The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 9: From Guardian to Hunter.

Looking at Ophis sleeping, I decide not to wake her for this bit. If memory serves, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord will take the power stone to Xandar, the capital world of the Nova Empire. The question is, how do I want to go about this. Do I want to empower him? One of his friends? Or do I want to wipe them out?


‘Eh! I’ll wing it. We’ll see how it goes from how they act.’


Waving at the shimmering mirror, it shows Quill has gotten into the scuffle with his eventual crew. Time to make an entrance no-one will forget.


— P.O.V. switch narrator —


Rocket: “I live for the simple things, like how much this is going to hurt.”


Then the raccoon shot his weapon at the fleeing human, causing the human to fall down to the ground and start spazzing from being electrocuted.


Quill: “Ahhh!!”


Rocket: “Hahaha! Yea, writhe little man.”


Rocket turned around when he heard his companion whimpering, and saw him nudging his detached arm on the ground with his foot.


Rocket: “It’ll grow back you daft idiot, quit whining.”


Then suddenly the both of them were enveloped by a golden sparkly light, coming from the planet's local police force ships, lifting them in the air.


Officer: “Subject 89P13, by the authority of the Nova Core, you are under arrest. Drop your weapon!”


Rocket: “Awe crap.”


Meanwhile, Quill was cuffed, and lifted to his feet. The officer on his right recognized him.


Officer: “Hey! If it isn’t Star-Prince.”


Quill looked dejected and said, “It’s Star-Lord.”


Officer: “Oh, sorry, Lord. I picked this guy–”


All of a sudden, the area was starting to get darker around them. Everyone was looking around confused when Rocket looked up.


Rocket: “What the SHIT IS THAT?! It’s MASSIVE!!!”


Upon hearing his outcry, everyone turned to look up, and their eyes almost bugged out, while their jaws fell open.


Coming out of some kind of massive portal, was a ship of unprecedented size. Soon enough, the world of Xandar was in total blackness because of the sheer size of the ship blocking out the two suns.


Quill: “What. The actual fuck.”


Officer: “Yea…”


As the ship continued to leave the portal the public was starting to panic. All of the officers tried their best to keep everyone calm.


Gamora:” Ughh… what, happened?”


She started to panic when she saw she was floating in the golden beam, but quickly noticed everyone was looking up, and that it was pitch black out. As she looked up, she was absolutely dumbfounded by the ship like everyone else.


Gamora: “That is larger than anything my father has by a lot…”


Eventually the ship cleared the portal, and revealed all its glory. It was clearly a battleship of some sort. And more advanced than anyone has seen. Definitely much larger, there was simply no comparison.


The ship was deep royal purple in colour, with pink highlights. The top and sides of the ship had several weapon batteries, while under the ship looked like Energy generators of some sort, that glowed a deep purple. 


There were  six generators in total, in patterns of two going down the length of the ship. They had to be as big as the planet Xandar themselves.


The overall design of the ship was sleek, royal.


Rocket: “How the hell does something be that big, and not affect the gravity in the surroundings.”


Groot: “I am Groot.”


Rocket: “Yea. They are beyond anything. I am sure they have some great tech we could get our hands on, and sell for millions! Or even weapons we could have…”


Gamora: "Just how advanced would you need to be to cancel out the gravity of a ship. No, to even BUILD a ship of that size.”


All of a sudden, a beam of purple light came from the ship, and washed over the entire planet.


Quill: “I am thinking whoever that ship belongs too, likes the colour purple.”


Officer: “Yea, no kidding”


The light then started to get narrower, and soon enough, it was pointing at the orb in Quill’s jacket.


Quill: “Uhh…”


Then the light turned red.


Quill: “That can’t be good can it?”


Suddenly, several spots around the plaza they were currently at light up in pink for several seconds. When the light vanished, what stood in its place were creatures of shadows. Humanoid in shape, but beings made of smoky shadow. They had no features whatsoever besides glowing red eyes.


One of the creatures walked forward, leaving a smoky trail behind it, to Quill. It pointed to where the red light was still shining.


Shadow: “ The Empress demands that you return that which was stolen from her long ago.”


Quill: “Umm. I don’t know what you mean.”


Shadow: “Do not play dumb, mortal. The Eye is literally shining on the object you have. It is not yours, or anyone else's. Return it, before we destroy this galaxy and take it.”


Quill: “Whoa whoa! That is a fast escalation! How about. I go with you to visit your Empress, and we can make a deal?”

Shadow: “There will be no deal. You will give the Power Stone to her, and if she does ordains, she will give you something as a reward.”


Rocket: “Hey wait, stop! That’s our bounty! You can’t have him!”


The shadowy being looks towards the raccoon. Then to the other two floating near him.


Shadow: “Friends? Very well, you all will see the Empress.”


Gamora: “Wait, what?”


A flash of light, and the four of them were standing before a very large door.


Shadow: “The Empress is just inside here. Show her respect, or you will quite literally be erased.”


Quill quickly noticed the shadow was holding the orb he worked hard for, but before he could complain the massive doors started to open.


As the four followed the shadow into the room, they looked up at the throne, and all had the exact same thought.


Quill. ‘Holy shit’


Rocket: ‘She’


Groot: ‘Groot’


Gamora: ‘Massive!’


Sitting on the throne was an absolute beauty of a woman. She had fox ears and a lot of fox tails behind her. Her dress looked like space itself, and her eyes were very unique. And she was absolutely massive. Her eyes were as large as moons, and she could easily fit the planet of Xandar in her hands.


Now they began to understand the scale of the ship they had seen. For it to house an entity as large as this, of course it was massive.


Shadow: “My Empress! I bring you the item you desire.”


She nodded her head, and the orb started to float up toward her. The casing around it broke and revealed the power stone.


Lilith: “ Thank you servant. I knew I shouldn’t have created these silly little toys after all. To be awakened after so long, just because a child is throwing a tantrum.”


The massive woman sighed, causing a great gust to nearly launch the four helpless “heroes” into the air.


Gamora’s face was a tad pale when she heard that this entity has CREATED the infinity stones her father is searching for.


Gamora: “Pardon me, your Majesty?”


Gamora felt like the universe itself had crashed down on her body when the woman looked at her. Causing her to fall to her knees.


Lilith: “You will address me as Empress Lilith, child. Now, what is it you wish to ask me?”


Gamora was sweating buckets. It truly felt like the woman's gaze alone was going to remove her from her mortal coil.


Gamora: “With no disrespect, was it true when you said you were the one who created the infinity stones?”


The Empress let out a soft laugh that sounded like cosmic bells in a solar wind.


Lilith: “Infinity stones? That is what you mortals are taking to call these trinkets? But yes, I was the one who created these stones. But that is not what you want to ask me, speak.”


Gamora: “Could. Could you kill my father?”


Lilith: “The one named “Thanos”? The one collecting these trinkets?”


Gamora: “Yes, Empress Lilith.”


The Empress waved off Gamora with a dismissive air about her.


Lilith: “Of course. Why? Do you not agree with his ways? His ideal about ‘balance’?”


Gamora: “No, Empress Lilith. He has made my and my sister’s lives horrible.”


The mighty Empress hummed for a few seconds while thinking, until a small smile with a hint of cruelty crept on her face.


Lilith: “I am feeling magnanimous right now. You four will become my Hunters. You will rid this universe of these little toys. When one of you touches an infinity stone, it will shatter, its power will then be granted to all four of you temporarily. Do whatever you must to destroy all of them. And when it is all done, you may make one wish for anything you may want, in exchange for the power to be removed from you.”


Rocket: “Anything?”


Lilith: “Yes, that is what I said.”


Rocket: “Even if it was your throne?”


A small laugh echoed throughout the throne room.


Lilith: “Yes, little one. Even my throne. But I advise all of you to think carefully about what the wish is that you want granted, very very carefully.”


Groot: “I am Groot.”


Lilith: “Oh, I am sure you will find a way to find them all.”


And with a wave of her massive hand, the little power stone floated down in front of Quill.


Lilith: “Now, claim the start of your adventure. It will hurt, but you'll find the pain a small price to pay.”


Peter looked at everyone as if to ask if they really wanted to do this. They all nodded their heads to him. So with great determination, excitement, and maybe a little bit of fear, he reached out and grabbed the stone.


The stone shone brightly for a second through his fingers, then it shattered. Nothing happened for a few seconds, before all of them started to cry out in pain, holding their left hands while falling to their knees.


They watched on in pain as a tattoo of the stone etched itself on the back of their left hand just below the knuckle of the middle finger. It was the most painful thing they have ever experienced in their lives. But luckily it only lasted a few seconds and it was done.


All of them were panting and sweating from the pain. One by one, they got up from their knees and marvelled at the tattoo and the strength they could feel. They all felt like they should shatter planets!


Lilith: “It is done, and one stone is now gone forever from this universe. Take however long you wish to get the other stones, but get them. Now, begone. I tire of your presence.”


With another wave of her hand, they were gone. Soon, laughter filled the room.


Lilith: “Well, that should be good enough to spice things up in this universe~. I think I’ll talk with Ophis and see if she has any opinions on where to go next.”

— P.O.V. switch Lilith —


Now I had to think of what to do with this big ass ship, and the shadow servants I created. It would be such a waste to just remove them. After all, this is a proper ship, with all the bells and whistles. And a lot of extras too.


Lilith: “Eh. I think I’ll just go to an unexplored section of space and create a Shadow Empire there. If Hela ever makes it over there, she can claim it as her own, or fight it even~. Yea, that sounds like a plan!”


And a new chapter for Lilith. Not exactly satisfied with this one, but it'll have to do~. I hope you enjoyed anyway though!

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