The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 3: Ophis and the friendship to be?

Floating above a forest where Ophis was apparently taking a walk, I couldn’t help but giggle like the idiot I am. Just thinking about all of the Devils losing their shit is just great. Looking down as Ophis walked aimlessly, as she tends to do it seems, I noticed something.


I am tall as hell. Yea, being 8m isn’t going to work out real well for day to day fuckery. So, lamenting on having to shrink even further, I went down to 7f. Still really tall, but at least now I only have to duck some doorways, and not just punt the building out of the way.


‘Alrighty. Now that is taken care of. Time to talk to my new (maybe) best friend~ As one red styled asshole would say, “Maximum effort!”’


Releasing my invisibility, I fell from the air, and landed right in front of Ophis.


Lilith: “Tadaaa~~”


I say as I raise my arms and do the ‘Jazz hands’ motion. With phantom signs of ‘10’ floating around me.






Lilith: “You could at least clap, you know. Even if you don’t mean it. You know what? Never mind. Here, try these out.”


I gave her a bag of Werthers candy. Who doesn’t like caramel? No one, that’s who.


Ophis: “...”


She still ended up taking the bag of candy and trying one out though. I make a note that she is really lucky she’s OP, or her personality would have her ending up dead in a ditch somewhere. Snapping out of my thoughts, Ophis asked the classic line I’ve been waiting for.


Ophis: “Are you strong? Help against Baka Red?”


‘She’s so adorable~’ I squeal in my head. Nodding my head towards her, I make a small courtesy bow.


Lilith: “Indeed I am very strong, Ophis! Why don’t you focus on me a bit? Try and sense what I am.”


Tilting her head to the side like the adorable ball of death she is, she closed her eyes and did as I asked. Her eyes snapped open, and were slitted like a dragon.


Ophis: “You’re like me. But not?”


Nodding proudly at her I explained a little.


Lilith: “Yes! You have authority of Nothingness, and Infinity. Me though, it’s Null. But, it’s vastly stronger than a measly authority. It’s hard to put into words. Think of it like this. I am Null, as much as Null is me. It’s more complicated than that, but honestly I don’t know how to explain. Never thought too deeply about it because there was no reason to.”


Ophis: “Null?”


Lilith: “It’s easier to just show you.”


Snapping my fingers, a hole in reality shatters into existence. A hole leading to my precious Null. To me, it feels like home. To everything else, it feels like the End. The final destination of anything and everything. Every entity, every thought, every concept. All will end up in the Null, and vanish one day. It’s just how it is, and will forever be. Everything but me.


‘Can be a little sad when I think of it sometimes. But meh, realities always make a comeback eventually. It’s never just the Null forever.’


Ophis’s eyes widened at the feeling the hole was giving off. I could tell she knew exactly what would happen to anything if it stepped through that gaping maw of finality. Shaking her head, she got out of her daze and looked at me.


Ophis: “The same, but not. Understand.”


Nodding her head, she ate another Werthers candy.


Ophis: “Baka Red?”


Smiling, I closed the break in reality, and floated in the air while sitting before her.


Lilith: “Yes, Ophis, I can help with Great Red. But, I want to ask you something. Would you consider coming with me on my adventures to other worlds and realities, if I gave you your own Dimensional Gap to laze around in? I feel like we could become really good friends!”


Tilting her head to the left side this time, and eating another candy, she looked like she was thinking real hard about the question.


‘I might need to make an endless bag of Candy for her, the way she plows through them…’


Ophis: “Show?”


Smiling wide, I created a single earring that was shaped like her sign, and a dragon's head over it with purple gems for eyes. Pointing proudly at my newly made earring, I gave a smile.


Lilith: “This has your very own Dimensional Gap in it~ And nothing can get in it besides me, and yourself. It’s just as big as the Gap you are used to as well. It has the added bonus of super mini micro traces of Null too! To help you slowly get used to it, so you can eventually join me there without… you know. Being removed from existence the second you step foot in it~”


Ophis: “Try?”


Nodding to her, I snapped my fingers, and we were inside the earring. 


Looking around, I can say for sure: I do not like the Gap. It looks like some artist high on LSD puked the rainbow out and called it a day. Shaking my head, I looked at Ophis. She was just floating there without a care in the world, eating some candy.


Lilith: “So? Will this do? Will you come with me on my adventures? We can also rub this in Great Red’s face, and you can tell him that you found a better place and he can have the lesser.”


I know it was kind of a low blow to appeal to her dragon pride like that, but come on. It’s Ophis! She’s adorable, and I truly think we could have some fun once she starts to open up and come into her own with emotions. I could just give her emotions, but it honestly wouldn't be the same. And would feel SUPER scummy~


Ophis replied without opening her eyes, “Hn. Fine.”


Yes! Friend GET! Now, what world do I want to go to next? Or, do I want to keep messing with this world? I have a few things in mind. One of them, I am totally going to do because it would just right FUCK with everything. Hehehehe.


Lilith: “Do you want to go and talk to Great Red now, or later?”


Ophis: “Later.”


Nodding my head, I snapped my fingers and created a small clear bag that had the words “Candies~” on it printed in a childish manner. I handed it to Ophis, and she tilted her head and looked at me.


Lilith: “A special bag I made just for you~ Never ending, and will always have a random candy. Unless you reach in the bag with intent. Awesome right?”

Ophis didn’t say anything. She just took the bag, grabbed a candy from it and ate it while she closed her eyes and floated there. Yea, she loves it~


Lilith: “Well, I am going to go around and mess with the Devils and other factions till you decide you want to go say goodbye to Great Red, okay?”


Ophis just nodded. Smiling at her, I blinked back to the underworld.


‘Oh, I forgot to close the fissure to Null when I was “summoned” by Rias. I wonder how they are reacting to it. Let’s go check~’


Cloaking myself, I blinked back to the rating game stadium. When I arrived I got to see the four great Satan's: Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium. They were talking amongst themselves with worried looks. Well, the three were. Falbium was asleep. Not surprised~


Sirzechs: “Any luck yet, Ajuka?”


Shaking his head, and letting out a sigh he responded with some frustration, “None, Sirzechs. I literally can not get a reading on what is beyond there. It’s like the signals I send in to try and get readings just vanish. Like I never sent them in the first place.”


Serafall: “Vanish?”


Ajuka: “Here, I’ll show you. Can you make me a rod of Ice, Serafall? Oh, and make it have some details of sorts, it’ll help.”


Nodding her head, a magic circle appeared near her feet as a rod of ice rose up out of it decorated with Roses. She then handed the pole to Ajuka, and he walked as close to the fissure as it seemed he was comfortable with.


Ajuka: “Watch.”


I watched as he shoved the pole towards the fissure, and past the ‘doorway’ between here and the Null. The part that entered the Null vanished, as expected. Walking back to the two other Satan's, he showed them the end that entered the Null.


Ajuka: “See, look. The part that entered that void, didn’t just vanish, or melt. It’s gone. Like it never existed in the first place. Look at the Roses. They look like they were designed like this from the start. That they never had a connection to a longer part of the pole.”


‘Truly, a very smart individual. To at least partly understand what happens when you enter the Null by just spending some time near a fissure. Crazy. Oh well, time to fuck with them!’

— P.O.V switch 3rd person —


As they were talking about the rod, they suddenly heard a light sounding breeze coming from the fissure. The three of them turned their heads to look at the hole in reality that was suddenly making noise. The sound of wind picked up so much that it even woke up Falbium.


Soon the howling wind stopped, and an unholy scream of some kind of creature echoed from the fissure. Suddenly four giant shadowy hands came speeding out of the crack and headed towards a Satan each.


Sirzechs: “Shit! Everyone, be careful!”


All four of them jumped back getting ready to fight, while Serafall summoned a massive wall of ice in front of the hands heading towards them. Much to their dismay, the hands just passed through the wall unimpeded as if it was never there. 


Fabium: “ Tch. Absolute Defense!”


His shield began to spread out, and covered the four. But only disappointment awaited them, as the hands once again simply passed through the barrier as if it was air. Each hand latched on to one of the Satan's, and lifted them into the air and started to squeeze them.


All: “Aahhh!”


A little away from Sirzechs, a Gremory teleportation sigil formed. A few seconds later Grayfia materialized.


Grayfia: “Sirzechs-sama, Rias-sama is-”


She quickly noticed the situation though, and was about to attack the hand that was on Sirzechs. But before she could finish her spell, all four Satans glowed, and the hands seemed to have ripped out an orb of some kind and backed away. In each hand, a glowing orb thrummed.


The orb from Sirzechs had a heart with Devil wings. The orb from Serafall had a heart with black and white Angel wing. From Ajuka, a King piece from chess. And finally from Falbium, an infinity sign.


Gasping for air, all four Satan's looked on in confusion. Before anyone could even ask what was going on, the four hands retreated back into the fissure faster than they could react too. As soon as the hands entered the fissure, it collapsed into itself, and sealed up. Vanishing as if it was never there.


Looking at the four Satan's panting for breath, Grayfia asked, “Are you okay Sirzechs-sama? What about-”

*clink, tink tink tink….*


Grayfia was interrupted by an odd sound. Looking down, she saw her Queen Evil Piece. Laying there inert.


Wide eyed, she looked up towards Ajuka. But he was also just as stunned as her, staring at the piece.


They all heard some giggling from above them, and when they looked up, they saw Lilith. Floating upside down, looking at them with great amusement in her odd eyes.


Lilith: “This is just one of four surprises I have for you all~ Oooh, I can’t wait to see what everyone's reaction will be to the Evil Piece system no longer being a thing. Hehehe, if you all think that is the biggest surprise though, you’re in for a treat~”


All the colour in their faces drained at the grin she was sporting, and then she suddenly shattered into butterflies again and disappeared.

Woo~ Third one done! Was fun writing it, took forever though because I kept watching Vids and reading stuff. But meh! Hope you enjoyed it~

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