The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-81 The horrifying truth

“We leave right after the wedding, then?” Jaina asked as Roric added some wood to the fire.

“If we want to get back on course, we do,” Roric replied. “Or were you hoping a delay might ensure Idris catches up?”

“It has certainly crossed my mind,” Jaina replied as she thought about the poor woman. It had been all their hopes over the last few days that Idris would reach them, but the time was almost up, and she was nowhere in sight.

“We should have given her more glitter,” Gisley said. “I bet she’s afraid to use the remaining two pinches.”

“We didn't want her to rely on it for comfort,” Roric replied, looking to the south. “But I hoped she would reach us too.”

“Gisley is very fast with a whip on her rear,” Evalynn reminded. “We cross ten times the distance in a day than she will by walking. She is probably still six or more days out.”

“Even when we started running more slowly to keep pace with Heather's group, it was still a run,” Jaina agreed.

“Then perhaps we will run into her on the way back,” Roric said as he noticed movement. A line of goblins came out of Heather's magic door carrying metal objects. They were followed by Legeis, who set about organizing the small group into assembling something.

“I wonder what that is,” Evalynn said as she noticed it as well.

A moment later, Blackbast and the rest came out and began to split up. Heather, and Quinny, headed off to where Chandice was talking with Breanne. Both women had skills in shadow magic and had been comparing spells for the last hour. He noted them pack up and begin to speak excitedly as Frank approached in his ghoul form, looking rather uncomfortable.

“Is everything alright?” Roric asked as the gray giant approached.

“Everything is fine, I guess,” Frank replied. “The wedding has attracted the attention of people Gwen didn't invite, and they were in the city to cause trouble.”

“That sounds terrible,” Jaina said. “I the wedding still happening?”

“Yeah, nothing has changed,” Frank said as he looked away nervously. “I just wish Heather could have her happy day without somebody trying to ruin it.”

“Oh, you two will have a perfect day,” Gisley urged. “I bet it goes off without a problem.”

“I am sure it will be fine,” Jaina agreed. “This Gwen seems very capable of taking care of things.”

“Yeah, it’s Gwen I worry about,” Frank sighed. “She flew into a rage over it and practically threatened to start a war.”

“Ohhh,” Jaina said with a nervous smile. “It got that heated.”

“Yeah,” Frank sighed again.

Jaina and Roric shared a glace as Frank seemed more uncomfortable than usual. This time, it wasn't the nudity as all the girls were in clothing, so it had something to do with this recent encounter. She wanted to probe him and ask questions to try and feel him out but didn't want to upset him. Roric, on the other hand, was more diplomatic, simply asking if Frank wanted to talk about it.

He did talk, sharing how Heather had come to admire their family and relationship. He admitted that he admired it too, except for the slave collars. He wanted them all to be happy but wasn't sure he knew how to care for three women.

Jaina laughed at his silly fear and made him look at the situation in reverse. While doing nothing but being himself, he had won their hearts, and they wanted to be with him. All he needed to do was continue being exactly who he was and let them in. That realization seemed to click, and he nodded in thought for a moment. She went to add more, but Heather, Quinny, and Breanne arrived to ask if they could borrow Frank for a few moments. Something in her eyes hinted at stress, but Roric stepped aside and assured Frank they could talk later.

“Did she sound upset?” Evalynn asked as the group headed away.

“They all looked distressed,” Roric agreed. “Even Quinny, who is playing a very good game of hiding her pain.”

“You noticed that too?” Jaina asked. “I picked up on it that night she was in our tent. Her high energy feels like a cover for something she is hiding.”

“They are all hiding something,” Roric said as they watched the group approach Blackbast. “And I think it is about to break. Get Chandice. I want her at our side for what comes next.”

Gisley fluttered off to get Chandice as Roric intently watched what was happening. Whatever Heather said to Blackbast made her angry, causing the cat woman to pace about. The rest of the group began saying things, but he couldn't make it out.

“Are they arguing?” Jaina asked as she watched the display with him.

“It must have something to do with the wedding and the unwanted guests,” Evalynn suggested.

“I don’t think that is what is upsetting Blackbast,” Roric said. “I think they are talking about us.”

“Why would you say that?” Jaina asked.

Roric gestured to how far away the group had gone to have their conversation. He also made them aware of the occasional glances coming their way to ensure they weren't listening. Gisley returned with Chandice, and Roric drew the warlock's attention to the scene. Chandice was of the mind that this wasn't a threat to them because Legeis and the goblins were assembling their palanquin.

“They would hardly be giving us a gift if they meant to harm us,” she argued.

“It does seem unlikely,” Jaina agreed.

“Whatever it is, it has them all on edge,” Evalynn said and pointed out the nervous gestures and how it all centered on Heather.

“It's always her,” Jaina said. “What terrible secret is she keeping?” They watched as Heather plucked her pet spider from the ground and held him to speak with him. He made a chirp, and she set him down, a smile gracing her face. A round of comments went through the group before Heather passed through the magic door, and all eyes turned back to Roric.

“They are looking at us,” Evalynn said. “You are right. Whatever they are planning is meant for us.”

“Just be on guard,” Roric suggested.

“This is Heather we are talking about,” Jaina insisted. “I know she is shrouded in secrets and her life is a little chaotic but she is also one of the nicest devils we have ever met.”

“But is she a devil?” Gisley asked. “Remember, we have never seen her true appearance.”

“She would still have to be a devil,” Roric answered. “The collar only allows cosmetic changes. Race changes are beyond its capability.”

“Hmm, Maybe she really is a succubus,” Jaina said with a wink at Evalynn.

“I got my payment already,” Evalynn replied with a smile. “The bet is over.”

“If she turns out to be a succubus, you are paying me back double,” Jaina insisted.

“Bet’s over,” Evalynn laughed as her smile widened.

“Ha, you loved losing that bet,” Chandice said and put an arm around Jaina. “You love eating pussy.”

“I do,” Jaina agreed. “And I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on that devilish one.”

“I thought you liked blonds?” Chandice replied in a fake pout.

“Oh, if she was a blond, I would so have a second girlfriend,” Jaina teased.

“Fine by me, so long as you share her,” Chandice said.

“Deal,” Jaina agreed as Heather returned from the doorway with the short goblin woman they called Umtha.

“Here they come,” Evalynn whispered as the group followed Blackbast across the compound to stand before Roric.

“This bad idea,” Umtha insisted as Heather told her to shush.

Blackbast stepped forward and bowed her head to Roric, thanking him for gathering his girls.

“Is something the matter?” Roric asked in a tense tone.

“Heather has something very important she wants to say to you all,” Blackbast explained. “We are here to give her support and validate some of what she is about to say.”

“This feels ominous,” Jaina said as Gisley took her hand.

“Just let her speak,” Roric insisted. “There is clearly something bothering them.”

Heather stepped forward and took a deep breath before announcing that she had been doing a lot of thinking. She spoke about how her life had been in turmoil for a long time, but recently she had come to understand the truth. She wanted to be happy and have a life full of love. She also wanted to say thank you because she felt they inspired many of the changes she now embraced.

“This sounds good,” Jaina whispered as Roric nodded.

“I really like all of you, and I hope you will find the land near our homes suitable for what you want to build,” Heather said.

“I have yet to inspect it,” Roric replied. “But I was planning to go today.”

Jaina saw Heather twitch nervously and wring her hands. Something about the home bothered her, and Jaina wondered if Heather was afraid they would learn her secret.

“That’s kind of why I need to talk to you,” Heather sighed. “You see, I told you I got into trouble and we had to run away.”

“Yes,” Roric answered with another nod. “You told us people were looking for you.”

“Right,” Heather nodded. “But we never told you what I did or why they were looking for me.”

“No, you never did say,” Jaina replied as she noted the dire look. It was shared by Heather's friends, who all looked like a bomb was about to go off. “Is it that bad?”

“It couldn’t be worse,” Blackbast growled.

“Oh, is this going to ruin our plans?” Gisley said in a sad tone and clutched Jaina’s arm.

“Please let her speak,” Roric insisted, then bade Heather go on.

“I am just going to come right out and say it,” Heather said as she threw out her hand, and her flowered scythe formed out of black smoke. “I am a necromancer.”

Jaina wasn't sure she had heard her right, but the sudden appearance of the scythe made her pause. Roric took a nervous step back as Evalynn, and Chandice gasped. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as they tried to make sense of how Heather could be what she claimed to be. It was Gisley who finally broke the silence, daring to approach to ask the logical question.

“But you dance over flowers?” Gisley pressed, pointing out how they had proof of Heather's classes. She couldn't possibly be a necromancer, and this must be some kind of game or test.

“I am so sorry,” Heather replied as she looked Gisley in the eye. “I am a chosen, and I have two primary classes. I am a necromancer, flower singer, and a recluse.”

“A chosen?” Jaina asked in surprise and looked at Roric. “Could it be true?”

He didn't answer, but Chandice did, displaying her better grasp of the class mechanics.

“But your also a devil,” Chandice pointed out. “You couldn’t be three classes unless you were human. So why are you claiming to be chosen when you can’t possibly be?”

Heather nodded and reached up, pressing her fingers to the green gemstone on her forehead. They all watched in stunned silence as the horns came away, as did her devilish appearance. In seconds she was as blond as Chandice, and the group fell into stunned silence for the second time.

Jaina felt her heart skip a beat as she glanced at Chandice. Chandice flashed a knowing smile, reminding her of the comment she had just made about taking a second girlfriend. Heather was beautifully blond with innocent eyes that screamed to be loved. Yet, she looked confused and lost, as if hoping somebody here would rescue her from the burden that was her life.

“How did you do this?” Roric asked as Heather held what appeared to be a silver crown with two horns and a green gem.

“The crown changes my race,” Heather said as she held it out. “It adds the lilithu devil race, effectively giving me four classes.”

“That’s impossible,” Evalynn insisted.

“No, it isn’t,” Jaina corrected. “We are on our way to find a witch who can grant this very thing.”

“Not four classes,” Evalynn argued. “The best she can do is boost somebody to three.”

“We don't actually know that,” Chandice cut in. “For all we know, she could bestow four, five, even six,” she added with a shrug.

“So, you are a human chosen necromancer?” Roric asked as he shook his head. “Why would you pick a forbidden class?”

Jaina was keen to know this answer as well. If what she knew about chosen was accurate, Heather was able to change her race and classes until level three or five. That meant Heather must have done it intentionally and in full knowledge of what it would mean.

Heather broke into tears, insisting that she hadn't picked it. Frank came to her rescue, hugging her tightly as he explained Heather's arrival in the world. She was abducted and forced into New Eden with no knowledge of the rules or desire to be here. He told them how Heather had left her panel behind and how they met Umtha trying to recover it.

“What is a panel?” Gisley whispered, echoing the sentiment of several of them.

“Chosen don't have a regular interface,” Roric answered. “They arrive with a device like a touchpad that allows them to craft their character inside the world. They can experiment and keep changing the settings at will until level three.”

Frank explained how they rescued Umtha from a marauding band of players. Then he told the story of a woman he called Moon and how she played on Heather's fragile emotions. She manipulated and tricked Heather into playing a necromancer so that she could turn Heather in for the reward.

“That’s how they met me,” Quinny added. “Moon wanted Heather to kill me so she would level and lock the class in.”

“She took advantage of a frightened woman who was still in translation shock,” Evalynn spat.

“How terrible,” Gisley said. “She’s as bad as Alexandria.”

“Worse,” Jaina said distastefully. “Alexandria hates us, but she is only one person. What this moon woman did is abhorrent. She made Heather the enemy of everyone on the server.”

Gisley walked to Heather and took her hands, causing Heather to look up and see the fairy woman’s smile.

“I feel some of your pain,” Gisley said. “I accidentally picked the wrong class when I made my character. So I am stuck playing as a prostitute when I wanted to be a prostilate. I was upset and lonely for a long time, then Roric and Jaina came along and showed me how to be happy again.”

“You picked a prostitute by accident?” Heather asked.

Gisley nodded and explained how the two classes were next to each other on the list. She was so nervous that she picked the class and ran for the portal, eager to get in before changing her mind. Unfortunately, she didn't discover her mistake until it was too late, and then she hid it from everyone.

“Oh, you poor thing,” Heather cooed sympathetically.

“Don't be sad for me,” Gisley urged. “Jaina showed me how to play my class, and I love it. I can't tell you how much fun I have with it now. But nobody is hunting me for a bounty. It must be terrible being what you are.”

“It's been awful,” Breanne cut in. “People are aware of what she is and are searching for her. There have been several attempts on her life, and we lost our original homes in a massive raid. We managed to escape and come here only with some luck. We are effectively in hiding and if our location is ever revealed to the hunters they will come in droves.”

“Which means, if you build near us, you might be caught in the crossfire,” Heather said.

“That is something to consider,” Roric agreed as Jiana hugged Chandice for support.

“Unfortunately, there is more,” Heather said softly.

“More?” Roric asked as his pointed ears went up. “What more could possibly top being a necromancer?”

“Being associated with a dead enemy of King Kevin,” Heather replied. “Or, depending on who you want to believe, being that enemy returned to life.”

Roric looked confused, so Heather removed the slave collar and put the crown back on. She changed to a devil appearance, but her skin was softer blue, and her eyes were red. Her lips were purple, and before anyone could say a word, she turned to Umtha.

“Tell everyone who I am,” Heather instructed.

“You is Hathlisora,” Umtha insisted.

“Hathlisora?” Jaina repeated, unable to believe that even her name had been a lie. “I thought your name was Heather?”

“It is Heather,” Frank interjected. “This Hathlisora stuff is nonsense.”

“Not nonsense,” Umtha insisted. “She Hathlisora.”

“Alright,” Roric cut in with a raised hand. “Do you want to explain what being Hathlisora means?” Jaina was glad he said it because she, too, was growing agitated. How much of this woman was real, and how much was a fabrication?

“This will be challenging,” Breanne sighed as Heather looked down.

What followed was a story that was so hard to believe it made Jaina's head hurt. Hathlisora was some legendary figure from the server's past who had died under mysterious circumstances and never respawned. Heather found a hidden temple near Umtha's village that the goblins were intentionally guarding. Inside was a statue of Heather that Umtha insisted had been placed there by the necromancers. It was meant to be a spawn beacon, drawing Hathlisora back so she would spawn near Umtha's camp.

“Coincidence,” Roric suggested, but Heather went on.

Inside this temple was a magic door that only Hathlisora could open. Heather managed to open it, and inside a sort of void dimension was the crown. She put it on to discover its powers and returned to discover her new appearance. The goblins all began to praise her as Hathlisora and thus started her turmoil. She described the statue and the image on the wall and how they matched her appearance to the finest detail. She quickly pointed out that Hathlisora had an ally who was supposedly her twin.

“No, twin from Abbadon,” Umtha corrected.

“What is Abbadon?” Jaina asked.

“Another plane,” Frank replied. A sort of prison hell.”

“Oh, now I feel better,” Jaina groaned.

“Wait,” Chandice said and waved a hand. “Even if this was you, all it proves is you came to the server earlier than you thought.”

“No,” Heather protested. “Hathlisora was here years ago, but I was abducted only a few months ago. I have no knowledge or memory of any of this, but people who knew who Hathlisora was all swear I am her.”

“The crown obviously makes you look like her,” Jaina suggested.

“She is Hathlisora,” Umtha insisted and pointed at Heather.

“No, she isn’t,” Frank insisted as he and Umtha faced off to begin arguing.

“Why don’t we focus on why being this Hathlisora is important,” Roric insisted to end the debate.

Heather nodded and began to explain all she knew about this legendary woman. From her early days as a companion to King Kevin to their fiery breakup. She told them how Hathlisora sided with the necromancers and was working with them on some secret projects. Her involvement with the necromancer kings sparked the war between them and Kevin, followed by the second war with the goblins. She even explained how the egg they were carrying was part of Hathlisora's legend. A task she was supposed to complete for the goblins.

“This all sounds creepy,” Evalynn said. “So you honestly have no knowledge of who this woman is?”

“None,” Heather replied and then went into detail about finding the magical staff and the letter. She told them how the staff was attuned so only she could use it, and the letter hinted that Heather was helping her. She was also responsible for breaking the sun and other world-changing events.

“You broke the sun?” Gisley asked in surprise.

“No, she isn’t that Heather or Hathlisora,” Frank insisted. “She just happens to look like her.”

“Frank,” Heather sighed and looked up to meet his gaze. “I spawn where the statue of me is near Umtha’s village. That has to mean something.”

“It means you randomly spawned there,” Frank insisted.

“What about the statue?” Jaina asked.

It was Umtha's turn to explain, and she told the story about how fleeing necromancers brought the statue and placed it in a hidden temple. They told the goblins to protect it while they drew the enemy away. Umtha explained how it was part of a magical plan to bring the dead Hathlisora back, causing her to spawn nearby.

“That temple is where the crown was hidden,” Heather said as she took it off again. “Behind a door that only I could open.”

“This is creepy,” Jaina agreed. “That would mean you have lived a previous life, and somehow your memory got erased.”

“No, it hasn't,” Frank urged as he gently held Heather in his massive ghoul hands. “She's been caught up in this by accident.”

“I wish I could agree with you,” Blackbast said. “But when we questioned the woman in the crown, she looked right at you and said you were chosen to be Heather's protector.”

“Woman in the crown?” Roric asked as he was lost to what they were saying. Blackbast explained that another player could speak through the crown and, on several occasions, had even taken control of Heather. This player claimed to be in Abbadon, and that only Heather could free her. She also stated very clearly that Frank had been at Heather's side before.

“So you have lost your memories too,” Jaina said as her head spun. They knew Heather was keeping a secret, but this was beyond their wildest imaginations. Not only was she a necromancer, but also a rival to king Kevin returned as part of some necromancer plot. There couldn't be a more dangerous person to be around in all the world.

“No, none of that happened,” Frank replied as he shifted nervously. “For all we know, the voice in the crown was lying.”

“But what if it wasn’t?” Evalynn asked. “What if you two are part of some grand plan to fix something?”

“Do you remember what the harem girl said about the necromancer war?” Jaina asked as she turned to Evalynn. “She said the necromancers found a way to raise players as proper undead, but when they died again, they didn't respawn. Maybe this is what happened to Hathlisora.”

“They did find a way to raise players as proper undead,” Breanne cut in. “I was there to see some of that horrible fighting. It was the only way to stem the onslaught.”

“What do you mean?” Roric asked.

“The necromancers were building something,” Breanne explained. “Kevin was determined to destroy it before they could complete it. So he sent his armies of players in to ravage the necromancers driving them back and destroying their works. The necromancers were growing desperate because killing a player was pointless. How do you stop an army whose soldiers respawn four hours after they die? They just kept coming in endless waves, and even with their undead, the necromancers were outnumbered. So they twisted one of their projects and used it to turn the enemy soldiers into allies. Nobody had the faintest clue that if those undead were slain, they would cease to respawn.”

“I just had a chill run up my spine,” Jaina said as she shuddered. “I can't imagine the thought of dying for good.”

“Do we know what they were building?” Roric asked.

“I am afraid I was a citizen of their empire, but I was not particularly in the know,” Breanne admitted. “All I know is they had huge crews of undead digging and cutting stone. They were also building magical circles that could enhance their power. We have one in our home hidden behind a wall in the magic room.”

“So that magic room must have been related to them,” Evalynn surmised.

“I am afraid it must have been,” Breanne agreed. “But we also have reason to believe that this particular room belonged to Hathlisora.”

“It all keeps coming back to her,” Jaina said as she looked at Heather. “Do you ever wonder who you are?”

“All the time,” Heather replied. “If not for Frank and my friends, I would have had a breakdown by now.”

“The goblins worship Hathlisora as a savior of sorts,” Blackbast said. “That is why Heather commands their loyalty.”

“This explains a lot,” Jaina said as she struggled to take it all in.

“Does it?” Chandice asked as she shook her head. “I am more confused than ever. Is she Hathisora or Heather? And if she’s Heather, is she a new Heather or the one from the past?”

“And how could she have lost her memory?” Gisley asked.

“If she's a new Heather, why does all the stuff left for the old one work for her?” Jaina added.

“I don’t know!” Heather cried and broke into tears as Breanne and Quinny rushed to join Frank in trying to comfort her.

“Oh, this is awful,” Gisley said as she felt terrible for Heather. “No wonder they were afraid to tell us any of this.”

“I would be afraid to leave my lair,” Jaina added as she watched Heather cry.

“This is why they were my collars,” Blackbast explained. “It isn’t safe for them to travel the north.”

“And that explains the collars,” Roric sighed. “You have my sympathies, but I must admit, there is a very serious danger in being associated with her.”

“A necromancer who is also potentially the most hated enemy of King Kevin,” Jaina laughed. “How could it possibly be more dangerous?”

“And people know she exists,” Chandice added. “They destroyed one of her homes already. This Moon woman is going to keep hunting her like Alexandria does us. With the kind of bounty they put on necromancers, she will never stop. She will find her sooner or later, and then all hell will break loose.”

I’m sorry,” Heather sobbed.

“Hey,” Gisley said and shook one of Heather's hands. “It isn't your fault. You didn't choose to come here or play this class. All of this was forced on you, and you did your best with what you had.”

“But it's never enough,” Heather sobbed. “I put everyone around me in danger.” She spun around and looked at Frank, Quinny, and Breanne. “I love all of you, and I’m sorry that I make your lives so hard.”

“Heather,” Quinny replied and wrapped her in a full hug. “We love you too, and none of us thinks you make our lives hard. Crazy, but not hard.”

“She is right,” Breanne added. “You saved Frank and I from our loneliness, and you refused to harm Quinny when it would have been to your advantage. You are a wonderful person put in very unfortunate circumstances. I have never known anyone as brave as you. To stand up to all that pressure and worry more about your friends than yourself.”

“Yeah,” Quinny urged as she pressed her hug. “You never once let the pressure beat you down. You always fought to defend us, and being a necromancer suites you.”

“Thank you,” Heather sniffed and wrapped her arms around Quinny. “You are all my heart. I can’t face this without you at my side.”

“None of us are ever going to leave you,” Frank replied as he drew Breanne in and hugged all three of them together. “You will never have to face any of this alone.”

“Aww,” Chandice said. “Their love is so beautiful.”

“But dangerous,” Roric replied. “Alexandria is bad, but the curse that followers her is like a volcano threatening to burst.”

“It is dangerous,” Blackbast agreed. “But Heather has grown fond of you. She trusts you to know her secrets before you choose to make a home near her.”

Roric nodded as Jaina chewed on her lower lip. This was a story too fantastic to believe, but it was clear Heather wasn't lying. Something big was following in her shadow, and one day that thing might jump out and lay waste to everything around it.

“We can’t abandon her,” Gisley insisted. “It isn’t her fault this happened.”

“It may not be her fault, but it still happened,” Roric countered. “We must consider what it might cost us if we build close to them and her past catches up.”

“We could lose everything,” Jaina sighed. “Just like last time.”

“But we can always make it back,” Evalynn insisted. “We have a knack for making large sums of money, and Rajeen would gladly use her contacts to pave the way for us.”

“Rajeen?” Blackbast said as her eyes went wide. “You know her?”

“She is one of our dearest friends,” Roric replied. “Do you know her?”

“Know her,” Blackbast laughed. “She and I came to New Eden together. Rajeen and I used to be lovers, but now we are very good friends, with occasional benefits.”

“She gives us benefits as well,” Jaina said with a wry smile. “I was in her harem for a bit.”

“You were in her harem?” Blackbast said as her tail twitched.

“Oh, indeed I was,” Jaina cooed. “She is rather fond of collecting girls.”

“How funny,” Chandice laughed. “Rajeen mentioned she had a friend that she came in with. I can't believe we met her.”

“We did more than meet her,” Jaina reminded. “Had I known she was a friend of Rajeen's, I would have tormented that body longer.”

“You went on long enough,” Blackbast replied with a smirk. “But now I am torn. It has been several years since I last saw her.”

“Would you like to see her again?” Gisley asked as her wings unfolded and she fluttered into the air.

“I could see her?” Blackbast asked.

“Why don’t we take them all to see her,” Jaina suggested. “We could center the dream on Rajeen’s inn, and they could all meet her. Heather could use a little time away from her worries anyway.”

“I think we could arrange that,” Roric agreed and turned to Gisley. “We will take them tonight.”

“Wait, what are we doing?” Heather asked as she turned from Quinny’s embrace while wiping her eyes.

“Gisley's race gives her power over dreams,” Roric explained. “She can link people's dreams over a great distance, and we use it to keep in contact with our friends.”

“So you want us to enter this dream with you?” Heather asked.

“It’s very simple to do,” Roric insisted. “But for now, I want to see this land you have available,” Roric replied. “Then tonight, you are all sleeping in my tent as we share a dream.”

“Yay, we all get to sleep together,” Quinny exclaimed before Breanne swatted the back of her head.

“He didn’t mean in the same bed,” Breanne scolded.

“Aw, why not?” Quinny asked.

Heather looked at Frank to see he was horrified and quickly pulled Quinny into his arms.

“Because you belong here,” Heather said as Frank curled his arm around Quinny. She turned to Roric and smiled with red-ringed eyes. “You still want to consider staying after what I told you?”

“Gisley is right. All of this was forced on you,” Roric replied. “I am aware of how people feel about necromancers, but you are not the monster the rumors say they are. I won’t turn away from building our home near you because of it, but that doesn’t mean the land is right for us.”

“Oh, you will love it,” Jaina insisted as she took his hand. “Let's look at it now so we can return to share the dream.”

Roric nodded, and Heather led the way, showing Roric how the magic doors worked. His girls were excited to see the land, especially Gisley, who hadn't come over yet. He was amazed to see the magic room and the chain of secret doors and other passages that took them to the swamp. Heather wiped her eyes as she gave them a quick tour, eventually arriving at the graveyard.

“So this is what a necromancer’s home looks like,” Roric said as he looked around.

“Actually, this is Frank's home,” Heather explained and started down a wide road made of mossy bricks. “I own the tower, the cave tunnels, and a small garden. Frank owns all of the graveyard, and Breanne haunts the swamps beyond. Quinny has a large haunted forest to the west, but nobody lives in the east except for Umtha's goblins, but they are up in the mountains.”

“And everything beyond that is unclaimed?” Roric asked.

“As far as I know,” Heather said as she stopped at a metal gate. “Just follow this road. On the left, you will find a small side trail that goes to Umtha's fortress. Everything beyond that is yours to claim if you want it.”

“Thank you,” Roric said with a nod. “And thank you for being honest with us. It must have been frightening to admit what you are.”

Heather nodded and turned away but paused before walking off. “I really like you,” she admitted. “But as I said earlier, I put everyone around me in danger. I couldn't live with myself knowing you were in that danger, and I never told you.”

“We appreciate it,” Jaina said as she walked up to take one of Heather's hands. “And if you ever want somebody to talk to about this kind of relationship or just anything, I would love to talk to you.”

Heather looked down at the hand and smiled before suggesting she might take Jaina up on that offer. Then she waved and left them to their thoughts as they stood on the road, still shocked by what they had learned. Roric suggested they see this land and have a long talk about what they wanted. As much as the future was full of hope a new danger had arisen, and her name was Heather, the necromancer.

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