The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-78 A gamble of love

Jaina climbed out of the palanquin to discover they had reached their destination, but she wasn't sure why this spot was so special. It looked like an old temple complex long abandoned and swallowed by the forest. Ruins of what might once have been wondrous buildings lay strewn about a relatively clear plaza. Trees and other brush grew among the tumbled stone, and the outer walls were all but gone.

“We are here,” Heather announced as they gathered. “And thus begins our wait.”

“Oh, eight days will go by in the blink of an eye,” Jaina said as she took Evalynn's hand. “Well, we had better check on our master. Talk to you later.” She waved and headed off to where Roric was setting up his tent in a clear area of the plaza.

“So this is it?” Jaina asked as Roric tied the long cord off.

“Blackbast says it is, and it fits the description Rajeen gave us,” Roric said as he turned to the girls. “So, anything interesting happen?”

“Not really,” Jaina said as she considered the dancing. “But I got to spend some time with Viylah, and I don't know that I like her.”

“You don’t like the mimic?” Roric asked.

“It's hard to put a finger on,” Jaina said as she thought back to the woman's comments. “She talked about her missing partner, and I told her I knew this person was her lover. She sounded surprised I figured it out and then made angry comments.”

“She was angry at you?” Chandice asked.

“No,” Jaina replied. “With her lover.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as Gisley walked up to join them.

“Did you see the place for our home?” Gisley asked excitedly.

“Sorry, sweety, we never left the graveyard,” Heather explained.

“Oh,” Gisley said with a shrug. “Well, I am going to sing to bless our camp.”

“Sing to your heart's content,” Jaina urged as Evalynn and Chandice came to her side.

Gisley spread her wings and floated into the air as swirls of glitter spiraled around her. She stretched her arms high and began to sing, filling the air with her beautiful voice. Around them, the world began to sparkle and glow as if infused with magic. Colors became brighter and shadows more defined as a sense of soothing calm spread over the camp. Gisley spun and pranced as her naked body swayed to her song, making it impossible to take their eyes off her.

“Can you imagine how much money men would throw if they could see her dance like this?” Chandice asked.

“I wish I had money to throw now,” Jaina replied. “She has no seduction skills, yet all I can think about right now is pouncing on her.”

“I want her first,” Evalynn chimed in causing Jaina to glare at her.

“Why do you get her first?” Jaina asked.

“I am an elf, and Fairy are kin to us,” Evalynn argued.

“I can be anything I want,” Jaina countered as she turned into Gisley. “Even her.”

“I believe I will get her first,” Roric cut in and pinched Evalynn’s rear. “And then I believe I will get you.”

“Yes, master,” Evalynn replied with a wide smile that was shared by Jaina.

They sat together on a log as Chandice lit a small fire and began to talk about their plans. Eventually, Roric asked what they had done in the graveyard, and Jaina was delighted to answer.

“Oh, we just did a little dancing,” Jaina said. “Heather's wedding will be filled with formal dances, and Frank has no idea how to dance. So Breanne offered to teach him and us how to do formal dances, and we spend a few hours practicing. It was a lot of fun, but you should have seen Breanne and Heather together. Those two were so naturally matched it was hard not to watch.” Jaina was so engrossed in explaining the dancing that she hadn't noticed Gisley had stopped singing.

“You went dancing without me?” Gisley asked as she fluttered over to join the conversation.

“What?” Jaina asked as she realized Gisley was there.

“You all went dancing and didn’t ask me,” Gisley pouted as her lips trembled.

“We didn't do it to make you angry,” Jaina insisted as she got up to face Gisley. “Sweety, it wasn't planned. It just sort of happened.”

“It’s not fair,” Gisley countered. “I keep missing all the fun because I have to pull the disk. I want to dance and play too!”

“Now I feel guilty,” Evalynn said as she stood. “We are sorry. None of us meant to exclude you.”

“But you did,” Gisley pressed as her eyes turned red. “I always get left out when we travel.”

Jaina felt terrible that they had upset Gisley and desperately tried to think of some way to make it up to her. She was about to promise Gisley they would never go over without her again when another solution presented itself.

“Excuse me,” came Heather's voice as she approached with a smile. “I know it's none of my business, but would it be alright if I danced with Gisley?”

“You want to dance with me?” Gisley asked as her eyes suddenly changed colors from red to deep purple. They twinkled with light as she did a fluttering bounce, dancing on her toes.

“I think she loves that idea,” Chandice commented.

Jaina agreed Gisley seemed thrilled by the idea of dancing with Heather, but she wondered if this would be enough. A simple dance wouldn't wipe away the upset Gisley felt at being left out.

“Of course,” Roric agreed and turned to Gisley. “Would you like to dance with Heather?”

“Please?” Gisley cried excitedly and fluttered up to Heather before dropping to her feet. “I love dancing.”

“I could tell,” Heather replied as she looked to Roric for permission.

Jaina smiled as he nodded his consent and watched Heather take Gisley's arms as if to lead her in a dance. Gisley suggested they needed a song to dance to, and to everyone's surprise, Heather offered to sing one.

“She can sing?” Evalynn whispered.

“She is a flower singer,” Chandice pointed out. “It’s in the name of her class.”

Gisley was bouncing with excitement as Heather looked lost in thought for a moment. Then she began to sing just as Gisley did with a chorus of notes and sounds but no actual words. Her voice was smooth as silk and evoked images of sunshine and rainbows. It was a delight to hear, and Gisley squealed in glee as Heather swung her around the field.

“Look!” Chandice said as she pointed to the ground.

Jaina's eyes went wide as flowers bloomed around the dancer's feet. Gisley cried joyfully when she saw them and her eyes sparkled extra bright. Everyone dropped what they were doing to watch as the most beautiful scene of magic began to unfold. The dance was full of twisting spirals as flowers continued to blossom under their steps. Gisley's glitter came off in great waves, enchanting the flowers, so they glowed with magical light. Every step grew more flowers and made the fairy that much happier. Jaina was sure this moment couldn't get any more special, and then Heather began to sing another song.

Golden glitter began to spiral around Heather's feet, and where ever she stepped, it spread out, causing even more growth. Flowers grew to knee height in seconds, opening up in a wide range of magical colors.

“What is that?” Jaina asked.

“She’s making some kind of glitter of her own,” Roric said.

“I don’t think that’s glitter,” Chandice said. “I think it’s pollen.”

“It's beautiful, whatever it is,” Evalynn commented as her eyes ran wet. They watched as silver glitter mixed with golden pollen as Heather continued a song of haunting beauty. Gisley was swept off her feet, laughing and crying for joy as she witnessed the magical display. Then suddenly, the dance took on an even more magical nature as Heather suddenly floated up, her bare feet dancing on the flowers without bending them.

Even Roric’s eyes went wet at the sound of happiness Gisley made. She had to flutter her wings to keep up with Heather as the two women danced in the air over a carpet of magic flowers. Around they spun, gold and silver trailing in all directions as their eyes stared deep into each other. Gisley’s eyes now sparkled with bright green light as her antenna unfurled to their full length.

She unleashed one of her own powers, filling the air with fairy magic as the dance became one of passion.

[lvl 20 lunar fairy skill: Dance of the lunar queen] [Boosted 10] When you dance under the moonlight, you produce a magical glitter that has the effect of enchanting the world around you. Shadows become sharper, fireflies come out to dance with you, and the moonlight glitters on all reflective surfaces. Your glitter pool, health, and stamina recover 10% faster during this dance.

Gisley's body glowed with white light as fireflies suddenly filled the air. They danced in clouds, following the two women as they carried on in never-ending spirals. Finally, Gisley joined Heather in the song, the two women's voices blending into an enchanting harmony that melted the soul. Moonlight began to streak through the trees, and dew suddenly set in all around them. It glittered like a thousand diamonds in the magical light, turning the whole camp into their stage.

Heather then called out a series of magical notes, and even the trees around them came to life. They danced and swayed in harmony to the song as flowers and golden lights filled their branches. It was as if the whole world and all its magic had come to witness the dance. Everyone was awestruck by the display, especially Frank, who Jaina noted was unable to look away.

Finally, the song ended, leaving the two women standing on their carpet of magical flowers. They stared at one another so intently that Jaina was sure they were going to kiss. She wondered how Frank would respond to that, but Gisley finally thanked her for the dance and fluttered away.

“I forgive you,” Gisley said as she touched down before Jaina and pulled her into a hug. “I love you all so much.”

“Gisley, that was something I will never forget, no matter how long this world goes on,” Roric said as she came to join the hug.

“I have never witnessed something so beautiful,” Evalynn said as she and Chandice joined the hug. “I am so grateful to be a part of this family.”

“I am grateful for you all,” Roric said and took special note of Chandice. “You as well. I value having you at our side. I never want you to go.”

“I'm not going anywhere unless my girlfriend dumps me for Heather,” Chandice laughed.

“Heather is amazing!” Gisley cried. “She’s such a good singer and dancer. I was having so much fun I never wanted it to end. Oh, she had me so excited. I wish she had kissed me.”

“I was surprised you didn’t do it yourself,” Jaina said.

“I wanted to, but she's getting married, and I thought it would be better to let her do it,” Gisley sighed. “

“I would say that was a wise decision,” Roric agreed. “We don’t know enough about them to start sharing kisses.”

“But having sex with their master and slave girl is alright?” Chandice asked.

“That was very different,” Roric replied and shook his head. “Blackbast knows them better than we do, and she chose Quinny carefully. I trust another slave master to make such a decision.”

“None of them are slaves, though,” Evalynn said as she started across the compound at the other group that was having a discussion with Heather. “The collar is just another layer of secrets, and Blackbast is the leader of their deception.”

Jaina understood her concerns and suspicions but pointed out that they had admitted it was all a ruse. Heather had come clean about the layers of deception and explained some of the reasons why it was needed. They all knew there was more to it, but Heather felt genuine and her motives pure. Jaina felt they could trust her, and Gisley was more than ready to give Heather her heart.

“I think we can trust them,” Jaina finally said but noticed Roric twitch. “Is something the matter?” she asked.

“Yes, but I hope you will forgive me. I need to keep it a secret for now,” Roric admitted.

“Now you’re keeping secrets?” Evalynn asked.

“Just until the ogre gets here,” Roric sighed. “Blackbast and I talked while you were gone, and she shared something with me. I am not sure how I feel about it, but I promised I would trust her judgment.”

“So she is going to sell Breanne then,” Jaina said as she felt heartbroken. After seeing her dance with Heather, she no longer believed Breanne should go to this Grumosh. In fact, she had noticed how comfortable the woman was with Quinny and Frank. All of them seemed far too united for one to be sold away, but what else could it be?

“I wish I could say,” Roric said. “But we will all have a long discussion about them in a few days. I want to explain everything and make sure I understand how you all feel.”

“You can’t give us a little hint?” Chandice asked.

“I promised I wouldn't reveal any of it,” Roric said. “But suffice it to say Blackbast is playing a dangerous game. I want to keep her at a distance for a little bit and do not go off with her alone.”

“This sounds bad,” Evalynn groaned.

Roric sighed and explained that Blackbast had the best of intentions, but he disagreed with her methods. All he was asking was that they take more care around her until this matter with the ogre was resolved. It was very likely it was all going to blow over, and things would be fine after that, but there was a chance it would not.

Jaina couldn’t help but stare across the plaza to where Blackbast talked with the others and wonder what she had said to Roric. His sudden reservation about her presence made her nervous but more for Heather than herself. Why were there so many dark clouds circling around a woman who was so kind to others?

“This is a shame,” Jaina said. “I can't help but feel they are coming together as one family.”

“Oh, they are,” Gisley said excitedly. “We talked to Heather before you left to go dancing. She and Frank are openly talking about inviting the others in.”

“So they are forming a harem,” Jaina said.

“More like a family,” Roric corrected. “Frank detests the collars and has strong reservations about the girls wearing them. Blackbast said he would likely marry them all one by one instead of collaring them.”

“Well, that’s one way to do it,” Chandice agreed. “But you sound like you don’t know if this is a good idea.”

Roric nodded and explained how Heather had doubts. She openly admitted she didn't know what she was doing or if she wanted this. She admired how his harem worked and how happy the girls were, but she had doubts.

“I told her doubts were not a good way to form a lasting relationship,” Roric finished.

“And Frank is very upset about Breanne,” Gisley added. “He doesn't want her to go to the ogre, but Blackbast says she must tell him that herself. You could tell it was angering him.”

“I see,” Jaina replied and tapped her lips. “You would think Blackbast would understand them well enough to have avoided this. Maybe I should talk to her. I bet I could help her see how much this was affecting Frank.”

Roric sighed and shook his head, then motioned the girls into the tent. They took the hint and went inside before Roric firmly closed the flap and asked Gisley to watch and ensure none of the others approached.

“Alright. If you are intent on talking to her about Breanne, then I have to break my promise,” Roric sighed as the others stood in a line waiting to hear what he had to say.

“Blackbast is hoping Frank will oppose this openly,” Roric said.

“What for?” Evalynn asked.

“Because Frank loves them all but doesn’t know how to express his feelings,” Roric explained.

“So this is a setup?” Jaina asked. “I don’t think I understand.”

Roric paced a few steps as he began to explain. Blackbast felt that Frank was secretly in love with them all but had no experience with relationships. He was solely devoted to Heather in ways she couldn't explain, but that devotion prevented him from considering the others. Blackbast hoped the potential of losing Breanne forever would force him to act on his feelings and admit them.

“That sounds like a big risk,” Chandice said.

“That’s what I said,” Roric sighed. “But she does seem to know them very well, and all this was put in motion before she met us.”

“Why is she doing this anyway?” Jaina asked.

“Because she loves them too,” Gisley said from the door as Roric looked up.

“How did you know that?” he asked.

“It isn't hard to see,” Gisley laughed. “She smiles every time she sees Heather and goes off alone with Frank to counsel him. Quinny loves to spend time with her, but Breanne doesn't. I think Blackbast cares about Breanne, but the two haven't found a connection yet.”

“Blackbast is trying to sell her off,” Chandice said. “Not much of a reason to form a connection.”

“So she’s right?” Jaina asked. “Blackbast loves them?”

“She does,” Roric replied. “But she wants to help them form the family they should have. She has put her own needs to the background in favor of those four coming together.””

“It sounds like Frank should marry her and then collar the others,” Evalynn said.

“Except that Frank hates the collars,” Jaina reminded. “But there is no reason why they can’t all marry.”

Roric nodded again and then explained the sad situation Blackbast was in. Her class was effectively a temple whore and her purpose was to provide comfort to travelers. For this reason, players of her class hid their temples in remote areas where only a few would find them. Blackbast earned experience and bonuses by fulfilling her role but suffered penalties for declining them.

“Just being away from her temple for so long is causing her serious penalties,” Roric said.

“So she suffers debuffs and penalties to protect them with her own collars?” Jaina asked.

“Yes,” Roric said. “And those collars are as important to her class as they are to mine. She gains a lot of strength and power by having slaves.”

“This doesn’t explain why they can’t marry,” Evalynn pointed out.

“Yes, it does,” Roric said. “Because they aren't interested in a master-slave relationship, and Frank is possessive of his girls. If this ogre confrontation goes the way she thinks, it will prove her right.”

“What do you mean?” Jaina asked.

“Blackbast has to be a whore if she intends to play her class,” Roric explained. “But Frank can’t share his girls like I can.”

“Oh, so in order for her to be a part of their relationship, Frank would have to be good with her sleeping with strangers,” Jaina said.

“And if the others wear her collar, they would have to do it too,” Gisley said.

“Why can’t they just wear it like they do now?” Evalynn asked.

“She is losing power as the days go by,” Roric explained. “The longer one of her slaves goes without serving her role, the weaker the collar's power gets. In fact, where I get buffs by having sex with one of you, she gets them when one of the girls has sex with another,” Roric said. “She is almost to the point where the collars are worthless to her. She needs them to return to her temple and start serving customers to restore their strength. They can’t keep wearing them for show.”

“So they would have to play the role,” Chandice said. “What a complex situation.”

“An unfortunate one for sure,” Evalynn agreed.

“I suspect Heather is alright with the idea, but it all comes down to Frank,” Roric explained.

“Wait, Heather wants to be a whore?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“No,” Roric said and waved a hand. “She wants to love Blackbast. I don't think she considers wearing the collar as part of that love.”

“Well, she had better,” Chandice said. “Their whole relationship would work better if Frank would allow the girls to play like we do.”

“Heather doesn’t strike me as the type,” Evalynn said.

“Quinny is, but Breanne is different,” Gisley said.

“Breanne would make a good slave to her master,” Roric agreed. “But I don’t think she would like the idea of serving others.”

“They really do have a complex relationship,” Jaina said but thought about it. Frank could easily marry the girls and form a family. It was Blackbast that was a challenge. Her nature made her a complex fit in any relationship that included a partner like Frank.

“I have to ask this,” Jaina said after that thought. “Is Blackbast lonely?”

“Very,” Roric said. “She loves her class, but it makes forming a solid relationship impossible. She desperately wants somebody to love her forever, not for a night of passion.”

“Oh, the poor thing,” Jaina said as she felt bad for the cat woman. “She is standing on the sidelines helping put together a strong, loving relationship while wishing she could be part of it.”

“That all lies with Frank,” Roric said. “And I don't think he could manage it. He seems very traditional in his approach to relationships. If he marries a girl, he will expect her to entertain no other man but him.”

“He’s a romantic,” Evalynn agreed. “But I feel sorry for Blackbast.”

“One more thing,” Roric said. “If this plan goes the way Blackbast expects, I need you girls to act surprised. Don't let on that you knew what was going on.”

“Of course,” Jaina said. “But what exactly is she hoping will happen?”

Roric looked to the door and breathed a long slow sigh. “She is hoping Frank will show his true colors.”

“And if he doesn’t?” Jaina asked.

Roric looked away as if unable to consider the thought. “Then he may lose Breanne forever.”

They made love that night, but it lacked the kind of passion it usually had. Everyone was whispering about the coming confrontation and what it meant. Roric encouraged them to put it out of their minds, but it was all they could think of. To help keep things more secretive, Gisley took them into a dream where they could talk openly without fear of being overheard.

Roric’s biggest complaint was the risk Blackbast was taking. She had faith Frank wouldn't allow Breanne to be sold, but Roric wasn't so sure. Frank was focused on marrying Heather and uncertain about the idea of a wider relationship. It was possible he wouldn't step in, especially if Breanne folded and agreed to go.

The next day was relatively calm as Heather and Frank spent most of their time in the swamps. Legeis was in his workshop while Quinny and Breanne spent most of their time together and crossed over early in the morning. This left Blackbast alone, wandering the forest edge looking for the ogre. Roric and the others went to talk to her when it became obvious she was nervous and alone.

“You are tense,” Roric said as he approached with his girls.

“He will be here any time now,” Blackbast replied. “And then we shall see.”

Roric glanced at his girls to ensure none of them said anything that would give the secret away. Nobody responded, and Blackbast leaned against a tree as her mind wandered a thousand miles away.

“You look more than tense,” Jaina said as she approached. “How long has it been since you had a proper slave girl?”

“A long time,” Blackbast replied as her tail twitched. “Finding a woman who wants to dedicate her life to such a thing is very rare. I have no idea how you three managed to come together so easily.”

“Roric is a very good slave master,” Jaina said as she put an arm around Blackbast. “But surely you have had slaves before.”

“Many,” Blackbast agreed. “But the years roll on, and they grow bored. I think the problem is they are restricted to my temple and feel trapped after a while.”

“I would probably go crazy if I was restricted to a small space,” Evalynn agreed.

“I would need my pond to sing over,” Gisley said. “But I like to go for walks and fly around.”

Blackbast nodded without looking up as her shoulders sank. “I always thought it would be so easy to live this life. I thought I would have three to five slave girls who filled my temple with sex and passion. The truth is my temple sits empty most of the time. I get a traveler every week or two, and sometimes they aren't interested in playing.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Jaina said. “And I assume you don’t want to put your temple where it can be found easily.”

“No, or I would be on my back night and day,” Blackbast sighed. “This class is a blessing and a curse.”

“It does seem hard to balance,” Evalynn agreed.

“It seems so broken,” Gisley added. “You have to remain isolated, but by doing so, life becomes boring. No wonder you have trouble keeping slave girls.”

Blackbast nodded and sniffed as a tear ran down her cheek. “You know, I loved some of them. They were so close to my heart but grew bored and restless. So I had to let them go.”

“That must have been hard,” Jaina said and rubbed her back. “But were you hoping Heather and the others would consider it?”

“I did at first, but I quickly came to understand this wasn’t their path,” Blackbast replied. “Still, Sometimes I wish I could get them to see it how you do.”

“Of course you do,” Jaina said.

“It is foolish to dwell on something you can’t have,” Blackbast said. “It only leads to pain.”

“Can’t you wander at all?” Jaina asked.

“I can be away from my temple for five days before the debuffs start,” Blackbast explained.

“But what if your slave girls entertain men on the road?” Jaina asked. “Does that help?”

“No,” Blackbast answered. “It has to happen in the temple.

“How restrictive,” Chandice said.

“It is the same for several of the slave master classes,” Blackbast answered. “The Madames only earn bonuses when their prostitutes serve inside the brothel.”

“Madame,” Gisley said and looked to the others. “Do you think that’s what Alexandria is?”

“It might be,” Roric said.

“Let's talk about that later,” Jaina said as she leaned into Blackbast. “Surely there is some way you can move about and take your girls to see the world.”

“Well, there is one way to mitigate the debuffs,” Blackbast insisted. “But I would still gain nothing from my girls serving outside the temple.”

“Ok, well, that's a start,” Jaina pressed. “So, how do you do it?”

Blackbast sighed and looked down.

“I have to become a collared slave,” she said. “If I am under another master's collar, my requirements are seriously reduced.”

“Oh,” Jaina said as she saw the problem. You didn't play a slave master class to be another person's slave. On the other hand, that was exactly how Rajeen kept such a large harem. Several of her beloved slaves were slave masters whose collars fell under her control.

“Have you ever thought about submitting?” Jaina asked.

“I have, and I did, once,” Blackbast replied. “But we wanted different things, and we parted ways.”

Jaina wanted to ask her more about it when a deep voice rumbled from the forest. They turned to see a towering form of muscle and metal coming through the trees carrying a massive chest under each arm.

“Hello, Lady Blackbast,” the ogre called as she reached the edge of the camp.

“Grumosh,” Blackbast replied as her tail twitched nervously.

He set the chests down and looked around with a wide smile.

“I have come to buy Breanne.”

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