The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-87 Time to part ways

Jaina opened her eyes to find she was still in bed with Gwen's arm thrown over her back. The night had been one of intense sex with a hungry Gwen ready to play almost any game. Jaina found herself swept up in the fantasy of turning the very proper Queen into a whore, but it wasn't meant to be.

She used her shape-changing ability to mimic Gwen and then went into the hall to order the nearby guards into the bedroom. Her plan had been to pleasure Gwen while they watched, then turn them loose on her. However, she came face to face with the system's limitations when the guards saw right through her ruse. No matter how she ordered or reasoned with them, they would not acknowledge her as the Queen. Jaina had to admit that was probably because Gwen was significantly higher than Jaina. It made sense that they could see through the ruse, or any low-level shapeshifter could wreak havoc in a kingdom.

Unable to entice the guards, she had to return to the room with a new plan. Gwen was still struggling with her bonds, so Jiana decided to mimic somebody else she had recently touched. Gwen cried out as Jaina's hands rolled around her hips while she told Gwen what it was like to be fucked by Roric. She then took his form and ravaged the Queen's body, fucking her as he always did Jaina.

She wished she had Gisley with her because she would have loved to fuck Gwen until she passed out, just as Jaina had a day ago. Regardless, Gwen was exhausted from a dozen orgasms by the time they were done, and Jaina gently took her in her arms. She laid Gwen on the bed, then climbed in beside her. Gwen rolled over and took her into her arms to snuggle in tight. Less than a minute later, she was asleep, her body long overdue the rest. Jaina quickly followed her into the blissful peace of sleep, dreaming of Gwen at Roric's feet.

Now the sun was up, and Gwen was slowly stirring, a pleased smile on her face as her dark eyes fell on Jaina.

“You are wonderful,” Gwen cooed and crawled over Jaina’s body. “I see why Rajeen says you are one of her greatest jewels.”

“She said that about me?” Jaina asked, truly touched by the kind words.

“Oh, she heaped far greater praises than that on you,” Gwen replied and leaned down to share a kiss. “But I don’t think she did you justice.”

Jaina blushed as Gwen pinned her down to kiss and rub at her trapped body. They spent several minutes rubbing and caressing before Gwen finally rolled to the side.

“Of course, you can't tell anyone about what happened in here,” Gwen insisted.

“Alright,” Jaina began. “But you have to understand something first. I will absolutely tell Roric, as he is my master, and I am forbidden to keep secrets from him. However, Roric is very discreet and has never shared any of the things I tell him. He fully understood before he sent me to answer your request that things were going to go on that could never be spoken of. He probably won't even acknowledge that he received the letter.”

“I am sure he already knows what went on,” Gwen replied and rubbed Jaina's stomach. “And I am glad to finally have somebody I trust.”

“I am more than willing to come back when you need me,” Jaina said as she enjoyed her rubbing. “I can be anything you need.”

“Hmm,” Gwen said as she considered the options. “How would you like to be my royal consort.”

“Consort?” Jaina laughed. “Isn’t that a fancy way of saying whore?”

“It depends on how it's used,” Gwen corrected. “If it's just consort, then yes, you are my whore. But if I named you princess consort, it would grant you some limited princess powers without any direct political control.”

“Direct political control?” Jaina questioned.

“For example, my daughter could issue orders to the guards of my castle, but a princess consort could not,” Gwen said. “Another good example might be Finneous. His official title is Kind Consort. He technically holds the title of king, but I have all the power. He can't take control or overrule me in any way.”

“I see,” Jaina replied as she considered the offer. “So it’s just a name then.”

“Not exactly,” Gwen said with a smile. “You will be able to pass my guards at will, and they will allow you to bring others with you. So you would have free reign of the castle and its services. I will also be able to detect when you are in trouble, provided you are inside my area of control.”

“Anything else?” Jaina asked.

Yes,” Gwen said as she seductively pulled Jaina in. “I would love you.” She planted a kiss on Jaina's lips that was full of passion as the two hugged tightly. Jaina had no doubts that Gwen's words were true, but she couldn't help but feel bad for her. It had to be a lonely life being a queen and yet terrified to let anybody in, or they might try to steal her power like last time. Gwen was a beautiful woman full of passion, yet she had no one to share it with.

“What is on your mind?” Gwen asked as the kiss ended.

“I was feeling sorry for you,” Jaina explained. “You deserve to have someone to love you.”

“Ha, I don’t know about that,” Gwen laughed. “All I really need is the sex.”

“Then why don’t you use your guards?” Jaina asked. “I know you said you prefer a real person, but if all you want to do is scratch the itch.”

“Hmm,” Gwen said as she pulled Jaina to her chest. “I won't lie to you. I have had sex with NPCs before. I can even add a bondage room to the castle if I wanted, and it comes with NPCs skilled in using the devices.”

“Oh, I want to see that,” Jaina laughed. “I wonder if Roric can add one.”

“Most house-building classes can. I am sure Heather can add one if she wants,” Gwen replied. But back to my point, I have used NPCs, and it always left me feeling unfulfilled.”

“You didn't orgasm?” Jaina asked, not sure where Gwen was going.

“No, I had plenty of those,” Gwen corrected. “What I mean is, nothing changes when you have sex with an NPC. They will do what they are told and then stand guard like it never happened. With a player, everything changes. When you see them again, you have that silent understanding of what happened and perhaps a yearning for more. I am not sure I am explaining well.”

“I think I understand,” Jaina said with a wide smile. “You like them to remember what happened and be reminded when you see them. You also like the danger of not knowing how they will react. Will they embarrass you? Or maybe corner you and try for another round?”

Gwen laughed and shrugged, suggesting that perhaps she did like a little danger. She also admitted to enjoying how their night was spent, feeling excited by the loss of power. She wasn’t thrilled by the idea of Jaina bringing her guards in to watch, but she knew they wouldn’t care in the end.

“So that wasn’t really going to add to the thrill,” Jaina said.

“No, not really,” Gwen replied.

“Too bad,” Jaina sighed. “I tried to get them to obey me, but they knew who I was despite how I looked. I had this whole plan of how they would take you back to the guard barracks as the castle whore for the night.”

“Ha, you planned to throw me to hundreds of men?” Gwen laughed and swatted Jaina’s rear.

“I thought you would enjoy it,” Jaina said with a wry smile.

“You really are a naughty little girl,” Gwen said as she brushed the hair from Jaina’s face. “Who knows, you might have broken me and turned me into an insatiable whore.”

“That was my plan,” Jaina said as she lay her head on Gwen’s breasts. “I know I am one.”

“With that admission, will you be my consort then?” Gwen asked.

“Of course,” Jaina said and snuggled in. “But I obey Roric first. You should also formally ask him if I can be your consort.”

“I will draw up a formal letter for you to take back,” Gwen agreed.

Jaina smiled at the idea of being Gwen's royal whore, and moaned as the woman began to stroke her back. How wonderful life had turned out, despite all the sad moments that kept driving them forward. She thought of Gwen and her comment and wondered if perhaps there was more to it.

“Gwen?” Jaina asked and raised her head.

“Yes, my plaything?” Gwen replied.

“Be honest with me. Do you want to be whore?” Jaina asked and watched as the Queen blushed.

“Listen,” Gwen began and rubbed Jaina’s shoulders. “I admit that the thought of descending into a life of debauchery sounds enticing, but I can't. I have a reputation to uphold and am not looking forward to earning the title of Queen of whores.”

“So you do like the idea; you just don't want to damage your reputation,” Jaina surmised.

Gwen laughed as she shrugged her shoulders. “I suppose. What woman of status and power hasn’t dreamed of being dragged into the pits of lust where she is ravaged by the hoards? But to do so would make me a target of mockery and derision.”

Jaina understood her predicament, but she started to piece together a plan. It would require a fair bit of Gwen's help, but she would agree if the woman seriously wanted to enjoy a little more of the lustful delights.

“I want to train you to be a whore,” Jaina said as she looked deep into the Queen's eyes.

“You want to train me?” Gwen said in a scoffing voice. “And how do you intend to do that?”

“First, you get used to having sex with your guards,” Jaina began. “We set up a time period every day where your guards are free to have you as they wish.”

“Why can’t I just pick one when I feel like it?” Gwen asked.

“It’s important the choice is out of your hands,” Jaina insisted. “You need to pick a three to four hour window every day where they can choose to fuck you, and you have no say in it.”

“And what if they come at me a dozen at a time?” Gwen pressed.

“Use your imagination,” Jaina said with a smile. “I am sure you can think of ways to satisfy more than one at a time.”

Gwen burst into laughter and shook her head, asking Jaina what this was supposed to accomplish.

“I need you to get used to having sex on demand,” Jaina replied. “You need to get to the place where your first response to any sexual advance is yes.”

“And that will make me a whore?” Gwen asked.

“No, that’s just getting you ready,” Jaina replied before tracing Gwen’s lips with a finger. “When you reach the place where you see a man and the first thought that goes through your mind is how much you want to suck his dick, then you will be a whore.”

“And you think you can break my resolve and make me this way?” Gwen asked.

Jaina crawled over her and pinned her wrists down while sitting on her stomach.

“When I am done with you, you will spread your legs for any man in your kingdom, and before long, thousands will have fucked Queen Gwen,” Jaina asserted.

“Tempting, but no,” Gwen replied curtly. “I told you I can’t have the scandal.”

“There isn't going to be any scandal,” Jaina said as she smiled wide. “Nobody will know it's you.”

Gwen looked confused, then shook her head, pointing out that the ring wouldn't work. Jaina wasn't planning on using the ring and explained the collar's power. She told Gwen how it could be used to cosmetically adjust any person who wore it. They could make her look like any variety of elf, changing her appearance so much that nobody would recognize her.

“And what about my presence here?” Gwen asked. “Won’t people wonder where I am while I am off being a slut?”

“I could take your place,” Jaina offered. “Or we could play a little game where I am in your form while we are in the same place. That way, people won't associate you with the collar's disguise.”

“You have really thought about this,” Gwen balked. “Do you honestly lust to see me turned into a whore sucking every dick I see?”

Jaina nodded as she smiled wider before leaning down to kiss Gwen's lips. “I look forward to dancing and stripping on the stage with you before Roric prostitutes us to the crowd.”

Gwen's face flushed red as Jaina began to tell her stories about all the men that would fuck her. She drew from her experiences and reached down to rub Gwen's clit while stirring her fantasies. Gwen cleared her throat and tried to dissuade Jaina, but she pressed the point while bringing Gwen close to orgasm.

“I won't force you to be a whore,” Jaina said with a soothing voice. “But I know I don't need to. You have a strong heart and a desire for excitement that will make it impossible for you to stop thinking about this. I know, sooner or later, you will beg me to make you a whore.”

Jaina felt her shiver as she considered her words. Gwen was swimming in the intoxication of taboo and sexual excitement, making it hard to think rationally. Gwen was fantasizing about what it would be like to let Jaina take her into her world. Now it was Jaina's turn to fantasize as she dreamed about kissing Gwen as a dozen strangers lined up to fuck them.

“You need to stop poisoning my mind,” Gwen groaned and threw her head back. “You’re not using your seductress powers on me, are you?”

“I would never do that to you,” Jaina insisted. “I just want you to know that if you honestly want to experience it, I will help make it happen, so nobody will know what you did.”

“Thank you,” Gwen sighed. “How about I say I will consider it and let you know.”

“I will accept that answer,” Jaina said. “But we both know what you’re going to pick.”

“You are such a tempting harlot,” Gwen cried. “Are you sure you’re not a succubus?”

“I have many of the same powers,” Jaina said, explaining how they shared dozens of skills.

“Well, my consort,” Gwen said before kissing Jaina on the head. “I would love to spend all day in bed with you, but I have a kingdom to run. Many high-profile guests stayed in the castle, and I should probably show up for the breakfast gathering and wish them well as they leave.”

“I understand,” Jaina replied and sat up. “But you should probably take the collar off.”

“Oh,” Gwen laughed and sat up as well. “I forgot that was on. I would not want to explain that to a room full of my peers.” She ran her fingers over the collar and mentioned that it was so comfortable that she rather enjoyed wearing it.

“I could always get Roric to lock you up for good,” Jaina teased as she removed the collar.

“You are a little monster,” Gwen said and climbed out of bed. Gwen went to a nearby desk and penned a short letter before folding it up and handing it to Jaina. She and Jaina shared a final kiss and warm hug before Jaina used her powers to fake a fancy gown. She then left Gwen to get ready for her day and wandered in the halls, wondering how long it would be before Gwen broke.

She made her way to the banquet hall and waved to Heather and Frank, who were speaking with guests. How she wished it had been their room she was summoned to, but then that wasn't really Heather's thing. Gwen was a different matter and desired to know the forbidden fruit.

After sampling a bit of the food, she headed out into a city still celebrating the momentous occasion. Every plaza still had musicians and entertainers, while small stalls served free food to the masses. Drinks flowed as people continued praising the new prince and his wife, the princess.

Jaina weaved her way through the crowds to the garden meant to celebrate Princess Hannah. She entered a white marble tower and went down a spiral staircase to the lower caves full of magical flora. A simple stone arch stood along the wall filled with a spiraling blue light. Jaina stepped into the light and came out miles away in Heather's tower garden. From here, she made her way up the tower and ran into Quinny in the kitchen, raiding the little fridge.

“Oh, good morning,” Jaina said as she stumbled on the woman.

“Hey,” Quinny replied as a cookie fell from her mouth. “Did you have fun at the wedding?”

“I had a lot of fun,” Jaina replied with a smile. “I was asked to stay on and attend to one of the guests.”

Quinny laughed and asked who it was, but Jaina said she had been sworn to secrecy as he didn't want it to get out. The zombie woman understood but still tried to pry a name out, as Jaina politely refused. She bid her good day and headed down the halls to pass the door to the massive bath chambers. There she peeked in to see a beautiful dark-haired elf woman stepping naked into the water.

Jaina turned away as her lust started to flow fast. Breanne was a lot like Gwen in her regal beauty, and she didn't need a second one to pine over. She hurried through the magic room full of goblins to discover Umtha was missing. She was allowed near the egg for the first time but not close enough to touch. Still, from her place, she could feel the intense cold that radiated from the device, chilling the entire room as ice built up on the floor.

She went through the next door and appeared in the distant forest, her master’s tent standing beside the ruins. Gisley was already up and about, wearing only a slip of material between her legs as she fluttered and sang a ponderous song.

“Why do some people say that coming here is wrong?” Jaina sighed as she saw the purple beauty and wanted to pounce on her body. As she drew closer, she could hear the sounds of passion as Roric took Evalynn inside the tent. Chandice came out, straightening her dress, and smiled before taking Jaina into her arms for a kiss.

“Did you have a good night?” Chandice asked.

“I missed you, but yes, I had a wild time,” Jaina replied.

“Roric told us it was Queen Gwen,” Chandice said as she played with Jaina's hand. “So, did you win us some royal favor?”

“She made me her consort,” Jaina replied. “But she also said I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone what happened between us.”

“Oh, don't worry,” Chandice said with a roll of her eyes. “Roric already made it abundantly clear we were not even allowed to acknowledge you had seen her. As far as anyone is concerned, you came home with us last night.”

“Probably for the best,” Jaina agreed and went inside with Chandice to find Evalynn on her hands and knees, cleaning Roric's cock after sex.

“I am glad you are back,” Roric said as Jaina came to his side to be held. “So, did you make her happy?”

“I think so,” Jaina laughed and waved the letter Gwen had penned. “This is for you.”

Roric opened the note and read the contents as he chuckled slightly.

“So, she wants you to be her consort,” he said and eyed Jaina with a funny expression. “You must have made quite an impression.”

“She was starved for sexual attention,” Jaina replied. “I gave her what she wanted and more until she was ready to collapse.”

“Good girl,” Roric said and rubbed her side. “And, of course, you can be her consort.”

“I knew you would say yes,” Jaina laughed. “But I wonder what Heather will say.”

“Probably why are you sleeping with my mother,” Chandice laughed as Evalynn started to take Roric’s cock deeply.

“She looks so content when she is sucking your cock,” Jaina noted as Evalynn bobbed slowly with her eyes closed. Jaina got up to run her hand down the woman's back as she crawled around to her rear. She could smell the sex on Evalynn's body and knew there was a sweet flower flowing with nectar.

“You just can’t help yourself,” Chandice said as Jaina reached between Evalynn’s legs to coat her fingers in the sticky goo.

“No, I can't,” Jaina said before sticking her fingers in her mouth to suck them clean. “And I can’t pass up eating a pussy that’s just been fucked.”

She smiled at Roric before bending down and pushing Evalynn's legs apart. The angle was awkward, so she gave up and lay on the floor to pull the woman down. She felt a drip on her lips as she looked up to see the white goodness oozing through the woman's tender lips. Jaina pulled that pussy down to her hungry mouth and began to feast on her favorite meal. From this vantage point, gravity did most of the work, and soon her mouth was swimming with Roric's cum.

Evalynn moaned as her body was devoured while she took her master as deeply as she could. It wasn't long before she started to jump while teetering on the brink of an orgasm, and a moment later, it broke loose. Jaina's mouth was awash in the fresh flow of Evalynn's release, pushing even more of her master's sticky treat into her mouth. She swallowed all she could but realized it was the pussy itself she loved most. She well and truly loved women and preferred them by far over men. She could spend the rest of her life in Rajeen's harem, eating woman after woman. It would be perfect if Roric was on hand to fuck them and get their pussies good and wet.

Jaina shared every orgasm as she writhed in delight until finally, Roric held Evalynn's head tight while he filled her throat with his gift. Evalynn shared the orgasm, then Jaina, as all three delighted in the finish. They finally came apart, and Roric gave them a moment before suggesting they get ready to depart.

“We will wait to say goodbye to Heather and Frank, then move on,” he said as he dressed.

Gisley walked into the tent and quickly wrapped Jaina in a hug and kiss.

“Oooh, you have been eating Evalynn,” Gisley laughed as she tasted her lips.

“I am glad you are here,” Roric said as he turned to the girls. “I had a thought last night while talking with Rajeen.”

“I missed playing with the harem,” Jaina sighed.

“We didn’t play,” Evalynn said sorrowfully. “Rajeen had to run back and couldn’t stay the night.”

“But we did get a good hour to talk,” Roric said. “And Rajeen made a suggestion I think might be better than the doors.”

“What would be better than the magic doors?” Jaina asked.

“Rajeen said she could move her inn to Heather’s new city,” Gisley announced excitedly.

Jaina was stunned by that proclamation and needed a moment to recover. That would put Rajeen in her backyard, and they could see her often. She looked to Roric as he nodded it was true, then quickly bounced up to wrap him in a hug.

“I am so happy. So what did you tell her?” Jaina asked.

“I told her I would talk to Frank and Heather about it,” Roric replied. “If they are alright with it, I can send Rajeen a message, and she will prepare to move here.”

Jaina was ecstatic to think Rajeen would be so close. She might still be several hours walking away, but that was much closer than the several months it previously would have taken.

She couldn't help but be excited by the news and was so happy she asked the others if they wanted to sing. Gisley immediately jumped at the option, so they went outside and sat together to sing some songs. They sang a few when they noticed Legeis come back and walk to where a new palanquin stood. Jaina had almost forgotten the goblin had been building them one and was anxious to see it.

She wandered off to discover that it was round, offering a bit more space than Heather's. It was also padded up the walls in satin cushions and sported one large bed-like surface in the middle. It was made of gleaming white metal, capped with brass ornately carved into the shapes of beautiful women, birds, and hearts. The front and back were solid walls of what looked like polished marble, while white silken curtains hung the sides. At the front was a comfortable seat so two people could sit outside as if they were driving the device.

Jaina was taken aback by how beautiful it was and nearly shed a tear at Heather’s kindness. She rejoined her sisters and fell into another song as her happiness overflowed.

Blackbast arrived a few moments later and was quickly joined by Heather and Frank. Blackbast and Heather started having an animated discussion about something as Heather showed Blackbast her character sheet.

“I want to thank Heather for inviting us to her wedding,” Gisley said when the song ended and fluttered over to see her. Jaina watched them talk a bit and even share a hug. Then Gisley got all excited and fluttered back.

“What has you so excited?” Jaina asked.

“Heather told me she was going to give us the doors soon, but I told her the plan had changed. I want to get Roric so we can tell her together. I hope she agrees,” Gisley said as Roric exited the tent.

“I heard what you said,” he replied and motioned to Heather. “Let's go, and I will tell her the new idea.”

Jaina linked hands with her family and walked to Heather, Frank, and Blackbast. Roric took a moment to congratulate them on their wedding, then went right to the point.

“So we did some talking,” Roric began as he looked at Heather and Frank with thoughtful eyes. “Rajeen wants to know if she could move her inn into your new city.”

“She wants to move her harem to our city?” Heather asked as she took Frank’s hand for support. “But she’s so well established where she is.”

“She likes the idea of being a part of our new region,” Roric explained.

“You mean your forest?” Frank asked.

“We are going to call it the love wood,” Jaina said as she leaned into her master. “And any who wander in it are free to share in the love on offer.”

“I am confused,” Heather replied.

“It's simple,” Jana said. “Thanks to having Chandice in our ranks, we should be able to create some NPC succubus guards to wander the forest. We want to program them to offer carnal delights to anyone they catch in the forest. Gisley, Evalynn, and I will also wander it when we have time and offer unique sexual adventures.”

“Oh, kay,” Heather said as she blushed.

“I am going to open a magic shop,” Chandice cut in to change the subject. “I want a big space to sell my enchanted goods.”

“That will be nice,” Heather agreed and took a moment to get back on the subject. “Alright, so Rajeen wants to put her inn and harem in our new city. I guess that's alright.”

Jaina struggled not to laugh as Heather looked to her husband for agreement, only to find him speechless as he stared at the three naked girls.

“Hello? Husband?” Heather said and snapped her fingers before his eyes.

“What? Oh, I am fine with it,” he said and cleared his throat as Gisley giggled again.

“Oh, that angelic voice fills me with such love,” Blackbast said as her tail lashed.

“Why don’t you move your temple to the forest,” Evalynn suggested to Blackbast. “You would be a perfect addition to the setting, and we would love to have you.” She looked to Roric when she realized she had offered the suggestion without asking him first. He nodded his approval and agreed, Blackbast would be a fine addition to the theme they were building.

“My temple,” Blackbast said as she looked stunned. “I do not think I could. It is part of my calling that my temple should be remote and hard to find. A reward for the weary traveler who happens to stumble on its location.”

“We can hide your temple in the forest,” Evalynn offered as she smiled at Blackbast, her long golden hair drifting gently in a breeze. “I can use magic to obscure its location, or we can put the temple in the mountains and make the trail hard to find.”

“The mountains,” Blackbast repeated as she considered it. “I suppose that would make it remote. And you say you can obscure the trail in the forest so only a few will find it?”

“That part is easy,” Evalynn replied. “I could even make it so the trail becomes easier to find on special days or events. Like under a full moon, the trail is obvious, but it's overgrown when the sun is up.”

“This is an idea I must ponder carefully,” Blackbast said as she looked at Heather. “But this raises another point.”

“Which is?” Heather asked as she noted the intense stare.

“You cannot wear my collar forever,” Blackbast said. “If I leave to go home, it will have to go with me.”

“But if you move your temple to the forest, she can be your slave girl,” Gisley urged.

“I don't think that's a good idea,” Heather said as she reached up to remove the collar. She took it off and held it in her hands.

“She can't be her slave girl while married to Frank,” Chandice pointed out and took Gisley's hand. “It would be too difficult an arrangement.”

“Not to mention that she would have to serve in my temple,” Blackbast reminded them. “That is something I am well aware she is not capable of.”

“Don’t say it like that,” Heather protested. “I just don’t like the idea of being, you know.”

“A whore,” Jaina finished for her.

“Please don’t be offended,” Heather begged. “It just isn’t me.”

“Oh, we're not offended,” Jaina said with a smile. “We know what we are and know that this path is hard to walk for most women. So don't ever be ashamed of what you are, be it a whore, or somebody more reserved.”

“Why don't we focus on the original conversation,” Roric insisted. “Rajeen wants to move so the doors will not be needed. However, she did suggest another idea that might be interesting.”

“Oh, the gate idea,” Chandice said. “That was brilliant.”

“The gate?” Heather asked.

Roric explained that Rajeen wondered if Heather could create a gate on a wall or an arch someplace in the city that was magically linked to her mother’s city. This would effectively create one large city where people could pass through the gate and not even realize they were someplace else.

“I have no idea if that's possible,” Heather said with a raised brow.

“She's got that; I am thinking very hard about something look,” Jaina laughed.

“She is fond of overthinking things,” Frank commented.

“I was just considering how such a gate would work and how useful it would be,” Heather said as she came back to focus. “I will ask my mother what she thinks.”

“Well, this has all been a wonderful experience,” Roric said as he bowed before Frank and Heather. “And I look forward to dwelling in my graces lands.”

“Oh, please don't start with that,” Heather said as she rolled her eyes. “Besides, I will give you a title as soon as we work all that out.”

“You don't have to,” Jaina said, leaning on Roric. “Your mother already gave him one.”

“She did?” Heather said with a smile. “Well, good for you.”

“Ha, we're going to be slave girls to a noble lord,” Evalynn teased. Roric shook his head as he took her into his arm, holding her tight as she beamed with a big smile.

“We should be going,” Roric said. “Oh, and thank you for the palanquin.”

“Oh, yes, thank you so much!” Jaina cried. “I can’t believe how much room it has.”

“You know, I never saw what it looked like,” Heather said as she became curious. Jaina led the way to where it rested, and Heather inspected it with a bit of jealous envy. Frank joined her in the inspection as Heather asked why theirs was bigger.

Chandice explained that Legeis had told her it was because it was round. He had made it to balance on the magical disk and thus used the space more effectively than Heather's.

“I see,” Heather said firmly as she stood back. “Well, I am glad he made you such a nice palanquin.”

“He is wonderfully kind,” Evalynn said. “And a little frisky.”

“I don’t need to know,” Heather quickly interjected with a raised hand that caused the girls to laugh.

“So, where do you go from here?” Roric asked.

“Back the way we came a little,” Heather admitted. “Then we use my magic bracelet to point us in the right direction.” She highlighted the point by holding up her wrist so everyone could see the green stones and asked it to show them where the egg needed to go. One stone glowed, indicating the direction, and as Heather turned her wrist, the stone changed to always point in the same direction.

“We need one of those,” Jaina laughed. “Why does she have all the fun magical gadgets?”

“We just got a palanquin,” Roric pointed out. “We have plenty of magical tools like the tent and the chalice.” He gave Jaina a moment to smirk before asking Heather how she planned to get home.

Jaina was interested in that point, too, as Gwen's city was very far away. Heather explained that they hadn't planned that far ahead. She was focused on getting to her destination and then figuring out how to get back. Roric offered to use Gisley to speed things along, prompting Heather to ask how that would work. He explained that Gisley could fly at great speed when she wanted to. All they would need to do is put Blackbast on Gisley's disk, and the two disks would follow.

“Hugh, that would be faster,” Heather agreed as her mind pricked at an idea. “But I think I know a way to do it even faster.”

“You do?” Frank asked as she smiled at him.

“Yes,” Heather said with a smile. “We ask my mother to have a wizard open a portal to her city.”

“You want to drag a chain of magical doorways through a magical portal?” Blackbast asked with a wary tone in her voice.

“Is that an issue?” Heather asked as she looked around at the gathered faces.

“Not that I know of,” Jaina said. “But in a lot of games, you can't put magical pockets or doorways inside another pocket or doorway.”

“Quinny did mention she was surprised the room didn’t explode when we carried the doors through it,” Heather said as she considered it.

“I bet we can ask the wizard opening the portal if that would be safe,” Frank said. “They must have detailed knowledge of how these things work.”

“Well, then we ask my mother first, and if that isn't safe, we meet up and fly back with Gisley,” Heather said.

“How long do you think you will be?” Roric asked as he considered that he needed to figure out how long his trip was too. The two debated the possible delays and admitted that neither of them was sure. Nevertheless, they agreed to meet back in ten days, or sooner if possible.

“Well, we should be going,” Roric explained and shook Frank's hand. “Good luck to you. You are a lucky man.”

Frank nodded and wished them well as Gisley ran in to dispense hugs. Jaina and Evalynn hugged the two as well then they went to lift the palanquin onto a magical disk.

“Good luck to you all,” Roric said as he climbed into the front seat with Evalynn. “We hope to see you again soon.”

“Goodbye!” Chandice and Jaina cried as Gisley fluttered up, waived, and then darted off, carrying them away in search of the witch so they could be back in ten days.

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