The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-91 Follow your Heart

It took two days to navigate the pass between the mountains, and every step was made in fear. Three times they had been attacked, and each new threat grew more severe. The first was a slug-like creature the size of a bus with seven mouths on long stalks. It moved slowly but could extend those mouths a surprising distance to deliver a bite with a mouth as wide as a human arm was long. This fight had nearly killed Evalynn when she was pinned by three mouths that tried to rip her apart. The next fight came in the rocks where a side of the cliff suddenly came open to reveal a giant trap door spider. Thankfully it attacked the palanquin giving them precious time to recover and mount a defense. They eventually defeated it and moved on as the cliffs closed in, forming a narrow gap.

Hours later, they were in a narrow gorge and suddenly attacked by a swarm of ape-like creatures. They were head and shoulders taller than Roric with snow-white hair and powerful hooked hands. They used their great strength to rip stones from the cliffs above and hurl them like cannonballs. They could also leap surprising distances with those hooked hands, easily gripping the stone face of the cliff. When the bombardment started, they tried to fight back, but Roric and then Chandice took a hit from one of those hurled stones. They were badly outnumbered, so Gisley filled the air with glitter to conceal them as they climbed onto the palanquin. She then flew off at reckless speed, the palanquin bouncing off stones as Jaina tried to heal her lovers.

Now they were on a trail that was little more than a ledge, passing around a sheer face of the mountain. A few paces to the left was a sheer drop that went to what appeared to be a rapid-filled river. Gisley was going slowly, nervous about maneuvering the palanquin. Its magic only worked provided it was close to the ground, and if she accidentally pulled it over the cliff, it would vanish, sending the palanquin and everyone in it falling to their deaths.

Tensions were high as something wasn't quite right. The sky above was dark, despite it being just after midday. Clouds rolled and boiled as if being stirred in some giant cauldron, and thunder echoed in the distance. A wind blew across the rocks filling the air with a constant moaning rustle and the occasional echo of falling stone. Strange black rocks jutted from the ground in places, rising up as high as Jaina was tall. They curved slightly and ended in jagged points, looking almost like some skeletal claw bursting up from below.

Shadows appeared to move, and every tree or bush was dead and gnarled. A random skull of some long-dead animal lay in the road, and strange piles of rocks stood around every turn. It seemed as I the land was haunted and actively trying to scare them away.

“This is a bad movie,” Chandice said as she looked out the doorway of the palanquin. She and Jaina rode inside while Roric and Evalynn sat on the seat above to be ready for any threat.

“It does seem like a twisted landscape found in a video game,” Jaina agreed. “The perfect home for a succubus witch.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Chandice asked as she grew concerned. “This is a no-going-back kind of decision.”

“You mean like the decision we all made to come here?” Jaina asked. “It isn't like any of us are strangers to choices like this. Besides, I am not making a decision yet. We are just going to see what the woman wants in return, and if it's too extreme, we walk away.”

“I know,” Chandice relented and snuggled into her. “It's just; I really do love you. That day you asked me to be your girlfriend was so wonderful.”

“I asked you if I could keep eating your pussy,” Jaina laughed.

“That's what was wonderful about it,” Chandice sighed. “You came right out and said you wanted to have a long-term sexual relationship with me. I had spent all that morning smiling as I thought about your eating me the night before. Then out of the blue, you walk up and say you want to do it all the time. I don't know if I can express how excited I was.”

“Well, you took me to your room and made me do it again immediately,” Jaina laughed.

“The point is, I love you,” Chandice said. “And as part of that love, I worry about you.”

“Oh, I love you too,” Jaina said, stroking Chandice's cheek. “Maybe you and I should get married. I know we all said you would marry Roric, but you're my girlfriend, not his. So it makes more sense than you would marry me.”

“I would like that,” Chandice said. “But not just yet.”

“Oh, have you been thinking about this?” Jaina pressed.

Chandice smiled and kissed Jaina's neck before admitting she had never dreamed of marrying another woman. She didn't mind sharing a little sex with one, but she had always assumed she would marry a man. But Jaina made her so happy, and now she wanted more from their relationship. However, she wanted to do it right, and this was not the right time.

“I understand,” Jaina said as they cuddled in a warm embrace. They shared a soft kiss and talked about the dragon tattoo that Jaina made appear so Chandice could trace it with a finger. She had told them all about the dream and what the dragon had said, which raised some questions. Roric was concerned this dragon was asserting a form of ownership, but Jaina saw it more as an exchange. The dragon was offering her a gift in exchange for an occasional sexual favor. Jaina had even stressed to the dragon that Roric was her master and she would always obey him first.

They had debated it for a while, with Gisley wishing she had been on hand to enter the dream. Jaina wondered what the dragon would do if Gisley suddenly showed up. He had already shown an interest in having Gisley swallow his load, so maybe he would be happy to see her. Of course, all this assumed that Jaina was actually in a dream, as something about it felt different. In the end, she smiled and enjoyed her role as the official mate of a powerful dragon.

“So, how often do you think he will breed you?” Chandice asked.

“I asked him that, and he said it wouldn't be too often,” Jaina replied sadly. “You know, I was kind of in shock over this idea when it happened, but now I feel grateful.”

“Your grateful a dragon wants to fuck you?” Chandice asked.

“Well, yeah,” Jaina said with a shrug. “Let’s be honest, who am I to him? I’m nothing compared to his power or ability, yet he did choose to gift me a portion of his. Yes, it’s in exchange for sex, but did he need to offer me anything? Couldn’t he have just demanded it and had his way?”

“I see your point,” Chandice agreed. “He could probably get his needs filled other ways, but he chose you after you proved yourself. And you still don’t think your charms worked on him?”

“I don’t think any of them worked,” Jaina said as she thought back to how the dragon had shrugged off her offer at first.

“Well, you still managed to save us all and made a Faustian bargain in the process,” Chandice laughed.

“Oh, I hope it doesn't turn out that way,” Jaina said as she looked at her breast to see it firmly gripped in the claw. “But somehow, I feel it won't. He made me feel like there was a genuine interest in my being happy with this arrangement. He didn't even challenge Roric's right to own me.”

“Well, then, what harm is there in being his mate?” Chandice asked. “It sounds like he's just another one of your lovers.”

“I hope so,” Jaina replied with a nod. “I really do want our relationship to be mutually beneficial.”

“Yeah, I do, too,” Chandice replied when they suddenly came to a halt.

“Jaina, Chandice,” Roric called. “You two should look at this.”

Jaina and Chandice shared a concerned look and went to the door to lean out. They were struck by the road ahead as it veered to the right and around the cliff. However, they could see a narrow bridge of stone crossing a dark chasm. It was made of stone and held up by three slender arms that reached out from the cliff face. The bridge went to what appeared to be a temple carved into the face of the mountain. Pillars carved to resemble naked women held up an almost roman style peaked roof. A grand flight of steps went up to an open doorway large enough for the dragon they had met to walk through. A strange orange light filled that entranceway and fired burned in massive brass bowels at the feet of the columns.

“That doesn’t look inviting,” Chandice remarked.

“Is that what we are looking for?” Jaina asked as Roric nodded.

“This is how Rajeen described it to me,” Roric said and pointed to the temple. “She said not to be distracted by what we see as we approach the steps.”

“That sounds delightful,” Chandice said as she climbed down.

“Should we leave the palanquin here?” Gisley asked.

“Let's take it across the bridge and leave it on the ledge before the steps,” Roric said as they all got down. “We will walk through and take this slow.”

Jaina held Chandice’s hand as they proceeded to approach the distant bridge. The land here was broken by the strange black spikes and littered with bones. Some bones were piled in mounds or stacked in patterns atop a stone, indicating something with intelligence lurked nearby.

Evalynn took the lead, holding her glaive at the ready as she stalked down the center of the bridge. Roric was ten paces behind her, with Gisley fluttering to his right, nervously looking around. Jain and Chandice brought up the rear, the two side by side as they stepped over a human skull lying in the road.

“This place has more bones than a graveyard,” Evalynn said.

“Idris would love it here,” Jaina joked to try and lighten the mood.

“Why do you think they went to so much trouble to give this place an air of evil?” Chandice asked.

“It's just thematic,” Jaina suggested. “The evil succubus lairs in a hellish-looking temple.”

“A sex temple,” Evalynn said and drew their attention to the pillars at the front. Now that they were closer, they could see the women depicted as if in the throws of passion. They danced and frolicked with looks of absolute ecstasy on their faces. They all wore collars and chains, with almost every nipple pierced by a ring or sometimes jewelry. The brass bowels were placed to make it appear that every woman's feet were held to the fire as if being punished for their decadence. What captivated Jaina's attention was the ornate pattern on every woman's stomach just below the belly button. Each woman was different, but they all evoked the image of a reproductive system.

“This is scary,” Gisley said as she hid behind Roric. They approached the steps and dispelled the magic disk to leave the palanquin outside. Now they stood before the steps and could see more clearly the temple was made of a streaked red marble. Its surface was a mural of sexual acts perpetrated by women who delighted in every form of debauchery and shameful thing.

“And I thought you were bad,” Chandice said as she tightly gripped Jaina’s hand.

“Remember, Rajeen said not to be distracted by what we see,” Roric cautioned as he and Evalynn climbed onto the steps.

The rest followed, with Jaina walking onto the steps as she looked around. The massive entrance glowed with orange light as she slowly ascended until she heard a voice in her heart.

“Jaina?” Heather said, causing Jaina to jerk around.

“Heather?” Jaina said in surprise as she saw the woman in all her beauty. She was in her human form with her long golden hair woven in white flowers. She looked at Jaina with a soothing smile as she walked up the steps. Jaina's heart began to beat with a fierce intensity when she realized Heather was wearing her wedding lingerie. She was covered in sexy white silk that begged to be pulled away to reveal that luscious body underneath.

“Jaina, I am so glad I found you,” Heather said as she got close.

“Heather, how did you get here?” Jaina begged.

“We followed your trail,” Heather replied. “You never came back, so we went looking for you and found your palanquin outside the temple.”

“We never came back?” Jaina asked in alarm and looked about to see she was alone except for Heather. “Where is everyone else?”

“They are stuck in some kind of dream,” Heather said. “I am pulling you out one by one.”

It made sense to Jaina as she struggled to think. Her mind was dominated by the body of the woman before her and a desperate hunger to feed on it. Heather reached up a white-gloved hand and ran it across Jaina's cheek as she smiled.

“I am glad we are alone,” Heather said softly. “I never got a chance to tell you how much I love you.”

“You love me?” Jaina gasped as she felt faint.

“I do,” Heather whispered. “But I am so afraid to love a woman. Could you help me overcome my fear?”

“Help you how?” Jaina pressed as Heather looked at her innocently.

“Use your powers on me. Dominate my will and make me so aroused we make love all night and day. Help me see that there is nothing to be afraid of in loving you or any other woman,” Heather pleaded.

Jaina stared into the face of a dark desire as a dragon's voice echoed in her head.

“Do not be deceived by what you see. Her offer is a trap!”

Jaina fell away and stumbled up the steps as Heather pleaded with her to come back. She felt as if weight was being added to her body with every step but knew she had to reach the top. If only she could make that final step, then and only then would she get away.

“Jaina?” Roric asked as he gently shook her.

Jaina opened her eyes to discover they were standing in the temple's doorway. She looked around in alarm to see that Gisley and Chandice were both sitting on the floor shaking their heads.

“What happened?” Jaina asked as she felt confused.

“We all saw something we deeply desired,” Roric explained. “It was hard to deny what we wanted, but all of us did it.”

“That wasn’t real?” Jaina asked as she looked to the steps to see Heather was nowhere to be found.

“No,” Roric said with a pained tone. “But I suspect we will all be haunted by it for a bit.”

“It was so tempting,” Jaina panted and had to take a moment to clear her head. Was she really so attracted to Heather that it manifested as a dark temptation? When they got back, she was going to ensure she was never alone with Heather for fear of what might happen. It would be all too tempting to use her powers and snare the poor woman in a night of torrid passion.

“I never knew I wanted that,” Evalynn gasped as she leaned on her weapon. “I am a terrible person.”

“We can all discuss what we saw later,” Roric said as he took Evalynn into his arms. “If you saw something similar to what I did, then you were faced with a dark desire. You can't judge yourself for wanting that, but realize in the end you rejected it and chose the right path. You are not a terrible person.”

“I’m sorry,” Evalynn replied and tried to stand strong. “You are right. I rejected the offer, but I was so close.”

“We all were,” Roric said and took a deep breath before suggesting they go on.

They walked side by side into the massive hall to pass under arches of women leaning out to hold hands. Hearts, lips, and sexual patterns were carved into everything, creating a canvas of lustful desires. Statues of women in various poses of sex stood in alcoves, and paintings of women in compromising positions decorated the walls. Jaina looked warily on one as a woman locked in stocks was being branded on her rear by an iron that said slut. It made her think of her paw mark and how much she relished knowing it was there.

Other scenes depicted women being whipped or engaged in debased sexual acts in public. They decided to focus on the hall ahead and avoid looking too long at any of the artwork. Gisley even commented that some of the images made her uneasy about being a whore.

“Much of this is taking it too far,” Roric agreed. “There is nothing wrong with having a little fun, but this stuff is over the line.”

Jaina agreed as she tried staring at the floor only to discover the red runner they were walking on was woven with sexual patterns. She sighed and decided to press on with the others, growing irritated at the overindulgence of depravity. Eventually, the hall opened into a great room of white and red marble decorated with golden statues of more sexual acts. Water gushed from between a woman's legs to create a lewd fountain along one wall. Chains and manacles hung from wooden posts, and tables covered with implements of sexual torture stood nearby.

“What is all that?” Gisley asked as she pointed to a huge assortment of wooden and leather devices. Jaina immediately recognized it as bondage furniture and quickly explained what it was. The whole space was a temple to the overindulgence of sex and sexual acts. It even had massive heart-shaped windows of red stained glass or more sex acts. They passed between pillars, slowly approaching what appeared to be a bust of a woman that towered well above their heads. It was made of white marble that started with a pair of massive breasts and climbed to a face of absolute beauty. Before the breasts was a stone table with a red runner and metal cuffs at each corner. The edge of the table glowed with red magical symbols that looked demonic in nature.

“This is the most disturbing place I have ever been,” Chandice said as she looked around. “And where is this witch?”

“Have you come looking for me?” a woman’s voice said as it dripped with sultry undertones.

They looked up to see a woman with dark blue skin and long black hair nestled between the marble breasts of the bust. She had glowing red eyes and lips to match as she smiled with wicked delight. Jaina could see the small black horns that protruded from her head and the long snake-like tail that ended in a forked tip. She had no wings, but many races could hide them like Gisley often did. She reclined in the embrace of those massive breasts, looking down at the group as if trying to decide which one to eat first.

“You are the witch?” Roric asked as the woman smiled wider.

“Why have you come?” the woman said, ignoring his question. She seemed more interested now, especially in Gisley, who hid behind Roric again.

“Jaina,” Roric said and motioned to her. She stepped up but was stopped by Roric, who reminded her that unlocking the collar was all the gift they needed.

“I love you,” Jaina assured him and leaned in to kiss his muzzle. “But I want to do this for you.”

She then looked up at the woman and took a bold stance, standing naked as the succubus licked her lips.

“I want to earn my master an extra class,” Jaina said boldly. “We were told you could make that happen in exchange for a mark of some kind?”

“Ha,” the woman laughed as she crawled across the breasts to leer down at them. “Don't play games with me. You know full well what the price is. I can see it in your lustful heart. You are aware of the prices I might demand in exchange for such a gift, and that turns you on.”

Jaina tried not to smile as she faced the woman who was reading her like a book. Somehow, it turned her on to know that a sexual price might need to be paid. Rajeen couldn't orgasm unless at least two people were watching, and there were rumors of even more erotic things.

“Alright,” Jaina said as she smiled up at the woman. “We came all this way to find you. What price do you want?”

“So bold and direct,” the woman replied as she rolled and gracefully slid down the breasts to her feet behind the table. “I can see you are no stranger to sexual delight. In fact, you aren't too far from me in nature. Dare I say you are a kindred spirit, a sister in the art of seduction.”

“I happen to enjoy sex,” Jaina replied with a smile. “But you are evading my question. I will bear the mark in exchange for Roric being raised to a chosen.”

“What about her?” the woman asked and pointed to Gisley. “So innocent and loving with a heart full of light. How I would love to soil that pure soul.”

“She isn’t here for you,” Jaina interjected. “I am the one who has come for the tattoo.”

“And do you think you can carry the burden?” the woman asked as she stared Jaina down. “I could make you do anything I wanted, and you would gladly do it just to have one more orgasm. I could demand that you only have sex with animals while a crowd of hundreds watch. I could make it so you can't orgasm unless you have recently been beaten, branded, or both. I could force you to live off of the fluids of men, unable to use your powers until you have drunk enough.”

“So what is your price then?” Jaina asked.

“Hmm,” the woman said as she finally stopped smiling. “Lay on the table and let me examine you closer. I want to see what truly lurks in the dark corners of your heart.”

“You will not harm her,” Roric said nervously as the woman waited for Jaina to respond.

“I will do nothing to soil your precious toy,” the woman said. “But I need to know what makes her hot if I am to suitable curse her.”

Jaina looked to Roric, who nodded his consent. She slowly climbed onto the table and laid down for the woman to examine. The succubus' hands came to her body as her eyes closed, and she started to moan.

“Oh, yes,” the woman said. “This body is made for sexual desire. Oh, you are a dirty little thing. Look at all the men you have devoured already.” Her hands slid across Jaina's body, squeezing her breasts and then going down to reach between her legs. Jaina looked away as the woman reached between her legs and began to rub at her clit, stimulating her easily.

“So many have enjoyed these folds,” the succubus delighted in saying. “I should curse you to require a hundred men a day just to orgasm once.” She suddenly stopped as her eyes went wide, and she jumped back in surprise. “Show it to me!” she demanded and waved a hand in the air, causing a black mist to pour over Jaina.

Against her will, the dragon image appeared, glowing with a soft blue light as the succubus smiled wide. She ran a hand along the length of the tattoo, laughing with wicked delight.

“A trade,” the woman said as she turned Jaina on her side to see what was on the back. “I will claim the power of this marking in exchange for the gift you desire.”

“You want my dragon mark?” Jaina asked in surprise. “And that’s it?”

“That's it,” the woman said. “No restrictions, no requirements. Your master gets his class, and you walk out of here free of the dragon's chains.”

Jaina was shocked by the turn of events, but something inside felt wrong. Hezzrigoza hadn't felt malevolent in his desire to possess her and even delighted in bringing her pleasure. His marking wasn't so much a chain as a badge of honor, or at least that's how she felt. She thought back to what she said to Chandice just earlier, about how she was grateful in many ways.

“Do we have a deal?” the woman asked again.

“Jaina, just do it,” Gisley urged. “You can get Roric his class and be free.”

Jaina looked back with a confused expression. Gisley didn't realize how she felt about the dragon mark, but was she right? This is what they came here for, after all, and Roric was displeased that this dragon had some claim to her. Maybe it would be better to be free of it and walk out with no crippling needs.

“Jaina,” Roric called, causing her to meet his gaze. “Trust your heart and your strength in yourself. It has made you the perfect slave, and I know you have my best interest at heart.”

“You see, they urge you to accept,” the woman pressed as she hovered a hand over the pattern of scales.

“No,” Jaina replied and recoiled from her touch. “I will not give up his mark. He has taken me as his mate, and I am grateful to him for giving me such an honor.”

The succubus frowned for the first time since they met her and her hands clenched into fists.

“So be it,” the woman said angrily. “Then I will make you another offer. I can see your tainted soul and lustful desires. My first requirement. You are a whore. You cannot turn down any man who offers you money for your body. If you do, you will not be able to orgasm until you return to him and give him what he wants. My second requirement. You are shameless. If you find yourself near at least three men lusting to fuck you, your body will come alive. You will feel an intense need to masturbate then and there. If they don't see you masturbate to climax, you won't be able to orgasm for anyone for twenty-four hours. And my restriction. You cannot cum unless somebody who loves you is there to watch.”

“Jaina, no,” Roric said and took a step closer. “Those restrictions are ridiculous.”

“I will accept the dragon marking instead, the succubus said in a warm, encouraging tone. “That is if you find my requirements too harsh.”

Jaina sat up as she considered the offer and tried to reason it out. She had already had sex for money with nearly every man who ever touched her, having paid for the privilege. She had already masturbated in public dozens of times while they danced on stage. What harm would it do if she started masturbating unexpectedly in some inn or while walking down the street? The thought of suddenly spreading her legs and rubbing her pussy before an unexpected audience actually turned her on. Even now, she wished to reach between her legs and rub herself. The last requirement was the hardest one, as it meant she couldn’t orgasm unless one of her loved ones was present to watch her sex.

“Make your decision,” the woman hissed.

“Her decision is no,” Roric cut in as he approached the table.

“Roric,” Jaina said as she sat on the side of the table. She could see the worry in his eyes and the nervous way his tail twitched. He wasn't happy with the terms, but then he didn't see it the way she did. She reached out a hand to take one of his and pulled him closer.

“Please listen. I know you're upset but let's think about this logically. Honestly, what is so hard about those requirements? If you keep me in the forest or the camp, I will likely never be in a crowd to suffer those ill effects. And even if I do, who cares? How many hundreds of people have I masturbated for already? And who cares about the lover requirement? Most of the time, I am making love to you or your harem, and even when it is with a stranger, one of you is often watching anyway. So on the rare occasions when nobody is around, I won't have an orgasm; it's no big deal. It isn't like you can't drown me in them later. Besides, the denial will probably make me crazed for you. Just imagine me running to your side to plead with you to give me orgasms until I pass out again. You could even punish me by making me have sex with others while not able to orgasm.”

“You really see it that way?” Roric asked.

“I do. This isn't as big a burden as it sounds,” Jaina insisted.

“What about the money thing?” Chandice asked.

“Please,” Jaina laughed. “When have I ever turned down somebody who offered me money?”

“But she hasn’t specified how much,” Chandice pointed out. “You will have to spread your legs for any man with a bent copper penny to offer you.”

“And that will only make me feel more like a whore,” Jaina said. “Which is all I ever wanted.”

“I still think this is too much,” Roric insisted. “But I won’t deny you if this is really what you want to do. The decision is yours to make.”

Everyone held their breath as Jaina looked back to the woman, who smiled wickedly. Jaina knew the choice she wanted to make, but deep inside, she was nervous. Chandice was right. This was a no-return situation, and once she was marked not even a reset would undo it. She would be committing herself to life as a whore, putting out for any man who threw so much as a penny at her. She would have no choice in the matter, at least if she wanted to orgasm again. It was a difficult choice, and judging by the looks on the faces of her lovers, they were as nervous as she was.

“If you are unsure, I will still take the dragon power,” the succubus cooed as her eyes glowed. Jaina realized the woman was trying to entice her and looked away before she could be ensnared.

“I said no,” Jaina replied firmly.

“What if I offered you more?” the succubus teased and leaned forward to run a nail down Jaina's back. “Your lusts are open to me, and I see your other desire. You love your master with all your heart and wish to serve him in every way. You think it is silly that the collar restricts your power when it could be better put to use for him. I will give you his class and break your collar's restrictions in exchange for the dragon's blessing.”

“That’s the best of both worlds,” Evalynn gasped.

“Jaina, you’re not going to get a better offer than that!” Chandice called.

“Is that still not enough?” the succubus said softly. She climbed onto the table with Jaina and rubbed at her shoulders while whispering in her ear. “How about I offer you and your lovers a night of pleasure you will never forget.”

“You mean, with you?” Jaina gasped.

“Yes,” the woman whispered and kissed Jaina's ear. “I will be your plaything and show you decadent bliss like you have never known. We can make use of all of my toys and devices until your body has known pleasures beyond imagining.”

Jaina swallowed as her passions were stirred. She desperately wanted to accept the woman's offer, especially now that sex was part of the deal. She became so aroused she absentmindedly reached between her legs to rub but pushed on the golden shield. She was reminded of the promises she made to Zorac and how guilty she felt for not delivering them. Would she feel the same about the dragon? Would it haunt her to give away the rare treasure that was being named his mate?

“Why do you delay?” the woman asked as a hand wrapped around Jaina’s breast. Everything you want and more is just a little word away.”

“I, I don’t know,” Jaina panted.

“Then I offer you one last treasure. A potion that will turn you into a succubus for an hour. However, every man you fuck will add an additional hour to the duration, allowing you to keep the class provided you never close your legs.”

“That’s terrible,” Chandice called as the succubus ran a long red tongue up Jaina’s cheek.

Jaina looked up and saw Roric's face and the concern deep in his eyes. She heard him whisper encouragement as he told her once again to trust in her submissive heart.

“Do what is in your heart to do,” he said.

The succubus suddenly pulled away as red fire danced in her eyes.

“I have given you the greatest reward I have ever offered, and you still delay!” she roared. “I will not be insulted in my temple. Make your decision, or I will alter the terms to make you beg me to take the dragon's blessing.

Jaina looked back as her entire body trembled under that angry gaze. Roric was right. She needed to do what felt right in her heart, not what pried at her decadent lusts.

“I will not give up the dragon’s mark,” Jaina said firmly. “But I will accept your other terms in exchange for Roric being elevated to a chosen.” The words were out, and the terms struck; now, only the process remained. The look on the succubus’s face was one of pure hatred as she folded her arms and shook her head.

“So be it, whore.”

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