The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-85 A wedding gift

Jaina threw her arms around the tiger woman and was wrapped in a warm embrace full of love. She felt secure in those tender arms and was quickly joined by Gisley and Evalynn.

“I should send my girls away more often,” Rajeen said as she finally released them. “They are so full of love when we meet again.”

“Like Blackbast was?” Jaina asked with a wink at the woman.

“Oh, I will tell you that story at a later date,” Rajeen replied and motioned Roric to sit beside her. Chandice sat beside him with Jaina, Evalynn, and finally, Gisley in a neat row. Rajeen had several prominent slave girls to her right, several of which blew kisses to Jaina and the others.

“Did you have trouble getting in?” Roric asked as Rajeen took his hand.

“Surprisingly little,” Rajeen answered. “It would appear this Hannah made sure I was expected, and an emissary was waiting at the spawn portal.”

“Why would they be waiting for you there?” Roric asked. “We didn't even get recognized until we approached the castle.”

“This Gwen is a surprisingly good diplomat,” Rajeen said. “She had no idea who I was bringing with me and wanted to ensure anyone of title was added to the prominent guest list.”

“Ah,” Roric said with a nod. “She didn’t want them to be turned away at the gate and insulted.”

“She also wanted to tell me that Hannah had spoken to her about the doors. She wanted to assure me that Hannah would be able to provide them, but it might be a week or more before she could.”

“Why is that?” Roric pressed.

Apparently, Hannah is going to buy them herself but will only be able to do so once she founds her city and establishes her region. Only then will she have access to the special items and be able to buy them. The Queen promised to gift Hannah extra points if she fell short of what she needed for the doors.”

“She is amazingly kind,” Roric replied as he squeezed Rajeen's hand. “I met her just minutes ago when she gave me the title of Duke and made me a champion of her realm.”

“Did she now?” Rajeen said with a look of surprise. “Is she trying to win your affection away from me?”

“She was grateful for our influence on Hannah,” Roric explained. “It’s a long story that I will explain to explain later, but Hannah told Gwen we were the reason she embraced getting married and set a date.”

“So she has you and your girls to thank for all of this,” Rajeen said with a nod. “I must admit she seemed very sweet when I met her in the dream.”

“Hannah is an angel,” Jaina said as she joined the conversation. “If you really want to hear about all the amazing things she has done, talk to Quinny. That girl can't talk about her enough.”

“She makes an impression on those around her,” Rajeen said as she looked past Roric to the girls. “A lot like someone else I know.”

Jaina smiled and looked down as her cheeks flushed red. They went to small talk, discussing the wedding and what would happen after it. Chandice told how Gisley would be singing while fluttering about for all to see. Gisley was excited at the prospect and bounced in her seat as she waited for the moment to begin. The massive cathedral quickly filled, and musicians took their places to the side of the altar.

“Look, theirs Blackbast and Umtha,” Evalynn said and pointed to where three people sat on chairs near the alter.

“Those must be for the witnesses,” Roric said.

“My pet told me she was being asked to witness the event,” Rajeen said in agreement.

A woman in armor dyed a metallic green with cream plates stood before the altar and smiled over the crowd. She motioned to a group at one side and urged them to come forward. Breanne and Quinny came to stand at one side, while Legeis and a human man they didn't know came to the other. Finally, Frank wearing a resplendent green coat trimmed with gold in a military fashion, came to stand at the center.

Before anyone could say a thing the musicians began a beautiful harmony of notes that announced the wedding had begun. A choir began to sing, praising the name of their god and calling for the blessing of love. Everyone turned in unison as the doors far to the cathedral's rear opened, and Gwen led a woman dressed in white into the hall.

“There she is!” Gisley cried, and Chandice reached over to swat her.

“You keep that high-pitched voice in check,” Chandice grumbled. “People don't want bleeding ears.”

“I can't help it,” Gisley said. “Oh, she's so beautiful.”

Jaina had to agree that Heather looked amazing in her gown and long-flowing train. She held a bouquet of white and green wrapped with a silken ribbon. Gwen hooked her arm and led her down the aisle, smiling proudly as she looked ahead. Beside them was Webster, who had a white top hat strapped to his back. As she passed, Heather glanced their way and smiled so they would know she had seen them.

Heather went up the steps and stood beside Frank before Gwen turned to address the audience. She announced that the wedding of her daughter, Princess Hannah, to Lord Frank would now commence. She then squeezed Heather's hand before stepping aside and taking a seat.

The two now faced the woman in green armor as she smiled wider. She introduced herself as High Priestess Galadradine and said she would perform the right of marriage. She then introduced the two, taking great care to cite their ranks as Princess and Lord. Next, she identified that the witnesses were in place and that the document of observance had been signed. She then pronounced a lengthy blessing, calling on her god to unite the lovers as one heart.

Jaina thought the whole thing was absolutely beautiful and was nearly moved to tears. It became more intense when the priestess produced a thin golden chain and tied it around the two in a loop. She stepped back and asked if only one could object to these blessings, demanding they speak now.

The room was dead silent as the few seconds of wait seemed like an eternity to the girls.

“Why did I expect somebody to object?” Evalynn whispered.

“Because somebody always tries to ruin a beautiful moment,” Jaina whispered back as she was reminded of their first home and how it was destroyed. She swept the unhappy memory away as the priestess turned to Heather and asked her if she truly loved the man at her side.

“What’s the significance of the chain?” Gisley asked.

“It's a chain of truth,” Rajeen whispered. “When two people are enclosed inside it, neither one can lie to the other. If they do, the chain will break and fall off.”

“Oh,” Gisley said nervously as Heather answered.

“I have never loved anyone like I do, Frank,” she said and looked into his eyes.

The chain remained whole as the priestess turned to Frank and asked him if he truly loved Hannah. He didn't answer immediately, causing a few gasps from the crowd as the tension mounted. Then he spoke, and his words carried a weight of emotion as he expressed just how much she meant to him.

“I wish there was a stronger word than love to describe how I feel about her,” he began while turning to take her hands. “I have never felt this way about anyone or anything, and nothing I say will be able to express it. You are my everything, and all I care about is your happiness.”

Jaina couldn't hold back the tears and had to wipe them away as the chain around them began to glow with a golden light.

“The chain of truth says they have spoken honestly,” the priestess announced. “Let no one doubt the motive behind their union. Henceforth it shall be known that Hannah and Frank have married for love.”

The remarks produced sobs and ahhs from the crowd as the woman instructed them to turn and face one another. She then asked Hannah if she would take Frank to be her husband, united in heart and soul for the rest of eternity.”

“I do,” Heather said in a trembling voice.

“She then asked Frank the same question as he looked deeply into Heather’s eyes.

“I do,” he replied as a tear rolled down Heather’s cheek.

Now Gisley and Chandice were in tears the two wiping eyes as they tried to keep their emotions in check. The priestess called for the rings, and the funny human stepped forward, handing two of them to Frank.

Jaina saw Heather's eyes flash when she looked at her ring and trembled as Frank placed it on her finger. She watched as Heather placed the second ring on Frank, causing a blue glow to envelop them both.

“What is that?” Jaina asked.

“The bond of marriage,” Rajeen answered. “They have received a blessing because they are wearing linked wedding rings.”

Jaina watched as they glowed like stars in the heavens while holding hands and gazing at one another. The priestess instructed them to kiss, but it wouldn't have mattered. The two came together in a passionate embrace, kissing with all their hearts. People cheered and rose petals began to fall from high above as the two were presented as the prince and princess of Ellowshire.

The smile on Heather's face was one of absolute joy as they walked arm-in-arm back down the aisle. Gwen led them away to where they would be presented to the thousands waiting outside to meet the new royals. They heard the roaring cheers a minute later as Chandice took Gisley by the hand and dashed off to get her ready.

“Come,” Rajeen said and stood. “We can watch from the upper gardens. The guests in the cathedral filled out to a garden situated on a high wall. From here, they could see the thousands gathered in the streets below, cheering as rose petals fell on them. Jaina was surprised to see a massive banner hung from the wall acting almost like a movie screen. The entire wedding had been magically projected for all to see, playing on banners throughout the city.

“I want a wedding like this,” Jaina said as she folded her arms. “But Chandice expects me to fork out for the ring.”

“Well, you were the one who asked her out,” Roric said.

“Only because you told me to do it,” Jaina insisted. “Now she thinks it's my job to be the man.”

“Oh, my poor pet,” Rajeen laughed as she plucked a glass of wine from a passing waiter. “I will help make your wedding special.”

“Who could make a wedding like this?” Evalynn said as spells and fireworks exploded into the air. The golden bells above began to ring, raining golden sparkles down on the plaza. Then a purple light appeared from the rooftops as a beautiful woman with butterfly wings flew out and raised her voice in blessing.

“Gisley,” Roric said as he leaned on the wall. Her silver voice carried over the noise as she sang her heart out. Silver glitter rained down in great spirals, turning the scene into one of magic and charm. Heather looked up to wave at the fairy as her hair filled with glitter. Then Heather took a step back before hurling her flowers at the crowd, causing a great cheer as masses of people tried to catch them. Heather and Frank waved to the audience once more as Gisley fluttered through the air to join her family on the wall.

“Did you hear my song?” Gisley asked excitedly.

“Your voice was beautiful as always,” Rajeen said. “But I am surprised you dared to let people see your wings.”

“Nobody will touch me here,” Gisley said. “Gwen promised me her full protection and gave me this.” Gisley held out a hand to reveal a single silver coin with a unicorn emblem. “She said if ever I was in trouble to call her name and throw the coin in the water.”

“What if somebody steals the coin?” Roric asked.

Gisley smiled and reached under her dress, hiding the coin where no one would find it.

“That answers that,” Jaina laughed and took Evalynn’s arms. “So where is my future wife? She needs to be out here learning how to throw me a proper wedding.”

“Chandice had to walk through the halls,” Gisley said and looked across the walls to the doors. “She is probably stuck in the crowd.”

“A great many people have shown up for this,” Evalynn agreed. “I had no idea there would be so many.”

“Gwen invited everyone who wanted to come,” Roric said. “She used this wedding as a means to get people to her city. I bet a lot of players settle here now that they have participated in this.”

Horns blared as the lower gates opened, and a carriage of white and gold was driven into the streets pulled by a team of unicorns.

“Eeeeeee!” Gisley squealed with no one to silence her as she practically exploded in glitter. They watched as Frank and Heather waved to the people while the carriage took them into the city.

“So what happens now?” Evalynn asked.

“They will return for a formal ball,” Rajeen said.

“Oh, I get to sing at that too!” Gisley said happily. “But I want dances as well.”

“You can dance all night if you wish,” Roric said.

“After the dancing, it will be time to present the gifts,” Rajeen said.

“Gifts?” Evalynn asked. “We don’t have anything to give them.”

“Give them, Jaina.” Chandice panted as she finally arrived.

Jaina looked up in surprise as Roric glanced at Rajeen and made a long “hmm.”

“I suppose we could give her to them for a night,” he said. “She could satisfy them both and then clean them up.”

“Please,” Jaina begged with hands clasped.

Rajeen burst out laughing and had to set her glass aside before explaining that tonight all Frank would need was Hannah.

“But I could shape change into her. He could have two Hannahs,” Jaina pleaded.

“I have lost my wife,” Chandice sighed. “Now she wants to be a gift to the new prince and princess.”

“How did you find us?” Evalynn asked.

“I followed the ear-piercing wail,” Chandice explained and glanced at Gisley.

“What did you expect? I saw unicorns!” she said defensively.

“Shall we go and find the ballroom?” Rajeen asked and hooked Roric's arm. “I have many to dance with before the night is over.”

They went off to find the room and followed the streams of people to the massive space. They walked into a football stadium-sized room with a towering statue of the couple at its center. Gisley remarked that the space looked larger than the whole castle, and Rajeen explained it was an extra spacial pocket. It allowed a room to be larger on the inside than the outside, and Gwen had probably created it just for this event. They walked across a marble floor that glittered as if freshly polished to a flower-covered platform on which fifty musicians played their instruments.

The far walls were lined with tables and served by an army of waiters as hundreds gathered, waiting for the bride and groom to return. When they did, all lined up along the floor as Frank and Heather took center stage.

“I hope those dancing lessons helped,” Jaina whispered.

“Breanne was a very good instructor,” Evalynn said. “I am sure they practiced more on their own as well.”

The music began, and the two danced alone as a golden halo of light followed them around the room. Everyone watched as they two were absorbed in their love, not noticing the room. When their solo dance was done, others were allowed onto the floor, and Rajeen took Roric for her dance. The room filled with dancers, swaying and spiraling in a formal fashion as the air of magic continued to grow.

Jaina danced with Chandice, then Evalynn, and finally Gisley, who was all sighs and smiles. Heather changed partners as well, dancing with her lovers one by one but showing the most energy when she danced with Breanne.

“Those two are so good together,” Gisley commented.

“They do seem to be a good dancing pair,” Jaina agreed.

Heather changed to Blackbast, and Jaina got a chance to dance with Rajeen, the tiger woman purring as their bodies pressed together. The songs went on as the dancing grew more intense, and then Jaina felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Do I get a dance?” Heather asked.

Jaina couldn't speak for a moment as Heather smiled and took one of her hands before carrying her into the opening spirals of the next song.

“You look beautiful,” Jaina finally got out as she spun with her arm around Heather's waist.

“I feel like a princess,” Heather admitted with a blush.

“You are a princess,” Jaina replied as they stepped around one another in practiced steps. “And tonight, you will become his wife in every way.”

Heather blushed and admitted they were already making love, but tonight it would be extra special. She leaned in to whisper, telling Jaina just how scandalous her undergarments were. Jaina felt dizzy as she tried to imagine Heather in the white lacy garments and how innocent she would look. She wondered if she could escape with the woman and use her seduction powers to get a proper look.

Heather took the moment to thank Jaina for what she had done. She claimed that all this was made possible by Jaina and her family. Through them, Heather had come to see how happy she could be if she would allow it.

Jaina was swept off her feet and stared into those innocent eyes praying for more. Finally, the dance ended, and Jaina reluctantly gave Heather up to a bouncing Gisley, who quickly leaned in for a peck at Heather's cheek.

“You are so lovely,” Gisley said as they spun away, wading into the dancers.

“Why do you look so lost?” Chandice asked as she came to dance with Jaina.

“I was in her arms and wishing I could do more, and then Gisley managed a kiss in the first three seconds,” Jaina said.

“She wanted it more,” Chandice laughed and took Jaina's arms. “Now common, it isn't every day I get to dance with my girlfriend at a royal wedding.”

The songs went on and so did the dancing until the lights dimmed and Gwen announced that Heather and Frank would do another solo dance. The choir was brought back in, and they raised their voices in a delicate harmony made all the more magical when Gisley joined them. Once again, the golden halo floated over them, and the floor glowed with their steps. Heather and Frank spun in circles of love that brought tears to Jaina's eyes again.

“Hey, look,” Chandice whispered and pointed down the side.

Jaina looked to see Rajeen comforting Blackbast as the woman sobbed over something that was crushing her heart.

“I wonder what that’s all about?” Jaina said.

“It has something to do with Hannah,” Chandice whispered. “I saw her fall apart when they started dancing.”

Jaina thought about what Blackbast said about never being able to have a truly loving relationship. No man wanted a woman who was essentially a temple whore, at least not in the way Frank wanted Heather. She wondered if seeing their love was bittersweet as she felt happy for Heather but sorry for herself.

The dance ended after many long minutes, and Heather waved to the crowd to let them know she was taking a break. They took the opportunity to sample the food and were soon carrying plates laiden with treats.

“You are all addicted to sweets,” Roric scolded as the girls sat beside him with cakes, tarts, cookies, creams, and anything that looked sugary.

“We can’t gain weight,” Jaina said as she tasted a tart. “And these are divine.”

“Gwen probably paid a high-level player baker to make these,” Evalynn said as she sampled a blue cake. “And I bet the ingredients cost a fortune.”

A waiter went by, and Jaina was quick to snatch a wine, savoring a dark red as she sighed.

“I wish this night could go on forever,” she said before tipping back her glass and asking for another.

“Slow down there, lush,” Chandice urged as Jaina started to sip another.

“I don’t think I can get drunk,” Jaina said. “My body turns everything I absorb into mass.”

“And she has no internal organs or blood,” Evalynn cited.

“Then how does she blush?” Gisley asked.

“I have internal organs, but they aren't vital,” Jaina explained. “My center is fluid, and the organs are just there to mimic the purpose they serve in a human. But you could cut one in half, and it would just stick back together. I don't need them, but I love it when something sexy happens, and my heart fills my body with those intoxicating hormones.”

“Ok, but you can’t get drunk?” Chandice asked.

“Like I said. I don’t think so,” Jaina replied.

“Are you sure?” Chandice pressed.

“No, but I intend to find out,” Jaina laughed and downed a second glass.

An hour of feasting went by as they sat together, laughing and enjoying the music. Eventually, Two thrones were set at the far end of the hall, where the bride and groom took their seat. Quinny and Breanne stood at their side, ready to help with the next event. Gwen then stood with a long list in hand and began to announce the prominent guests as they came forward to bestow them with a gift. This went on for over an hour, with some people presenting coins, treasures, works of art, and even offers of service. Heather and Frank thanked them all graciously until, at last, one final name was called.

“Umtha, Queen of the goblin kingdom,” Gwen said as the room went silent.

“Umtha is a queen?” Jaina whispered.

“Hannah said she led a goblin village,” Evalynn answered. “But then she did say Umtha was building a kingdom. I guess we never put two and two together.”

They watched as the short goblin woman walked down the aisle with nothing in hand. She went before Frank and Heather and dipped into a low bow before reaching up to take a crown of six black spiked from her head.

“What is she doing?” Gisley asked.

“Oh, my goodness,” Jaina said. “She is presenting Hannah with her crown. Does that mean something?”

“I don’t know,” Roric said as he watched the scene unfold. “But my money is it means a lot.”

They stared transfixed as Heather looked down on the goblin woman, uncertain of what to do. Quinny leaned over to say something and was quickly followed by a comment from Breanne. Heather nodded in response to their words and reached out to accept the gift. Umtha shook her head and held the crown higher, making a placing motion with her hands.

“She wants to put it on Hannah’s head herself,” Chandice said. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Gwen has to know all the tricks players can pull,” Evalynn said. “She would never allow Hannah to be harmed.”

“I hope you're right,” Jaina said nervously as Heather looked to her mother for guidance. Gwen approached and reached up to remoHeather'sers crystal crown so she could receive the goblins gift. Heather then got down on one knee, dipping her head so Umtha could place the crown herself.

“Well, Gwen gave her seal of approval,” Evalynn said.

Heather turned her head to Frank so he could see the goblin crown, and he pointed to something that made Heather reach up. She felt along the edge of the crown as if surprised, then asked Umtha a question that made no sense.

“What did you just do?” Heather asked.

“I give you gift goblins what you to have,” Umtha replied and turned away, melting into the crowd.

“That sounded ominous,” Jaina said.

“A goblin queen has just given her crown to another,” Evalynn added. “I can’t believe that doesn’t carry some kind of significance.”

“And they are suspicious she is a player masquerading as an NPC,” Chandice remarked. “I wonder if we just witnessed some kind of setup.”

The hours now grew late, so Heather and Frank bid the guests farewell, thanking them for coming. They left together to retreat to their rooms when an odd messenger arrived beside Roric, Rajeen, and Blackbast. He handed Roric a letter and stepped aside as he opened it up to read the contents.

“Oh, my,” Rajeen said with a smile as she read it with him. She motioned Blackbast to look at it, causing both women to look at Jaina.

“Did you do something?” Chandice asked as she noticed the looks.

“No,” Jaina said in alarm. “I didn’t even get drunk.”

“You only had three drinks,” Evalynn pointed out.

“I know. I got swept away with the gift-giving and forgot to drink more,” Jaina said as Rajeen whispered into Roric's ear.

“Jaina, come here,” Roric said, causing her to shake as she crossed the gap.

“Yes, master?” she said with a cringe.

“You are to go with this man,” Roric said and pointed to the messenger. “He will take you to where you are spending the night.”

“What?” Jaina said in alarm.

“Come, my lady,” the man said with a gesture.

“Oh, don't look so upset,” Rajeen said and took Jaina's face in her hands. “You have been given a great honor this night. Now go and do what you do best; show them your love.”

Jaina nodded as Rajeen kissed her nose and shushed her away. She fell in line behind the strange man as her mind tried to figure out what was happening. Was she going to spend the night here? With whom? Could it be Frank and Heather? Her heart started to beat at a fantastic rate as she followed the man through a doorway to the inner halls. She tried to think of what she would say when she was presented to them and how they might react.

“Maybe they requested me, though?” she said to herself and dreamed of seeing Heather in her wedding lingerie.

They passed down halls and arrived at a set of steel doors where a dozen guards stood. She was escorted inside to even more halls devoid of party guests. Jaina assumed these were Gwen's private chambers and where Heather and Frank were likely waiting for her in a bedroom. She played with her hands nervously as they arrived at a simple-looking wooden door.

“Please go inside,” the man said and stepped to the side of the door.

“You mean here?” Jaina asked as she considered the simple doorway. She expected a door of diamonds or gold or at least with an etching. Instead, she faced a door that looked like any door in a village. The man nodded and told her to go inside once again, so she turned the handle and entered a dark room.

“Hello?” Jaina called as she stepped into the space to see it was a lavish bedroom with a bed that could sleep a dozen decked out in white silks. Matching couches and chairs stood in a half circle before a massive fireplace made of polished gray stone. Two tall windows of blue glass let in the night's illumination and the occasional flash from the fireworks still going on outside.

“Thank you for coming,” a woman’s voice said as a shadow moved from nearby the bed.

Jaina stood transfixed as the shadow stepped into the moonlight, and she was able to see her face. Her heart pounded as the revelation sent tingles across her skin, causing her to utter a single word.


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