The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-80 To the victor go the women.

Jaina and Gisley clung to one another as the ogre clutched his spiked club tightly. He and Frank were face to face exchanging threats as the moment came dangerously close. The whole group had gone silent, unable to act as the tension mounted. Frank had done what Blackbast hoped, stepped up to declare Breanne his, and faced the challenger to drive him off.

“What if he loses?” Gisley whispered.

Jaina didn't know what would happen if Frank lost. Maybe Grumosh would leave, or maybe he would demand Breanne. She wondered if Heather and Quinny would allow that and if this fight would grow larger. If push came to shove, Jaina was Fairly certain Roric would intervene. He would never allow Grumosh to drag an unwilling woman away to try and bully her into a collar.

The group gasped when the two giants suddenly burst into motion, colliding in a flail of blood. Frank scored the first hits, tearing rotting gashes in the ogre's armor. Frank was then battered away by the massive club, the blow nearly taking him off his feet.

Heather covered her face, peeking out over fingertips as Frank was battered by a series of crushing blows. He was already covered in black oozing blood but showed no sign that his injuries were hurting.

Grumosh jumped back and slammed a foot into the ground as he let out a roar. His eyes glowed with red light as his body surged with the same energy.

“Rampage,” Roric said as Grumosh charged in and hit Frank so hard he flew across the yard.

“Frank!” Heather called and reached out to help him. Quinny and Breanne held her back as Frank rolled to his feet and came right back in. They traded blows for a few moments before locking arms in a test of strength. Grumosh proved more powerful, shoving a staggering Frank back a few steps. Then something happened, and Frank dug in his feet, pushing the ogre back as the two titans wrestled.

“He’s pushing back?” Chandice said as Frank shoved Grumosh even more.

“Goodness, your Frank is strong!” Jaina said in surprise and looked at Heather.

“Frank is stronger than everyone!” Quinny cheered and nearly jumped up. “You got this, Frank!”

“Somebody admires his strength,” Evalynn whispered as Jaina noted how enthusiastic Quinny was.

“I should put a stop to this,” Breanne insisted as Frank practically threw Grumosh to the ground. “I will go with Grumosh.”

“You will do nothing of the sort!” Blackbast snapped and turned on her. “Frank is out there because he wants you to stay with him. If you dishonor his sacrifice, you will do irreparable damage to his feelings.”

Breanne nodded and looked away as Heather cried out again. The wicked club threw an arc of blood into the air as Grumosh landed a solid hit. He began to burn powers, trying desperately to put Frank down, but he was unwilling to yield in his defense of Breanne's honor. He tackled Grumosh and landed a clawed rake that opened the first significant wounds on the ogre, throwing his red blood onto the walls behind them. The ground shook as Frank lifted him up and slammed him into the ground, allowing the ogre to roll away.

“Come on, Frank,” Heather whispered, her hands still over her mouth.

“I can’t believe we are watching this,” Gisley said. “It’s so romantic.”

“It’s brutal and unnecessary,” Jaina countered and shot an angry glare at Blackbast. “I hope the ends justify the means.”

Frank said something to Grumosh as the ogre got up, but all he said in return were the words brute force. His club trailed black fire as he swung it with all his might. It connected with the side of Frank's head in a thunderous crack that would have killed a lesser man.

“Frank will be stunned,” Roric said. “Grumosh has him now.”

“No!” Heather cried but couldn’t look away.

To everyone's amazement, Frank didn't even slow, his claws coming in to catch the ogre completely by surprise.

“How?” Grumosh growled as Frank jumped on him, clawing and raking as his claws ran red with blood.

Jaina noticed how tense Roric was and paid attention when he pulled Blackbast back to argue with her.

“Is this what you wanted?” Roric demanded.

“No,” Blackbast admitted. “But this is better.”

“They are going to kill each other,” he insisted. “What if the ogre wins? Is Frank safe? Or is he going to reset?”

“Frank won’t lose,” Blackbast replied with a hushed voice so Heather and the others wouldn’t hear.

“You had better be right,” Roric replied. “Or Breanne may very well be leaving with him.”

He left her standing with a scowl on her face and came to hold Evalynn as the ground shook again. Grumosh charged into Frank, slamming him into the wall so forcefully it buckled. They tumbled out the other side in a hail of falling bricks and dust.

Frank was on him in moments, lashing out with glowing claws as the ogre's armor started to come apart. One of Frank's powers was causing it to corrode, and it had reached the point of being functionally useless. Now Frank's claws started to do damage, but Grumosh wasn't done. Another strike with the spiked club threw blood into the courtyard, the sound of the crunch making them gasp.

“Can anything kill him?” Gisley asked as Frank took yet another terrible blow.

“Nothing can stop Frank,” Quinny bragged as she clapped nervously. “He never gives up.”

“No, he doesn't, Heather agreed and took Breanne's hand to assure her it would be alright.

Grumosh roared as he leaped into the air bringing the club down to crush Frank's head like a watermelon. Frank stepped in, reaching up to catch the weapon, the spikes going right through his palm. He curled his hand around the weapon ignoring the pain, and with a mighty yank, tore it free of the ogre's grasp.

“He is a titan,” Evalynn said as she huddled into Roric.

“How?” Grumosh asked as he stepped back. “You're no match for my strength. How did you do that?”

“I am a ghoul!” Frank hissed with a voice full of rage as he lunged at the ogre. “And I can absorb strength!”

Frank tackled him as his body was covered with black energy that flowed to his claws. The frenzy of his attacks was horrifying, and it looked as if Grumosh was in trouble. He saved himself by catching one of Frank's arms and using it to swing him into a nearby tree. He ran for his weapon sweeping it up as he heard a strange cracking noise.

Jaina was shocked to see Frank reach up and grab the thick tree. His claws cut through it like paper, and his ghoul strength pulled it over. Snapping and cracking filled the air as the tree crashed down at the startled ogre. He dived out of the way as the tree crashed to the ground, but he wasn't done. He used raging advance to gain a burst of speed and covered the distance between the two in seconds.

“No,” Heather and Breanne gasped in unison as Frank was struck three times in a few seconds, but he still didn't fall. Instead, he reached out and wrapped a hand around the ogre's throat.

“Wow!” Jaina said as Frank lifted the ogre with one hand and threw him into another wall. It fell over as Grumosh went through it to be pummeled by the stones on the other side.

“He is going to win,” Roric said and looked at Blackbast. “You knew he would.”

“Let’s just say I had faith,” Blackbast replied with a smile.

Grumosh stumbled to his feet as Frank stalked in, dragging his claws on the ground for dramatic effect. He looked like a monster from a horror movie, covered in blood and ready to kill.

“You're stronger than you look,” Grumosh admitted as he staggered a bit. “but you're not a good fighter.” He accentuated his point by rushing in, but this time he dodged aside. He gave up trying to match Frank's strength and instead focused on not being hit. Frank flailed at him but found the ogre too elusive as Grumosh landed hits of opportunity.

“Frank,” Heather cried and hugged Breanne as the fight seemed to turn.

“Heather, I am so sorry,” Breanne said. “This is all my fault. I should have just gone with him.”

Jaina looked at Roric to see him sigh and shake his head.

“No, Blackbast is right,” Roric reluctantly said. “You should not have gone. It's clear who your master is. He is out there right now proving it.”

“You three look and watch,” Blackbast insisted. “No more of your silly games. When this fight is over, you will acknowledge who you belong to.”

The ground shook when Frank finally got a hold of Grumosh and hoisted him over his head before slamming him down. Grumosh tried to roll away, but Frank was done playing games. He pounced on him like a wild animal, cutting him to shreds.

Grumosh punched as a glowing red spike formed on his fist and came through Frank's back. Frank staggered away, clutching the hole as the ogre rose to his feet, lifting a large stone to crush Frank. Frank reeled from the impact as the stone shattered over his head, but he still didn't fall. He ran at the ogre and took another stab from the spike before tangling him in those long arms.

“You are strong, but not that strong,” Grumosh roared and tried to break the hold.

“I don’t need to be stronger than you,” Frank snarled. “I just need to hold on.”

“What is he doing?” Gisley asked.

“Winning,” Quinny replied. “Never let a ghoul get a firm hold of you.”

They saw Grumosh stagger and demanded to know what Frank was doing. The two locked hands again, pushing in yet another test of strength, but this was no contest. Frank easily shoved him back, pressing him into another tree.

“You have no claim to her,” Grumosh growled as his legs began to shake.

“Breanne doesn't want to go with you, and I want her to stay with me,” Frank replied. “If you honestly cared, you would admit she was already where she belonged.”

The ogre activated some power to boost his strength, but it only fed Frank, making him even stronger. He would have fallen if not for the tree, but he still tried to argue his claim.

“I didn’t mean any disrespect,” he wheezed, his voice growing weak. “I would have done anything to make her happy.”

“Then tell her you withdraw your offer,” Frank demanded.

Jaina couldn't believe how tightly she and Gisley hugged when Grumosh finally yielded.

“Fine, you win,” Grumosh sighed in exhaustion. “I withdraw my offer. Breanne obviously has a master already.”

“I am not her master,” Frank replied as he finally stepped back.

“Are you sure?” Grumosh groaned as he fell forward and had to support himself with a hand.

Frank looked confused, but Blackbast was at his side in a moment, encouraging him to return to the graveyard to heal. He limped away as she guided him to the palanquin.

“I need to talk to them,” Frank said as he passed the others.

“I will send them after you in just a moment,” Blackbast replied. “But you will recover more quickly in the graveyard. Now go. You have proven yourself today.”

Jaina watched him nod and go to the palanquin. Instead of climbing in, Frank pulled the door frame out, leaned it against the side, and stepped through to vanish.

“So it’s over?” Gisley asked.

“You three stand up!” Blackbast demanded as she turned on Heather, Quinny, and Breanne. “You three have been under his protective shadow since the day I met you. I am sure it has gone on much longer than that. You need to go to his side and assure him you understand he is the one you belong to. He is to have no doubt about how you feel about him. Make sure you express it clearly.”

Jaina couldn't believe this plan had worked as the three girls stood in shame before Blackbast and nodded. This moment drove Frank to demonstrate his love and protection for Breanne and forced the three girls to admit they loved him too. Now it all hinged on Heather; would she accept the change in their relationship?

“Come on,” Heather insisted and grabbed their hands. “It isn't like it's a secret anymore.”

The three women stepped through the door just before Blackbast and Roric ran to Grumosh to help him.

“You did that superbly,” Roric said as he helped Grumosh to his feet.

“Yes, a most skillful act,” Blackbast agreed as she began to cast heals on him.

I wasn't acting,” Grumosh said as he got to his feet. “I know you asked me to provoke him, but I didn't pull any punches when the fight started. Had he proven not strong enough to care for her, I would have laid it bare. He proved his right to have so precious a woman, and I know he will treat her well. I am glad she has somebody strong of heart and character. He must truly love her.”

“Frank was a boy who has become a man only recently,” Blackbast replied. “He cares about all three of them, but he never dared call it love for any of them but Heather. I am afraid he only realized the truth of his feelings when you threatened to take Breanne away.”

“Well, then something good came out of this,” Grumosh said. “I am sorry if I caused any of you some distress.”

“Are you kidding?” Gisley laughed. “That was so exhilarating! A duel over who will get to love Breanne. How much more romantic can it get?”

“It was romantic, but I have a few questions,” Jaina said as she and Evalynn walked up with frowns. “You mean to tell us this was all a big setup?”

“It was my idea,” Blackbast admitted. “Grumosh asked about the possibility of buying Breanne back when we rescued him. I explained that she wasn't a slave but saw an opportunity in his offer. I knew Frank considered the three girls to be his but would never act on it. So I thought if I could threaten to take one away, he might admit it.”

“So you asked Grumosh to come here just to see if Frank would defend her?” Evalynn asked.

“I didn’t know what he would do,” Blackbast replied. “I assumed he would open up about his feelings before Grumosh arrived. That is why we planned for him to arrive days later, to give Frank time to think and make his decisions.”

“Wait,” Jaina said and turned on Roric. “Is that why you keep encouraging us to talk to them about how wonderful being in a harem is?”

“I was just trying to help them see the possibility,” Roric said defensively. “Mistress Blackbast explained her plan to me, and I thought you three could help prepare them in a way.”

“You never mentioned Grumosh was in on the plan. You said you were against it,” Jaina accused.

“It was necessary to complete the plan,” Roric said. “The only one I told the whole plan to was Chandice.”

“You knew?” Jaina asked as she turned on Chandice.

“I did,” she admitted with a smile.

“You could have told us your plan,” Gisley said. “I would have kept the secret.”

“None of you needed to know,” Chandice said as she joined Roric’s side. “It was far more genuine coming from your hearts. The real question now is, did it work?”

“I wonder if it did?” Jaina replied and looked to the magic doorway. “They all admitted that they loved him, but he is already marrying Heather.”

“I believe that will be their first step,” Blackbast said and smiled. “He will marry Heather first, and then they will marry Quinny and Breanne.”

“It’s too bad he can’t collar them,” Roric said. “They are his in every other way.”

“I have thought of that myself,” Blackbast said with a deep exhale. “I have seen them together for a while now, and I can honestly say they are one.” She paused and walked a few steps away, wringing her hand as her tail twitched. “I would make the sacrifice for them, but would Frank accept it?”

“What sacrifice?” Jaina asked.

“You’re not thinking about a submission collar?” Roric asked.

“I am,” Blacbast admitted and looked to the group. “And I would give it to him.”

“What's a submission collar?” Evalynn asked as Chandice nodded in agreement with the question.

“It's a collar certain master classes can summon. It works like a slave collar, but only they can wear it,” Roric said.

“A slave collar for the master?” Gisley asked. “What good will that do?”

“She gives it to the one she wishes to be her master, and if he accepts and hands it back, she can put it around her own neck and will be enslaved to him,” Roric said.

“Even if he's not a class that can keep slaves?” Jaina asked.

“It is my class that is doing the enslaving,” Blackbast said. “The submission collar will grant him some slave master powers and all my slave girls through me.”

“Oh!” Gisley said with a happy smile. “So he will own Heather, Quinny, and Breanne.”

“That is correct,” Roric said but looked at Blackbast. “But are you sure you can do this? Your collar has to lock for him to have access to the girls. You will be his slave forever.”

“I am aware of the price to be paid,” Blackbast said. “But my submission comes with a price he must also pay.”

“What kind of a price?” Chandice asked.

“I am a priestess of Bastet; my power is tied to sharing sex,” Blackbast replied. “I will not be able to give up my duties, and he will have to allow me to keep comforting strangers. If any of the three decide to let their collars lock, they will have to serve in my temple as I do.”

“Oh, right, you have to have sex with strangers,” Jaina said.

“I don't have to do anything,” Blackbast countered. “But let me explain. My class requires that I establish a temple as a safe place for travelers on the road. When they come in, I am expected to offer them my hospitality, food, rest, comfort, and myself. If I deny a traveler, I suffer a penalty that is easily overcome by sharing with others, but those penalties build up. If I were to restrict myself solely to Frank, I would lose access to most of my power. If I went on long enough, I might even lose access to my class and suffer a forced reset.”

“Which would defeat the purpose of putting the submission collar on,” Jaina added.

“Precisely,” Blackbast agreed. “So I could make him the offer, but he would have to agree to allow me to have sex with others freely. He will also have to consider allowing the other three to help me from time to time.”

“He’s never going to agree to that,” Roric said with a shake of his head.

“I agree with Roric,” Grumosh cut in. “Judging by the passion of that battle, I doubt he could share any of them like that.”

“You never know,” Jaina argued. “He might need some time to adjust to the idea, and then he could see it like we do one day soon.”

“Frank is not the sharing type, and he will never accept my offer,” Blackbast said as she turned to look at the magical doorway. “But at least the truth is out in the open now.”

“I kind of what to go through and see what they are doing,” Chandice said.

“I bet it’s a lot of passionate kissing and sex,” Jaina laughed.

“I don't know about them,” Blackbast said as she ran a hand along Grumosh's blood-stained chest. “But somebody here deserves a reward.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Grumosh said as Blackbast ran her claws down his chest.

“Oh, but I was so looking forward to it,” she purred.

“Can I clean up first?” he asked as she rubbed her cheek on him, purring.

“Make sure you punish that pussy good for putting you through all this,” Jaina laughed.

“I have an idea,” Grumosh said before raising a hand to hold out a collar.

Blackbast smiled and lifted her chin, allowing him to put it around her neck. She was taken as his slave and led away into the forest to serve her master well.

“Well, I have a lot of stress to work off,” Jaina said as she turned to Roric. “Does my master want some attention?”

“You’re not mad at me for using you to help push them along?” Roric asked.

“You want to help Heather, Frank, and the others come together as a harem. What's to be mad about?” Jaina asked.

“I wish Blackbast could be part of that too,” Gisley said as she leaned into Jaina. “She really wants to be.”

“She does,” Roric agreed as he reached down to begin rubbing between Gisley’s legs. Gisley began to moan, but she was drowned out a moment later by Blackbast calling out in passion. Her voice echoed through the trees as her ogre lover took his payment.

“Oh, wow,” Jaina said with a smile. “I bet he's as big around as my arm.”

“And just as long,” Evalynn said with a sigh.

“Do either of you want to be sold to him?” Roric asked as the girls giggled.

“Not me,” Jaina said and dropped to her knees and looked up to meet his gaze. “I know who my master is.” She reached for his belt, but Roric stopped her and insisted they go inside for fear Heather might come back and catch them.

“I am sure Frank isn’t that fast,” Chandice said as they went inside.

“I am not so sure they will make love,” Roric explained and shut the flap. “But at least how they feel is out in the open. Now they can talk honestly about it.” He went to the bed and sat down, allowing his girls to sit around him and take his armor off. In a moment, they were undressed, and three hungry mouths descended on him.

Jaina kissed his balls as Gisley and Evalynn licked the sheath. It wasn't long before he swelled into their kisses, the women eager to please. Roric decided they could do all the work today and leaned back, giving them all the room they needed. Once he was good and hard, Chandice straddled his legs and waited as Gisley licked her pussy to get her wet. Evalynn sucked Roric to lubricate his cock then she and Gisley guided it into place.

Jaina smiled as she looked up to see Chandice's pussy stretch around Roric's cock. She really did love to eat those tender folds, especially when Roric had just used them. She watched as Chandice leaned into him, swallowing his cock as she came down.

Jaina couldn’t help herself and had to lick at Chandice as she came down. Chandice sighed as she felt the warm tongue pressing at her rear and rolled her hips on Roric’s knot. Gisley and Evalynn began to kiss and play, the two women falling in bed beside Roric as they began to make love.

Jaina sat on the floor licking at Chandice whenever she came down, then switched to Roric's knot when she went up. She could taste the woman's body on his skin as she lapped up the sweet glistening residue. She loved her role and lavished the two with all the attention she could muster. They made love for almost five minutes before Chandice got Serious and started to ride him vigorously. She was wild with desire, leaning over to grind her hips into his knot. She had already cum twice, and Jaina was there to taste all of it. Finally, Roric gave her what she wanted as Chandice leaned back, moaning in pleasure as she forced his cock deep inside her body to empty out.

She reluctantly climbed off and lay on her back. Jaina smiled as she spread her legs and presented the gooey prize to her. Jaina crawled to her and went to work, lapping up the excess before it dripped away. Then she cleaned off Chandice’s thighs before going to the main source.

She hummed in delight as she sank into Chandice’s cum soaked folds. She tasted Roric’s warm seed as it coated her eager tongue. Evalynn was at Roric, sucking his cock clean and getting it ready for Gisley.

Jaina sighed as Chandice began to pet her head, encouraging her to lick. Jaina closed her eyes and did what she was good at, being a sex slave and giving others pleasure. She reached down and pulled the golden cage from her pussy, removing the red gem that lurked inside. She began to rub at her pussy as she ate, enjoying the sensation. Chandice moaned and writhed as the passion built with Jaina, eager to make her cum. The spasms would push more of Roric's seed out where she would be waiting to lap it up.

She kissed at the woman's clit, licking it firmly as she gasped. Jaina knew exactly how to pleasure Chandice and used that knowledge to her advantage. Moments later, Chandice clutched her breasts as the tension arched her back. Jaina pressed on, focusing on her clit until the poor woman couldn't stand it.

“I'm cumming!” she cried as her pussy ran wet. Jaina knew the orgasm was happening when her collar forced her to share it. Her own fingers were suddenly wet as she rubbed her pussy through the orgasm. Just as predicted, the spasms pushed more of Roric's seed out of her body, and Jaina lapped up the creamy delight.

She loved to eat pussy and thought of her days in Rajeen’s harem. To think of all the women she had pleasured, sometimes spending a whole night eating one after the other. However, as her mind swam in the bliss of sex, one person dominated her thoughts. She was almost ashamed to think it, but she couldn't help but dream of Heather.

When Chandice was satisfied, Jaina crawled into her arms and shared a kiss while Gisley screamed in passion. She was vigorously riding her master, giving him all her body as expected. The two women snuggled together to watch the sex as they started to talk.

“That was wonderful,” Chandice said. “You seemed extra passionate today.”

“It must have been the battle,” Jaina said. “It was so terrifying and exciting at the same time. I kept thinking, what happens if Grumosh wins? Does he get to take Breanne?”

“I wish I could have told you,” Chandice said. “I hope you’re not mad at us.”

“Oh, don't worry about it,” Jaina replied and kissed at her lips. “If I had known, it wouldn't have been nearly as exciting.”

“I watched Heather while it was going on. She looked like she was going to get up and help him a few times,” Chandice said.

“Well, Quinny said Heather fly's into a rage when Frank is in danger,” Jaina reminded, thinking back to the night she and Blackbast shared their tent. Her mind wandered back to Heather and the thought of her coppery skin glistening with sweat from sex.

“What are you thinking about?” Chandice asked as she brushed Jaina’s hair aside.

“Well,” Jaina said and smiled. “I keep thinking about Heather.”

“Oh, naughty thoughts, I assume,” Chandice guessed.

“You know it,” Jaina said and snuggled in. “I would love to get my mouth on that devilish pussy.”

“Me too,” Chandice admitted and smiled back. “In fact, I want it now.”

“What?” Jaina asked as Chandice kissed her nose.

“Change for me,” Chandice whispered. “You touched her earlier; copy her.”

“Oh, I don't know if that's right,” Jaina said. “I mean, what would Heather think if she found out I was having sex with you all in her form?”

“Hmm, I wonder if she would mind?” Chandice said and looked up as Gisley finally came to a rest in a climactic orgasm.

“What are you two talking about?” Evalynn asked as she hugged Gisley to her chest.

Jaina explained her fascination with Heather and Chandices suggestion she take her form. Roric held Gisley on his cock by her waist as he listened to the idea and then agreed with Jaina it was bad.

“Heather is not like us, and I think she would be offended,” he said.

“I know, but I find myself attracted to her,” Jaina said. “There is something about her that makes me hungry to taste that kiss. But that same hunger makes me respect her. I guess I don't want to do anything that might damage my chances.”

“Oh, so you want a second girlfriend,” Chandice laughed.

“No, I just. I can’t explain it,” Jaina sighed.

“I am playing with you,” Chandice said, stroking her back. “I would love to kiss her too.”

“She’s so pretty,” Gisley agreed. “I love her horns.”

“You know, I just had a thought,” Jaina said and looked up. “We have never seen her with the collar off.”

“So?” Evalynn asked.

“Well, look how different Breanne and Quinny looked without them,” Jaina insisted. “I wonder what she looks like with it off.”

With that thought, they began to wonder what the mysterious woman looked like. They had become accustomed to Heather being surrounded by secrecy, but Jaina now hungered to know. Who was Heather really, and what was the secret she was hiding from?

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