The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-79 The calm before the storm

Jaina wondered how long it would be before things got interesting. Heather and her friends were still in the swamp, blissfully unaware that Grumosh was here. At any moment, they might cross over, and then the moment would come, but thus far, all was quiet.

Hours passed by in tense conversation as Blackbast spoke with the ogre. He set himself up in a small building that still had three walls and laid out his chests full of wealth. Grumosh seemed mild of manner and well-spoken, even laughing as he told a joke. Jaina got no sense of threat from the man, so she and the others quickly relaxed around him.

Roric instituted a small change, asking the girls to wear full clothes. Jaina asked him why and he said it was to make Frank more comfortable. The ghoul didn't care for the collars, and Roric had noted he strained not to look at his naked girls. So while they were with the other group, they would remain clothed to avoid any discomfort to their guests.

“You really are worried about how this will play out,” Jaina said as she got dressed.

“Grumosh is an ogre,” Roric pointed out. “His arms are as big around as your waist, and he is almost a head taller than Frank.”

“You don't think it will come to blows?” Chandice asked as she tied Gisley into a gown.

“I have no idea what to think,” Roric replied. “But you tell me how you would react if somebody had you drag a significant amount of wealth to a remote location, only to be told the thing you came to buy was never for sale in the first place.”

“Goodness, I would be mad,” Jaina said.

“I would suspect a trap,” Evalynn said as she held up a simple green dress. “Especially if I got there to discover extra people waiting.”

“Exactly,” Roric agreed. “Grumosh wasn't planning on us being here, and our presence might put him on edge.”

“Then when Blackbast tells him he wasted his time and effort, he will get angry,” Jaina said.

“All this is to provoke Frank into some kind of display for Breanne?” Chandice asked as she tied the laces on Gisley's pretty red dress.

“Blackbast thinks Breanne will be the hardest to convince to accept a relationship with the others. She believes that Frank standing up for her will be the push she needs to understand the truth. She also thinks the display will wake Heather up to the fact that Frank cares for them all.”

“This can go wrong so many ways,” Jaina said as she straightened her dress. “Blackbast either understands them intimately well, or she is recklessly gambling with their well-being.”

“Which is why I want to keep her at a distance until this is over,” Roric said. “She either loves them deeply or is meddling where she doesn't belong.”

“I want to talk to Grumosh,” Gisley said as she spun in her pretty dress. “He seems nice to me.”

“Just be careful,” Roric said before kissing her forehead.

Gisley smiled and fluttered out of the tent as Evalynn finished dressing. They went outside and started a small fire so Chandice could cook them breakfast. Jaina and Evalynn sat on a log as Roric went to speak to Blackbast. Gisley fluttered right up the steps to the ogre, showing her wings in their full glory.

“Hello,” Gisley said and landed on her toes.

“Why, hello there,” Grumosh replied and bowed his head.

Gisley looked up at the towering behemoth that was the ogre and was wholly impressed. He stood well above her height with shoulders as broad as she was tall. His arms were as wide as she was and rippled with muscles. His brow was thick and heavy, set over eyes full of worry. His jaw was broad and flat, with small tusks that protruded from his lower lip. In many ways, he looked human if you could combine a human with three gorillas.

“So, are you really going to buy Breann?” Gisley asked.

“I hope so,” Grumosh replied and leaned over a little to see Gisley’s collar. “Oh, are you a slave girl?”

“I am,” Gisley said and fluttered up so she could look him in the face. “Roric is my master,” she added and pointed to him as Grumosh looked over.

“Ah, the gnoll,” he said. “Are you for sale by chance?”

“Me, ha, no. He would never sell me,” Gisley replied. “I hope you don't mind my asking, but what kind of slave master are you?”

“You are an inquisitive one,” Grumosh replied as he sat down on a fallen pillar. “But I always had a soft spot for fey creatures, so I will tell you, I am a conqueror.”

“So is Roric!” Gisley cried and did a little dance in the air.

“So he is a conqueror too?” Grumosh replied with a nod. “I suppose it makes sense.”

“So, where are your other slaves?” Gisley asked as she looked about as if she might see one.

“Sadly, I don't have any,” Grumosh said. “I have had to hide in the wilds alone for a long time. You don't run across too many women who want to be slaves.”

“Oh, That’s so sad,” Gisley said with a pout. “I hope you get one today.”

“I do too,” Grumosh agreed.

Jaina watched the two have their little conversation and felt even more at ease. The two spoke so gently to one another that it was almost as if they were playing. It was hard to see how this was going to lead to a tense situation, but Roric was often right. Even now, he was arguing with Blackbast in the distance, just far enough that she couldn't hear them.

“I have a craving for pancakes,” Chandice said as she added wood to the fire. “But all we have are the dry rations or the bread and cheese.”

“I want a nice country-fried stake,” Evalynn said. “With lots of gravy.”

“Where did you have that?” Chandice asked as she stood up.

“I lived in South Carolina for a while,” Evalynn said. “I can't say it was a pleasant experience, but I did get introduced to some foods common to the area.”

“What made it unpleasant?” Jaina asked as she sat beside her.

“It was a private boarding school my parents sent me to, so they didn't have to see me,” Evalynn replied. “Though they did write me letters to remind me how much money I was costing them.”

“I'm sorry,” Jaina said and put an arm around the woman. She remembered that first day they had collared him and how the woman had broken into tears. She told them how her parents hadn't wanted or cared for her, shipping her off to schools to keep her away.

“It was a long time ago,” Evalynn sighed. “And another world.”

“That's right,” Jaina urged. “And never forget you have a family with us. You are deeply wanted here, and Roric will never send you away. Besides, Gisley would cry if you went away, and none of us could bear to see that.”

Evalynn smiled and leaned into Jaina as the two shared a warm hug. They both left undesirable lives behind to begin anew in what they hoped was a better world. It was a world full of dreams and imagination that promised anything could be possible.

As they waited for Chandice to toast some bread, something moved across the plaza. The palanquin belonging to Heather rocked, and out crawled Breanne, who didn't know what awaited her.

Blackbast noticed her immediately and called her over before taking her by the shoulders. Jaina couldn't hear them, but the way Breanne jumped said everything she needed to know. Grumosh noticed her, too, as he waived from his spot across the yard.

“I feel so tense,” Evalynn said.

“So do I,” Jaina agreed. “Where are the other girls?”

“Probably in Frank’s bed,” Chandice said as she turned her toast over.

“I doubt Quinny was,” Jaina replied as they watched the scene unfold. To their surprise, Blackbast approached Grumosh alone as Roric led Breanne to the fire.

“Just sit here with my girls,” Roric urged as a nervous and shaking Breanne arrived.

“What’s going on?” Jaina asked as Breanne took a seat on the log beside them.

Roric looked tense as his tail shook in irritation and his ears pinned back. He explained how Blackbast didn’t want to proceed until the others were here to witness it. Jaina nodded as she realized that Frank and Heather needed to be present for the plan to work. Everything would be spoiled if the conversation took place while they were away.

“So we just wait?” Evalynn asked.

“If Grumosh will allow it,” Roric said and glanced at the ogre as Gisley fluttered back to leave him and Blackbast to a private conversation.

“Why is this happening to me?” Breanne asked and put her face in her hands. “I just wanted to rescue him, not get involved in being his slave.”

“Hey,” Jaina said and rubbed the elf woman's back. “I know we romanticize being a sex slave, but it isn't for everybody, and you don't have to do this.”

“You most certainly do not,” Roric agreed. “You need to be strong and tell him what you want, not what others think you should do.”

“Then why is Blackbast pushing so hard for this?” Breanne asked. “She makes me feel like I am being terribly rude by not giving the idea serious consideration.”

Jaina glanced at Roric as he growled in a low tone of irritation. He knew the answer to that question but had promised not to spoil it. He didn't approve of this plan or the stress it was putting Breanne under. If it didn't work out the way Blackbast expected, she doubted Roric would consider her a friend any longer.

“Blackbast has her reasons,” Roric said as he knelt beside her. “But you know where you want to be and whom. Never lose sight of that, or you will miss a chance at true happiness.”

“Just out of curiosity, is it being a slave that bothers you most, or just going with the ogre?” Jaina asked.

Breanne reached up to touch the collar around her neck and let out a tired sigh. “I hated the idea of putting this thing on at first, but Blackbast has never once used it against us. She has been a saint with the control she could have. Like any woman, I started to wonder what it would be like, and I suppose I grew comfortable in it. I don't think I am afraid of being a slave, but it would have to be to the right man. I am too old to play games and jump into foolish situations. I know a good man when I see one, and I have met a man here who has a heart of gold. He is the only one I would wear this for.”

“You’re talking about Frank,” Jaina said as Breanne looked up in shock.

“How did you?” she stammered.

“Anybody can see that,” Chandice laughed as Gisley arrived to join their conversation. “The way Quinny talks about him, I am surprised you three haven't fought over him.”

“He belongs to Heather,” Breanne insisted. “I would never risk damaging that.”

“Nobody is asking you to risk anything,” Jaina said. “But, how does Frank feel about you?”

“He only has eyes for Heather,” Breanne insisted, then paused. “But.”

“But?” Jaina pressed.

“It’s nothing,” Breanne said dismissively. “It’s just sometimes he says very nice things to me and goes out of his way to make sure I am happy.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he and Jaina shared a glance.

“I think you need to look closer,” Jaina urged. “I think he has eyes for a lot more than Heather.”

Breanne looked aghast at the idea, but Jaina shrugged and went back to hugging Evalynn. Roric went to speak to Blackbast and Grumosh, hoping things were going well. The girls spoke for over an hour when the palanquin shook again, and a woman in a very interesting outfit stepped out.

“Oh my god,” Jaina said as she and Evalynn stood up.

A woman with long red hair and dark copper skin stepped into the light. She was dressed in a black corset with a short ruffled skirt that barely concealed her groin. Lacy black straps reached out from under the skirt to hold up a pair of sexy stockings woven with red roses. She wore high-heeled boots that went up to her knees and tied off with a bow.

“Is that Heather?” Evalynn gasped.

“Where did she get that outfit?” Breanne asked.

“What is going on here?” Chandice cried. “You three finally put clothes on, and Heather gets undressed?”

“She has gold tips on her horns now,” Evalynn said.

“And a chain running between them,” Chandice added.

Jaina was stunned by the beauty of the devil girl and how much of her coppery skin was on display. The corset lifted her generous breasts to the air as if presenting them to anyone who wanted to look. If Jaina hadn't already lost the bet, she would swear the woman was a succubus, and the effect that outfit had made her blood run hot.

“Roric, bring a collar quick!” Jaina cried as she pointed at Heather. “I see a new girl to add to our harem!”

“I bet if she bends over, you can see her panties,” Gisley said.

“Oh, yummy,” Evalynn added as the whole compound turned to see a blushing Heather.

“You can all stop it,” Heather said as Frank, in his human form, and Quinny came out to take her hands. They walked across the compound as Gisley fluttered out to meet them, smiling from ear to ear. Jaina, Evalynn, and Chandice went to meet her as well, eager to get a closer look.

“Heather! You look so pretty!” Gisley cried as she reached them.

“Thank you,” Heather said bashfully and then looked to the other women. “Why did we all dress up today?”

“Because I noticed the nakedness was making you uncomfortable,” Roric said as he and Blackbast approached to join the gathering women. “Especially you, Frank,” he added when they arrived.

“You big softy,” Heather said and leaned into her husband. “You just can't help being so chivalrous, can you?”

“I don’t want to stare at them,” Frank admitted. “It doesn’t feel right.”

“None of us mind,” Jaina said. “But we thought it might be best to show a little more decorum since we are friends.”

“I appreciate that,” Frank said as he played with Heather’s fingers.

“But how funny is it that we finally put clothing on, and Heather takes it off,” Evalynn laughed.

“She is really sexy in that outfit,” Gisley added as Heather’s copper cheeks flushed red.

“Alright, let’s not embarrass her,” Roric urged with a nervous sigh.

“Is something wrong?” Heather asked as she noticed the change in demeanor. She looked to Blackbast, who had been strangely silent, to notice concern in her eyes.

“Nothing is wrong,” Blackbast said with a raised hand. “But you need to know, Grumosh is here.”

Jaina noticed how Frank twitched, and his hand tightened over Heather's at the mention of the name. He was not pleased that this moment had come, but surely he knew it was inevitable. Roric Explained that they had been stalling for time, not wanting anything to happen until they were here to witness it.

“Nothing is going to happen,” Frank said in an assertive voice. “Breanne is staying with us.”

“That is up to her to decide,” Blackbast cautioned and demanded they follow her so they could get this business over with.

The mood became somber as they collected Breanne and approached the ogre. Jaina heard a low, grumbling growl, but it wasn't coming from Roric. She realized that Frank was flinching with irritation like a volcano about to blow. She had to wonder if this situation was wise, considering the size of both opponents. If it came to blows, they might very well tear each other apart like two lions fighting over a lioness.

They went up the steps of the old temple and into the shell of the building. At the far end was the ogre, standing tall with his powerful frame rippling with strength. He wore black armor covered in short spikes and a helmet crowned by four short horns. At his side was a massive club, banded in metal rings and sharp points.

Breanne was sent halfway across the room to stand between the two groups, looking down as if afraid to meet the ogre’s gaze.

“You can’t sell her to him,” Heather whispered to Blackbast as they approached.

“Of course, I can't sell her,” Blackbast whispered back. “And I intend to tell him just that. But in the end, she can still choose to go with him if she wants.”

“She doesn’t,” Frank insisted as his hand reached into a pouch at his hip. His voice dripped with anger that drew glances from the others. Storms flashed in his eyes, darkening an otherwise handsome face. He was anger personified and a wild card in an already tense situation. Jaina felt nervous just being near him, fearful of how quickly this might escalate.

They walked up to join Breanne, who looked relieved not to be alone any longer. Heather took her hands and pulled her into the group, asking if she was alright. Breanne nodded but admitted she was nervous and afraid that this wasn't going to go well.

“You girls sit over there,” Blackbast said to Heather and her group. Roric instructed him to move closer to the side, separating the two packs in the event that Frank became a danger.

“Frank would never hurt them,” Blackbast said in a hiss.

“I am not taking the chance,” Roric said as he and Blackbast approached the ogre. “I hope you know what you are doing. Frank looks ready to kill.”

“I have to admit I am not certain this was a good idea,” Blackbast replied and glanced at Frank. “They have changed so much in the last few days that this might provoke a far greater emotional response than I expected.”

“It’s too late to change that now,” Roric said. “You are going to have to play this out.”

“Let’s pray I have been dealt a good hand,” Blackbast replied as they climbed the last few steps to stand before the ogre.

“What happens now?” Chandice asked as they watched from the side.

“I guess they negotiate,” Jaina said with a shrug. “I have only seen one slave sale, and that was negotiated behind closed doors.”

“She looked so happy to be sold,” Evalynn sighed. “I wonder how Sandris is?”

“Better than Breanne is,” Chandice remarked and nodded in the woman’s direction. “She looks ready to fall apart.”

Jaina could see it was true as the woman trembled so badly that Heather and Quinny had to hold her up. This situation felt wrong in so many ways that it made her wonder what Blackbast was playing at. Why did they have to be guided this way? Surely there was a better method to get them to express their feelings?

“Welcome,” Blackbast said with a dip of her head. “I am greatly pleased you made it.”

“I am pleased to see you are here,” Grumosh replied in a deep voice. “But you all look nervous. Is everything alright?”

Jaina and the others watched as Blackbast twitched nervously. She faced the towering ogre and set her shoulders back before explaining that she could not sell Breanne because she was not her slave.

“But you had plenty of time to lock the collar,” Grumosh insisted, his voice suddenly going deeper. “It took me seven days to get here. I thought I made it clear that you needed to lock her before I did.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Gisley whispered. “Is he bullying her?”

“I don’t know,” Evalynn said. “But he obviously expected Blackbast to talk Breanne into accepting her role as a slave by now.”

They listened as Blackbast tried to explain that Breanne didn't want to be a slave and, as such, had refused to lock the collar. Grumosh looked irritated but kept his calm, and he took a moment to collect his thoughts.

“I want to hear it from her myself,” he insisted with a voice that carried across the space.

Jaina saw the glare of death Frank was giving the ogre as Breanne stood up. Quinny whispered something to her before she crossed the space to join Blackbast and Roric. She walked like a person on her way to an execution, and Frank looked like he was about to go after her. She climbed the final steps and stood face to face with Grumosh, whose expression suddenly softened.

“You are even more beautiful than I remember,” he said while looking her up and down.

“I thank you for your kind words,” Breanne replied with all the strength she could muster. “But I cannot be your slave girl.”

“But you haven’t seen what I have to offer yet,” Grumosh replied and reached down to throw open the two chests at his side.

“Wow,” Jaina gasped when they saw the gold and gems glittering in the light.

“That's more than we have!” Gisley cried. “He is willing to pay a king's fortune for her.”

“I would sell you for that much,” Chandice said and nudged Jaina.

“He can't actually pay anything,” Evalynn reminded. “She isn't a true slave, and Blackbast can't sell her.”

“Shh, Breanne is saying something,” Jaina interrupted as they all listened.

“What is all this?” Breanne asked in alarm.

“Everything I have,” Grumosh said. “It would be more if I had it. I would trade anything for you. If you only saw how much you mean to me.”

“You can’t give all this up for me,” Breanne insisted as she gained a little strength. “We hardly know each other.”

“I know you risked your life to save mine,” Grumosh replied. “I know you are smart, brave, and well-spoken. I have never met a woman like you before, and I know if I don't do all I can, I may never have another chance to get to know you better.”

“He’s a charmer,” Chandice said. “And so refined despite the ogre thing.”

“He must really love her,” Jaina said. “Oh, this is going to go bad so quickly.”

“But you want me to be a sex slave,” Breanne said with a shake of her head. “That kind of commitment is something I could only give to the one I trusted everything with.”

“It doesn’t have to be like that at first,” Grumosh argued. “We can take it slow and get to know one another. I wouldn’t lay a finger on you until you were ready. I am sure we can find our balance together and come to appreciate one another.”

“He really wants her,” Jaina sighed.

“He needs her,” Gisley said. “He’s a conqueror like Roric. He needs her to gain access to half his powers.”

“Oh, no,” Jaina groaned as it started to make sense. Grumosh needed slaves to play his class, and Breanne was his heart's desire. He wasn't going to step aside just because Frank objected.

Grumosh,” Breanne said as she turned away and stepped back as if preparing to flee. “I. I can’t. My heart belongs to another.”

“And here it comes,” Jaina whispered.

The expression on Grumosh's face changed instantly as his brows sank. That strong face filled with anger as he let out a low grumble of discontent.

“I don’t understand why you can’t see how much you mean to me?” he said harshly. “Do you have any idea what I went through to be here? Do you not see how much I am willing to give up just to kiss your hand?”

“I never asked you to do any of this,” Breanne insisted. “I rescued you because it was the right thing to do. I never meant for it to be anything more.”

“But we clicked, didn’t we?” he pleaded. “I thought you and I made a connection during the escape. I even carried you in my arms all the way back to your friends.”

“I appreciate that,” Breanne said as she started to sound distressed. “But you need to understand. For the first time in my life in this world, I have a home and good friends. I want to be with them and share in their lives. I am not ready to give all that up to take a chance on a new life with you.”

“So, I’m not good enough for you,” he accused with a pointed finger.

“Nobody is saying that,” Blackbast cut in, but Grumosh shot her a heated glare.

“I wasn't talking to you,” he growled and took a threatening step forward. He turned that gaze on Breanne, who wilted under it and raised an arm to protect herself.

“Should we do something?” Gisley asked as the scene played out.

Jaina felt certain they should, but suddenly there was movement from Heather's group. Frank said something to them that left them shocked, and he began to approach the ogre. Halfway across the yard, he was engulfed in brilliant light that transformed him into the hulking ogre.

Grumosh demanded to know why Breanne was rejecting him when Frank’s massive hand wrapped around her arm.

Breanne turned about with tears in her eyes as Frank took her firmly into his grasp and stared down at her.

“Go and sit with Heather and Quinny where you belong,” Frank said with a voice that struggled to be calm. “This meeting is over.”

“Frank?” Breanne gasped with a look of relief on her face.

“Please go sit with them. I will deal with this,” he urged before turning to Blackbast. “Thank you for trying. Now, please make sure they are safe.”

“Of course,” Blackbast replied and took Breanne by the arm as they practically fled. They rushed to Heather and turned around as Frank locked eyes with Grumosh.

“What is going on here?” the ogre demanded in a voice that said his patience was wearing thin. Frank began to pace, flexing his powerful claws in obvious irritation.

“Frank?” Roric said with a hand up to call for calm. “Is something wrong?”

“This is all wrong,” Frank growled in a powerful voice that echoed from the grave. “Breanne is not a trinket to be sold at a garage sale. She is my friend and belongs with Heather, Quinny, and me!”

“I wasn't offering pocket change, and I don't think you have any grounds to decide where she belongs,” Grumosh challenged as he folded his powerful arms. “She isn't yours to keep, and you have no say in what price she goes for. Now go back to your seat, little ghoul, before you get hurt.”

“This is bad,” Evalynn said.

“This is very bad,” Jaina agreed.

“They're going to fight,” Gisley said. “Do we stop them?”

“We aren't getting anywhere near those two juggernauts,” Evalynn said. “That would be like jumping between two rabid bears.”

Frank turned to face Grumosh meeting him eye to eye as his hands flexed like he wanted to rip the ogre’s throat out.

“Breanne is not for sale, and even if she was, I wouldn't let her leave with you,” he growled.

“Is that so?” Grumosh asked as he started to snarl.

“Frank,” Roric interjected as he waved a hand to get his attention. “I realize you and I hardly know each other, but maybe we should all step back, and we can talk. I might be able to help you with whatever has you confused.”

Frank turned his angry, yellow eyes on Roric, but his expression softened as he let out a frustrated sigh.

“I have nothing but respect for you, Roric, but I am not confused. I have finally realized what matters most to me, and I am not about to allow anyone to take them away.”

Roric looked to Grumosh, who rumbled with a tired sigh.

“Roric, I think you and your girls should move a safe distance back,” the ogre said as he locked glares with Frank.

Roric ran back to his girls and gathered them up, moving to stand behind the others. The two titans squared off in a contest of burning glares, neither about to give an inch as all hope of a peaceful resolution faded.

“Heather!” Jaina cried as they reached their group. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“Tell anyone what?” Heather said as she looked around, lost. “I haven't a clue what's going on.”

“Then you haven’t been paying attention,” Roric snapped. “Frank obviously feels that Breanne is his. He probably feels that way about all three of you.”

“He feels that I belong to him?” Breanne remarked in surprise.

“Oh please,” Blackbast sighed and rolled her eyes. “That boy has been protecting you three since you met him. Can any of you honestly say he hasn’t been anything but a champion for you?”

“So Frank considers all three of us to be his girlfriends?” Quinny asked.

“Are you going to tell me it isn’t true?” Blackbast asked.

Quinny and Breanne slowly turned to Heather, who hid her face with her hands and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Alright!” she cried. “Let's all stop playing this stupid game and admit it. We all love him,” she added and turned her gaze to Breanne. “Even you.”

Jaina and the others listened intently as Breanne pleaded her case, insisting as she did earlier that she would never harm Heather. She professed her understanding that she and Frank were a couple and that she loved them both.

“Oh, I wish I had just let him buy me!” Breanne cried.

“I don’t think Frank is going to let that happen,” Quinny said as they watched the moment unfold.

“No, he is not,” Blackbast agreed.

“Then what is he going to do?” Heather asked.

“What a good man always does for the woman he loves,” Blackbast answered. “He is going to fight for her honor.”

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