The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-94 The love wood reborn

Jaina stood at the rustic wooden railing that looked over a ledge on the mesa. Below was a vast forest of towering trees full of color and magical lights. Evalynn had been hard at work laying out the forest, and this time they had more points to work with. The forest was already twice the size stretching several miles across to the swamps and around the rim from the south to the north. Over time it would get bigger as she expanded through the mountains, creating secluded valleys.

It was filled with unnaturally green trees and interspersed with those with pink, red, or even blue leaves. Some were covered in flowers whose petals snowed to the ground, carpeting the forest beneath them. While others were hung with glowing fruits that sparkled with magical light. Mushrooms and luminous plants grew in the dark spaces along with seas of dense ferns. Colorful butterflies and glowing moths fluttered about, adding dancing color to the background.

The air was sweet in places as the wind blew through flowering willows that grew along the dozen streams that wound through their forest. There were various bridges from simple stone spans to elaborate wooden tunnels carved with elvish designs. Statues stood in hidden gardens or as the centers of fountains, and one massive one held a sword aloft so high it breached the tree canopy. There were two little shrines, a ruined temple, and an elvish lodge. All of it was hidden down winding paths or tucked away, so people had to look to find them. Thanks to the size of the space, there was now a small gnoll village where Roric had placed a dozen generic NPC gnolls.

One of the most beautiful spaces was the pond hidden in the hills. The path was a mossy trail that wound up the rocks beside a series of small waterfalls. At the top, the inquisitive explorer found a white marble temple whose pillared back wall was open to the water. The pond had three small islands with towering trees spreading shade across the water. Lilly pads, cattails, and other marsh plants were abundant, as were schools of colorful fish. Small paths and trails led around the pond, but the waterfall was the most striking feature. At the very center in the back was a thirty-foot-tall statue of Gisley made of white marble. Her wings were spread wide, and the water fell from on either side, forming two narrow falls. The spray drifted across the statue, causing a rainbow effect that hovered over her head. Above the statue was a second fall that was the waters source but behind it was a hidden cave and several plush rooms for comfort.

Gisley was planning to sing over her pond for the first time tonight when the moon was high. She would bless the whole region with her magic, marking it as her special part of the forest. Any man, or woman for that matter, who stumbled on her lair while she was home would find her very welcoming. If they could escape the amorous fairy without making love, they would be a rare individual.

Candice's tree would be made tomorrow, and then she would start work on her shop. Jaina was being given her own temple with walls inlaid with aquamarine shaped into scenes of women sharing love. It was meant to be a temple of love and passion with Jaina as the head priestess, but Jaina wasn't sure this was needed. She debated the creation of the temple because she said there was somebody else who could easily fill this role.

Blackbast was a dear friend of Heather's and another of her tragic lovers. The poor woman had come to New Eden specifically to enjoy sexual adventures. To that end, she played a priestess of Bastet, a goddess of sex and lust, and was bound to certain requirements. She could travel freely, but her powers slowly began to wain if she didn't serve her goddess's interests. She was supposed to seek those who were tired and weary from adventures or travels and offer them the comfort only a woman could. She was to freely give her passions to anyone who asked for them, showering them with love. She was able to take slaves who were also expected to serve in this capacity, freely giving of themselves. She was able to build a temple of love and passion where the weary could spend the night, be fed, and have all their desires met. She was essentially a temple prostitute, and since she wasn't allowed to charge for her services, she had to be careful where she laired. Her order hid their temples in remote places where few travelers would find them. This was to prevent them from being overwhelmed by players seeking a quick romp. A slow trickle of players meant that everyone could be intimately cared for, and the sex didn't have to be rushed.

Blackbast's current temple was on some barren desert road, hidden where she was lucky to see three people in a month. She was bored with her lifestyle and tired of being hidden, but more importantly, she was bored alone. It didn't take much to see that Blackbast was fond of Heather, especially considering she had given up her collars to help protect the girl. Day by day, Blackbast was growing weaker all so Heather could remain safe. It was the kind of selfless sacrifice that only a lover would make.

So Jaina put forward the idea that instead of building her a temple, why don't they allow Blackbast to build hers? Jaina would be spending much of her time attending to Roric anyway, but when she was free she could work in Blackbast's temple. The one sticking point was the collars, as Blackbast didn't gain anything from Jaina's service unless she wore her collar. Jaina deeply wanted to wear Roric's collar and have it locked for good. But, for the time being, they were leaving them unlocked while they thought about how best to proceed.

Blackbast was considering putting her temple high on a cliff where only those in the know or skilled at exploration would find it. Jaina now sat at the rail wondering how best to help the woman. Should she leave the collar unlocked so she could wear Blackbast's when she played in the temple? The thought had been playing in her mind since the discussion, and she was no closer to an answer. Of course, all of this could be solved if she could convince Heather and her girlfriends to serve in the temple too.

“Why are you hiding out here?” Chandice asked as she came to the rail and put an arm around Jaina’s waist.

“I was just thinking about our plans and how best to manage things,” Jaina replied.

“You are still conflicted over Blackbast,” Chandice surmised from that vague response. “Don’t be. Roric and Evalynn think they have the perfect spot for her, and she has already been to see it.”

“I was thinking about the collars,” Jaina corrected. “I really want to lock mine, but I can’t help her if I can’t put hers on.”

“Honestly, you shouldn't even be worried about that,” Chandice said. “You are Roric's slave, not hers. She has three girls under the collar that she needs to correct and teach how to serve.”

“Right,” Jaina laughed. “Do you honestly think Heather, Quinny, and Evalynn will agree to be temple whores?”

“I don’t know what they are capable of,” Chandice replied. “But it’s their responsibility, not ours. If Blackbast needs slaves for her temple, those girls are either going to have to start serving or give back the collars.”

“Frank would never agree to let them sleep with other men,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “Look at how defensive he got over Grumosh, and he wasn't even being open about his feelings for Breanne yet.”

“Then they need to give the collars back so Blackbast can take three girls who want to play,” Chandice said.

“Yeah, but Heather and the others have had a taste of the collar's power,” Jaina laughed. “I am sure they are not looking forward to giving that up.”

“They do make sex amazing,” Chandice agreed. “Even I like to wear one for that.”

“That’s part of why I want mine locked on for good. I don’t ever want to have sex again without one,” Jaina commented.

“I guess I can serve in her temple occasionally,” Chandice said. “Since I don’t wear the collar regularly.”

“Yeah, but she doesn’t have any collars to give,” Jaina said.

“Then we’re right back to where we started,” Chandice said. “They have to start serving or give them up.”

“I suppose they do,” Jaina said with a smile. “But I would give anything to see them serve.”

“You just want Heather,” Chandice laughed. “I have lost my girlfriend to another blond.”

“You won't ever lose me,” Jaina replied as she turned about to put her arms around Chandice. “I am yours forever, and one day we will be married.”

“Wife and wife?” Chandice asked as Jaina nodded. “Hmm, I suppose Zorac could be our husband then.”

“Don’t even tease me like that,” Jaina said and had to fan her face. “That has to be one of my wildest fantasies.”

“I can see it now,” Chandice began as she spoke in a sultry tone. “You and me in his bed, exhausted from hours of passion. We snuggle together for warmth as he gets out and walks to the girl we tied to a post earlier.”

“We tied a girl to a post?” Jaina asked as Chandice nodded.

“Yes, and we watch as Zorac makes love to a bound Heather for hours and hours, pausing after every orgasm to let you lick her clean,” Chandice teased.

“Alright, stop,” Jaina laughed and pushed her away. “You're making me wet and horny.”

“Well, we wouldn't want that,” Chandice laughed, then took on a serious look. “As much as I love arousing you, Roric and Evalynn had a heated discussion earlier. He is upset about Idris and how far away we are from her now.”

“I feel so guilty about that,” Jaina agree as she put her face in her hands. “None of us even considered her as we stepped through that portal. She might have been hours away for all we know.”

“We do know, and Roric is taking this very badly,” Chandice said. “He plans to go into the dream tonight to try and get Rajeen to help.”

“How is she going to help?” Jaina asked, hopeful there was a solution. Chandice explained that Roric wanted Rajeen to post an actual bounty on Idris, asking players to find her and escort her as quickly as they can to the nearest city. Agents of Rajeen would take possession of her and, using portal magic, take her first to Rajeen, where the belt would be removed, then send her on to Gwen's city. From there, she could easily make her way to the love wood, and they could apologize to her properly.

“We should never have done it,” Jaina sighed. “But we were lost in the heat of the moment. It all seemed so hot and arousing and Idris was so easy to love.”

“Don’t be upset about that either,” Chandice urged and rubbed Jaina’s side. “Rajeen will find her, and we will fix it all. I am sure she can go a few more days with the belt on.”

“I was ready to agree to years with it on for Zorak,” Jaina sighed. “I would still do it.”

“You would be out of your mind in a week,” Chandice said. “I am sorry to tell you this, my love, but you're a whore, and you're addicted to orgasms.”

“Denial can be fun when used right,” Jaina cooed. “Besides, with the collar, I could still orgasm by sharing them or using my thighs and breasts.

“It's so weird having an orgasm from stroking my breasts around Roric's cock,” Chandice agreed. “But I wouldn't give it up.” She sighed from the memory and then pulled Jaina close. “You know what? Why don't we go see Blackbast's temple? Evalynn made the path already, and Blackbast is up there laying things out. I even enchanted a few things for the second path to help light the way.”

“Sure,” Jaina agreed. “I would love to do that. Did she say what style she was using?”

“I think a sort of hanging gardens,” Chandice said. “I heard her talking to Evalynn talking about it earlier. They were discussing how we planned to decorate your temple, and she loved the idea.”

They held hands and made their way through Roric's new camp as Chandice said there was a new secret route. Jaina admired the new camp spread out across a massive ledge high in the cliffs. There were three pillars of rock with additional buildings connected by rope bridges wide enough for six people to walk abreast. His grand tent was set against the cliff face with two arms of stone stretching down the sides. He had additional rooms built into the stone, including a series of dungeons that he claimed were for him to lock his slaves in.

Chandice took her to the cliffside and down a narrow path high on the face. It was wide enough to feel safe, but still difficult to find unless you knew where to look for it. It wound for several miles and crossed a small stream before ending at a cave in the cliff face.

“This tunnel takes us through the rock,” Chandice said as she stepped into the dark opening. “Illuminate!” she commanded, causing dozens of blue lights to flare into life. “I made these earlier,” she explained and led Jaina in.

“You guys have been busy,” Jaina remarked as they crossed the relatively smooth floor. The tunnel went straight through the rock for several hundred steps, then ended at a smooth wall of stone bricks. There was a little golden emblem on the wall that Chandice touched causing the wall to shift. On the other side was a path with green plants to either side, forming more of a secluded garden. Chandice explained that Evalynn made this area the edge of Blackbast's region, and it was full of fun things like hot springs for lovers to swim in.

They passed as a statue of a woman on her knees with her head thrown back as she dug between her legs. Jaina wished she had a statue like that of Heather and wondered if Evalynn could make one and hide it someplace. They passed the hot springs where marble steps and pillars framed the field of steaming pools. More statues of beautiful women stood between the pillars with planters of lush plants, creating an almost private space.

It took nearly an hour to cross the expanse, but they finally came through the trees to see an expansive temple of white, gold, and blue.

“Oh, she has started working on it,” Jaina said as she looked at the blue dome that capped the central structure.

A stream from a fountain in the center of the temple wall split the front gardens. They climbed the steps and went inside, passing under an arch of golden women lusting for one another.

“I approve of her style,” Jaina laughed as they entered the vast central chamber. She had indeed borrowed the theme with rich blue images and art overlayed on polished white marble. Pillars with golden bases soared to be crowned by naked women looking down as if eager to watch. Murals on the walls depicted scenes of men and women locked in passionate embraces. It wasn't fully furnished yet, but baths, fountains, and stone benches were in place. Jaina noted that in some places, there were chains and manacles to secure women for use. She imagined how fun it would be to be chained to a pillar where guests arriving could make use of her.

“She is further along than I expected,” Chandice said as she looked around. Above them, the ceiling soared up at least twenty meters and was decorated with striking blue tiles and moldings. Like before, they were adorned with images of women and a few men looking down as if watching.

“I wonder where she is?” Jaina asked as they reached the center of the room. She turned about in awe at the temple to sexual pleasure and wished Heather was here to serve.

“I bet she's in the back,” Chandice said and headed for an archway on the far wall. They found rooms that were empty of furnishing but clearly ready to become private spaces for playing. There were five on each side of a central hall with a grand hall at the end that featured a garden. Across this was another archway that went into the cliffs. There were four more rooms, but the hall ended with a set of solid metal doors. They appeared to be polished brass and were inlaid with almost Egyptian-like symbols and emblems of Bastet.

Chandice pushed one open to reveal black statues of a cat goddess flanking an altar of gold and blue. There was a massive round bed behind it with stained glass windows. Every window was a scene of a woman in bondage, her head bowed as if worshipping at the altar. To the sides, the floor went up three steps and through a row of slender black-marbled pillars that made a row of golden arches. The walls were black brick, with golden outlines of women and cats.

“And what do I owe this visit to?” a voice purred as the girls looked about the dark space. “I do hope you have come to play.”

“I hope we haven't intruded on your private space,” Jaina called out. “We wanted to see how your temple was coming along, and we kinda got carried away.”

“This is my bedroom, but you are always welcome in it,” Blackbast said as she appeared in a shimmer of gold, sitting on the edge of the altar. “Especially if you are here to help me entertain.”

“I would love to,” Jaina said with a big smile.

“Down, girl,” Chandice said. “I need a water bottle to spray you two horny cats.”

“I very much like the water,” Blackbast purred as she jumped down, wearing nothing but a golden slip between her legs. “So, have you seen the gardens?”

“We used the secret tunnel to get here,” Chandice said. “So we saw the path and hot springs.”

“That was an inspired idea,” Blackbast nodded. “I always have a warm pool in my temple, but the springs will allow those more bashful a little privacy.”

“Not everybody wants to have sex with an audience?” Jaina laughed.

“You would be surprised how few do,” Blackbast replied as she walked up to the girls.

“I guess I was nervous about it in the beginning, but Roric didn't give me much of a choice,” Jaina said. “Now I don't care who is watching. In fact, I rather enjoy knowing they are watching.”

“Why is this part so different from the rest of the temple?” Chandice asked as she looked around a dark space lit by flames flicking in brass bowels.

“This is the theme best suited to my goddess,” Blackbast explained. “I must always have a temple space dedicated to her as the focus of my power. But the rest of the temple can be however I wish and is better suited to being inviting.”

“I don't know, I kind of like this space,” Jaina said as she peered into the shadows to see a golden statue. It was heavily inspired by Egyptian styles, with a dog-headed man standing before a table of black stone. However, what struck Jaina the most was the long, firm cock that protruded from his groin and how his hands reached down as if holding some woman by the waist. “And I admire your taste in statues.”

“Oh, you admire that do you?” Blackbast laughed. “Come closer. Let me show you why they are here.”

“They?” Jaina asked as they went up the steps and between the pillars. Now that they were in the shadows, she could see other statues in various positions, each looking as if all they were missing was a woman.

“These are the tools of my worship,” Blackbast said. “I also use them to punish naughty slave girls.”

“Punish how?” Jaina asked, fascinated by how such a thing could be used. All the statues were slightly bigger than the average man, with the smallest cock on display being at least nine line inches. Their golden muscles reflected the firelight and created an almost dark decadence to what their poses suggested.

“Would you like to be punished?” Blackbast asked as Jaina admired the statue.

“Who me?” Jaina replied in surprise.

“Yes, she would,” Chandice was quick to reply. “She forgot all about Idris and left her behind. She feels guilty about it and needs to be punished.”

“I see,” Blackbast purred and reached out a hand for Jaina.

Jaina bent over so Chandice could remove the golden shield that protected her pussy. It came out with a wet plop and left her feeling empty inside. She wasn't worried about the feeling because she was fairly certain it wouldn't last long. Somehow that golden cock was going in her pussy, doing whatever it was meant to do. Blackbast took her arm and guided her to the table, assuring her she would enjoy this. She was put on her hands and knees before the statue the cool tip pressing at her pussy.

“Now, all you have to say is punish me,” Blackbast explained.

Jaina tensed as she readied herself for what would come next. She wasn't absolutely sure, but it didn't take much imagination to know that somehow she was going to have a cock in her body. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth, speaking the words loudly.

“Punish me,” Jaina said.

The hands suddenly clasped about her waist, and she was dragged back. She cried out in a deep guttural groan as that golden cock was forced into her body. Her pussy stretched wide around the polished metal as the statue put a foot on the table and held her firmly.

Jaina panted as the motion stopped, and she was held pinned with the statue's phallus deep in her flesh. She looked to Blackbast for what would happen next, but the cat woman only smiled and waited.

“So what happens now?” Jaina asked as she tried to move.

“Just wait,” Blackbast said with a pleased smile.

Jaina looked about and tried to twist out of the grasp, but something more than stone fingers was holding her in place. Some magic was at work adding to the grip, and she found it impossible to break the hold. Suddenly something moved between her legs as if that golden cock was thrusting. She looked, but nothing had changed, but inside, a thrusting was taking place.

“Oh,” Jaina cried, reaching back to see if anything was moving. Her hand confirmed that nothing was in motion but her body was in firm disagreement. Inside her pussy a good hard thrusting was taking place as it gently vibrated.

“How is this a punishment?” Chandice asked. “This is Jaina’s dream come true.”

“Oh, maybe I should explain,” Blackbast said with a smile. “You see, the statue will fuck her firmly for ten minutes, taking its fill of her body. However, if she orgasms at any point, the timer resets, and she has to endure it longer.”

“What?” Jaina called from her position on the table. “You do realize I am wearing a slave collar? Do you know how hard it will be to not orgasm?”

“This is to teach you how to resist them,” Blackbast explained. “It is a fantasy of some men to be able to take a woman firmly but command her not to cum. It makes them wild with passion to hear you beg them to be allowed one.”

“Jaina can manage that easily with her tattoo,” Chandice laughed.

“I had been meaning to ask about that,” Blackbast replied as Jaina began to moan loudly. “What were her restrictions?”

“Oh, their fun,” Chandice said as she smiled at the suffering Jaina. “She is not allowed to turn down any man who offers her money for sex. If she does, she can't orgasm until she returns to them and gives them what they paid for.”

“How fitting,” Blackbast laughed.

“And if she's ever close to three or more men who are thinking about having sex with her, she will feel a terrible need to masturbate. If she doesn't do it right then and there while they watch, she can't orgasm for, umm, was it twenty-four hours?”

“Yes!” Jaina cried as her body trembled on the edge of release.

“Was there anything else?” Blackbast asked.

“One last thing,” Chandice said. “She can't orgasm unless somebody who loves her is watching her have sex. She has to have an audience of at least one of us, or she won't cum. Roric is thinking of using it to play with her by making her have sex with players or NPCs while no one is watching.”

“Oh, the poor thing,” Blackbast laughed as Jaina cried out in orgasm. “Now you will have to start over,” Blackbast said with a shake of her head. “You might end up being here all day.”

“Or Chandice could leave the room,” Jaina groaned between pants.

“I am perfectly comfortable here,” Chandice replied as she folded her arms. “Oh, by the way, we are discussing the idea of rotating us to work in your temple. I will do it as well once in a while to help you get some of your experience and power back.”

Blackbast looked surprised by the offer and insisted they didn't have to. Chandice explained that the one issue was that everyone wanted to lock their collars now that they were home. She left out the dragon markings, and the collars were unrestricted for now. She then asked Blackbast when she would get her collars back, and the cat woman surprised her.

“I have been doing my best to allow them to enjoy it,” Blackbast said. “Thankfully I leveled a few times on that journey, and I have reached the point where I have four collars.”

“So you have a spare?” Chandice asked as Jaina cried out again and began begging to be let out. “Everyone knows you are addicted to orgasms,” Chandice remarked. “Just start having them and enjoy yourself.”

Jaina nodded and gave up, allowing them to flow fast and free. She marked every one of them with a song as her body was perpetually fucked.

“She really should learn to control them,” Blackbast remarked as they watched. “Did you know Roric could command her to have one, and she would?”

“Really?” Chandice laughed. “I had no idea he could do that.”

“He doesn't need any help,” Jaina cried as her arms started weakening.

“I suppose I should let her out,” Blackbast said. “She isn’t ready for this kind of training.”

“I think she should be left in it for the night,” Chandice said but stepped aside as Blackbast came to the statue. With a word of command, the motion ceased, and the hands let go of Jaina's waist. She slid off the cock and curled into a ball, shielding her pussy with her trembling fingers.

“Did you hear that Blackbast has a new collar?” Chandice asked after she had a minute to recover.

“You do?” Jaina asked and looked up.

“I do. Now I need to find a slave girl willing to serve in my temple,” Blackbast said. “I suppose I could put an ad on the bulletin board.”

“Wanted one temple prostitute to service the guests,” Chandice laughed.

Jaina realized they were joking but gave some serious thought to who Blackbast could get. She and the others would play in the temple when they could, but Blackbast needed a woman ready to explore the world of sex slavery. She needed somebody she could train to go beyond her boundaries and give herself away to the desires of others. It needed to be somebody with a strong sense of fantasy or maybe just a need to have more sex than they were having.

“I am sure somebody will come along,” Blackbast said. “I will ask Gwen if she knows someone who would make a good pet.”

“Gwen!” Jaina said as she bolted upright. “You should make Gwen your slave.”

“Gwen?” Blackbast laughed but then noticed Chandice was not laughing with her. “What don’t I know?”

Jaina explained the night of torrid sex, bondage, and roleplay she had with Gwen the night of Heather's wedding. Gwen was looking for a way to fill her sexual needs that had been neglected for so long. Jaina promised to come back whenever the woman called and play whatever role she wanted, but Gwen liked to be dominated.”

“Many powerful women do,” Blackbast agreed. “And you think she might have the heart for this?”

“It would never be a permanent thing,” Jaina said. “But I bet you could get her to serve often, provided you guarantee a disguise so no one will recognize her. She is terrified of her reputation being damaged by a sex scandal.”

“Easily done with the collar,” Blackbast said as her tail began to swish. “But I can’t imagine the queen down on all fours while two men take her at both ends.”

“I can,” Jaina laughed. “I mimicked one of her guards and took her that way. She likes the idea of being powerless and taken by regular players. She has that hunger for the thrill of anonymous sex where anyone who wants could have her.”

“Jaina converted her,” Chandice said. “She has that effect on women.”

“I didn't use any of my powers,” Jaina insisted. “Gwen was more than ready to play and hungry to be used. I will talk to her the next time she calls on me and see if I can push her boundaries. I told her I wanted to make her a whore, and she didn't say no.”

“What did she say?” Blackbast asked.

“She was afraid of people finding out,” Jaina said. “So the desire is there. She just needs to know it can be done safely.”

“Hmm, how I would love to leash her and turn her over to men to use all through the night,” Blackbast purred.

“I will do that,” Jaina laughed.

“You are too eager,” Blackbast laughed. “There is no challenge in breaking you. But watching Gwen's descent into becoming a whore will be delicious.”

“I know this will sound bad, but I keep dreaming about doing the same to Heather,” Jaina admitted. “I find it hard to stop thinking about her.”

“Jaina has a thing for blonds,” Chandice cut in.

“No, I have a thing for innocent women with sincere hearts. I don't think Heather would ever become slutty like I am. I think she is the kind of pure soul that would genuinely love every man she slept with.”

“Hmm,” Blackbast said with an agreeing nod. “I believe you are right. Heather can't embrace another unless it is for love. She would be the kind of temple slave for which men would come back with flowers and gifts. All who knew her embrace would fall in love, and they would fight for her affections.”

“Well, they better be prepared to fight Frank,” Chandice said. “Because he isn't the sharing type.”

“He shares with three other women,” Jaina pointed out.

“All three of which he intends to marry,” Chandice counter-pointed. “He loves them all and see's them as his. He isn't about to let another man lay so much as a finger on any of them.”

“I would suspect it would break his heart if they did,” Blackbast agreed. “I will focus my efforts on Gwen. Please do suggest my temple to her. I will guarantee that no one will ever know who she is.”

“Consider it done,” Jaina said as she got to her feet to find her feet were unsteady. “So, how long until your temple is open for business?”

“It is open now,” Blackbast said. “And I believe I have my first two visitors.”

Jaina and Chandice smiled as the cat woman took their hands and led them to a private room. For the next hour, they made love and learned just how skilled a priestess of Bastet could be. It was a wonderful day full of hopes and dreams for a future that was hard to imagine. She was a sex slave with a wonderful master and a home where she was free to enjoy herself as much as she wanted. Still, her dream would never be fully complete until a certain necromancer was pressed to her lips.

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