The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 10: Brothers two and a magical world~.

After having dropped off the ship and getting them all squared away I went inside to the earring to speak with Ophis.


Lilith: “Ophis~. Did you want to go anywhere specific, or should we just random it again?”


Tilting her head, she seemingly went into a deep thought.


Ophis: “Hn, Random.”


Lilith: “Random it is! Now let’s… oh?”


Ophis: “Something, interesting?”


Lilith: “Another shard of myself had found someone. Interestingly, they are Artoria Alter. I’ll keep an avatar around her I guess. Anyway~! Let’s go, Ophis!”


Snapping my fingers, a portal opened and we stepped through. As we were traveling, I felt a pull. Looking at who had the balls to summon myself, I see an interesting duo. I also notice I am not their target, but I decide I will be. Or, more precisely, one of them.


Stepping into the reality a bit before the spell was actually cast, Ophis and I watched as one of the men bent down and lit up some objects in a bowl near a containment rune that was painted on the ground.


While the summoning spell was starting to begin up, I looked around. We were in an old looking warehouse with a lot of space in the middle for this ritual.


Taking note, there were three men, a woman and her child present. They all looked very nervous as the spell took effect and started to summon the intended target.


As they all started to back away from the containment rune one of the men told the woman to try and stay calm. Soon after, wind started to pick up inside the building and the lights started flickering.


Several lightning strikes hit inside the rune and eventually a man was standing there with electricity coursing around him. He took a curious look around and when he saw everyone he looked down and noted the rune.


Smiling wryly at the group he said, “Oh come now. Can’t we do this civilized?”


I decided this was when I was going to reveal myself.


Lilith: “Oh, I disagree. Why don’t we get very uncivilized~? After all, you are quite the bastard in every reality… aren't you Zeus?”


My voice surprised everyone as they all looked behind them.


???: “Wh.. who?”


Giving a cheshire smile to him I said, “Really Sam. When you summon gods, you must make sure you don’t accidently let in something you didn’t mean too.”


Sam’s eyes widened at that. And he quickly looked to his brother, Dean.


Lilith: “Really boys. The amount of stuff you get up too is quite fun~! I mean, who else would summon a god just to kill him because of a child? Not many, I’ll tell you~.”


Sensing an arrow coming to me, I simply caught it in between my fingers.


Lilith: “Now now Artemis. For a hunter goddess, you sure picked your target poorly.”


Snapping my fingers, she collapsed onto the ground clutching her chest in pain. Turning my attention back to everyone else I looked towards Zeus.


Lilith: “I don’t feel like dealing with you Zeus, so you can just die.”


Zeus: “I don’t know who you are, but if you think you can kill m-”


Snapping my fingers, Zeus started to fade away much like the people from the Thanos snap.


Dean: “Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down! Who are you, Lady?!”


Lilith: “Ah, my bad~. I greet you, mortals, my name is Lilith Zenon Null Kitsune. An Outer Goddess~.”


Both Sam and Dean’s eyes widened and their faces paled.


Both: “Oh fuck.”


Dean: "You mean like Cthulhu and shit?!"


Smiling widely at them I say, “Yes~! Like I said. Make sure you don’t let in something you didn’t intend when summoning gods~.”


Dean: “Wait. Lilith? Like, THE Lilith?”


I frown at that.


Lilith: “No. I had the name long before that demoness had it. But no matter~. Oh Chuck~. I know you are watching. Come here, before I erase all of creation~.”


In a flash of light Chuck, aka God, appeared. He was currently sweating buckets and buckets.


Lilith: “Good~. You seem to understand who and what exactly is standing in front of you~?”


Chuck: “Yes! When my sister and I came into being, we saw traces of your dimension leaving this one. You give the same feeling as that place…”


Lilith: “Excellent~.”


Dean: “Chuck? What are you doing here? HOW are you here?”


Sam: “Yea, I am confused. Everything is going so fast. One minute we were about to confront Zeus, the next minute an Eldritch horror, no offense Lilith!, is standing casually with a little girl on her shoulder behind us.”


Lilith: “None taken, Sam. As for this ‘little girl’?”


I motion for Ophis to introduce herself. She just cutely and lazily waves to everyone.


Ophis: “I, am Ophis. Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God.”


Giving her a smile and a head pat, I turn back to Chuck.


Lilith: “Now, I’ve watched the entire little story you have written out for these two boys. And overall, kinda boring. And the ending was so lackluster~.”


Chuck: “I am… sorry?”


Lilith: “As you should be~. So, I have decided to mix things up a bit!”


Grinning, I snap my fingers. Sam, Dean and Chuck all have wide eyes.


Dean: “Sammy…”


Sam: “I know Dean…”


Chuck: “What have you done? I… I feel so. So mortal?”


Giving a giggle I snap my fingers again, and turn to the others in the room. Namely the woman and the child.


Lilith: “There. Your child and lover are free of their curse~. Now, take this poor excuse of a hunter and sort out your problems somewhere else.”


With a wave of my hand the woman and her child, her lover, and Artemis fade away.


Turning back to Chuck I give him a large smile.


Lilith: “As for your question, I stripped you of all divinity and gave it to Sam and Dean Winchester here~.”


Turning to the boys I ask, “Do you understand what I am now, and what Chuck here had planned?”


They both give me a hard nod, and turn to look at Chuck with fury in their eyes.


Dean: “You made countless versions of us suffer for your sick ‘book’!”


Sam: “I think it’s time you spent some time with your son, Lucifer. In that damn box you made. Have fun, ‘Chuck.’”


Sam snapped his fingers and Chuck was gone. Leaning back to float in a reclining position I toss them a question.


Lilith: “So. What will you do now, you two? Do you want to keep this power~?”


They both turned to me, and bowed.


Sam: “Thank you so much, Lady Lilith. You freed us of something so horrible I can scarcely put it into words.”


Dean: “We won’t forget it, Lilith. Thank you for saving my brother!”


Giggling a bit, I just tell them to raise their heads.


Lilith: “Don’t worry about it you two. It’s just a whim of mine~. So, my question~?”


Dean: “If possible, I would like to keep these powers.”


Sam: “I agree. We should be able to do some real good with them.” 


I give them a hum in response.


Lilith: “Sure thing boys. We’ll see just what kind of universe you make~. Well, have fun boys~. This was just a pitstop for the two of us. Later~.”


Snapping my fingers and opening a portal, Ophis and I leave the universe. As we were flying through the portal to the next universe Ophis spoke up.


Ophis: “I, think they will do a bad job.”


Giggling, I pat Ophis’s head while nodding mine.


Lilith: “Oh, I agree. Those two have way too much pain to be objective towards the world. There is a very high likelihood they will become tyrant gods. Anyway, Ophis. For this next world we’re coming up too, I was thinking of blending in a tiny bit and having a bit of an adventure instead of our usual M.O. Did you want to join me?”


Ophis: “I, do. It’ll be fun?”


Lilith: “Oh, I'm sure it will be fun~.”


As we stepped out into the universe we heard a semi-deep voice talking to someone.


???: “Yu’re a Wizard Harry!”


???: “I’m a what?”


Smiling, I say to Ophis, “After all, there is magic in the air. And magic is always fun~.”


A nice short chapter~. After so long! I find it hard to write stuff for Lilith with out it just becoming boring to read and to also write~. So, I am going to attempt something new for the HP world~. This won't get updated very often though, as I am really enjoying writing Artoria Alter's story atm~! Anyway, enough of that, hope you enjoyed the smoll chappy~.

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