The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 7: Some families just have that one child, you know?

—P.O.V. switch Hela —


As I stepped out of the portal back to my homeland, I was filled with quite a few emotions. Resentment. Hate. Sadness. Envy. Anger. A whirlwind of emotions went through me as I looked around my homeland and breathed in its air once more. It has been so long since I’ve been free.


After basking in the presence of Asgard after so long, I peer at my supposed siblings. One of them was holding my old war weapon, Mjölnir, up high, about to strike the Rainbow Bridge. How foolish. Why would he break such a marvel? The other sibling. He looked like a snake. I could just tell he would betray anyone at the flip of a coin. He has good taste in colour though, so he has that going for him.


Hela: “Pray tell, brother of mine. What were you about to do to our wondrous Rainbow Bridge?”


Thor: “Brother? What.. no nevermind that for now. I must destroy the bridge to stop the Bifrost from destroying Jotunheim!”


As he said that, he started to bring my old weapon down toward the bridge. Surely I misheard him. He would destroy our access to the Bifrost to save one measly planet. A planet full of useless frost giants no less? He’s joking.


Before his weapon hit the bridge, I appeared right in front of him, and slammed my palm into his chest. Causing him to drop his weapon, and for him to fly several metres away.


Hela: “You jest? You were about to destroy the Rainbow Bridge to save one measly planet? No planet is worth our access to the Bifrost. Only Asgard would be.”


Thor: “Move woman! They are innocent!”


He called back his hammer to his hand, and once again tried to bring it down upon the bridge. Having enough of such foolish behaviour, I again rushed him and slammed my fist into his solar plexus. Not enough to send him flying, but enough to keel over. I reach down to his hammer, and raise it. Or attempted too. There was a rune hex on it preventing me, or anyone, that Odin does not find ‘worthy’ of lifting it. Child's play, really.


Erasing the hex, I lift the hammer and slam it into the other sibling, who was trying to sneak up on me.


Hela: “Wait your turn little one. I’ll be with you eventually. What are your names anyway? All I know is that you are, for some reason beyond my comprehension, somehow my siblings. This has to be a jest of Odin’s though. No member of our family is so weak, surely?”


The pair of brothers groan and flip themselves on their backs, and look up at me. Both are shocked to see me holding Mjölnir. Gritting his teeth, Thor stands up with fury in his eyes.


He shouts at me with conviction, “Enough! Jotunheim is almost out of time!”


He makes a motion with his hands, and I feel Mjölnir trying to leave my grasp.


Hela: “Oh? You want your little hammer back? Well, too bad. This was my weapon originally. And I have outgrown it. So I have no use for it. And I don’t feel like you should have it. Or anyone for that matter.”


As I start squeezing on the hammers head, I notice Odin and Frigg have nearly arrived. I look directly into Odin’s eyes as I destroy Mjölnir. Crushing the hammer with one hand caused a shock wave to erupt outwards, sending my two siblings flying backwards further from me.


As Odin and Frigg arrived, the shockwave passed over them harmlessly. But still, the look in their eyes was gratifying. Odin’s eyes had confusion, regret, sadness and anger. Frigg’s eyes mostly contained sadness and regret.


Odin: “Hela… How di—”


Before he could finish talking, a massive explosion was heard behind me. I turned, and saw a most wonderful spectacle. The frost giant's home world had exploded. I smiled at the destruction, though I also felt a bit let down. All those lives I couldn’t reap with my own hands. Oh well, you win some, you semi lose others.


Odin’s eyes were wide and filled with anger, “What have you done daughter?!”


Hela: “Me? I have done nothing ‘Father.’ From my understanding of it, it was the green one who set this up. I merely prevented the blonde haired one from destroying the Rainbow Bridge, and thus sending the Bifrost into the abyss. Not what I would have done to wipe out the race of giants, but hey. When you’re that weak, you take what you can get I guess?”


Odin turned to the green one and yelled his name, which is Loki I guess, and demanded why. I lost interest in the interrogation, and turned to Frigg. She was looking at me with such regret and sadness. It disgusts me.


Hela: “What do you want ‘Mother’? No. Frigg. You and Odin have long lost the privilege of calling yourselves my parents after what you two have done. Or, rather, not done in your case.”


A pained expression appeared on Frigg’s face.


Frigg: “Daughter, you have to understand. I didn’t want to have him kill you, or seal you. But you had to be stopped.”


Hela: “Did you not listen to what I just said? I am no daughter of yours. You may not have wanted anything to happen to me, but you also did nothing to prevent anything. You didn’t even try to help make my situation bearable after I was sealed. You just forgot about me. Left me to rot.”


Before the conversation could continue though, the blonde one roared at me and charged.


Thor: “What have you done?! You have just condemned an entire planet of people to death!”


Wanting to see just how weak my brother was, I let him take his swing at me. His fist connected with my cheek. And did nothing. Didn’t even move my face. How is this person my sibling? He is beyond weak. It disgusts me!


Hela: “You disgust me with your weakness. You are no brother of mine! Are you even Asgardian?!”


Unknown to me, my eyes were glowing a mix of green and pink. Suddenly I saw my brother, who’s name I still don’t know, gasp in horror as he fell to the ground. He started to curl up into himself, holding his legs to his chest. Then he started to glow a sickly green with a very faint pink hue at the edge of it. Something seemed to rip out of him, and flew into me.


Gasping, Frigg ran to the man and yelled, “Thor!?”


So that’s his name. Anyway, as the yell attracted the attention of Odin and Loki, I was looking at my hand dumbfounded. As soon as that yellow orb entered my chest, I knew exactly what I had just done to my brother, Thor. I had stolen his divinity, and his authority over Thunder and Lightning.


Frigg: “Hela! What did you do to your brother Thor?!”


As she turned to look up at me, her eyes went wide. For on my right hand I had lightning flowing around it. Like it was playing tag with itself. Though it was oddly coloured. The base of the lightning was green, with an aura of black and pink. It looked magnificent, if I am being honest. I just stared in wonder for a few seconds before responding back to Frigg with a wicked smile.


Hela: “I simply removed a burden from an unworthy soul.”


Odin leaned down to Thor, and hovered his hand along his body.


Odin: “He is mortal. He has no divinity whatsoever left in his soul. Hela, how have you done this? You had no such power when I imprisoned you.”


Hela: “Correct. I had no such power. As for how I did it? Like this, Odin.”


My eyes glowed again, and all three of them gasped and fell to the ground. Even my brother Loki who was behind me. Good to know that I don’t need to actually see them to use this power.


Again, three lights shot from their bodies and entered mine. I couldn’t help but gasp and the additional power. As I was using it though, information about the power itself entered my mind.


Conquerors Rights: By defeating an opponent, or by vastly outstripping them in power, you may lay claim to all their power. Even if said power is unique to them, and a part of their soul. If so, the soul will be partially destroyed, and weakened. Strong entities may resist this power, yielding a degraded version of said power being taken. Doing so, however, will destroy their soul.


This truly brought a smile to my face. This will help immensely in my war across the universes. I could tell Lady Lilith had given me even more than this. I felt like a little girl in a candy shop again at the excitement.


As I looked down at my ‘family’ I got an idea. It was a long shot, but I had nothing to really lose by asking, and a lot of entertainment to gain. Looking up to the sky, I asked a question to my saviour and benefactor.


Hela: “Lady Lilith, if I may ask for a boon from you?”


As I asked the question, a terrible pressure fell down upon me. The same I felt when I was locked up. It was the main reason I treated her with respect right from the start. You don’t have pressure like this by just standing around calmly if you were in any way weak.


My family groans in pain at the pressure, and I can’t help but smile at their suffering.


Lilith: “Speak, Hela~”


Ah, her voice alone really makes one question if they truly need a man in their life.


Hela: “I ask for you to make my family have eternal youth. So that I may torture them, and force them to watch my exploits till the day I finally win, or am killed.”


Lilith: “Hmmm.. that does sound like a good idea. I’ll do you one better~. I’ll make them semi immortal as well. So go nuts on the torture~. They’ll heal after a few minutes of taking damage, no matter how terrible. It’s only semi because if their souls are attacked? Well. You know. Anyway, I enjoyed the little party you had~. Bye~.”


With that, the pressure vanished. I looked over the four, now very much mortal, idiots and I see Odin and Frigg start to regress in age. Excellent. Lady Lilith really doesn’t do anything by half. With a smile on my face, I strut over to Odin, and flip him onto his back.


Odin: “What… what was that? What have you done Hela? Who did that voice belong to?”


 Hela: “Really calm, even in this situation Odin? Well, to be expected I guess. Well, to answer your question: That was my liberator, and dare I say? Friend. Her name is Lilith Zenon, and she is an Outer God.”


Odin’s face becomes extremely pale, and I can see Loki and Frigg’s faces pale too out of the corner of my eye.


Odin: “You bring ruin to our universe by bringing an Outer God into it you fool!!”


I just smile at him and calmly reply, “A few things about that, Odin. One: I did not summon her. She appeared in my prison all by herself. Oh, no, that's not entirely true. She and her best friend, Ophis, appeared in my prison. Two: I get the distinct feeling she can go wherever she pleases. Regardless of being summoned or let into a universe or anywhere else for that matter. And Three?”


I form my new sword slowly in front of his eyes. When it is done, I slam it down into his chest, piercing his heart. His cry of agony is like the most soothing music I have ever heard.


Hela: “With respect to Lady Lilith. She is not this universe's ruin. I AM. And I am going to have fun waging all of the war you denied me. It will be glorious! Asgard will reign supreme. All realms will kneel before me and Asgard. Not just a measly nine! I will do what you were too terrified to do!”


With that declaration, I twisted the sword and worsened the wound before I dismissed it. His screams really do bring me joy.


Hela: “As you all heard Lady Lilith's decree. You are now semi immortals, but with no power. I will keep you around like pets. And torture you at my whims. You will watch as I conquer the universe. Now get on your feet, time to bring you in chains to Asgard so they know who their new queen is. They will kneel. Or die. Hahahaha!”


As they all begrudgingly stood up, I conjured chains around their necks and wrists, linking them all to a single hoop at the end that is in my hand. I noticed the wound on Odin’s chest was already healed. Lady Lilith truly does great work. I may have hated my imprisonment before, and I still do, but I am glad it happened. For I met My Lady.


Hela: “Come pets, your master and new queen has a throne to sit on.”


BAM! Another one~. How'd you like it? I thought I did pretty well this time? Was fun to write in any case~.

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