The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 6: Family drama can be quite dramatic~

While I sat floating in the earring with Ophis on my lap eating candy I asked her a question.


Lilith: “How’re you feeling so far, BFF~? From what I’ve seen your soul has made some good headway to healing. A lot still to go, but it’s well on its way~.”


Ophis: “I, feel fine. Better.”


I beam a smile at Ophis. She’s more expressive than when we first met up, that’s for sure. Nothing staggering, like showing too much emotion, but she’s starting to respond a lot more often, and with better sentences. Makes one wonder just how different she’ll be when her soul is fully healed. I can’t wait, I want to elevate her soul tier as soon as possible. But it is still too soon. The burden would be too great and would do more harm than good.


‘Now that I think about it, how long have I been in here, pampering her?’


Taking a look outside at reality, I noticed it’s been a few weeks.


‘Shit. I missed all the Thor stuff! Just joking~’


After all, what is time for something like myself? Raising my hand, I make a grip like a claw, and turn counter clockwise. As I turn my hand, the universe goes backwards comically fast. And I stopped it just as Thor was trying to lift his little toy hammer.


‘That should do it. Time to see if this hammer is sentient, or just a lame hammer with a storm stuck in it.’


Lilith: “Ophis, I am going to go out and play some. Did you want to join me?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, would like to.”


Lilith: “Oh yes! Let’s go~”


As I ‘stand’ up, Ophis leaves my lap, and floats to the left side of my head and rests on my shoulder. I couldn’t help but giggle. She takes this spot on a lot of entities when she goes with them. This does bring a smile to my face~.


I take a step forward, and we’re now standing near Thor who looks absolutely devastated that he can’t use his hammer anymore. Several agents were surprised that I just popped out of nowhere and raised their guns towards us.


Lilith: “Awe. Is the ‘God of Thunder and Hammers’ sad that his little toy no longer finds him worthy?”


Thor looks up at us confused, and saddened.


Thor: “Who…?”


I raise my hand to stop him from asking anything further.


Lilith: “Much like your hammer here Thor, you are not worthy just yet. Now, excuse me for a moment.”


I turn around and look at Mjölnir. And I am immediately disappointed. This version isn't sentient, it just has that stupid storm locked away in it. How lame~.


‘It’s literally just a battery for him, and to help as a crutch. I wonder if the storm gets released, when Hela– Ohhhh, there is an idea. Forgot about our little War Goddess.’


A cruel smile creeps up on my face. I lean down and go to pick up Mjölnir. It tries to resist me with its pathetic magic from Odin, but it has no real hope. As I lift it up, Thor’s face just plummets even further into despair. While it is delectable, I decide to throw him a bone.


Lilith: “Awe, don’t be like that little Prince. I am not ‘worthy’ of your toy either. I am just so much stronger than your father that his little enchantment can’t do anything about it~ but. Seeing as how you’re not worthy right now, I think I’ll take it. Just call it back if you ever become worthy again and maybe I’ll let it go~.”


While I am talking to Thor and play-swinging the hammer, I notice Agent Coulson wanting to say something to me. I turn towards him, and peek into his soul. And damn, this guy has a real rough ride in store for him.


Lilith: “And what do you desire to say to me, Agent Coulson?”


Coulson: “I would like to know who you two are, Miss…?”

Lilith: “Oh? Has Fury not told you about me yet? Very well. I am Lilith Zenon. And on my shoulder here quietly judging all of you in her own way, is my BFF Ophis~”


His face pales a bit when he hears my name. As it should.


Coulson: “L-Lady Lilith is it? The, uh. Outer God? And, pardon if this is too personal, is Lady Ophis also an Outer God?”


As he was talking to me, Thor’s ears perked up at the mention of the word ‘God.’ Typical.


Lilith: “Nope~ Ophis here is not an Outer God yet. Want to introduce yourself, Ophis?”


She nods and floats down to the ground and stands before Coulson.


Ophis: “I, am Ophis. Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God.”


She nods to herself, and returns to her rightful place at my shoulder. I give her several pats on the head as a reward, and a bag of sweets. Because that was adorable.


Coulson: “Dragon God…? Infinite?”


Lilith: “That is one of her Authorities. Infinity. It does exactly and more than what you are thinking of. Now this was fun and all, but I got other places to be. Good luck at regaining your worth there, Thor~”


Coulson tried asking me to wait, but we were already shattering into butterflies before he could even finish.


‘Let’s go visit Hela now.’


Ophis and I appeared in a dark realm that was dyed green lightly. Looking around, you can see absolutely nothing.


Lilith: “Wow. Odin sure was an absolute dick to do this to his own daughter because he had enough of the carnage one day. Pff, what a wuss~. What do you think, Ophis?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, don’t understand?”


Lilith: “Ah, right. You don’t know her story. Here~.”


I raise my hand up to Ophis, and tap her forehead, imparting Hela’s story in this universe to her.


Ophis: “I, do not like this Odin.”


???: “That makes three of us. Who are you two? Not just anyone can get inside this dimension he has locked me in too.”


Turning around, we see Hela in all her confined glory. No really. She has so many chains around her, it is comical.


Lilith: “What the actual fuck. Does Odin have a chain and confinement fetish? That is way overkill. No offense to your Hela. Wow, he really hated what he turned you into. What a fucking coward.”


Hela: “I would take offense, but even I agree with you. I think it was mostly so I couldn’t ever even ‘feel’ remotely free. I can’t move an inch after all. Now, to whom do I address?”


Lilith: “Ah, my bad, my bad~. My name is Lilith Zenon, Null Kitsune and Outer God. This bundle of adorableness on my shoulder is Ophis, Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God.”


Ophis simply waves and gives a “Hn.” at Hela.


Hela looks, understandably, shocked. It seems she knows something about one of us. Curious, since Thor didn’t react much. Then again, this is Thor we’re talking about.


‘Oh, speaking of, it seems Mjölnir is trying to pull away from me. Seems time is a bit wonky here, and he’s been found worthy again. Might as well let him have his time to shine. After all, I got a present for the family that’s better than a measly hammer~’


Hela takes notice of the hammer that flew away from me, and into a portal.


Hela: “Was that?”


Lilith: “Yup! Your ‘family’ is having some drama right now. Your two younger brothers are fighting. Loki is trying to usurp the throne and kill Thor. Thor is just to dumb or sentimental to ever blame Loki and always forgives him. This has been their song and dance for a while~.”


Lilith: “But enough about them. Let’s talk about you~. You interest me Hela. It is kind of sad to see you like this. More so when you are one of the weaker versions I’ve peeked at.”


Hela: “Weaker versions…? Ah. The multiverse is real then?”


Lilith: “Haha! Yes~. Man, how could Odin lock you away?! You’re so fast on the uptake, and smart! Not to mention deadly as hell. Nope, never mind I see why. He was jealous. Anyway, how would you like to make a deal?”


Hela perks up at the word, and looks at me curiously.


Hela: “I am listening.”


Lilith: “I will free you, give you some power. But, more importantly, I will sever you from your Fate. You will live until you are honestly killed in battle, not because of some bullshit Fate has decided for you.”


Hela: “And what will I give you in this exchange?”


I give her a sinisterly playful smile, “You will give me entertainment. You will rage across the multiverse and fight to your heart's content. When I am bored, I might take a peek and see how you are doing, or what you have done. Sometimes, I will even give you special ‘jobs.’ Sometimes, it’s fun watching someone else fuck shit up in your stead.”


Hela: “That’s it?”


Lilith: “You say that, but can you really stand knowing you owe your freedom to the whim of an Outer God, and that you are their entertainment for as long as you exist?”


Hela looks down in thought. While she was thinking it over, I took a look outside, and saw that Thor is currently fighting the Destroyer. He’s almost done with it too. Which is great, because I am planning a family reunion.


Hela raises her head and looks me directly in my eyes, “I accept. Even if I am to be your entertainment, I gain too much out of this deal.”


I beam a massive smile at her, “That’s the spirit~! Let’s get these useless shackles off you, and power you up some. Also give you some protections. Don’t want some asshole ruining our fun because they think they are in the right~.”


Ophis: “My snake?”


I pat Ophis on the head, while I shake mine, “No BFF. While you never noticed it, sharing your power like that puts pressure on your soul. Not to mention, once we leave this universe your blessing will vanish unless I make it permanent. Which I can do~, but I want you to fully heal, and relax while doing it. Does that sound okay to you, Ophis?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, thank you.”


Lilith: “No worries at all, Ophis~.”


Turning my attention back to Hela, I snap my fingers. All the chains around her start to flake away, and she falls to the ground. I giggled a bit at her, while she groaned.


Hela: “I haven't stood up in several millennia, okay? But other than that, I feel amazing. What did you exactly do? I feel so much power coursing through my veins.”


She flexes her hands and arms a bit. Then she summons some of her swords, and instantly notices the difference in colour. While before they were black with some green tints and lines, now they also sport a bit of ‘space’ on the edge of the blades. And a Pink emblem of an infinity sign with a 15 tailed fox viewed from the side is etched on the guard area. She marvels at the new aura her sword is giving off, and hums in appreciation.


Lilith: “I could tell you, but I won’t~. It’s a surprise. You’ll find out naturally, or instinctively from now on what you can do now. But, what I will tell you is that I have removed you from the timeline, and Fate. Meaning, you are a unique existence in this little section of the multiverse. You will be unaffected by anyone trying to tamper with timelines to get rid of you, and I also took the liberty of granting you immunity to ‘higher’ powers like the Phoenix Force and such. They can’t just will you away. Or outright kill you now. If they engage you, you will temporarily gain the necessary power to fight them toe to toe.”


Lilith: “I also unlocked your soul and body's potential. Now you may continue to grow in strength as long as you wish too, and try. While you have infinite potential now, it doesn’t mean you will grow infinitely. Eventually, you’ll run out of things that will challenge you. But, it will take a LONG time for that to happen. For everything else? You’ll have to experiment and see~.”


Hela nods her head and dismisses her sword, and stretches. Taking a closer look, I can see a bit of pink in her eyes now. It’s very dim, but it’s there.


Hela: “So what now?”


A cruel smile forms on my lips, “Now? Now, you go and have a family reunion! I see Thor and Loki are fighting on that rainbow bridge of Asgard. With Odin and Frigg on their way. Won’t they get a shock when they see you? Remember, be yourself. Have fun, and I will be watching from time to time. Definitely this time for sure though. I have to see what you do to all of Asgard after all~”


An equally cruel smile appears on Hela’s face, “Excellent. I am looking forward to this. I thank you for this opportunity, Mistress.”


I just wave her off, “Just Lilith. I enjoy your ‘work’ too much to stand on formality, Hela. Go, enjoy yourself. I’ll be watching, but don’t stress too much~. Bye~~!”


With that, I snap my fingers, and open a portal for her to her family. I am looking forward to the carnage Hela is sure to bring. As she walks through the portal, I also enter the earring with Ophis.


I make a comfy couch, and a giant viewing mirror. I also make several snacks and popcorn.


Lilith: “You ready for a show, Ophis?”


Ophis: “Hn. I, am.”


I smile and wave at the mirror. It ripples, and shows Hela stepping out of the portal near the fight of the Asgardian Princes.

Phew~. Another chapter down. Sorry it took so long. I just didn't feel up to writing, and had a rough week. But I made it today! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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