The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 4: Messing around, and moving on!

While I was enjoying watching the Devils below me scamper around and trying to get a grasp on the situation, Ophis’s voice came into my mind.


Ophis: 'My symbol?'


Lilith: “Ah, saw that did you? Well, all that was mostly just for dramatic flare. Smoke and Mirrors if you will. But, what I ‘did’ with your symbol was remove you as a needed existence for this universe to function. Now, I could have left it, and let it all just pop itself eventually. But, that’s just boring~!”


Lilith: “So now, the universe will eventually birth a new entity to represent the authorities you have. You didn’t lose them by the way. I removed the bit where you would only be able to access them in this universe. By doing this, you should also start to heal. Don’t think I didn’t notice the crack in your soul there BFF~”


Ophis: “Hn. Thank you.”


Lilith: “You’re welcome~ Now, are you ready to talk to Great Red, or should I keep messing around?”


Ophis: “Sleepy.”


Lilith: “Gotcha~ Have a nice nap Ophis~”


She didn’t respond. Already asleep I assumed.


‘Now… where do I want to go next? Talk to Azazel? Michael maybe? Hmm.’


Deciding on who to visit, I snapped my fingers and appeared in a boring looking room. Well, Azazel wasn’t really focused on fanfare in his dwellings, that is for sure. Looking at the man, I could see why several people liked him. He looked like a ‘normal’ dude. Nothing over the top, or anything really bad.


Lilith: “Hi-yeah~”


Getting startled, he looked up from his paperwork. The true enemy of all of creation, let me tell you. From one omniverse to another, over and over. Paperwork was the death of a lot of entities. Maybe not their lives, but most definitely their souls.


Azazel: “Oh shit! Now, who might… you… be…”


Good. He can tell. Or, at least, has a hint of what exactly I am even though I am suppressing my aura. Or, he talked to the Devils already.


Lilith: “You know who I am?”


Gulping down, he responded with great unease, “Y-Yea… Yea I know who, and more importantly what you are…”

— P.O.V switch Azazel —


I am currently screaming like a little girl in my mind.


‘WHAT THE SHIT SIRZECHS?! I thought you were pulling my leg when you said your little sister managed to summon a FUCKING OUTER GOD!!!!'


Looking at the entity in front of me, I was trying really hard to not lose my shit, and keep my poker face. I couldn’t feel anything from her. Nothing. And that spells bad news. Not only did she just pop out of nowhere, I was literally looking at her, and I still couldn’t feel her presence. As if the world just refused to acknowledge that such a horror was in it.


‘Another reason to hate you Father. Ow. Your pointless war made our universe weaker as a whole against things like that. Though, I doubt anyone could do something about an Outer God suddenly bypassing all the defences our Universe should have…’


Trying very hard not to have my voice crack from the nervousness I am feeling, and to keep my pants the same colour I asked her a question.


Azazel: “To what d-do I owe the honour of your visit, Lady Lilith.”


Lilith: “Ah, finally. Someone who knows their place in the order of things. This is why I like you Azazel. Quick on the uptake.”


‘Wait. She knows who I am? How? Has she watched this universe for some time? Or, does she have a skill like the Gods, such as Odin, have?’


Lilith: “Yes to everything, and more~”


‘She can read my mind…………’


I could see nothing but amusement in her eyes. Eyes that were looking at entertainment, not a person. It was very unsettling.


Lilith: “Anyway, moving on. I came here to tell you I am modifying the Devils/Fallen/Angel’s a bit. Why am I telling you this? Because I doubt the Devil’s will piece together the clues very fast, and because I like your grit. Maybe you can do something with this information”


Hey eye’s where literally glowing with amusement and playfulness. But to me, this was horrifying.


‘Mod… modifying the races? I know Outer Gods are stupid powerful, but to modify an entire race? That’s not possible right?’


Lilith: “Oh, it is quite possible~ Now, on to the modification I did to the three races. Congratulations~~!! You can now all have BABIES! At a MUCH higher rate. I upped it to around 50% per time you do the dirty deed. Same gestation period as humans though. Also removed the bit where Angels can fall~ The only way they can fall now, is if they want to, or are voted out by their high counsel they kinda got going on. How exciting, right?!”


Azazel.exe has stopped responding.


Azazel.exe has rebooted!


Azazel: “WHAT?!”


Lilith: “Right?! This should mix up everything so much!”


Azazel: “Will… but. How. Hmm… Will they be full, or halves?”


She gave off a smile that chilled me to the core of my being.


Lilith: “Why, what would be the fun if you, or anyone else for that matter, tried to game the system? So, it will be 100% random if they will be a half or full. Regardless of which two races go at it. Yes, that’s right. It’s not just Humans you all can get into the pool with hehe.”


I couldn’t help but stutter, and nearly choke on air.


Azazel: “But, how does that even work?”


Lilith: “You think I care about the rules this universe has established? Or what your ‘Father’ has put forth? No. What I say, goes. Always. But anyway! I gave you enough information~ Will you take advantage? Will you inform anyone? I can’t wait to watch all the drama about to unfold. Have fun, you dashing man, you~”


And with those parting words, she shattered in several butterflies and was gone.


‘This. This changes everything. There will be no more real balance after a while if everyone can pump out new blood every 9 months! Fuck, how do I want to go about this…’


— P.O.V switch Lilith —


When I appeared above the ORC I was just floating, thinking. Michael was also an interesting case I felt. A bit rough around the edges, but he was created by that moron ‘God’ after all. Nodding my head, I decided to go do Michael a favour. Snapping my fingers, and I was gone.


Appearing in a room that was white (big shocker), and filled with Holy energy, I could see Michael. At a desk. Doing, you guessed it. Paperwork.


Lilith: “Even you huh? Paperwork truly is the bane of existence.”


Being a little startled, Michael looked up at me. And pure confusion was on his face.


Michael: “I am sorry Miss. I didn’t hear you come in. And, I do not recognize you. May I know your name, please?”


Lilith: “Ahh, the Devils and Fallen haven't gotten around to letting you know who I am, I take it?”


Shaking his head he responded, “No, I am sorry, they have not.”


Smiling my cheeky smile that I love oh so much, “Ah. No worries. I am the Outer God that one, Rias Gremory, let into your reality. Lilith Zenon. To your dismay”


I say as I give a mock bow.


‘Ahh, yes. Never get tired of that face. Ha! Even his halo seemed to dim.’


Holding up my hand to stop him from saying whatever he was about to say, “Don’t worry. I am not here to delete your universe. And the harm I had planned to do to it, is already done~ I was feeling very ‘hands off” this time. So, while I did change the direction of fate of this world as a whole drastically, it won’t be me personally or agents of mine, that causes the world to collapse on itself. It’s going to be a great show~”


I look on with glee in my eyes. I can tell he wants to do or say something. But he knows he can’t. Even his ‘Father’ was scared shitless of my kind. And rightfully so. And I am a whole lot worse than all the other Outers put together an infinite amount of times~


Lilith: “ Anyway! The reason I am here. I gave the Fallen a boon. Mostly because I happen to like Azazel as a person. He’s good people in my books. You are too. So, I am going to do you a real solid. On top of the other changes I have already made to the universe.”


I snapped my fingers. And thus, Michael now had full control, and understanding of the system of Heaven his old man left behind. He can even modify it if he so chooses. His eyes widened when he felt the information slam into his brain.


Lilith: “There it is. Because of the system, you might already know some of the changes I’ve made. I am happy to inform you that even with the full power of Heaven’s system, you can’t change anything I have though~ But, I did up the power of the system a tad, and unlocked all the features your ‘Father’ was to chicken shit, or dumb to fully understand and use.”


Michael: “Why?”


Lilith: “Why what? I am not a mind reader you know. Oh kay, that’s a lie, I am just too lazy to dig.”


Michael: “Why give such a boon to Heaven. And these other changes you’ve made… it’s going to cause such chaos.”


Lilith: “Yes! Yes it will~! That’s the whole point! I look forward to what will happen to this universe now that these changes have happened! Will you all destroy yourselves? Will you rise above your hate and become more!? It’s so exciting~ I’ve done this so many times, but it’s always a joy. Most of the time, nothing special happens. But sometimes. Sometimes, a Diamond in the rough appears. And entities like you, Michael? Like your Fallen Brother, Azazel?  You tend to find said Diamonds. Don’t disappoint me now~”


Shattering into butterflies, I left Heaven and went into the earring to visit Ophis.


Lilith: “Hello, Ophis~”


Ophis: “Hn.”


Eating candies, and just floating around per normal I observe.


Lilith: “Still need more time, Ophis?”


Ophis shakes her head, and grabs my hand, “I, am ready. Baka Red now.”


Smiling at her I nod my head, “Sure thing, Ophis. Off we go~”


Snapping my fingers, we pop in near Great Red. He’s just chilling like the lazy boss he is. I can’t tell if he is sleeping, or searching for threats. If I had to bet, I’d say sleeping. 


‘Oh! Looks like he noticed us. Or more like, noticed Ophis.’


Opening his eyes, he looked at us, then to Ophis.


Red: “Hello Ophis. Is this another ‘helper’ you found, and are going to attempt to remove me from your home?”


Ophis: “Baka Red. You can keep. Found better.”


Great Red just blinks, dumbfounded.


Red: “What?”


Ophis: “Baka Red. BAKAAA.”


Then she disappears back into my earring. Leaving Great Red just blasted with confusion, and me giggling.


He clears his throat and asks me, “Well, that just happened. And who might you be?”


Lilith: “Greetings Great Red, My name is Lilith Zenon. An Outer God that was let in by a foolish little Devil~”


Red’s eyes widen, and he immediately rushes away from me, while launching a rather large beam of magic at me. It smashes into me, but doesn’t do a thing. Not even ruffling my lovely dress, even a little.


Seeing that his attack didn’t do anything, he goes for another spell. Before he could even get halfway done casting it, I just appeared next to his face, and slapped him lightly. Well, it was enough to move his giant head sharply to the left, but still. Lightly.


Lilith: “Bad dragon~. Enough of that. If I wanted to fight you, you’d already be dead.”


Red is just floating there. Looking like he’s contemplating his life up until now.


Red: “That. That really hurt. What the hell. Was that really just a slap I saw?”


Lilith: “Yup~”


Red gives a large sigh and asks, “What are you here for then Lady Lilith?”


Giving him a smug smile, “Oh you know. Causing a lot of chaos, re-writing a bit of your reality to make it more interesting to watch if I ever want too. And to pick up my potential best friend to join me on adventures~! That’s Ophis in case you are still out of it by the love tap.”


Eyeing my warily, “Not here to corrupt? Or destroy?” 


I just gave him a smile that didn't reach my eyes, and giggled a bit.


Lilith: “Corrupt? No, I am not that kind of Outer God. Most of the time anyway. But Destroy? Oh my yes. But not directly. No, I leave that to the mortals~”


I then inform him of exactly what I did to the Races, including some god’s and their races, and the boon I gave the Angels. Both of them.


Red: “Yea, I 100% expect them to destroy the planet.”


Lilith: “Right?! I wonder how though! Or, maybe they won’t, and a ‘hero’ will arise! Oh.. that reminds me…”


With a cold aura and extreme bloodlust radiating off me, I snap my fingers. Then I smile, and return to normal.


Red: “W-what was THAT?!”


Lilith: “Oh, don’t worry. Just introducing a filthy ‘hero’ who likes to betray his betters to the wonders of the Omega Sanction. Don’t worry about it~”


Red: “R-right. Anyway. So what now?


‘Ophis, are you good to leave now? Shall we continue on?’


Ophis: ‘Hn.’


Smiling, I refocus on Great Red.


Lilith: “Looks like Ophis is ready to leave, and so am I. Oh! Here. Since I enjoyed watching some of your shenanigans while you messed around in the Gap. *snap* I unlocked your power level, and you can now grow much stronger. Trust me, you should start lifting brah~ I am not the only one who has eyes on this universe. Just the most powerful~”


‘Whelp Ophis~! Time to go on our next Great Adventure~”


Ophis: ‘Hn.’


Snapping my fingers, a black-purple portal opens. As I step through, I wonder just where I will end up!

And Chapter 4~ Sorry I didn't get it out yesterday. Just wasn't feeling like writing. I put up a poll for the next world if anyone wants to vote~ I won't be writing much for the next few days/week though. Tower of Fantasy is coming out! And I might drown my soul in to it for a while if it is any good~

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