The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-95 The masters pet

Evalynn stood at the remote mountain shrine under the blue leaves of a ceril tree. Here was a statue of an elvish woman looking sky with a hand held high as if trying to catch the sunlight. This was her interface to the forest hidden away so players wouldn't find it. Of course, it was only a minute's walk from Roric's camp, so she could make changes easily. Today she was building Chandice's giant tree and the basic layout of the building that would become her magic shop. There would be more levels this time, with the large magic shop at ground level. An NPC alchemist and Herbalist would be found on the upper levels, along with a space for a library, sitting room, bar room, kitchens, baths, balconies, and some bedrooms. It would have almost everything the traveling player could want, acting like a small inn where Chandice could wait tables occasionally.

She wanted to laugh at how such a simple chore brought joy to Gisley and Chandice. Chandice loved to cook, and Gisley found enjoyment in cleaning spaces and waiting on guests. Of course, guests of this remote inn were likely to have a visit from the sex fairy in their dreams.

She looked over a map of the region and picked a location just off the main road from the nearby keep and village. A man named Finneous ran that location, and he turned out to be Queen Gwen's husband. It was an arranged marriage, by all accounts, put in place so Gwen could name Heather her daughter. Still, he seemed a nice enough man, having come out the other day to greet them and welcome them to the region.

Now she selected the giant tree she would use and added some changes. She wanted it to have vast roots spread around the base so walkways could be built across them. The tree was enormous, with a trunk so wide a house could be built inside with ease. It soared up beyond the canopy of leaves and then shaded them with a second higher crown. Chandice wanted a room and a large balcony up here to act as both a lookout and landing place for flying mounts. She mused over the mounts idea because of a conversation they had earlier. Chandice wanted a stable built around the back of the tree. Here there would be an orc stable manager who cared for the animals boarded inside. There was talk of boarding Gisley as well, where she would wear a little bell and be used to satisfy the animals. The stable master would use her as well, keeping the little fairy busy and well bred. It wasn't Evalynn's kind of fantasy, but she was enthralled to watch Jaina do something similar once before. It was just one more way the girls could run about and have sexual adventures in the place known as the love wood.

With the tree in place, she adjusted the roots so the stables could be reached via a tunnel through one of them. Then she started adding a basic building before starting the process of modifying rooms. It took several hours to adjust everything the way Chandice wanted, and would likely make adjustments after Chandice had a chance to walk through it.

“Done,” she sighed and stepped back, blinking as her focus returned to the world around her. Now she wanted to work on a special feature of the forest, an elven village near the center. This was Roric's idea, as he wanted her to have a place that was uniquely her own. She had labored over the design for a while now and decided to tuck the village off the road on the shores of a crescent-shaped lake. It would be hidden under the trees, of course, with a radiant magical tree at the center that grew glowing orange fruit. The houses would all be wooden but of ornate elvish designs with flourishes of color and few sharp angles. There would be plenty of curves, and the roofs would be green or blue shingles made of slate. She hadn't decided on the kind of NPC she wanted yet, or what role the village would play. All she knew was it was meant to be a place of beauty and would have one small area where an NPC would cook sweet treats for players.

Planning this village made her think of Idris and the village she wanted to add. A stark rundown human town with typical villagers cowering in their houses. It was meant to be part of an adventure where the undead would attack the town at night. Players were supposed to defend the town and seek the source of the undead invasion, eventually facing a boss monster in an old church. The idea was sound, but where would such a place fit into the love wood? They had no combat encounters here unless you count Jaina's ravenous sexual appetite as combat.

The more Evalynn worked on the forest, the more she wondered where such a place would be placed. Wherever it went, it would conflict with the theme of peace, beauty, and sexual adventure. She sighed and focused on her village, planning the layout of buildings, so the magic tree was at the center of everything. Undoubtedly some players would take delight in luring the undead into her village, shattering the otherwise peaceful calm.

An hour later, the basic village was laid out and ready for inspection. She would walk through it and then return to add little touches until it felt like a part of the forest.

She turned to go and came face to face with a tall, burly gnoll. She fought the reflex to smile as the beast put his furry hands on her arms and licked at its lips.

“Please, don't,” Evalynn gasped as the creature grabbed tightly and threw her down. Her arms were pinned by the hands of the creatures as it fell between her spread legs. Before she could cry out, he was inside her shoving deeply until his knot was in place. He began a firm and bestial breeding of her delicate elven body, her breasts bouncing with every thrust of his cock. He tossed her head from side to side, moaning as the beastman licked at her cheeks using that long tongue.

By all accounts, this was rape, but for Evalynn, it was part of the fun. She was officially a captive of the gnolls of the forest, an elven slave girl used as the camp whore. The gnolls had free reign to fuck her whenever they wanted, and their needs were never satisfied. Now she thrashed as this brute brought her to orgasm, his long cock deep inside her belly. Four orgasms later, he finished his attack by filling her stomach with his seed. Finally, he pulled back, waiting for the knot to come free, and slapped her firm breasts for good measure.

“Good little slut,” the beastman laughed as his knot finally came free. He reached down and took a hand, pulling Evalynn to her knees. She smiled at him as she came before his soiled cock and, without being told, sucked him in. For some reason, this part was what stimulated her the most. Having to suck on his cock was the ultimate act of submission, and she relished looking up into those animal-like eyes. He watched as she sucked him clean while gently caressing his warm furry sack. She wanted him to become hard again so she could drain a load down her throat. She was granted her wish as a hand came round the back of her head to guide the motion. His cock grew firm in her mouth, the long pointed tip reaching well into her throat. Thankfully the slave collar made it impossible to gag or choke, so this depth was just another way to enjoy him.

Both hands came to her head as the gnoll began to thrust, using her mouth as he had just used her pussy. She looked up with pleading eyes, begging him to stop, but it only encouraged him to thrust deeper. Roric had programmed it this way so she could control things to a certain degree. The more she pleaded or begged, the more savage they would become. They were allowed to abuse her a little but not to cause any actual harm. However, if she felt like a more intimate love making all she had to do was smile and move in a sensual way, and the NPC would soften his approach.

Today she was hoping for a little abuse and did her best to look helpless. The gnoll took his cue and fucked her throat without a care for her comfort. Evalynn felt the bulge of his knot against her lips as he tried to force it into her mouth. She knew it was possible, but that was something she reserved for Roric, an ultimate display of her devotion to her master.

She loved the position she was in, but something about it was lacking. NPCs didn't make good dirty talkers. No matter how Roric configured them, their comments seemed empty of true meaning. However, there was a theory that an NPC could evolve to be more sophisticated after lengthy exposure to players. The rumor was they learned from the players and could become so life-like as to display complex emotions and responses. Roric and Evalynn were interested in testing this theory by seeing how the gnolls changed after weeks and months of making love to her. This was the most intimate form of human relations, and if this didn't help them evolve, nothing would.

Her lover began to growl as he thrust deep into her mouth, threatening to force the knot in. She felt his cock convulse in her throat and then groaned in the shared orgasm. He held her in place until he was done filling her stomach, then let go so she could clean up. She lovingly sucked his cock clean and was left panting on the trail as he returned to camp.

Evalynn moaned as she ground her thighs together, savoring the moment. This had been a long time in coming, the promised moment when she would be a possession of the camp. Roric planned for there to be thirty or more gnolls living here, all of which would see Evalynn as their personal plaything. She would spend a great deal of time satisfying their bestial desires and never have a say in where or when.

“Now, this is the life I want to live,” she said and stood up. She considered using the cleanse ability to freshen up but then, shouldn't the camp whore look recently fucked? She would smell of it too, and the sensitive gnoll noses would pick up her arousal. It would only serve to draw more of them to her body, and she could expect several more uses before she made it out of camp.

“If I make it out,” she laughed and headed down the trail. She mused over the idea of being tied to a post so the gnolls could use her at their leisure. It was something they were allowed to do, and she was looking forward to it happening. More interesting was the new addition of female gnolls who were programmed with various personalities. Some thought of Evalynn as a toy to use just as the men did, but others saw her as competition. They would punish Evalynn for being a slave and even give her chores to do, such as fetching water for the cooking pots or washing the laundry. They were even allowed to whip her but only under controlled circumstances. They were not allowed to break the skin or punish her to the point of tears.

She entered the camp by a rope bridge from the cliffs passing a gnoll guard who took a moment to grab her rear and pull her in. She was quickly embraced in his strong arms and locked in a kiss. His long, canine-like tongue filled her mouth, forcing her to taste him. When he allowed her to move on, she turned quickly to hide her smile.

This bluff of the camp was mostly the homes of various NPCs arranged around a central firepit. The homes were either wooden lodges decorated with feathers and skins or tent-like buildings made from cured hides. A fire would always be burning in the center, with gnolls going out regularly to gather firewood. They cooked over this fire, sharing the meal communally as if they were one big family.

She was disappointed that few of them were about, but one of the gnoll women eyed her suspiciously. She crossed another bridge to the central bluff, the largest of the three. Here there were several large lodges and a spring that fed a pool before flowing over the side. Roric's totem was also here, a monument of his power showing various animal images stacked on each other. Each animal conveyed a small bonus to the camp and was guarded at all times by two gnoll shamans. There was a warrior's lodge where weapons and armor were made and a particularly strong gnoll trained guards.

It was all for show, of course, as the guards didn't technically level, though that was another facet of the discussion they had earlier. Long before any of them came to New Eden, forums and redits were abuzz with speculation of how NPCs worked. Some thought they were just elaborate programs with various levels of complexity. Others felt they were complex AI that could learn and grow, becoming so life like that they were no longer NPCs. The rule was that sever generated NPCs could level and slowly grow stronger, but player-made ones were static. They leveled when the player chose to spend the points to level them and couldn't do so on their own. However, a strong argument had been made that learning AI could level once they reached a certain point of self-awareness.

Again, Roric wanted to test these theories by interacting with his NPCs as much as possible. He would play the role of chieftain of the gnolls and regularly lead them in hunting expeditions. Today he was organizing his meeting tent and fleshing out a few of the gnolls in camp to give them more flavor. Evalynn crossed the last bridge to the cliff ledge that was Roric's stronghold. This time he built his tent right into the ledge of the mountain. The grand round canopy was ten meters tall and three times as wide, made out of highly decorated wooden posts, and enormous animal hides. The front was just the tent, but the left and right sides were enclosed by a proper stone arm that contained additional rooms and chambers. She approached the main entrance as the two massive gnoll guards eyed her hungrily. She paused to see if they wanted to play, then went inside when neither of them moved.

She passed through a light curtain into a moody interior scented by the faint smell of cedar smoke. She walked around a small wall and into the main chamber where Roric held court. It was a vast round room with an open hole in the center ceiling. The room stepped down in the center, forming two levels around a central fire that always burned. Additional wall sconces on the posts blazed like torches, creating a warm orange light. The upper ring was laden with couches, pillows, and chairs for people to sit. The middle ring was left open for people to gather and discuss things or simply for Jaina to dance.

Roric's throne was a simple design made from wood, leather, and the giant tusks of some animal. It was at the far end of the room facing the entrance, so he could see his guests as they arrived. He was seated in his chair with a golden glass of wine in one hand. A gnoll woman poured him a glass of wine as another sat in his lap, facing him. Evalynn could see her gentle rhythms as she rode Roric's cock, making love to him even as she approached. Roric had created two gnoll slave girls to act as his personal bodyguard and playthings. Mirandi was proud and strong, considering her service to such a powerful gnoll a great honor. Lilac was quieter and more reserved, obeying his commands with dutiful obedience. Both women had a ton of points spent on them and boasted some of the highest levels. Mirandi was a strong warrior with skill in many weapons, while Lilac was a tribal priestess with healing talents and skill with herbs.

Evalynn walked across the space with a smile, watching the sex with interest. When she reached the steps to his thorn, she fell to her knees and waited silently for them to finish. Mirandi glanced back with a look that said Roric was hers, and she didn't care for Evalynn's presence. It was all a game, though, as both women were more than happy to share with the others.

“Your pet has returned,” Mirandi said between groans.

“So she has,” Roric replied and motioned Evalynn to stand. “How goes the progress?”

“Chandice's tree is ready, and I placed my village,” Evalynn explained. “I also expanded the forest to the cliffs that separate the lower swamps.”

“I am pleased to hear it,” Roric said before closing his eyes and letting out a low growl. Evalynn stood by as he and Mirandi shared the climax of their lovemaking. She rested in his lap for a minute, then slowly climbed off, allowing his cock to slide from her body.

“He’s all yours,” Mirandi said as she stepped aside and motioned to the cock.

Evalynn dropped to her knees before his throne and quickly went to work on the sex-soaked cock of her master. She lovingly cleaned him off, savoring the flavors of his sex with the gnoll woman.

“Where did you ever find such an obedient elf?” the woman laughed.

“She is one of a kind,” Roric said as he stroked her head. “And I love her.”

Evalynn felt strong emotions to hear him use the word love about his feelings for her. She loved him as well and would do anything to protect him or his girls. She finished her task and was rewarded with a glass of wine as they talked.

“So what is left to do?” Roric asked as he swirled his glass.

“Just add more detail to the forest,” Evalynn replied. “The two roads are laid, the paths into the mountains ready, and Blackbast has built her temple.”

“Gisley's pond is beautiful,” Roric said. “You outdid yourself.”

“I wanted it to be so special she forgot all about the first one,” Evalynn said. “When she cried over the loss, I thought my heart was going to break.”

“I never want my girls to cry again,” Roric said. “From now on, we are to live happy lives.”

“I can agree to that,” Evalynn said with a smile.

“I bet you can,” Mirandi laughed. “You are the whole camp's plaything. Your days will never be boring.”

“Speaking of playthings,” Evalynn said as she sat in Roric’s lap. “When do you think Heather will get us those magic doors?”

“I am sure she will do it as soon as she can,” Roric said as a hand went around her waist. “She has to found her city and establish her point of power before she can access the points. I believe they are scouring the northern mountains for a spot now. “

“What a funny region this is,” Evalynn said as she leaned into him. “Here we are, a full province of Gwen's kingdom, with Heather and Frank building another to the north while the goblins expand northeast. It's like an honest-to-goodness empire-building game.”

“I never really played those,” Roric said. “I found them horribly complex.”

“Some of them were,” Evalynn admitted before taking a sip. “But the odd thing is I think the true military power in the region might be the goblins. Have you seen that fortress they are building?”

“I have not seen it myself,” Roric admitted. “But Chandice has been around scouting the land for ingredients. She said it looks like something from world war one trench system.”

“That's a good way to describe it,” Evlaynn agreed. “It's layers of walls, bunkers, and defenses leading up to a fortress built into the cliff. If I didn't know better, I would say they are preparing for war.”

“Which is not out of the question considering our friend's particular allegiances,” Roric said as he rubbed her back.

“What about our issues?” Evalynn asked. “Do you think Alexandra or the silk princess will keep looking for Jaina?”

“That is difficult to say,” Roric replied as he considered the problem. If the stories were true, the princes sought extraordinarily rare women to be their slaves. Jaina certainly fit the bill, but so did Gisley. They needed these women because of some contest they were having to decide who would be the overall ruler. The man with the most unique and interesting harem would claim the title of King, which meant they would not give up easily. Having Jaina and Gisley in a harem would almost guarantee a man the title, and to that end, the various princes employed mercenaries to scour the world hunting for girls. Thanks to some clever lies spread by Rajeen, these men were scouring the west for them. All they had to do was hide long enough for their contest to be over, and the girls would be safe. But how long before somebody else of power and influence came along with a desire to buy one of his girls?

Evalynn handed her glass to Lilac and settled into Roric's chest. She closed her eyes as the warmth of his fur created a soft bed on which to lay. How had her life come to this? How had the awkward woman who overplayed her character finally mellowed and embraced a master? She smiled and let the thought slip away, not caring what the reasons were. All that mattered was she was where she belonged, in the arms of a master who loved her.

The two gnoll women took their posts beside his throne, and finally, things were as they should be. Roric was the master of the forest with a harem to mark his power. She fell asleep in that warm embrace but woke when Gisley tried to climb in.

“My lap is only so big,” Roric laughed.

“I want to be snuggled, too,” Gisley pouted.

“She can have my spot,” Evalynn said as she stretched. “I want to visit my village and make adjustments.”

“Do you want some company?” Roric asked as she got up. “Gisley and I will come with. I will carry her on my shoulders so she can have some snuggle time as we walk.”

“Why not,” Evalynn said with a happy smile as she got down. Roric got up and lifted Gisley to his shoulders as she giggled. Her voice was like a happy summer song and always a joy to hear. The gnoll women fell in line as his guards, and together they set off to find the village.

They walked the steps down one of the bluffs as Roric described how he wanted to build a lift to speed things up. He had the plans for such a thing in his village builder, but it cost several social points that he didn't have.

Once on the ground, they started down a forest road of smooth gray bricks that looked as if it was a hundred years old. Moss grew between every stone, and it was uneven in places as if the ground had settled over time. The tree canopy created a tunnel effect as they passed between the large trunks that marked the love wood.

“This is a wonderful land to call our home,” Lilac said as she looked around.

“This is Evalynn's doing,” Roric said, gesturing to the elf woman. “It is her magic that makes this all possible.”

“A good reason to keep that collar tight,” Mirandi said with a wink at Evalynn. “You wouldn’t want your prized elf maiden to escape.”

“She won’t run far,” Roric said as he took her hand. “She knows she is where she belongs.”

“And I will let you lock the collar to prove it,” Evalynn replied as she looked into the eyes of her master.

They walked through the forested expanse as Gisley pointed out the various flowers and colored mushrooms. They eventually reached a small stone bridge and crossed a small flowing stream of icy water. The sound of the flow mixed with the wind in the branches high above, creating a calm forest ambiance. A mile down the road, they had to take the fork to the left, heading closer to the swamps. After another mile, they crossed one last bridge and came around a particularly thick oak to see the village.

“It’s pretty,” Gisley said as she admired the curved roofs and dense growth that helped blend the village into the forest.

“It is very nice,” Roric agreed as they approached. “But I don’t see any elves.”

“I haven't added them yet,” Evalynn admitted. “I wanted to ensure the village was how I wanted it.”

“Why did you put so many blue and dark purple leaf trees around it?” Gisley asked. “It makes the village darker than the rest of the forest.”

“I wanted it to be dark,” Evalynn replied and pointed to all the lanterns that hung from houses and posts. “I am going to call this place Moonshire, and it will always be a little darker than the surrounding forest.”

“I love the name,” Gisley squealed. “Did you pick that for me?”

“I did,” Evalynn admitted. “I even made sure to add a pond behind the buildings for you to dance over.”

Gisley sprouted her wings and fluttered off Roric's shoulder to see the pond. He took Mirandi into his arms and followed Evalynn as they walked about, noting her design choices. Evalynn decided that the darker atmosphere lent itself to some magical effects. She would add a fountain that bubbled with glowing blue water and a few fey lights with sparkling effects. A soft song filled the air as Gisley danced over the pond, enchanting the water and surrounding woodlands.

“It’s hard to believe this is our home,” Evalynn sighed as she ran a hand along a rail. “And you are my master.”

They went into an elvish house and up to the small room at the top with a narrow bed. Roric decided it was too beautiful a moment to waste a bed and climbed into it with Evalynn and Lilac. Mirandi laughed and went to wait outside and ensure their privacy wasn't interrupted. For the next half hour, Evalynn made love to Roric and Lilac, then cuddled between the two bodies of warm fur. She was the first to make love in this village and knew there would be more in the future. After all, she was a sex slave of the love wood, and Roric the gnoll was her master.

“I had an idea last night,” Roric said as they held the two women. “I think we should have a mark like Rajeen has.”

“You want to brand our other cheek?” Evalynn asked.

“No, something more pronounced and colorful,” Roric suggested. “I was thinking maybe a tattoo that runs from your shoulder blades down your spine to your rear. Jaina's dragon mark gave me the idea, and I have been thinking about it ever since.”

“What will the mark signify?” Lilac asked as she curled in tight.

“The mark is to show you are a slave of the forest and your love and body are for use,” Roric said.

“So Jaina, Gisley, and I would have this mark?” Evalynn asked.

“And any women I take later,” Roric added. “Also, if a woman wants to be an uncollared slave and play in the forest, I want there to be a way they can receive the mark. Kind of like a reward you earn by sharing your body.”

“Hmm, I want to earn my mark,” Evalynn said as she stretched out. “Maybe one day we will have a dozen women who play here just to earn their badge of honor.”

“I sincerely hope they do,” Roric said. “I will work on designing a mark that befits a slave girl of the forest.”

“Just make sure part of earning that mark is satisfying the master of the forest,” Evalynn suggested.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he considered the idea. “What if the tattoo evolved?”

“Evolved how?” Evalynn asked.

“Well, what if it earned you a butterfly mark for making love to Gisley and an elven lotus flower for making love to you. Jaina's mark might be a silhouette of a naked woman. Then we could have rewards for making love to a gnoll, a succubus, and myself. Maybe extra things for every ten men they satisfy in the forest. Maybe a few gold coins if they accept money for sex, or a collar and chain if they have sex in bondage while in the woods. A small mirror with a face in it if she has sex while others watch. We could make an evolving tattoo with dozens of little features to mark some accomplishment. It would all tie together, creating one big scene and act as a badge of your service to the love wood. We might even be able to grant minor powers and rewards for particular achievements.”

“That would be very interesting, but not every woman will want to be marked,” Evalynn pointed out.

“You're right,” Roric agreed as he pondered. “Could you add a shrine someplace with a small bath and a statue of a woman? Then, any woman who wishes to earn the marks needs only get naked and slip into the bath to masturbate.”

“I love it,” Evalynn agreed and crawled onto his chest. “But don’t give us the marks automatically. Make us earn them like everybody else. Give us a reason to stalk the woods seeking men and women to play with.”

“Alright, but Jaina will beat you all to them,” he said.

“Jaina will be done in a week,” Evalynn laughed and had an idea. “Oh, you need to add a mark for serving in Blackbast’s temple.”

“An Egyptian eye,” Roric said. “After you have satisfied five men in her temple.”

“I can’t wait to tell the others,” Evalynn sighed. “They will love the idea.” They spent the next hour thinking of challenges and tattoos to decorate their backs. It was a wonderful idea that had Evalynn's heart racing to complete some of the challenges. She would place the shrine later that day as Roric created the system to mark the women who desired them. Soon the forest would be crawling with women looking to finish their tattoos and become a whore of the love wood.

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