The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-86 A naughty slave

“Gwen?” Jaina said in surprise.

“I can see you’re surprised,” Gwen said as she came to stand before Jaina. “Were you expecting my daughter and her husband?”

Jaina silently wished she didn't have mimicked organs as she was sure her face was flushing again. Gwen laughed and reached out to take her hand, drawing her further into the room and toward the bed.

“I suppose you’re wondering why you’re here,” she said with a hint of anguish. “The truth is my daughter spoke highly of you, and I had a chance to speak with your Rajeen earlier. She spoke even highly of you, citing many of your unique and fantastic skills,” Gwen said as they crossed the room. “So you can appear as anyone you want? Even a man?”

“I can be anyone,” Jaina replied nervously, unsure of what was happening. “If I have touched somebody in the last twenty fours hours, I can copy them exactly, even their voice.” She demonstrated by copying Gwen, forcing the woman the stop and look her up and down.

“You even copied my gown. How delightful,” Gwen said as she stood Jaina beside the bed. “And the dress you're wearing, is it real or your skin?”

“My skin,” Jaina said as she let the disguise and her garment go revealing her naked skin to the woman who smiled at her. Gwen’s hands came around her waist allowing her fingers to slide along her back.

“Nervous?” Gwen whispered through smiling lips.

“I am not sure what is happening,” Jaina said as she trembled. “Do you want me to make love to you?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” Gwen replied and pulled Jaina’s body to hers.

“But why me?” Jaina asked. “You're so beautiful and powerful. I bet there are a thousand men eager to be your consort. Actually, didn't Heather tell me she had a father too?”

“His name is Finneous, and I married him on paper so I could legally make Heather my daughter and a princess. My marriage to him is only a means to an end,” Gwen explained and looked distressed. “But I admit I have thought about trying to make our relationship something more.”

“And what’s stopping you?” Jaina asked as Gwen’s hands rolled over the cheeks of her rear.

“Fear,” Gwen replied and stepped back, releasing Jiana. “I am a queen with many enemies and no true friends. The last time I let my guard down to a lover, I lost control of my kingdom. I am not sure how much you know about that disaster, but the man I thought was my lover stole my kingdom heart. Then he gave it to his accomplice, who demanded I marry him if I wanted any control of my kingdom back.” Gwen turned away, looking at a dark window as if haunted by the memory. Jaina came to her side and took a hand, mingling her fingers in sympathy.

“I know a little about this,” Jaina said. “But Heather is very careful about how much she says.”

“She has learned not to trust people as well,” Gwen agreed. “Suffice it to say I am afraid to form a relationship like that again. Afraid to share my power with others for fear they might steal it away. However, my daughter speaks highly of you and says you and your friends can be trusted.”

“I am grateful to hear that,” Jaina replied and waited for the woman to finish.

“After speaking to Rajeen, I thought you might be just what I need. She says you are very good at what you do and enjoy your role.”

“I do love what I am,” Jaina admitted. “Being a sex slave is all I ever wanted.”

“Then would you do me a great favor?” Gwen asked and looked into Jaina’s eyes. “I am too afraid to risk a relationship with another but like all women, I still feel the hunger. So I was hoping you would be kind enough to help me feed that desire.”

Jaina swallowed as she looked into those firm eyes and saw a longing for love. She responded the only way she knew how, by reaching up to plant her lips to Gwen's. They locked in a passionate kiss as Jaina reached for her body, pulling the strings and straps to reveal the flesh beneath.

In moments she had Gwen’s large breasts in her hands, kneading them firmly as the woman moaned into their kiss. Jaina couldn't believe she was about to make love to the queen as the woman's hands clutched at her rear. She felt the heat of Gwen's body as her dress fell away, exposing her to Jaina's wandering hands. Gwen was left is only her panties, garter, and stockings, her elven body looking ripe for sex.

Jaina slid down the woman's stomach savoring the warm flesh under her kisses. Gwen rubbed at her head and ran her fingers through Jaina's hair as she sat before her. Jaina kissed the bulge of Gwen's green panties, savoring the silky texture while inhaling the intoxicating scent of pussy. She could smell the sweet nectar hidden beneath that thin barrier and planted her lips to it in a firm kiss.

Gwen trembled as Jaina's hands worked between her thighs, teasing her sexy legs wider. She nibbled at the panties, using her teeth to pull them away from Gwen's flesh. Slowly they went down, giving Jaina a deep inhale of moist pussy as she began to hunger to eat the woman. She kissed with passion at the tender flesh, growing frustrated that her legs weren't wide enough.

Gwen looked started when Jaina abruptly stood up and planted her lips in a kiss. She then swept the queen into her arms and laid her gently on the bed. Then she crawled back down, pulling those lovely legs wide and exposing the royal flower for Jaina's hungry mouth.

Gwen moaned as Jaina leaned in to feast on her delicate body. Her hungry tongue going through every tender fold while teasing her clit. Jaina kissed and sucked on Gwen's pussy as the woman folded her legs behind Jaina's back.

Jaina was lost in the succulent flavor of Gwen's pussy, wondering how long it had been since she was pleasured? It was entirely possible that Gwen hadn't made love since her kingdom heart was stolen, which was years ago. Jaina was very likely the first person to see this sacred treasure, and she was going to savor it for hours.

Gwen thrashed as her hands gripped the bed sheets, her body twitching as Jaina drove her wild. Jaina kept at her for several minutes as Gwen’s back arched and her hands tried to get in the way. Jaina wrapped the woman’s legs in her arms and buried her face in the sexy folds until Gwen finally surrendered.

“Oh!” Gwen cried as her body finally lost the battle.

Jaina tasted the sweet nectar that came from a rare royal rose. Her hungry tongue lapped up the flavor of passion as Gwen continued to groan and thrash with every touch. Jaina made sure to keep teasing her clit now that it was sensitive from the orgasm. When Gwen began to thrash uncontrollably, she pressed her face in, coating her lips and tongue with Gwen's honey. She crawled up the woman's body, falling on her chest and planting their lips together. She made Gwen accept her pussy soaked tongue, tasting the flavor of her own sex.

They kissed in heated passion as their arms wrapped around each other. Jaina writhed over the woman's body; their breasts pressed together as they kissed and touched. Jaina loved the woman's impressive breasts, which were even larger than Heather's. Her hands returned to kneading them, rolling that warm flesh between her fingers. She wished she was a man so she could place her cock between them and fuck that creamy skin. She supposed she could use her shape-change ability to make that happen but put the thought away as Gwen rolled her over.

Jaina smiled as Gwen returned the favor, kneading Jaina’s breasts as he worked her way down her stomach with kisses. Jaina spread her legs wide as Gwen looked down and smiled.

“What is this?” she asked and ran her fingers over the golden shield that protected Jaina's body. Jaina explained the story of the red gem and the promise of chastity used to win it. Gwen was touched by Jaina's desire to honor his wishes and keep the gem inside until the time had passed. She carefully pulled the shield away as Jaina felt the stone move inside. She cried out as it came free, and Gwen set it aside before leaning down. The queen's hot lips nuzzled at her flesh, and two fingers gently pushed in, reaching to Jaina’s core. Gwen began to make love to her in earnest, kissing and sucking as her fingers worked at Jaina's body. The slave collar made it all too easy as Jaina's body quickly built to a rolling climax that sent her into pleading moans.

Gwen relented and began to kiss her way back up before falling into Jaina's arms to share hot kisses. The two women lay together, locked at the lips as they shared an intense passion. It was minutes before they finally parted and Gwen settled beside her before reaching down to play with Jaina's pussy.

“You are very beautiful,” Gwen said. “And a passionate kisser.”

“Thank you,” Jaina said with a blush. “You are very hot and sexy.”

“Ha, I haven’t heard that in a long time,” Gwen admitted.

“If you don’t mind my asking, how long has it been?” Jaina pressed.

“Since I made love, you mean?” Gwen asked. “Oh, I would say three years.”

“Three years? Jaina gasped. “I wouldn’t last three days.”

“Ha,” Gwen said with a big smile. “I used to be like you, but then I made my mistake, and it's too difficult to let my defenses down again.”

“What about your NPCs?” Jaina asked. “They would never betray you.”

“Believe me; I have thought about it,” Gwen laughed and reached her fingers into Jaina's body. “But something about it just doesn't feel right.”

Jaina wondered why that would be as most NPCs were easy to detect, but they looked very natural. Surely they could have scratched the itch for her.

“Are you into bondage then?” Gwen asked as she noted the slave cuffs on Jaina’s wrists and ankles.

“What? Oh,” Jaina said and held a wrist up. “To be honest, I got these very early on, but they hardly get used. Roric seldom uses them except to tie my hands behind my back. Chandice has used them a few times.”

“Oh, I was wondering if you could tell me what it was like,” Gwen said.

“What bondage is like?” Jaina asked as the queen blushed. “Are you curious?”

Gwen smiled and looked away as she let out a little sigh.

“It’s the notion of the thing,” Gwen explained. “I am the most powerful person in this region of the world and that power comes with burdens. I have started to wonder what it would be like to be helpless to another. I feel a hint of decadent excitement at the idea of somebody of my power being used like you often are. My daughter says that you enjoy being Roric’s slave.”

“Well, I know Roric very well,” Jaina explained. “We knew each other before we came here and discussed what we wanted for ourselves in great detail. So submitting to him was more of a well-thought-out plan than a moment of passion.”

“I see,” Gwen replied and pulled her hand from Jaina’s body, sliding her wet fingers up her stomach. “But you like it when others take you?”

“Doesn’t every girl?” Jaina asked.

Gwen smiled and shrugged as Jaina began to wonder. “Do you have any rope?” she asked. “I would let you tie me up.”

“You would?” Gwen asked as her smile widened. “I would like to see you helpless.”

“And maybe we could switch roles when you're done seeing it, and you could be helpless?” Jaina asked. Gwen blushed again and told her to stand a the end of the bed and the pillows.

Jaina did as she was told and stood at the foot of the bed as Gwen went to a dresser and returned with some length of rope. She took Jaina's wrists and tied them to the tall canopy bedposts. Then spread her legs wide by using the cuffs at her ankles to tie them as well.

Her heart beat fast as she was rendered helpless to Gwen's caress as the queen explored her bare body. Her breasts were firmly squeezed and played with before Gwen delivered a firm slap to her rear.

“I hear you're a naughty girl,” Gwen said as she leaned into Jaina's back. “Have you ever been whipped?”

Jaina began to pant as she explained she had been spanked a few times but never actually whipped. She explained how Gisley had been whipped but only with a magical whip enchanted to prevent injury.

“Well, then I get to be the one who shows you,” Gwen said in a pleased voice as she walked around the bed to the same dresser. Jaina tugged at her ropes as Gwen took out a short black handle with a dozen leather cords hanging off. She gave it a crack over her palm and smiled at Jaina before strutting to stand behind her.

“Oh, what a curious mark,” Gwen said and ran a finger over the paw print on Jaina’s ass.

“That’s my harem mark,” Jaina explained and told Gwen the story of how she got it when Roric sold her to Rajeen.

“So you technically belong to Rajeen?” Gwen asked.

“You could say I am on loan back to Roric,” Jaina laughed. “But they both consider me their property.”

“You serve two masters,” Gwen said in a sultry voice and ran her nails down Jaina's back. “Tonight, you will serve me, and I want to see you punished. This is a bondage whip,” Gwen said and lightly struck Jaina’s rear sending tingles up her spine. “It isn’t magical but it’s also designed not to cause any real harm even if you swing it hard.” She demonstrated by suddenly giving Jaina’s rear a good crack causing Jaina to jump.

“How was that?” Gwen asked as she leaned into Jaina. “Was that too much?”

“No,” Jaina said through pants as her body raced with fear and pleasure. “It was fine.”

Another crack went along the small of her back, and Jaina danced as she clung to her ropes.

“Oh, was that too hard?” Gwen asked.

“Are you going to keep asking me if I am alright with you whipping me?” Jaina laughed. “You're the queen, and I am a sex slave. Just take what you want.”

“Hmm,” Gwen said before the lashing began. Jaina tightened up as her back was covered from her shoulders to her upper thighs. Gwen went slow, taking her time to sting every inch of Jaina's skin before stopping to kneel.

Jaina hung from her ropes, unable to move as the lashing lit up her skin. It wasn't torture, just a constant stimulation of sharp tingles and pricks. When the lashing stopped, strong hands came to her back and rear, rubbing at her sore skin and gently dragging nails.

“Ohhhh,” Jaina moaned as Gwen reached around the front and dived between Jaina's legs to rub her pussy firmly. For the next five minutes, Jaina panted with deep breaths as Gwen rubbed firmly. She came once, twice, then a third time as Gwen kept the firm pace.

“You cum so easily,” Gwen laughed. “It’s hardly a challenge to please you.”

“It’s the collar,” Jaina cried as she thrashed. “It magnifies sex, making it easier and better.”

“Does it now?” Gwen asked and pulled her fingers away. She smeared the wetness over Jaina’s stomach and cupped a breast, squeezing as she leaned around. “So, you gain a benefit from it?”

Jiana nodded as she tried to catch her breath, then began to explain some of the class's abilities. She described sexual escalation, shared orgasm, and accommodate. Gwen was fascinated by the idea that Jaina could take a massive cock and not be injured or let one slide down her throat without gagging. Jaina told her how it made every woman's body taste like honey or something similarly sweet. A man's cum was a soothing treat and a flavor she often savored.

“Ha,” Gwen laughed and ran a hand up her stomach. “I was never very fond of that.”

“Nor was I,” Jaina agreed. “But the collar makes it all fine. It makes being a sex slave more of a reward than a burden.”

“Is that why you enjoy it so much?” Gwen asked.

Jaina nodded as Gwen leaned in and kissed her, the two women's eyes meeting.

“Are you ready to take my place?” Jaina asked playfully.

“Hmm, do I trust you enough to let you tie me up?” Gwen asked. “You are certainly a sexy little thing.”

“You know you do,” Jaina pressed. “Now untie me so I can whip your royal ass until it stings like mine does.”

Gwen laughed and loosened Jaina's binds, setting the woman free. She then nervously took Jaina's place, allowing her hands and legs to be tied, so she was spread wide. Jaina waited until she was good and secure before leaning into her back and reaching around to clutch her enormous breasts.

“And now that your helplessly mine, why don’t we make this more fun,” Jaina whispered.

“What do you mean?” Gwen asked as Jaina stepped back.

Jaina picked up the silk panties and then tied them in a gag through Gwen's mouth. Gwen looked started by what was happening, but this was only the first shock she would suffer. Jaina reached up and took off her slave collar then quickly snapped it around the Queen's delicate neck. She wished she could see the look on Roric's face when he felt the sudden change and who it was he had collared.

“Now you are a sex slave,” Jaina whispered in her ear as she took up the whip. “And Roric is your master. I am going to discipline you until you are ready to throw yourself at his feet and beg him to take you.”

Gwen trembled as the first lashes fell, her body arching and twisting. Jaina was careful not to be too hard but she was just as thorough as Gwen, covering the woman's backside in red stings. When she was satisfied the queen had been punished, she leaned in and kissed her welted cheeks.

“Oh, I bet these are sore,” Jaina said as she smelled the woman's pussy again. She closed her eyes and admitted to herself that she really did love pussy. Roric may have commanded it, but he needn't have bothered. She couldn't help but bend lower, putting her face between Gwen's legs and eating from the woman's body.

Gwen heaved for breath as Jaina sat on the floor, feasting on the helpless woman. In less than a minute, she was rolling in her first orgasm as she learned firsthand how powerful the collar was. Jaina savored the flowing sex as she pressed on, driving Gwen to a second and then a third. Gwen was crying out through her gag as she struggled against the ropes to no avail. Jaina kept at her, enjoying the feast as every orgasm renewed the flavor. Five minutes later, Gwen was clutching the ropes for support, her legs going weak in the tension.

Jaina finally relented and crawled onto the bed to kiss the woman's gagged lips.

“You really like this, don't you?” Jaina asked as Gwen struggled to catch her breath. “You like being helpless to another and having them decide how much sex you will have. That's a big part of the thrill of serving a master. Roric decided when, where, and with who I have sex. It's completely out of my hand, and I love it. I wouldn't even be here now if he hadn't ordered me to come.”

Gwen looked at her with pleading eyes as Jaina stroked her head.

“I bet you love the power loss,” Jaina whispered. “I bet you wish we could take this further.”

She watched as the woman trembled and noticed a sudden glance to the side. Jaina followed the glance to a chest beside the bed and wondered what Gwen was hiding.

“What's in there?” Jaina asked with a smile and looked to the chest. “Are you hiding something from me?”

Gwen rapidly shook her head as Jaina moved to the edge of the bed.

“Don't shake your head at me,” Jaina said as Gwen groaned into her gag, thrashing while Jaina got to her feet. “You looked directly at that chest when I mentioned doing more. I think we need to see what you were thinking about.”

Gwen cried into her gag and pulled at her binds as Jaina went to the chest. She looked back at Gwen who looked terrified by what Jaina was going to find, making the moment more fun. A muffled no escaped the gag as Jaina threw the chest open and smiled to see it was full of bondage gear.

“Well, well,” Jaina said as she reached in and pulled out some delicate chains. “It looks like this is more than a passing thought. You have a deep-rooted fantasy about being in bondage, don't you?”

Gwen looked away as her cheeks flushed bright red, causing Jaina to laugh and take out a proper ball gag. “Well, it looks like our night is about to get a lot more fun.” Gwen started to breathe heavily as Jaina rooted through the chest amazed by all it contained. There were dozens of cuffs, chains, ropes, leather straps, gags, and a few whips.

Hah, and you accused me of being naughty,” Jaina said as she selected some short chains that ended in leather straps to go with her ball gag. Then, she went to Gwen and pulled the panties out of her mouth as the Queen began to plead.

“What are you doing?” Gwen said defensively.

“What you want me to do,” Jaina said, holding up the ball gag. “Now open those pretty lips wide.”

Gwen looked at her with a slight smile, then spread her lips so Jaina could place the gag. Jaina buckled it behind the woman's head and then kissed the ball before sitting back. She wondered how she could make this more interesting and then had a truly decadent thought.

“I'll be right back,” Jaina said, leaving her tied to the bedposts. Jaina heard Gwen cry into her ball gag as she left the room and headed down the hall. She went to the first two guards she could find and turned their heads when they looked at her naked body. She flirted with them briefly but only so she could make contact with them, then excused herself and returned to the room, opening the door to peek inside.

Gwen was tugging at her ropes but didn't have the leverage to pull free. Jaina slipped in and walked slowly to the bed, frightening her by grabbing her rear.

“I have a surprise for you,” Jaina said as she climbed into the bed. Her form went gray and liquid as she changed shapes, becoming one of the guards minus his clothing. Gwen's eyes went wide as she looked down on a cock rapidly growing hard as Jaina stood on the bed.

“You have such lovely big breasts,” Jaina said in a masculine voice and smiled to see drool from the gag was collecting between them. “It would be a shame not to use these for their proper purpose,” she added and rested her cock between them. Gwen looked down as Jaina squeezed the queen's massive breasts around her cock and began to stroke it. Jaina didn't move at all. Instead, she rolled Gwen's breasts up and down, using them to pleasure herself. Gwen arched her back, giving Jaina more leverage as she slowly worked up the pace.

“Oh,” Jaina groaned as the pleasure mounted and a fresh line of drool fell from Gwen's mouth. “I bet you love being forced to do this,” Jaina said as Gwen watched her breasts bounce. “But you won't believe what's about to happen.”

Gwen looked up as if alarmed then her eyes went wide. She started to moan and pant as Jaina laughed and explained she could have an orgasm even from this.

“The collar makes it so you can orgasm from this, anal sex, or even using your feet,” Jaina explained as Gwen began to tremble. Gwen finally threw her head back and let out a long primordial groan as her thighs ran wet. Jaina groaned and pushed on her orgasm, also coming close. Those big, firm breasts were like silk, and fucking them was driving her wild. Gwen was still panting from her orgasm when Jaina reached her own, the first sprays of cum shooting into the air to land on Gwen's face.

Gwen didn't have time to react as shared orgasm instantly drove her into another. She groaned as her body collapsed, leaving her dangling from her binds. Jaina continued to use her breast to milk every last drop until they were covered in warm cum. Then she let the woman hang and sat back to recover her strength a moment.

“I really enjoyed that,” Jaina said to the panting woman. She leaned in and used a finger to scoop up some of the cum. She swished it around the ball gag to get it into Gwen's mouth. Gwen was forced to taste the cum as Jaina reached around to remove the woman's gag. She let the guard's image go and leaned in for a kiss, then leaned back and sucked up a mouth full of cum before kissing her again. She made Gwen taste every salty moment as their tongues danced passionately.

“So how was that?” Jaina asked as they finally parted.

“I had no idea it could feel this good,” Gwen panted.

“Oh, you think this feels good,” Jaina laughed. “Just imagine what it’s like if you really have no choice. It makes the tension ten times stronger and makes the orgasms wild.”

Gwen panted and licked at her lips as Jaina leaned in for another kiss. “I could give you a taste of it if you trust me.”

“How?” Gwen asked as Jaina stroked her head.

“You have to promise to obey me until the sun comes up,” Jaina said. “If you do, I will take you places you never dreamed of going.”

Gwen trembled as she looked away, the offer obviously making her nervous. Jaina decided to make it harder for her to decide by getting out of bed and walking around. She came up behind the restrained woman and took the form of the second guard. Gwen gasped as Jaina reached between her legs and used a hand to guide her cock into the queen's puss.

“Now, you have until I cum to decide,” Jaina said in the guard's voice and began to thrust into Gwen's body.

Gwen hung helplessly as Jaina took her at a good brisk pace. The sound of wet slapping echoed in the room as the first orgasm shook her body. Jaina knew it would only be a matter of time as the slaved collar was driving her wild. The sex was just too good, and Gwen had gone years without. Now Jaina was offering to take her on a magical journey of sex and passion; would she really say no?

The second orgasm had Gwen's taught elven body quivering with delight. She was lost to the passion as Jaina took her forcefully while promising this was just the beginning.

Five orgasms later, Jaina started to tease her that she was close. She used her soothing touch ability to take away a little of the fear and told her that the time was almost up.

“I accept!” Gwen cried at last. “Oh, do what you want!”

Jaina rammed her hard, going into a brutal pace that had Gwen shouting with every thrust. Just as she was close, she pulled away, leaving Gwen without the joy of the shared orgasm.

“Why?” Gwen pleaded as Jaina took up the ball gag and placed it back in Gwen's mouth. She kissed the ball again and traced Gwen's parted lips with her tongue.

“Now tell me the truth. Do you have something to disguise how you look?” Jaina asked.

Gwen nodded and gestured with her head to the dresser. Jaina went to it and pointed to the drawers one by one until Gwen nodded it was the right one. Inside, Jaina found an assortment of jewelry boxes and had to lift them out one by one until Gwen nodded again. Jaina opened it to find a small golden ring inscribed with something that looked like a serpent.

“Hmm, is this what I am looking for?” Jaina asked and held it up.

Gwen nodded as Jaina strutted her way, reaching up and putting the ring over one of Gwen's fingers. Instantly the woman was bathed in a soft light that faded and left behind a slightly different woman. This one looked Asian with the same pillow breasts but rounder features. She had normal human-looking skin and the same long dark hair, but without the elvish features, she was unrecognizable.

“Oh, that will work just fine,” Jaina said with a pleased smile and ran a hand along the new rear. “Now I want you to know this pussy is going to be pounded all night, and you are to behave as my slave girl. If you disobey, I won't come back again, and you will have to find somebody else to pleasure you, do you understand?”

Gwen nodded as Jaina stepped away and suddenly shapeshifted to appear as Gwen. “Now then,” she said in a commanding voice. “I think it’s time we invited a few guards in to watch and then let them have some fun.”

Gwen's eyes went wide and she shook her head as Jaina stepped away and headed for the door. Gwen screamed into her gag, but Jaina only smiled and blew her a kiss as she left the room and went into the hall. When the door closed, Jaina could hear Gwen tugging on her ropes. She smiled as she set out to help Queen Gwen become intimately familiar with her guards.

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