The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 8: Teatime gone wrong. Or maybe not?

Lilith: “Hmmm?”


While I was watching Hela drag her family into the city, I felt one of the few shards I still had out in the True Omniverse fulfill its purpose and return to me.


Lilith: “Oh, how interesting~.”


Ophis looks up to me, and tilts her head in question. Giving her a smile, and a head pat I informed her of what was going on.


Lilith: “Oh, nothing too much, BFF. One of my shards I left a few eons ago, finally found a soul worth transforming~. Though, to send it to the Stargate universe without some protection from the Ori and the Ascended…”


Thinking it would be rather boring if the soul was crushed just as it was getting started, I snapped my fingers adding a few things, while changing others.


Lilith: “There, that should be enough~. Now, Ophis, I am going to go visit an old (for a human) woman who fancies herself as a powerful sorceress. Would you like to come along?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, would like to.”


Lilith: “Awesome~! Let’s be off then! Come, take your rightful place my friend~.”


Ophis sent me a nod, and floated over to my left shoulder and rested against it. With less than a blink later, I was sitting in front of our target. 

She was blissfully unaware of our intrusion, and was reading the newspaper while sipping some tea.


Lilith: “You are doing a terrible job~. As the Sorcerer Supreme, and as a host! To ignore us, and not offer any tea. For shame Tilda, for shame~.”


The Ancient One startled, and spilled a little bit of her tea. I was honestly expecting her to be a lot more alarmed considering how long it has been since someone snuck up on her. But alas, she is a martial artist.


She looked at Ophis and I with extreme suspicion. Looking over Ophis before moving on to me. I just gave her a smirk.


Lilith: “Fine then, if you won’t offer some tea, I’ll just make some myself. Ophis, would you like some tea? Or just some candy~?”


Ophis: “I, would like candy.”


Nodding my head, I snapped my fingers causing a bag of candy, and a full tea cup to appear out of thin air. This caused The Ancient One’s eyes to widen slightly.


Ancient one: “Who are you two?”


(A/N: I’ll be shorting her name to AO)


Lilith: “I’ll give you a hint~. Think back to my greeting.”


She frowns for a few seconds, before she glares lightly, her eyes gaining a glint.


AO: “You’re an invader, magical in origin. But I don’t recognise you.”


Lilith: “Not surprised~. I’ve not been to this corner of the True Omniverse before. Sent a few people here though.. Hmm.. Eh, never mind~. But anyway, I am far more than just “Magical” in origin. You could say that everything about me is… out of this reality~.”


Ah, looks like she picked up on my meaning if her spike in fear and wide eyes are anything to go by.


AO: “An Outer God?! But, the ones at a higher station should have been able to stop you!”


Giving her a bit of a sinister giggle, and a most wicked smile, “Oh, the highest one did try~. But now, she is a powerless mortal… being used and mutilated by some nasty little creatures called goblins.”


Ophis: “Hn. She, is in pain”


Lilith: “Well, I warned One Above All. Really though, such an ambitious name~. Think so, Ophis?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, think so.”


Looking between Ophis and I, she hesitantly asked, “And, who is this One Above All?”


Lilith: “Ah, right. She was indeed a bit higher than your paygrade allowed! Well, she was the creator of this little slice of the True Omniverse. God, if you will~.”


AO: “God. You… you really want me to believe you stripped God of her powers and sent her to die?”


Lilith: “Don’t believe me? Well, seeing is believing after all~. How about I show you something else?”


Before she could ask what I was about to do, we were floating in the middle of darkness.


Lilith: “I trust you don’t need me to say where we are?”


AO: “How? This is the Dark Dimension! I felt nothing. No magic, no pull. Nothing.”


Lilith: “We are here, simply because I wish it. Now then~.”


I cough to clear my throat, and yell into the void.


Lilith: “Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain~.”


Several seconds later, a giant face formed next to us, and AO slightly panicked and prepared to fight.


Dormammu: “Who are you? How are you in my dimension! Speak!”


Giving him a smirk I replied, “How rude! This is the second time a host has refused us sweets and tea, right Ophis~? What should we do about this?”


Ophis tilted her head for a second then replied, “I, don’t like him.”


Lilith: “Whelp, you heard her Dormammu! Good bye~.”


I snapped my fingers, and Dormammu started to scream in agony as he was slowly disintegrating. AO was just standing there, mouth wide open.


Lilith: “Oh my~. It seems the owner of this nice dimension has left. Ophis? Do you see anyone who would make a good owner~?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, do.”


Then she simply points at AO. AO looked at us with confusion and a healthy amount of horror, and I simply snapped my fingers. There was no fanfare. No transformation. Just like that, I made AO the master and owner of this dimension. While also cutting off all other users from it. That should cause a little chaos.


AO looks at her hands in wonder while asking, “What have you done? I feel. Different. Vastly more powerful.”


Lilith: “Oh, you know, not much~. Just made you the new master of this dimension, and changed your existence a bit. I blessed, and cursed you Tilda. For as long as this dimension exists, so shall you. You may bleed, and even be killed. But you will always reform here seconds later. And while you are in here? Well, good luck to anyone that doesn’t have universal levels of power.”


AO was wide eyed at my explanation.


AO: “Why would you do this? And, my name is not Tilda.”


Smirking at her, “Sure it isn’t. As for why? Why not? You see. I like to cause chaos. A lot of it. I like to uplift people, see what they do with the power given. Will you use this power for the good of Earth? Will you let this power rot? There are so many roads you can take.”


‘Mental note: Warn Hela to avoid Earth till she can break out of dimensions. Don’t want her to just get trapped in the Mirror Dimension and have to free her. Or do I~? Could be funny… Fuck it, let’s see how this plays out like normal~!”


Suddenly we were back in the AO’s room on Earth. Looking over at Ophis, she seems to be falling asleep.


Lilith: “Want to head back and go to sleep, Ophis?”


With a nod, Ophis went back inside the earring. AO was again taken aback by the ability shown.


AO: “So strange to not feel you use magic or anything of the sort for dimensional movement.”


Standing up, I give a small stretch.


Lilith: “I don’t need magic, AO. I simply want something done, and reality is all too happy to make it happen~.”


She was about to ask something when she noticed I was all of a sudden holding the Time Stone. Looking down at her necklace, she noticed it was indeed gone.


AO: “How?! Also, can you please give that back?”


Smiling at her, I tossed the stone up in the air, and it was gone. Returned to her necklace.


Lilith: “Were you not listening? I simply think, and what I want happens~. Speaking of the Time Stone. Hope you enjoy your new future. It’s going to get wild. Or maybe it won’t? Who knows~!”


With those parting words, I shattered into butterflies and was back in the earring.


‘Well, that’s two people I have empowered in this reality~. One of them has potential to go multiversal with enough time, and the other will most likely just stay on Earth protecting it. Should I skip ahead in time?’


While I sat there floating with Ophis’s head on my lap, I created a viewing mirror, and looked at Hela. She was currently beating the shit out of some guards in the throne room. Giving a soft chuckle, I went and viewed Fury. He was sitting in his office and working on his computer. Thinking on the timeline, what is the next major thing? Was guardians of the Galaxy stuff, and Spider man?


‘Let’s see what Peter Quill is up to~.’


Waving my hand at the mirror, it shimmered to reveal Peter heading into the temple for the Power Stone.


Lilith: “Perfect~. I know exactly what I want to do to mess with him and his crew…”


New chapter~. Yay! I will be going back and forth between this and my other story. But not evenly. If I don't feel inspired to write for one of them, the other will gain more chapters, naturally. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it~!

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