The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-96 An exchange of power

Jaina, Gisley, and Chandice looked on as Roric and Evalynn tried to figure out the complicated system for the tattoos. They had been working on it for three days, figuring out how to have the forest automatically apply the marks. Just trying to get the magical shrine to be the trigger of the process was hard enough. Now they were trying to get the marks to appear when certain criteria were met. None of it worked until Roric had an idea to do it in reverse. Now when a woman bathed in the pool and masturbated, she received the full mark. However, the mark was invisible, and its various parts were made visible as the criteria were met. Testing with Jaina showed some progress, and thus far, it seemed to be working.

“So, any woman can try to get the marks?” Jaina asked.

“Any woman who wants to complete the challenges can,” Roric said. “But she has to bathe and masturbate in the shrine first.”

“And what about the magic powers?” Gisley asked. “Do those work?”

“Those are never going to work the way we want them to,” Chandice said. “The visitors don’t allow players to gift powers to others.”

“But you think the collars might work?” Roric asked.

“I am pretty sure we can do some of the things,” Chandice said. “I mean, I can enchant anything you wear to copy some of the powers, but to tie them into the tattoos is not easy. I would need to know how to create an enchanted tattoo, and the succubus didn't exactly share that.”

“But you did say you could use Evalynn’s forest magic for some of it?” Jaina pressed.

“Yes, if Evalynn creates magical shrines to gift players with a small bonus or power, I could enchant a collar that ties those players into the shrines, so they get the power. The thing to remember, though, is they will only work inside the forest. If a person leaves the collar and the tattoos will become just decoration. Still, I think I can manage it and deliver some of the effects you want.”

Jaina was hopeful that was true as it was a marvelous idea. The goal was to allow women to gain slave collar-like powers with limited uses when they reached certain milestones. Allowing the women to gain access to cleanse, accommodate, or even tastes good would make a huge difference. The problem was the collars would have to be crafted by Chandice, which would take time and materials. It also meant that women who wanted to level up their collars would have to come before Roric and show him their tattoos. If they had the necessary marks revealed to warrant an upgrade, then he would tell Chandice to boost the collar. They would never be true slave collars, but even if they only granted limited use of three or four abilities, it would be worth it. Not to mention it was enticing to know women would be coming to throw themselves at Roric's feet and ask for his favor. Jaina looked forward to the demands of payment Roric would make and how the woman would offer him their bodies. They wouldn’t be true slaves, just volunteers playing along for the sheer fun of it.

“So, how many tattoos do we have?” Gisley asked.

“Fifty-one,” Roric said as he looked over the list. “But a few of them are the same tattoo getting updates and features as you do more and more of the same thing. For example, at twenty-five men, you get a small heart. At fifty men, that heart gets bigger; at one hundred, it gets a purple outline. At two hundred, it has a vine with leaves around it, and at five hundred, it has a white drop.”

“Oh, and what’s that supposed to represent?” Jaina teased.

“Use your imagination,” Chandice laughed. “The funny part is you three probably hit this number in a couple of days while dancing in the inns.”

“We all agreed to start over,” Evalynn said. “We want the challenge of earning our tattoos like everybody else.”

“Yeah, this will be so fun earning the tattoos and seeing them fill in,” Gisley said excitedly.

“I am fine with that,” Chandice replied. “At least I don’t have to enchant your collars. However, I may need to study one of your collars to figure out how to copy some of the effects. So, one of you will have to go without for a little bit.

“You can study mine,” Evalynn volunteered. “I am going to be spending most of my time making changes to the forest and fleshing out the minor details anyway.”

“Oh, I can’t wait for this to start,” Jaina said. “I bet lots of women come here to earn the tattoos just for the fun of it.”

“If we could grant the other women minor powers, it would make earning the tattoos much more interesting,” Roric agreed and put his interface away. “We can work on this later. I want to handle some other things.”

“Like what?” Jaina asked as he took the lead to guide them from Evalynn’s shrine back to camp.

“Heather and Frank have selected a site for their city,” Roric explained. “There is a large valley in the mountains to the north with a sizeable lake. They are setting up there and have begun organizing the layout of their home.”

“How wonderful,” Evalynn said with a hopeful smile. “That means we will get our doors soon.”

“It means Rajeen can move in soon,” Jaina corrected. “Remember, she wants to put her home in Heather's city.”

“And Heather still wants us to have the doors,” Gisley added. “So we can link our master’s camp to her Rajeen’s inn. She will never be more than a doorway away. I can’t believe how nice she is, spending all those points on us.”

“She is a wonderful person,” Evalynn agreed.

“Hmm, how are you going to survive being so close to her all the time?” Jaina laughed as she nudged Roric. “You know she has a thing for wearing your collar.”

“I am sure I will find a way,” Roric laughed. “Besides, she may end up dancing beside you on a second chain.'

“You know, now that our forest is established, we can earn social points,” Evalynn pointed out. “I am willing to bet we can buy our own doors at some point.”

“Hmm, I wonder what we would do with more doors?” Jaina pondered.

“I know what we should do!” Gisley said excitedly to Jaina. “Can you guess?”

“No, but I am fascinated to know,” Jaina laughed. “You sounded much too excited.”

“I was just thinking we should all use doors and link them to one place,” Gisley said.

“By all of us, you mean who?” Roric asked as they reached the bridge that would bring them to the village.

“Us, Heather, Blackbast, and Rajeen,” Gisley said. “We should link all our homes with magic doors to Rajeen’s temple so we can flow freely between them all.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Evalynn said with a toss of her head.

“No, it isn't,” Roric agreed. “But will Heather and Frank want to be so intricately connected to us?”

“Hmm, I don't see why they would say no,” Jaina said. “I am sure Rajeen can place the doors in a hall where Heather isn't likely to see anything that shocks her. Besides, she might end up with a paw print on her rear one day.”

“I would love to see that,” Chandice laughed. “Maybe she will end up with a whole forest tattoo.”

“Don’t stir my dreams,” Jaina sighed.

“Are you in love with Heather too?” Gisley asked as they entered the camp and headed for the larger bridge. “I think she’s so sweet and honest. I want to kiss her sometimes.”

“Are all my girls in love with Heather?” Roric asked as he turned his gaze to Evalynn.

“I wouldn’t turn down a kiss if she offered one, but I don’t think I am as infatuated,” Evalynn admitted.

“So what else is there to take care of then?” Jaina asked as they crossed the next bridge.

They arrived at the main hall to find unexpected visitors waiting outside.

“Santos!” Jaina said and ran out to hug the rogue. “How did you get here?”

He wrapped her in a hug and held her tight for a moment before stepping back to join the other rogues. Evalynn went to hug Droslin, and the two shared a powerful kiss before the groups settled in to talk.

“Well, I suppose I should answer your question,” Santos said with a broad smile. “As you know, we need a new home, and it has been difficult to find a city that doesn't already have an established thieves guild. I have had the boys check several dozens, and they are all taken.”

“I am so sorry we cost you your home,” Jaina said apologetically.

“Don't be. It was just a few rooms in a cave tunnel near a minor town,” Santos said. “But, after speaking to Rajeen, we have learned that a new city is being founded nearby by people you call friends. Rajeen told us the name of the nearby city, and I paid for a portal to get us here. From there, we just asked for directions and were surprised to discover you were a Duke.”

“They are friends we met on our journey,” Roric explained. “She is the daughter of the local queen and goes by the name of Princess Hannah. Her husband is Price Frank, and they were in the north on a quest of their own. So we traveled together for a couple of days and hit it off.”

“She invited us to her wedding,” Gisley said happily. “I got to sing for all the people.”

“Good for you,” Santos said with an approving nod. “But how did you end up a duke?”

“It's a long story, but the short version is Hannah had some relationship issues that she was struggling with. By meeting us and seeing how our family worked, she had a bit of a breakthrough,” Roric said.

“She completely turned herself around and embraced the life she could have,” Jaina added. “Apparently, the wedding was on hold until she got home, but after meeting us, she was determined to have it as soon as possible. Her mother was so grateful for the change in her daughter that she wanted to pay Roric back for the role we played.”

“Well, congratulations,” Santos said with a bow.

“Thank you,” Roric said and turned to Jaina. “I suppose we could ask Hannah if Santos can set up his guild in her city.”

“I would be very grateful,” Santos said with a bow.

“Unfortunately, they have just begun to build their city. I am not sure they have anything but a few roads laid out,” Roric said.

“We have waited this long. I am sure we can wait a little longer,” Santos replied and turned to look out over the forest. “You really have created something here. One of the top places to visit in the world as far as I am concerned.”

“Thank you,” Jaina said and took his hand. “It means a lot to us, and we are hopeful people come to love it here.”

“I am sure the men will. Of course, you three have been known to entertain the ladies just as freely,” he laughed.

“I happen to prefer the ladies,” Jaina said with a shake of her rear.

“Well, we have an elven village you and your men are welcome to use until Heather has her city ready for players,” Roric said. “I will be happy to show you where it is.”

“Can I show them?” Gisley begged as her wings popped out. “I haven't spent time alone with Santos in a long time.”

“Somebody has a favorite,” Jaina teased and nudged Chandice, who laughed at the comment.

“That will be fine,” Roric said and turned to Chandice. “Why don’t we go see your magic shop and start planning it out.”

“Fine by me,” Chandice agreed. “Are you two going to come then?”

Jaina and Evalynn shrugged, then held hands as they followed along. They went down the winding road through a beautiful forest of shadows, sunlight, and colors. A stone bridge crossed over a narrow brook filled with fish, taking them down a lovely span where the trees were particularly dense. This opened to yet another bridge, this time a giant hollowed-out log, that served as the way across a wider stream. An hour later, they rounded a bend and could see the massive trunk and roots of the tree that would be Chandice's home. Evalynn had already added the basic buildings built into the trunk and roots, with lovely windows cut into diamonds and moss-covered shingles to blend in. There were walkways and balconies up on the roots, as well as arched tunnels cut through them.

“It’s beautiful,” Jaina said as she noted how ferns and colorful plants grew along the roots. Vines and moss hung from the branches making it appear the building had been here for years.

“This is bigger than the last building,” Chandice explained as they went through the front door into what would be her showroom for magical devices. They spent an hour combing through the building, but eventually, their discussion turned back to the tattoos. It would be much simpler if they could make the tattoos magical and not require a collar that had to be modified multiple times.

Chandice didn't know how to accomplish such a thing but then thought of Jaina. She bore two magical tattoos that might shed some insight into how this was accomplished. Roric bid her look into it with all her skills, then turned to Evalynn to ask about the shrines. Evalynn wasn't sure it was going to work either, but it was possible to create shrines that granted temporary magical boosts or powers. Chandice's idea to link the collars to a shrine so the collar offered power to a wearer seemed practical. However, they still had no idea how to make it work.

Jaina listened to the debate praying for a solution. She thought of the dragon tattoo she bore and wished he could help. She brought the mark to the surface, allowing the metallic blue scales to show as she ran a hand down the length, longing for her mate.

“You show desire,” a serpentine voice echoed in her head. “This pleases me.”

“You can feel me?” Jaina thought as she felt his touch on the breast marked by his tattoo.

“I can feel you, see through your ears, hear what you hear, and experience all you do,” Hezzrigozza replied. “I also admire this magic you wish to work.

“It’s too complicated,” Jaina whispered as she stepped away from the others. “They can’t figure out how to make it happen.”

“You need a source of power,” the dragon replied as his touch ran down her marked side and over her hip. She tensed as it reached between her legs and began to fondle the very core of her body, stimulating her while the others were oblivious.

“What source of power?” Jaina groaned and covered her flower with a hand, but it did nothing to stop the sensation.

“You have everything you need to make the source,” the dragon replied. “The key is the elf and the fairy girl. Have the elf woman make a small basin of water so the fairy can dance over it at night. Have her use her powers to enchant the water and drench it in her glitter. Use this water as your shrine to activate the powers. The one you call Chandice must enchant the basin with the magic of binding and triggering so that when a bathing woman masturbates, she absorbs some of the power. She will add the power of her intent to the magic and accept the power of the forest in return. All your warlock needs do is create one collar for each power you wish to give. Then she needs to put the collars in the enchanted basin water for one full hour so they can link with the power. These are to be placed on a statue bearing the tattoo you wish to empower. When A woman receives that tattoo, she will gain the power of the associated collar. In this way, you can tie all the power to the tattoo itself.”

“You mean it’s that easy?” Jaina gasped.

“No, it is not,” the dragon replied. “You lack one final thing, a patron to bless your efforts.”

“But who will do that?” Jaina asked.

“I will,” Hezzrigozza replied. “You will be the first to masturbate in this basin after the fairy has enchanted it. I will manifest my power through you as you do and help enchant the water. When it comes time to make the statues, you will make one of me with you in my claws, holding you as my mark does your body. You will pour some of the water over the likeness of yourself and thus link them all to me.”

“Wait, you mean link all the women who use the water to you?” Jaina asked as she staggered away, her body on the brink of orgasm. “Why do you want that?”

“I will become a spirit of your forest,” the dragon replied. “And any woman who accepts the power from the water I blessed will feel my touch when I want her to. In honor of me, you will add a dragon to your tattoos so that any woman I find favor on and bring to orgasm will gain my mark.”

Jaina reeled by what she was hearing as she tried to have an orgasm silently. Hezzrigozza would grant them the power to make the tattoos work, but he wanted something in return. He wanted the right to haunt the forest and hunt its women, pleasuring them as he willed.”

“But I thought I was your mate?” Jaina asked.

“You are marked by me directly; without you to act as my focus, I could not manifest,” the dragon replied. “You have a unique tattoo that no other woman will carry. You will be acknowledged as my avatar and voice in your forest, and the other women will beg for your favor. I will even call on you to seek some of them out and make love to them while I experience it through you. Please me enough with this task, and I will consider moving my lair. Perhaps I, too, will dwell in your forest, and you will be properly bred by a dragon as you should.”

She almost swooned at that image of him being close enough to take her regularly. She so badly wanted this that she was practically willing to beg. She looked up to see the others had noticed her strange behavior causing her face to blush. She took a few minutes to explain what had just happened and how the dragon knew a way to make the tattoo work.

“So he must have a shrine to act as a focus of his power someplace,” Chandice surmised. “And you have essentially become an extension of his power. This makes the whole process easier. We just have to make the bath and enchant the waters. I doubt Gisley will need much convincing to sing and dance over it.”

“And you only have to make one collar per power we want to bestow,” Roric said. “By linking the collars to the water and then the tattoo, it bestows the power on any woman who receives the mark.”

“But he wants the right to pleasure any woman who bathes in that water,” Jaina reminded. “It's the payment for the touch of his power to make this work.”

“So be it,” Roric agreed. “I already know my three slave girls would willingly grant that.” He paused a moment to pace and consider the ideas, then explained how they should proceed. He would have Evalynn put in a cave under the dungeons of his camp. In this cave would be a pool of water around which would be arrayed the various statues. One statute would stand out, placed in the middle of the pool, and that would be the statue of the dragon. All the others would be smaller and arrayed around him as if paying homage to his power.

“I’m sure that will please him,” Jaina laughed.

“Then let's get to work,” Roric suggested and they hurried off. An hour later, the cave was made, and six statues of women in poses like they were dancing were arrayed around the pool. The statue in the middle was made of gold, with Evalynn spending a ton of extra points to make it special. It was the dragon in a smaller scale so he could clutch Jaina in his arms. One clawed hand was firmly squeezing a breast while the other was buried into her pussy to the first knuckle.

Afterward, they went to Blackbast's region and asked permission to place the bath there. This way, Blackbast could explain to women how the bath's worked and warn them to stay clear unless they wanted to play. A small marble gazebo was made at the very end of a long trail. In it was raised a stone tub large enough for five with a wall on one side. This wall featured an ornate carving of three women bowing before the dragon. The tub was etched with magical runes to create the binding of power effect, and then Gisley was sent for.

That night she danced before a full moon while shedding her glitter in great clouds. The bath became a shimmering pool of light that pulsed with magical power. Then Jaina climbed in, and they all watched as she began to masturbate. She took her time, her mind overtaken by the gentle encouragement of the dragon, who promised to breed her until she had had at least a dozen half-dragon children. Her mind began to lose focus on reality, and her world began to change.

Suddenly she was in the forest as a glowing blue image of her mate towered over her. She was already bent over a fallen tree, and he mounted her before she could cry out. She groaned as her body stretched around him, reaching back to pull her pussy wide.

“Good,” the dragon whispered. “You are my mate, and I will have you when it pleases me.”

“Yes!” Jaina cried as he began to work through her body. She started to rock as he put a scaled hand over her back and held her down while punishing her from behind. She couldn't believe she was being bred by so large a creature, and only then did she realize she hadn't doubled in size. Her body was taking him at its normal size, and her stomach stretched to accommodate him.

All she could do was claw at the ground as the dragon that was her mate gave her a good breeding. It went on for many long minutes as Jaina threw her head back and cried out, eager to cum, but for some reason, it was elusive. All she could do was wait and pray for the release as he picked up his pace. Now she was being firmly pounded, her body rocking with every impact as he showed her no mercy. Still, her orgasm was elusive, and she wondered if it had something to do with the succubus.

“No,” the dragon whispered. “I am preventing you from orgasming. If you do, the moment will end, and I will be forced back. You will cum when I am through with you and have added the final component to the magic you seek.”

Jaina could only moan in reply as her body was abused like never before. If not for the slave collar, she doubted she would survive this onslaught as her body would not be able to take it. It went on for minutes more until, at last, he let out a rumbling growl. Jaina felt something warm swelling her stomach as the dragon emptied his seed into her womb.

“Now you can cum,” he said as the dream world faded and another replaced it.

Jaina jumped awake as she rubbed herself, suddenly aware she was back in the bath. Before she could pull her fingers away, she started to cum, the orgasm rocking her body with delicious spasms. She ran a hand down her stomach as they rolled to discover her belly was inflated, filled with dragon cum.

“You must push it out and add it to the water,” she heard him say in her mind. “It is what will finalize the magic and make this all possible.”

Jaina threw her head back and pushed with her hand and body, driving the dragon's seed into the water. She didn't understand how he had filled her belly for real when they made love in her mind, but she didn't care. The seed came gushing out, and as it did, she had a second powerful wave of orgasms, causing her body to shake.

“Wow,” Chandice said in admiration. “I wish I could cum like that.”

“Something else is happening,” Gisley suggested as the water glowed with blue light. “Jaina felt like she was in a dream state for a few minutes.”

“Maybe this is part of the dragon’s plan,” Roric suggested. “He might have been talking to her again.

Jaina finally ceased her rubbing and lay in the warm cum filled bath for a few minutes. When she finally got out, Blackbast provided a pitcher so they could collect some of the water and take it back. This was brought to the cave and poured over the statue of Jaina, coating her in the fluid. To their amazement, the glowing blue tattoo appeared on the statue's body, making it the focal point of the power.

“So this is going to work?” Gisley asked as they stared at the statue.

“We won’t know until Chandice makes the collars,” Roric explained. “But I suspect the dragon knows what he is doing.”

“He has threatened to move here so he can breed me regularly,” Jaina said as she wobbled from exertion.

“We could always make him a cave system in the mountains,” Evalynn suggested.

“Well, I better get to work on those collars,” Chandice said as the magic filled the chamber with light.

“Oh, can we go masturbate in the tub now?” Gisley asked with a bounce. “I want to be marked too!”

“Of course,” Roric replied and looked to Evalynn. “You should go too because starting tomorrow, you three will begin spending time playing in the forest.”

They left with hearts full of excitement for the fun they would have trying to earn the marks. The dragon's power would grant the boon they needed, and the Love wood would soon have a magic of sexual energy. They looked forward to guests coming and the adventures beginning as news of the magic tattoos spread. Soon they would have the home they always sought, and other women would be encouraged to come and play with them.

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