The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 1: The Outer God NEET.

A sigh can be heard in a vast nothingness.


???: “Really… I am tempted to peek ahead, and see what’s next. But. No, I really shouldn’t. Spoilers are such a bore~.”


As the voice complained, a floating pool shimmered in front of the entity. Looking into it, you can see several people talking to each other. Most seem to have some animal features on them, like fox tails and ears. One of them even had several, but they had a soft shimmer over them, like they were covered in some kind of aura.


Pool: “Oh right, I completely forgot about this. Mio, so do you have anything you wear regularly that isn’t enchanted?”


Pool: “I do nya. Why?”


Closing its eyes, the entity softly sighed and thought about what it had seen so far from this world it was watching.


???: “True Love, hmm. How envious~.”


The entity swiped its hand, and the pool lit up, and the scene changed. Now, it displayed a girl, throwing lightning at a hammer in the middle of a desert. And, strangely enough, the hammer threw it back at her. This went on for a time before she got mad at the hammer, and started to bury it in dirt. 


You could hear the girl say, “Shitty hammer” before lightning enveloped her and she disappeared in a crack of thunder.


???: *Soft giggling* “Yes, I agree, Thea, Mjolnir can indeed be a “shitty hammer” when it wants to.”


Sighing once again, the entity swiped its hand and the pool lit up, and solidified into a full length body mirror. Well, full for the entity. Reflected in the mirror was an ethereal woman. Or rather, a Kitsune Goddess. Standing at around 50 universes tall, with a body colour of a soft purple. Heterochromia eyes, there were supernovas and galaxies in blackness for sclera. The right eye’s iris was sakura pink in colour, and glowing brightly. The pupil was a slit, with royal purple lightning closely flowing around it gently. Her other eye was a darker orange in colour, also glowing brightly. The lightning was also present in this eye, flowing along the same kind of pupil. The corner of each eye also had a small, holy looking in colour fire lethargically flickering outwards.


She had an hourglass shape for a body, with a rather large bust and firm posterior. The typical body type you would think of while thinking of Gods and Goddesses. The type that was just perfect in every way, impossibly so. Her hair was done in a single, full and thick ponytail and draped down all the way to her lower back, just touching her tails that swayed around. Her hair was black with orange highlights. Her bangs were straight, and the black bled into orange near the tips. On her head was a pair of fox ears, with the same black and orange colour for tips. Floating above her head, and just off to the right leaning along her head was a flat halo that had six spikes around it. The halo was pure black with a soft sakura glow to it.


Behind her, were 15 tails. Though, if one were to look ever so closely, they could see the outlines of an infinite amount of tails blurring in and out of existence. Her tails shared the same colouration as her hair. Each tail was a good bit longer than her overall height, and thick and fluffy.


Looking at her reflection, she began to think about what she should do.


???: “I think it’s time for another adventure~. I tried the whole ROB thing for a while there. But, that got boring so fast. Ugh, just remembering how many realities I had to erase because of those massive fuck ups I sent, still makes me wonder why I even tried that.”


— Switching to ???’s P.O.V. —


While lamenting about the garbage I had to deal with because of the ROB stunt, I began to think of how I wanted to go about this. It’s been a while since I’ve meddled in any of the new realities that the nexus world created. Just watching them has gotten boring lately.


???: “Let’s see. I’ve got RWBY, One Piece, Stargate, Fate… so many places and people to mess with~!”


Glancing at my mirror I waved my hand over it, changing it back to a viewing portal. Watching all the fun Luna, Thea, and others are having, had reignited my desire to mess with… I mean, have fun again. Adventure! How long has it been since I have done anything…?


???: “ Oh Null. Am I a cosmic horror Neet?! I AM! It’s been trillions of years since I’ve left the Null. Shit. Okay, no wonder I am wanting to go and have some fun.”


First things first though, I need a name.


???: “Oh, I know. I’ll just use Lilith again. Lilith Zenon. Yea. I always liked that name~. And it doesn’t shatter people's existence when they hear it!”


Now I needed to think of the world I wanted to go to. There were a lot of choices, and since I was not exactly strapped for time I could go to all of them! But, I had to start somewhere.


Lilith: “Hrmmm. I should also think of getting a wife again. Looking at Luna and Tamamo has really made me envious~. While I have loved before, none of them were True Love. And they all wanted to die, and move on eventually…. Now I am sad.”


For as long as I have existed, which has been longer than even time itself mind you, I have never found the “one.” Never found the girl who would say yes to becoming my other half, and exist forever. 


Lilith: *sigh* “Being a Null Kitsune sure has its drawbacks sometimes. But it is what it is, and even with all my power, I can’t change that.”


Putting that thought out of my mind, and once again thought which world I wanted to go to first. Should it be a Game world? Anime? Book, TV show? I had so much to choose, that I needed help. So I snapped my fingers, and a MASSIVE lottery-like wheel appeared. On it were the names of all the worlds I could go to.


Lilith: “Time to spin this fucker, and see what happens!”


Reaching out to the wheel, I pulled down on it. And it spun. And spun. And spun.


Lilith: “Okay… Yea, this might take a while. While this is happening, let’s see what Luna is up to~.”


I turned back to the pool, and started paying attention again. After watching for a few hours, I leaned back and looked up. Well, as much as one could look up in the Null anyway.


Lilith: “Evil gods, huh~?”


I turned back to the wheel that was STILL spinning, and grinned.


Lilith: “Well, like to see someone stop me.”


Noticing the wheel was finally starting to slow down, I waved my hand and turned off my Viewing Pool. Walking up to the wheel I started to think of all the fun I’ll soon be having. Finally going slow enough that I could make out the words, I could hardly wait for it to stop. Until it did.


Lilith: “NOPE. Fuck that shit! Respin~ Honestly, why was that even on the wheel?”


The damn thing landed on Boku No pico. No way in shit I am going to that world.


Lilith: “I would erase that crap, but the Nexus world keeps bringing it back for fuck sakes!”


Grumbling about the nasty habits of mortals, I spun the wheel again. This time with much less strength so I don’t have to spend hours waiting again. Soon enough, it started to slow down again. Tock. Tock. Tock. Ding~


Looking at where it stopped this time, I couldn’t help but smile.


Lilith: “Awesome~ Mkay, let’s see now. What powers should I have?”


With a snap of my fingers, the first wheel faded, and a new one replaced it. This one had the powers of numerous entities on it. From Anime, to books, to TV. Just as I was reaching for the wheel, I started to giggle uncontrollably.


Lilith: “Hahaha! Yea right, as if I would limit myself~”


Turning away from the wheel that vanished, I walked back to my Viewing Pool and waved my hand to turn it back into a mirror.


Lilith: “Hmm. Now, what to wear~ … Eh, I think I’ll just go with the norm”


Snapping my fingers, a high slit dress appeared over my body. Had a nice low V-cut to reveal a tasteful amount of cleavage, and an open back. Exceptionally form fitting, it went down to my waist and then split in the front and back. Leaving the sides of my thighs and legs exposed. The dress length stopped just before my ankles. I also had on some long sleeve dress gloves that went past my elbow and ended halfway up my arm. The dress and gloves had no real colour, instead it looked like it was made of “space” and had some stars and asteroids zipping around and the odd galaxy coming into view. I just had some classic high heels for shoes. Also made of stars and such, because of course?


Looking in the mirror, I nodded at myself.


Lilith: “Yes, this will do just fine~”


Walking forward, I snap my fingers opening a black-purple portal. I can’t help but smirk.


Lilith: “I don’t know about being a wife, but for sure we can be the best of friends. Just wait Ophis, I am on my way~”

Whelp, my first chapter of my first story~ yay! Slowly working on Ch.2 in the DXD world.

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