The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-92 A reward for loyalty

The deal was struck, and though the witch looked displeased, she ordered Jaina to lay flat on the table. Jaina's arms and legs were locked into the metal cuffs before the woman ran her hand over Jaina's stomach.

“You will be such a good whore,” the succubus laughed before reaching into Jaina’s body.

Jaina moaned and pulled against her binds as the woman's fingers went deep inside. A moment later, she felt a prick of pain and the succubus drew out a long sharp nail red with blood.

“By your own blood shall the bind be made,” the succubus said as she put a drop of the blood into a small bowl. She then set the bowl aside and then took out a slender knife.

“What are you doing?” Roric demanded as he took a cautious step forward.

“Do not interfere!” the woman shouted as a red bubble of fire appeared over the table, shielding Jaina and the succubus inside. “I will do nothing that isn't required to complete the ritual, though I do intend to enjoy this.”

She pricked the end of her finger and then smeared the black blood on Jaina's stomach. Jaina felt a strange bubbling sensation as if her blood was seeping into her skin. She pulled on her bind reflexively, but they wouldn't yield an inch. She thought of perhaps going fluid so that her body could easily escape, but then she had agreed to this.

“The canvas is prepared,” the succubus said as she pulled her finger away. “Now to make the ink. You and I will provide the fluids necessary to create the effect.”

“What does that mean?” Jaina asked as the succubus climbed onto the table and knelt between her legs. The woman then snapped her fingers, and a silver coin appeared between them. She reached down and rammed the coin into Jaina’s body, pushing it deep with her long fingers.

“A coin to mark that your body is for sale, your price whatever is offered,” the succubus said in a sultry poem. “To he who pays it must be given, or sealed away will be your passions.”

Jaina groaned as the coin was left inside, and the woman's fingers came out. She then raised a hand and produced a small vial of white liquid. She poured a little of the liquid on Jaina's stomach, then leaned over her to plant a kiss. Jaina struggled as that long tongue went deep into her mouth while the woman poured the rest of the bottle onto Jaina's pussy. She then used the fluid to lubricate her fingers as she started to masturbate Jaina vigorously.

She came away from the kiss with a smile and pressed hard into her rubbing.

“The seed of three men to bind your lust. Whenever three desire your flesh you will feel the need to show them. For their amusement, you must masturbate no matter when or where you are. If you fail, your body will be unresponsive until a full day passes.”

Jaina arched her back as those fingers began to heat up, and her body came alive. She shook as her arms pulled hard, and then without any control, she cried out in full orgasm. The succubus removed her fingers and licked them clean before moving around the table. She crawled between Jiana's legs and looked down at the helpless woman before speaking.

“And now the ingredients are added to the vessel. We have only to mix them with the final ingredient,” the succubus said.

“Mix them how?” Jaina asked as the woman started to laugh. Jaina looked on in shock as the very feminine woman suddenly grew a large throbbing cock. Before Jaina could say anything, she fell on her body and shoved that massive limb inside.

Jaina thrashed and groaned as the succubus began to fuck her firmly. The two locked in a kiss as the thrusting ground Jaina into the table. She was helpless to resist as the succubus fucked her with long deep strokes. It wasn’t long before Jaina was moaning through the kisses, her body teetering on the brink of release.

The succubus pulled away from the kiss and grabbed her head, turning it, so she was looking at the others.

“Only under the gaze of a lover will you be able to cum,” the succubus laughed as she thrust hard into Jaina.

Jaina looked through the bubble of orange light to see the concern on her lover's faces. They were worried about what was happening, but all Jaina could do was moan as she hovered on the edge of orgasm. Something the succubus was doing was preventing her from climaxing, and it was starting to drive her wild.

Suddenly the wicked woman leaned back and moaned with decadent glee as her cock throbbed deep inside Jaina. Jaina was shocked that she hadn’t shared the orgasm but her body felt like it was about to explode.

“Now you are ready,” the succubus said and withdrew, leaving Jaina arched and writhing as her orgasm refused to come. The woman picked up the bowl with the single drop of blood and held it to Jaina's pussy. She then leaned over and planted a kiss on her belly, and suddenly, the orgasm came with a vengeance.

Jaina bounced as her back snapped into the tightest arch she had ever managed. Every muscle in her stomach clenched as if her body was trying to expel her very soul. Fluid poured out, collecting in the bowl as it blended into a thick pink mixture. The spasms eventually pushed out the coin to join the mixture, where it melted into the fluid. The succubus then lifted the bowl above her head with both hands and declared the ink of binding made. Outside there was a peel of thunder as if a terrible storm had begun to rage.

The succubus called on the dark powers, asking them to imbue this sacrifice and make her a proper whore. The magical symbols on the table began to glow as strange purple writing and patterns appeared across Jaina's skin. The witch then dipped a long red nail into the liquid that had begun to glow with neon light. She used the nail to etch a pattern on Jaina's stomach that burned with magical intensity.

“Ow!” Jaina cried as smoke wafted up from where she was being inked. The succubus only laughed and dipped her finger again before continuing her work. Ten agonizing minutes went by as a glowing pattern of lines and symbols was painstakingly inked on Jaina’s skin. Then the woman stepped back and smiled at her work before announcing the ritual was done. The bubble of light vanished and a strange silence fell over the room.

“What about Roric?” Jaina asked as the metal cuffs came free. “You promised he would gain another class!”

“So I did,” the woman said with a toss of her head. “And so it shall be given. All he has to do is fuck you like a whore on this table, and he will be given the gift you paid for.”

Jaina looked at Roric with pleading eyes as he sighed and stepped forward. She crawled to the side and threw her legs over before turning onto her stomach. She put her arms behind her back and waited for him to grab them. He took them firmly with one hand and used the other to guide himself in. The succubus watched with delight as Roric pushed himself in until his knot was swelling inside.

Jaina closed her eyes and waited for him to be ready, and when he was, it began. She rocked on her breasts as her body was punished from behind, Roric fucking her pussy like an animal. Jaina went up on her toes as the pounding continued, the sex driving her wild. The succubus leaned back into the marble breasts and began to masturbate while watching the show.

Jaina was lost to the world as the sex brought her to orgasm. She couldn't believe it had happened, and she was now marked with a womb tattoo like Rajeen. Even more, Roric would soon be a chosen and able to pick a third class that could add to his harem. They had succeeded in their journey, and now they could return and look forward to building their home again.

Jaina cried out in delight as her body came again. Roric kept up a rapid pace as he held her firmly to the table. She was awash in sexual tension and fear over what she had just done, making her even more alive. The second orgasm had her smiling, and she looked up to plead with the succubus.

The woman laughed and ceased masturbating before coming to the table. She turned around and bent over before pressing her pussy to Jaina's face. The position wasn't good, but Jaina did her best to lick the woman's folds, sucking on them to keep from being pulled away. She tasted the woman's dark delight and savored every moment of it. The two moaned and writhed as Roric continued to pound Jaina firmly. Four orgasms later, Jaina felt as if her body had been driven to the limit. She was weak from sex and the rigors of the ritual and desperately wanted to rest.

Roric finally growled and gave her some good hard thrusts before Jaina felt him throbbing. A shared orgasm drove her immediately over the edge, and she cried out in pure delight. She was left panting on the table as Roric stepped back, and the succubus leaned down to whisper.

“I make you one final offer,” the succubus said so no one else would hear. “I have seen a dark desire in your heart. You wish the claim the innocence of the girl Heather. I will release you from the mark if you use your power to ensnare her and have your way.”

“You want me to lure Heather into sex?” Jaina whispered back weakly. “I can’t do that.”

“She is the price,” the succubus said. “Soil her, and you will be free.”

The woman then stepped back and floated into the air over the table to land before Gisley.

“Such a delicious-looking fairy,” the woman said as she leaned in. “Are you sure there isn't something I could do to you? How would you like to spend the night in one of my bondage devices?”

Gisley jumped back in fear as the woman tried to wrap her in an embrace. She fled to Evalynn and used her as a shield as the succubus laughed.

“Save me!” Gisley cried as she hid once again.

“Oh, poor thing,” the succubus laughed. “The pure delights I would give you.”

“Are we done here?” Chandice asked as she pulled Gisley into her arms and locked glares with the succubus.

“Oh, and what is this?” the succubus said as she stared at Chandice. “One who calls on infernal power and tempts fate with the abyss.”

“I am a warlock,” Chandice said defiantly. “And I am not frightened by your little game.”

“I don’t play games,” the succubus said as she tilted her head. “But you love the embrace of your summons. You are just as wicked as me.”

“Hardly,” Evalynn interjected and went to the table, where she scooped Jaina into her arms.

Jaina hung limp as Evalynn carried her back while Roric pulled open his character sheet. They all stared as he looked at the main page to see he had a new class called undecided.

“It worked,” Chandice said. “Roric, your a chosen!”

“Yes, but at what cost?” the succubus asked before breaking into a wicked laugh. “Now go before I forget myself, and you all spend the night locked in one of my devices.”

“Please, can we go?” Gisley begged as she clung to Chandice.

“I have Jaina,” Evalynn said as she cradled the exhausted woman. “Let’s go.”

“I will figure out how to pick a class later,” Roric agreed and gave the succubus one last wary look. They then hurried down the hall as the succubus blew them kisses and urged them to return when the others wanted marks.

They rushed out the door and paused at the steps, worried they might see visions again. Roric went first and arrived safely at the bottom, the trap only seeming to work on the way in. Minutes later, Jaina was laid in the palanquin with Chandice to watch over her. Gisley created a magic disk and they were off, racing away from this dark place as fast as was safe.

“Are you worried?” Evalynn asked as they headed around a bend.

“I am a little,” Roric admitted. “But Rajeen explained all this to me. She said most of this was for show and that, in the end, it had changed her life very little. Jaina will find a way to adapt to her changes and will be fine with the new restrictions.”

“I am sure she will,” Evalynn agreed as she leaned into him. “I will help her in any way I can.”

“I am sure you all will,” Roric said as he put an arm around her.

Inside, Jaina was in a fitful dream as Chandice used her wand to test the magic of the tattoo. It blazed on Jaina's belly with a pink light looking like an ornate representation of her reproductive system. She was fascinated by how it worked and wondered if it was possible for a warlock to create a similar effect. All she could detect from the mark was that it was magical, with absolutely no trace of what type.

Jaina came around an hour later and immediately asked where they were. Chandice explained the last few moments in the temple and how they were over an hour away from it now.

“Did it work?” Jaina asked as she sat up.

“It did,” Chandice said and hugged her tight. “Roric has a class labeled undecided. We assume that means he is free to pick the one he wants. He is planning to do it tonight when we bed down.”

“I am so glad to be away from there,” Jaina said with a sigh of relief. “That woman made me nervous.”

“That woman was pure evil,” Chandice corrected. “Everything gesture, look, even manner of speaking dripped of lewdness. That whole ritual was just over the top and nerve-wracking.”

“I suppose the visitors were trying to capture the mood of making a sex pact with a demonic power,” Jaina said.

“Actually, succubus are devils,” Chandice corrected. “I know we keep calling them demons, but those aren't the same things in this world. In fact, devils and demons don't get along very well.”

“So it's a devil,” Jaina said with a shrug. “Either way, I did the deed, and Roric got his class.”

“Any regrets?” Chandice asked as she stroked Jaina’s head.

“I can’t say I have regrets,” Jaina replied as she thought about it. “I guess I am nervous about how the terms will really affect my life.”

“Why didn’t you give up the dragon mark?” Chandice asked. “She practically offered you the moon, and you still turned her down.”

“Because the dragon mark is special,” Jaina replied and curled up into a ball. “I know it sounds silly, but he made me his mate. That has to mean something, and I can't help but feel both grateful and honored.”

“But in that dream you had, he never told you anything about specific powers,” Chandice said. “For all you know, all it does is look pretty.”

“I am sure it does more than that,” Jaina argued.

“Well, I hope it does,” Chandice replied. “And I hope you are happy with your marks.”

They rode on for another few hours until the sun finally set. Roric then had them make camp in a concealed area of the rocks where there was just enough room for the tent. Inside they all gathered on the bed to look over his shoulder as he played with his character sheet.

“So what are you going to pick?” Gisley asked as he brought up a list of classes.

“I am not certain,” Roric replied as he held Jaina in one arm. “I suppose it should be another slave master class.”

“It doesn't have to be,” Jaina urged. “I just wanted you to have the choice. You pick whatever will make you happy, and I will be glad for it.”

“There are thousands of classes, though,” Chandice said. “It took me three weeks to pick my two.”

“It took me over a month, and I never did finish the list,” Evalynn said.

“Well, there is no rush,” Jaina urged. “You have the class, so take a few days to consider the options.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Roric agreed and put the sheet away.

“I have a question,” Gisley asked once it was gone. “What level will the new class be?”

“Umm,” Jaina said as she looked at the others, who could only shrug. “I guess we will have to ask Heather how it works.”

“I am sure we will find out once I make the selection,” Roric said. “I doubt it will start at level one.”

“But it could,” Evalynn said, then waved the idea off. “I am sure you won't, though.”

“Probably not,” Chandice agreed as they settled in for the night. Roric made his usual rounds taking his woman one at a time until he came to Jaina. She smiled and turned around putting her arms behind her back in submission.

His warm hands came around her waist, and she was turned about to face him. He leaned in for a kiss as Jaina smiled at the strange change.

“What are you doing?” Jaina asked when the kiss ended, and he held her by the waist.

“Making love to you,” Roric replied gently and picked her up before laying her into bed.

Jaina was surprised when he climbed in over her and began to lick at her breasts. She closed her eyes and threw her hands out as Roric began to caress her softly. He finally guided himself into her body but didn't put the knot in. Instead, he held it out so he would have more range of motion, then slowly and gently, he began to make love.

“Why are you doing this?” Jaina whispered.

“I love you,” Roric replied as he looked down into her eyes. “And I wanted to show it.”

“Oh, Roric,” Jaina said as she reached up to stroke behind one of his ears. “I love you too.”

He came to her, and they made love through the night, slowly and softly, until both were satisfied. They were in a rush when morning came, eager to be off the cliffs and out of the narrow canyon. The strange ape creatures attacked again, but this time Gisley didn't stop, shooting by before they could hurl the first rocks. It took them hours to escape the canyon and get out into more open space, but as they did, a dark shadow fell over them, and the dragon landed in their path.

“What do we do?” Evalynn asked as the beast lifted its head high but made no move to attack.

“Keep calm,” Roric urged before slowly climbing down. He and the others gathered outside the palanquin and slowly approached as the dragon glared down at them.

Jaina looked at the beast that claimed her as his mate and wondered if he had come for another breeding. Instead, he lifted a hand and motioned for them to stop before turning his gaze on Roric.

“Why did you tell her to follow her heart?” he demanded in a voice that sounded like an angry lion.

Roric looked confused a moment then asked how the dragon knew that. The beast laughed and said that Jaina was his eyes and ears and where she went, so too did he. He knew everything that happened in that temple but did not understand the choices that were made. He pointed out that the witch had offered them a great prize, and yet they were unwilling to pay the price.

“You encouraged her to keep my mark,” the dragon said.

“I only told her to do what she felt was right,” Roric insisted.

“But you knew how she felt and thus pushed her to keep it,” the beast insinuated. “Do you feel no threat from me claiming her as my mate?”

“I do,” Roric replied as boldly as he dared. “But Jaina has expressed her belief that your mark is a badge of honor, and thus she is grateful for it. If that is how she feels, then I would not seek to take that from her.”

“Hmm, a wise master,” the dragon replied as he lifted a clawed hand to rub his chin. “And you, little mate,” he said as his gaze fell on Jaina. “Why do you feel this way? You could have been free of me, yet you chose to honor my wishes instead.”

Jaina nervously licked her lips as she gazed into those eyes that dripped with power. At any time, this creature could tear them to shreds, and they could do nothing about it. But then, that was part of why it felt so special. A dragon of immense power found favor in her, and she was touched by that trust. She tried to explain it to him as best she could, even explaining her failure with Zorac and how the guilt still bothered her.

“You have honor,” the dragon replied in a rumbling voice. “And you understand sacrifice. I witness your sacrifice for the one you call your master. I see now that I will never be first in your life, but then I never wanted to be.”

“I am glad you understand,” Jaina said.

“Oh, I understand far more than you believe,” the dragon explained as he lowered his head until it was inches from Jaina's face. “I heard the offer she made to break the collars and free you from the restriction. I was sure my gift was lost when she dangled so tempting a treasure, yet you held on and refused to offend me. You kept my mark even when everything you wanted was presented to you.”

“I didn’t want to displease you,” Jaina said as she tried to remain strong.

“Hmm,” the dragon rumbled and sat back. “Take off your collars and place them together here.” He indicated a spot on the ground with a long claw and waited as the girls all looked at Roric. Only Jaina was wearing her collar but the other two quickly produced them and placed them where the dragon wanted them.”

“What do you want with the collars?” Roric asked as the dragon looked them over.

“There is a magic that permeates this world, but it works in various layers. We dragons are attuned to the flows and can see the layers and how they affect the world around them,” he replied. He then raised a hand over the collars, and an intricate ball of magical lines appeared in bright blue. He began to chant as the collars floated into the air, glowing red as what appeared to be fire was drawn out of them. Black symbols appeared on the surface as he continued to chant. Then, with a wave of his hand, they were pulled away, floating into the air, where they vanished like smoke. The collars pulsed with a brilliant light and then fell to the ground, a faint mist trailing off them.

“What did you do?” Jaina asked.

“Consider it a gift for your obedience,” the dragon said and stepped back. “No longer will you be hampered by the chains woven into the collars.”

“You mean you broke the restrictions?” Jaina said as Gisley gasped.

The dragon dipped his head and then looked at Roric. “You earned this reward by encouraging her to remain faithful to me when in truth, she belongs to you. I will not challenge you for her ownership, but I do require her service from time to time.”

“I am grateful for your gift,” Roric said with a bow of his head. “And I grateful you understand who her master is.”

“Indeed,” the dragon said with an almost haughty laugh. “I require a mate, nothing more. She will do, and as you are her owner, I will treat with you for her services.” He then spread his wings, and they were buffeted by a terrible blast of wind as he took to the skies.

“Now begone from my territory,” the dragon rumbled. “I will seek you out when I feel the need to satisfy my desires.”

They watched as the dragon flew back toward the mountains, leaving them in stunned silence. Eventually, all eyes turned to the collars, and Jaina was the first to pick one up. It looked no different than before, so she reached up and clasped it around her neck. With a deep breath, she willed her character sheet open as the others gathered around in awe.

“I can’t believe it!” Chandice said.

“It’s too good to be true,” Evalynn said as tears came to her eyes.

“It works,” Gisley cried. “Jaina has full access to her levels!”

Jaina looked at her character sheet to see she was indeed fully leveled as a sex slave and a morphic. The restrictions were gone, and her powers were unlocked, freeing her from the limitations that once haunted her. Gisley and Evalynn quickly donned their collars to discover they, too, had no restrictions and could freely use their skills.

With a new excitement for the future, they boarded the palanquin and headed off in search of the meeting spot. Heather would meet them, and a magic door would send them across the known world. Then, they would be safe and free to build as they desired, putting the unlocked collars to good use. The love wood would rise again, and with it, the real adventure would begin.

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