The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 2: Into DXD~

Stepping out of the portal I looked around. Seems I ended up in a random alleyway in some city. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked towards the street I could see. Taking a peek behind me to see if anything interesting was there, but to be expected nothing was. Just a wall. A shame.


Exiting the alley, I looked around. High skyscrapers, and busy body people all over the place. Honestly, I could understand why Ophis wanted and craved the silence. Sighing, I turned to my left and accidentally walked through some dude.


‘Shit… I forgot too-’


But before I could even finish that thought, the guy just ups and drops dead. Taking a look in his body, and yup. No soul. Damn, not even here for 10 minutes and I have already killed someone. By mistake no less!


‘Honestly, it’s his fault. Not my fault his soul shattered when it was exposed to Null~. But, I better watch that, and make myself actually solid.’


Soon the mundane people around me noticed the corpse, and started to rush to help. Tobad there was nothing anyone could do. With his soul shattered like that, it’ll enter the sea of reincarnation wiped clean. All of its achievements and skills it had built up, all of the connections it had, gone.


Once the screaming, and hollering started, I knew it was my time to bounce. Too noisy! Looking at the top of a nearby skyscraper and deciding that it was a good enough vantage point, I blinked up to it. Well, more so that I just wanted to be there, so I was.


Lilith: “Yup. By looking around I can safely say I know for sure, that I am beyond a shadow of a doubt.. Clueless to where the fuck I am~.”


Thinking about where to go from here, I had a brilliant idea. Thinking about the famous Occult Research Club, I appeared in their main room. Looking around, it looks exactly like it does from the anime. With several key things missing though. No one was here.


Spreading my senses out, I could tell that the school was in full swing, but I couldn’t sense that pervert Issei, or anyone else from the ORC.


‘Hmm. Are they in the underworld? Shit, I don’t even know the exact timeline I popped in too. Oh well, let’s see where Rias is.’


Snapping above some sort of arena, I looked around. Then down. I soon realized that they were in a rating game. Looking closer, it seems they were fighting that fake chicken, Riser. And considering that Rias doesn’t have a full set of slaves, this must be the first fight.


Blinking into the arena, under a cloak of invisibility, I watched as the perverted fool charged at the chicken. Only to lose all his steam and buffs. Then Riser started to lay into the idiot, crushing bones and just generally wrecking his shit.


Rias: “Issei! NO! Please, stop!”


As Riser stopped beating the shit out of Issei and held him by his shirt to look at Rias, a great idea began to form in my mind. With a snap of my fingers, I stopped time. Everything and everyone became gray. All but Rias. She was greatly confused, and looking all around herself.


Walking up to her with a cheshire cat-like smile on my face, I leaned in and whispered to her ear.


Lilith: “What will you give to prevent this from happening, and to win this little game of yours?”


— P.O.V. switch to Rias —


Today was the worst day of my life. All of my peerage was beaten. Some badly. I looked on despaired as Riser beat Issei over and over again. I can’t take this. This isn’t worth his life!


Rias: “Issei! NO! Please, stop!”


As I called out, Riser stopped beating him, he looked up. He had a smug grin on his face. He relished in doing this. I could tell, he wants to break me. And he succeeded. Just as I was about to bag for his life, and forfeit this game, the world around me turned gray. Nothing was moving, everything was stopped. It was like… like time was frozen!


Rias: ‘Did Gasper somehow stop everything but me? No wait, he’s not in this Rating game… so what?”


Before I could continue thinking about the situation, I heard the most amazing voice. It sounded like the stars, and like the infinite blackness of space.

???: “What will you give to prevent this from happening, and to win this little game of yours?”


The voice asked, and I instantly thought of anything. I would give anything to save Issei!


???: “Really? Anything? Then this will be simple. I will give you the power to end this little game of yours. And you? You will say my name, and let me into your reality.”


Rias: ‘Into my reality? What does that even mean? Does she mean the underworld? Why does she need permission? Whatever. Issei first, and then Nii-sama can handle whatever I end up inviting to the underworld.’


— P.O.V. switch Lilith —


I could only smile wide, and hold in my laugh at my little prank. Rias, thinking that her brother can solve all her problems, is so like her. I don’t need her to say my name. I am already here after all. But this should be fun.


Lilith: “So we have a deal then.”


Rias: “Yes! You give me the power to end this, and save Issei, and I’ll say your name!”


Lilith: “Excellent. My name is Lilith Zenon. I look forward to meeting everyone in person~”


As I finished saying that, I tapped Rias on her forehead. Giving her more than enough power and understanding over her power of destruction to end this. Was not permanent though. No reason to give her a free pass after all~


With that, I let time resume, and Rias was covered in a massive aura of Power of Destruction. It was releasing from her like a dam had broken. The look I saw on Riser’s face was absolutely priceless!


With a roar, Rias charged Riser in a blink of an eye, and slammed her POD covered fist right into his face. He went flying like an airplane! He smashed through a few buildings before his body glowed white, until poof! And he was scattered into several white lights indicating he was teleported out of the Rating game.


Everyone was silent at this sudden display. It came out of nowhere! Never has Rias ever displayed such strength and control over her POD. But before Riser could even be announced that he was removed, Rias hit the rest of his peerage with lightning bolts made out of POD. Ending the game in her win.


Grayfia: “Rais has finished off the other team! And is the winner!”


Everyone was just staring at Rias, dumbfounded. The powerful aura around her vanished, and she ran to Issei, calling for Asia to come and help heal him. While she was kneeling next to Issei waiting for him to wake up, her brother and Grayfia walked up to them.


Sirzechs: “Congratulations on your win, Rias! I am proud of you! But I have to ask. What was that at the end there? I’ve never seen you have such control over POD. Or that much power, period.”


Grayfia: “I agree with Sirzechs-sama, Rias-sama. For the last part of the match, you had an aura of peak Ultimate. Far beyond what I feel from you now.”


Looking down, she had a pained expression on her face. I couldn’t help but grin. I just knew this was going to be fun.


Rias: “It was not me Nii-sama. I. I made a deal.”


Sirzechs had a worried look on his face, “A deal, Rias? What kind of deal?”


Rias: “ I am sorry Nii-sama!”


She took in a huge breath, and shouted my name. I was positively beaming. This is going to be so cringe, but I just HAD to do it!


— P.O.V switch Sirzechs —




As my cute little sister screamed a name, I couldn't help but get a sense of dread. She said she made a deal with something, and I am guessing that something is this Lilith Zenon.




As I was about to ask my adorable sister what was going on, I heard a creak. I looked around and behind Rias, there was a crack. In the air. The air was cracked.


Sirzechs: “Grayfia. You heard that, and see that as well... Right?”


With a face filled with worry she replied, “Yes, Sirzechs-sama.”


As one of Rias’s peerage finished healing her new pawn, there was another giant crack. The air started to rapidly creak and groan. More and more cracks and splinters started to appear. And then suddenly, it shattered. And in its place, was a massive hole in reality. Beyond the hole was… nothing. Absolutely nothing. It felt horrible. Like everything that entered in that hole just stopped existing.


And then we heard footsteps. A few seconds later, the most beautiful and terrifying thing I have ever seen in my long life exited the hole. Lilith Zenon I assumed.


Her beauty, and aura. It scared me. This… she. She shouldn’t exist. There is no way something like this could exist! Just her standing there felt like reality itself was ready to break! The rating game dimension we were in was groaning, and cracks started to splinter all over the place.


Standing at over 8m tall, she was beyond beautiful. Long black and orange hair done in a ponytail style, with 15 matching tails. Heterochromia eyes. One sakura pink, the other a deep orange, both glowing brightly. While the sclera was black and had what looked like explosions every now and then?  And a small bit of what looks like holy fire at the sides of her eyes. A spiked halo, with a soft sakura pink glow. And a dress that looks like it was made out of the universe itself, with stars and galaxies floating around.


But the aura she gave off was anything but holy. No, it felt like… like Nothingness. Like the absolute end, of everything and everyone one.


Lilith: “Hello~ How nice of you to keep your part of the bargain little mortal. Thank you for welcoming me! Let me fully introduce myself. My name is Lilith Zenon, Null Kitsune. But your kind normally calls my kind, Outer Gods~”


My face paled at that. Outer God?! How was she able to get here so easily!? What was Great Red doing! What has my adorable sister DONE?!


— P.O.V switch Lilith —


I couldn't but help and laugh inwardly as Sirzechs, and company, was freaking the fuck out from my introduction. Well, can’t blame them. A lot of the other Outer Gods are real freaks. My kind of people honestly. The shit they do is just next level. A bit over the top sometimes, but hey. Different strokes for different folks after all~


While this was cringe, it was so worth seeing everyone's faces. I was deciding whether or not I should keep up the act, or just laugh in their faces now. Of course, I decided to keep messing with them!


Walking over to Rias, I lightly knelt down, and patted her head.


Lilith: “Thank you again little mortal~ It’s been so very long since I’ve gotten into a reality this easily (More like even tried…). It’s time to see what kind of damage I can do before I get bored. Goodbye little ones~


I decided to go see Ophis now. She’s most likely with the looser brigade. To add a bit of dramatic flair, and edginess when I blinked to Ophis’s location, I made it look like my body shattered into several pink butterflies while also making it sound like glass shattering.

And here is the second chapter~ Hope you all like it! Bed time for me though. Even if Outer Gods don't need to sleep, we like too~

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