. Of course, he sold her to Rajeen, but only as part of a temporary agreement, and she still got to be his most of the time. “You are a free-spirited person who likes to take risks.”

“I do take risks, I suppose,” Quinny admitted and looked at Heather. “But the truth is I don’t think of myself as me anymore. I am wearing a disguise like Heather is,” Quinny said and looked very serious for a moment as she reached up and took the collar off.

Jaina was surprised to see the transformation as Quinny became a little smaller with shoulder-length dark hair and solid black eyes. She had a scar on her cheek and lip highlighted by her near-ghost white skin. Now she looked like a proper zombie but was still fairly good-looking.

“You’re still very pretty,” Jaina said.

“That's what I wanted,” Quinny said. “I liked the idea of being a zombie, but I wanted to be pretty enough that I could still play with the boys or girls.”

“I see,” Jaina replied and gave Heather a look of approval. “So, do you have a girlfriend?” Jaina noticed Heather go ridged, confirming one of her suspicions. Heather did know Quinny loved her, but it wasn't to be spoken of out loud. Quinny denied having a girlfriend, but the secret was out as far as Jaina was concerned. Quinny loved them all and was hurting because that love had to be kept quiet. This whole disguise comment didn't ring true with Jaina. Quinny was trying to say the new appearance made it easier to be free, but that wasn't entirely true. The fact that Quinny made sure her natural zombie appearance was pretty was all the evidence Jaina needed. Unlike Frank, Quinny wanted to make sure she would get attention and interest here. She came here to play a zombie but hoped for a little adventure of the sexual kind as well. That certainly explained why she was eager to come to Roric's tent last night and try Chandice's imps.

“What made you choose this life?” Breanne asked as Jaina pondered the zombie woman.

This is what I wanted,” Jaina replied, nestling into Breanne a little. “Roric and I knew each other in the real world. We met online while playing an adult MMO, where he was the master, and I was his slave girl. We got along amazingly well and discovered we lived less than an hour apart one day. We started dating and playing for real when the visitors arrived. Once they offered to let people live out their fantasies in New Eden, we jumped at the chance to have that MMO life for real.”

But why a gnoll?” Heather asked.

“Why does anybody play a bestial class?” Jaina asked. “It’s in his blood to be something not human. It adds to his fun when he dominates his women and leads them on the leash.” Jaina was pleased by the shocked looked that crossed Heather's face, but Quinny saw the humor in it.

“Ha, a dog leading girls on a leash,” Quinny laughed as Heather cleared her throat and went back to the facts.

So you came in together to do this?” Heather asked.

“We sure did, and we have never been happier,” Jaina replied. “I am living a fantasy that could only have been imagined in the wildest of dreams. I sleep every night in the warm arms of my master and his slave girls, plus I have all the sex any woman could desire.”

“Aww, I feel left out,” Quinny moaned.

You are welcome to join us any time,” Jaina replied. “Just get your master’s permission first.”

She isn’t a slave either,” Breanne interjected with a hint of jealousy.

“I understand you are all wearing the collar for the sake of your ruse, but I can tell she likes to play the game. To her, this is all exciting fun,” Jaina said and nodded to Quinny, who smiled and leaned into Heather more. The look on Heather's face was one of alarm as the topic of the conversation was getting to her. Jaina struggled not to smile at her discomfort and decided to change the subject to something Heather might be more comfortable talking about.

So, tell me about your husband-to-be?” Jaina asked. “What made you fall in love with him?

Jaina was fascinated by the story as Heather described Frank with an almost adoring level of praise. He was the nicest guy she had ever met but had a tragic history with women. He came to New Eden to escape them and chose his appearance so they wouldn't be interested in him. It was a funny irony to think that a man fleeing the complications of a relationship had three women circling around him, each seeking his attention. However, as Heather described her slow awakening to his nature, Jaina could see some of the truth. Frank wasn't pursuing her; he was just being who he was, a good man. It was this genuine honesty and good nature that enraptured Heather. Quinny even chimed in that Frank was always Frank, and you never had to wonder if it was an act. Heather made a point of saying how his appearance put her off, and she looked ashamed at the admission.

And yet you saw through that,” Jaina said with an approving nod. “Good for you.”

I didn't at first,” Heather admitted. “But he was such a good friend we stuck together, and I started to see the truth.”

Ahh, the slow but relentless type,” Jaina surmised. “Hidden under that hard exterior is a rare gem you don’t notice until you have looked long enough.”

“That's an excellent way to put it,” Heather agreed. “But I had my issues about being here, and I sort of neglected him for a while.”

Jaina noted an odd pause in Heather's conversation as the woman turned to Quinny. The zombie woman was looking out the door at something ahead when Heather suddenly put an arm around her and pulled her in tight. Quinny reacted to the sudden embrace with shock, then contentment as she snuggled in to enjoy being held.

I did something else that was terrible,” Heather said as Quinny looked at her in surprise. “I told my best friend I would get out of her way so she could have him, and then I couldn't give him up.”

“Heather,” Quinny said in surprise. “I never complained about that.”

You didn't have to,” Heather sighed. “I realized it a few days ago and have felt bad about it ever since.”

Don’t feel bad,” Quinny insisted. “You and Frank were destined to be together. Everybody knows you two were a thing all the way back to the first graveyard.”

Honestly, I am surprised it took this long to come out,” Breanne laughed.

That's because I am an idiot,” Heather groaned. “I get so absorbed in my own petty goals that I neglect everybody around me and then get jealous when people notice.”

“You are not an idiot,” Quinny insisted as she turned in Heather's arms. “I think you’re one of the smartest people I know, and you have handled yourself amazingly well. I doubt I would have been able to handle even half of the stress you’re under.”

“You have proven to be good at solving impossible problems,” Breanne agreed.

You rescued me, the goblins, Gwen, and a bunch of others,” Quinny said. “You invited Breanne to live with us so she could have a good home. You shared all that gold so we could buy points to be happy. You always go out of your way to help people, even when you have the most to lose.”

Not to mention she tried to battle a sand demon alone to save us,” Breanne added.

Yeah, and you solved that puzzle door and the magic elevator. You figured out how to make golems. And even how to take over other player's bases,” Quinny piled on.

Let’s not forget she discovered how those magic mirrors worked,” Breanne said. “And she defeated Maline’s dungeon while all the other players were gunning for her.”

“Sounds like quite a list of accomplishments,” Jaina said as she marveled at the long list of achievements. Quinny was genuinely in awe of Heather, and Breanne had a loving respect for the woman's capabilities. Jaina began to regret that she hadn't witnessed any of these great achievements as the two women made Heather sound like a champion.

“Heather is amazing,” Quinny replied. “You should have seen how good she did in that dungeon. She made everybody else look stupid by comparison.”

Oh, stop it,” Heather cried and pulled Quinny into her arms. “You make me sound like a saint.”

“A devil saint,” Jaina laughed as she watched Quinny smile to be in Heather’s arms. Heather pressed the zombie to her chest and began to rock, no longer trying to avoid the contact Quinny so desperately wanted.

“It's just a matter of fact,” Breanne said. “You never once accepted how hero players treat monsters, and you were willing to risk your own safety to challenge it time and time again.”

“I knew there was a good reason to like you,” Jaina said with a pleased smile. That one fact about Heather made Jaina admire her. Heather was truly special, and that personality had drawn the others to her like moths to a flame. Jaina almost wanted to pout that they hadn't found her earlier and added her to their harem. But maybe there was still time?

“Let’s talk about something else,” Heather suggested as she hugged Quinny tightly.

Well, I know something I would like to talk about,” Jaina said and pointed to the window in the back. “Is that your magic door?”

It is,” Heather replied and glanced back at it. “It connects to a magic room, inside of which is a portal to our lairs.”

“Would it be too much to ask if I could see it?” Jaina asked as she twitched with excitement. She knew she was being too forward, especially as they had known each other for such a short while. Still, she had no doubts that she could trust Heather, and this was the first magic doorway they had encountered. She so wanted to see what the lair of a princess and a carrion knight looked like that she couldn't restrain herself.

“I….” Heather said and then paused for a long moment again. Frank called this her thinking face, and it troubled Jaina that Heather had to think about it at all. Was she hiding something through that door? Was Jaina's trust in her a little premature? If the praise Quinny and Breanne had been heaping on her were even half true, Heather was a person of outstanding character.

“She is thinking again,” Jaina said as she nudged Breanne. “Her husband says this is her curse and blessing.”

Her brilliant mind is her best asset,” Breanne agreed. “We wouldn’t be here without it.”

Jaina nodded and noticed a fury leg curl over the side of the window as a massive spider crawled over the side. She was about to jump in fright, but Breanne and Quinny stared right at him and didn't seem to mind. So instead, she decided to be diplomatic again and greeted the spider as if it was just another person.

Oh, hello,” Jaina said with a smile.

That’s Heather’s familiar,” Breanne said. “His name is Webster.”

Oh,” Jaina replied with a relieved nod. “So you’re her personal friend.”

He dropped to the floor and bobbed in a yes while making a shrill little noise. It was the cutest display as he bobbed to answer in sign language. He was a woolly jumping spider with a row of adorable little black eyes on the front of his head. He had a little blue mark on his abdomen that glistened with an almost metallic sheen. The spider tried to communicate in a series of chirps and whistles that nobody seemed to understand, but Jaina did.

“I have to say I am not a big fan of spiders, but he's adorable,” She said and leaned over. “He looks so cute with all those eyes.” She reached out to pet him, and he curled into a ball as she stroked his furry back.

“You're not afraid of spiders?” Heather asked.

Of course I am,” Jaina laughed. “But I can tell this little guy is nothing but friendly. Can I pick him up?”

“Be my guest,” Heather said and was amazed to see Jaina pluck him right off the floor and cradle him in her lap. Webster behaved like a cat, tapping his feet as if getting more comfortable before settling in with a twist.

“Oh, goodness, he's purring,” Jaina laughed.

“He thinks he's a cat,” Heather replied and let out a sigh. “I suppose there is no harm in showing you our home. But I have to warn you about a few things. First, the door takes you into a magical room hidden inside our layers. We use it to store things that need to be kept out of sight, like the goblin artifact we are transporting.”

“That makes sense,” Jaina said as she continued to pet the spider.

“As part of its protection, there are always a few goblins around, so don't be surprised if you see some in the room. Also, Frank created a powerful undead to act as a guard just in case somebody did find the room. So there is an armored skeleton standing in the corner.”

“I understand,” Jaina replied with a nod. “I promise I won't be alarmed by anything I see in the room.”

“It’s mostly books,” Quinny groaned. “Heather was a librarian in a past life. All she does is read and read and read.”

“I am doing research,” Heather protested.

“Boring research,” Quinny insisted as they got up.

Jaina watched in delight as they crawled one by one through a wooden archway set in the back of the palanquin. To her eyes, it appeared to be nothing but an empty door frame, and she could see through it to the forest behind them. Yet as the girls crawled through it, their bodies vanished, going to someplace unseen beyond.

“Well, I guess I have to go through?” Jaina said to herself, causing the spider in her arms to chirp.

Jaina stared at the door that would lead to adventure and crawled through, vanishing from the palanquin but forgetting Roric would immediately sense her missing.

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