The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 11: The ancient and most noble House of Zenon~.

As Ophis and myself appeared in the middle of nowhere over one of the oceans I nodded my head and waved my hand outwards. A massive landmass with a gigantic castle appeared, along with the new residences to go with it all.


Looking over my creation, I nodded my head.


Lilith: “Well, Ophis? What do you think of our new temporary home~?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, like it.”


Giving her a smile and a nod I say, “Great~. So, how do you want to join me on this little adventure?”


Taking a step, we appeared in a massive bedroom, with two massive beds. Each bed was draped in our colours. Mine with purple and pink, and Ophis’ with purple and black. 


Ophis: “What, do you mean?”


Walking over to a chair near my bed, I take Ophis off my shoulder and place her on my lap as I sit down. I started to give her head pats as I spoke up.


Lilith: “Well, you can come along to this school of magic, Hogwarts, as either a friend of mine in your human form. Or, you could turn into a tiny version of your dragon self and come as my familiar~.”


Ophis tilted her head in thought as she went over her options. A few minutes later she spoke up.


Ophis: “Will, you change?”


Lilith: “Yes, I’ll be making myself appear much younger~. About your age. I’ll still have all my features though~.”


Ophis gave a nod and said, “I, have chosen. Best friend.”


Lilith: “You mean you’ll go in your human form?”


Ophis: “Hn.”


I smiled widely and lifted her up onto my shoulder again as I stood up.


Lilith: “Excellent~! Well, let’s take some time to get familiar with our new home, and then I’ll skip ahead in time a bit to the first day of our new school life~.”


— P.O.V. switch Minerva McGonagall —


As I was making one last check over the names and letters of acceptances being returned, one letter suddenly caught my eye. As I picked it up and looked at the magic seal, the blood in my veins froze.


Minerva: “This… I have to tell Albus right away. This could be a very bad situation for Hogwarts, and the wizarding world at large.”


Holding the letter with a bit of fear, I quickly made my way to the headmasters office. This letter could very well lead to the death of every person in this country if mishandled, and that thought brought me great discomfort.


As I was making my way through the halls of Hogwarts, I passed Severus Snape, and the worry on my face must have been evident as he quickly matched my speed and walked with me.


Severus: “What is wrong, Minerva? You are normally the picture of calm. For something to unnerve you this much, must be terrible indeed.”


Without even replying or slowing down, all I did was hold up the letter so he could see the magic seal on it. Judging by the sharp intake of breath, it was clear he also understood the possible problem.


Severus: “For them to send correspondence now? They never deal with us though… They ignored the world at large for thousands of years.”


Minerva: “I do not know either, Severus. I hope Albus will know what to do. For all our sakes.”


Severus made a small grunt in acknowledgment as he kept up with me. Several minutes later, I was at the headmaster's door, giving it a knock.


Albus: “Come in.”


Without wasting any time, Severus and I entered his office and walked over to his table.


Albus: “Minerva? Come, what is wrong? Why do you look so troubled dear?”

Minerva: “We have a situation that could be more disastrous and dangerous than even if You-Know-Who should come back.”


Albus raised an eyebrow at that and said, “That is a heavy claim-”


Before he could finish talking, I handed him the letter. As he looked down at the magic seal, his face hardened and he stilled.


The magic seal was of a many tailed fox playing around with a black dragon. The magic symbol of the house and nation of Zenon. This nation is regarded as beyond magically powerful, and is ruled by a 10 tailed kitsune queen. Thousands of years ago, there was a war of humans trying to subjugate all the kitsunes because they thought their tails would grant immortality or something silly.


During that war, the current queen appeared, and changed the very landmasses of the Earth in her rage. She obliterated several covens at the time with ease with her unique magic, and separated a massive swath of land to be their race's new home. They normally keep to themselves, but once every few hundred years a foolish witch or wizard tries to get in their land. It never ends well for said individual.


This letter is the first time their nation has reached out since the war.


Minerva: “What do you think, Albus?”


Albus took some time to calm his nerves, and set the letter down calmly and looked up at us.


Albus: “I am hopeful it is nothing bad. But you are right this could be disastrous. I like to think it is a good sign that it is addressed to ‘Headmaster Albus Dumbledore’ and not any other of my titles.”


With a heavy sigh, Albus picked up the letter, and broke the seal. With a flash of light, the entire letter dissolved into motes of light that flowed around the room before collecting into the shape of a woman.


There were no features, but we could all tell this was the queen. This was merely a letter, but the pressure I felt from it was immense.


Queen Zenon: “I greet you, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. My daughter, Crown Princess Lilith Artoria Null Zenon, and her friend Ophis Twilight-Infinity Dragon have both expressed a desire to attend your little school. As such, they will be attending as guest students for an indeterminate amount of time. Please treat them like normal students if you are able, but it is not required. There is also no need to hold a welcoming party of the sorts, as Lilith has expressed her distaste for such trivialities.


Well, this is a huge surprise. And judging by Severus and Albus’ faces, they are both of the same mind as myself.


Queen Zenon: “Oh, one last thing. This comes from me as a mother.


Suddenly, there was a massive increase in the pressure on everyone, and Severus and myself crashed to the floor in a painful heap.


Queen Zenon: “If my little baby or her friend are hurt in any way, I will take great pleasure in reminding you filthy hairless apes why hurting a Kitsune is never a good idea.


Thankfully, the pressure let up after that horrifying threat, and I was able to slowly stand up on my wobbly legs.


Queen Zenon: “That is all.


And with a flash, the form of the Queen was gone. I was still rather unnerved by the whole situation, and I missed which of the paintings were talking but I agreed with what was said.


???: “That was horrifying. That was just a letter? For real?”


Severus: “As expected of the Kitsune Queen, one would say I guess.”


Albus: “Indeed. Minerva, I want you to write to all the noble houses who are sending their children, and inform them of this situation. Focus on the Dark Houses first. I don’t want one of their uppity kids angering this Princess Lilith. We have no idea what she is like, but if she is anything like her mother…?”


Minerva: “Of course Albus.”


Albus: “Severus, help her if she needs it. In the meantime, I need to make a trip to the Ministry. They need to be informed of this right away. You were right on the nose, Minerva. This could be the end of everything, or it could open up channels of cooperation and friendship with the Crown Princess and thus the Zenon Nation.”


Giving a nod, I turn and leave on my still weakened legs to do my assigned job.


‘That was the single most horrifying thing I have ever experienced, and I’ve fought Dark Wizard and Witches! I hope there are not a lot of houses that will cancel their attendance, and move their child to a different school. Albus is right, while this is risky for us, it is also a massive opportunity.’


Nodding to myself, I sped up slightly as I made my way back to my office. Because no matter the opportunity this presents, I now have a lot of letters to write, and more paperwork.


A nice little bonus chappy I felt like writing today~. Hope you enjoyed the set up!

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