The Almighty Asura

Chapter 238 - Refined helium

Tianzhu Tower, in the fourth floor of a practice room.

Mu Feng sat cross-legged, and the **** eyes of the eyes were lingering, and the **** pattern in the eyebrows gave off a strange light.

In the heart of Mu Feng, a powerful blood from ancient times emerged. Mu Feng’s white hair turned into a blood red in a moment. The upper part of the ****, a pair of **** wings grow from the shoulder blade. Out, a layer of fine blood-colored scales emerged from Mu Feng’s skin, covering the upper body.

Shu Muhua’s Mu Feng lingered around the blood, and the momentum directly rose to the intensity of the congested realm.

Shura Shenyu was suspended in the head of Mu Feng, and a **** energy poured into Mu Feng.

And the surrounding world of aura, but also through the traction of the power of the gas machine constantly poured into the body of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng runs the exercises, and the nine cyclones in the body keep turning, absorbing the refinement of the heavens and the earth.

The vitality surges in the body’s twelve-element vein, circulates, and circulates again through the cyclone, thus running to form a large Sunday.

Every time you run the day, the vitality of the body will be more refined, so that it will be continuously purified.

At the same time, Mu Feng’s vitality also poured into his heart and entered the heart.

In the heart, there is a powerful bloodline of blood and a **** suffocating, which contains the powerful blood of Shura.

The vitality wrapped the blood of this drop of blood, refining the blood of the blood.

Gradually, a trace of blood energy is extracted from the power of the blood.

This blood color energy is different from the general aura, and it is extremely strong and contains strong explosive power and toughness.

With the same amount of energy, the attack power of this blood color energy is almost eight times stronger!

And this silk energy is also the **** gas in the blood of Shu Feng in Mu Feng.

Mu Feng also perceives this arrogance and ecstasy in his heart.

“Yes, nine times the intensity of blood, the blood of your blood is the best blood.”

Haoyue showed a smile.

In the case of inferior blood stasis, the intensity is estimated to be only five times, while in moderate blood stasis, the intensity is seven times, and the intensity of superior blood stasis is nine times.

As for the best blood, it is estimated that only the direct blood of the ancestor of Shura can be refined.

“Nine times…”

Mu Feng heard the words in his heart and continued to start purifying blood. He also knew the difference between good and bad.

For example, the general five-line suffocation, the inferior suffocating strength is estimated to be three times the vitality.

The medium is five times, and the upper five elements are about seven times more.

And his Shura blood is twice as strong as the equivalent of the five elements, which is the power of Shura’s blood.

However, there is also a point that this nine-strength attack power is under the state of Shura body, and the Shura body is suitable for Shura blood.

If the human race is in a normal state, it is estimated that he can only exert five times the blood attack and defense power.

However, Shura is reflected in the body of the Mu Feng people. It is estimated that the attacking power, explosive power, speed and defense power of the Shura body are about four times that of the Terran.

Therefore, the cultivation of the realm of Mu Feng Zifu, after being transformed into the Shura body, can explode the strength of the condensed realm and the advantage of flying.

However, the potential of his Shura blood has not yet been fully developed. If the orthodox Shura royal family, the strength of the promotion is certainly not only four times. After all, the Shura people are among the top ethnic groups in the world.

There is also the heaven and earth suffocating in the suffocating gas. The strength of the heaven and earth suffocating is stronger than that of the five elements of suffocating gas. Some are even stronger than the superior blood suffocating gas. However, the heaven and earth suffocating is extremely rare, and the fusion is dangerous, so the cultivation world Among them, the five elements of radon are the most common.

Mu Feng’s old rival, Nan Ling, is the world’s suffocating, cold and suffocating, but it is not estimated that it is not a good quality of ice and ice, the intensity is estimated to be four times, to five times between.

Like the small place in the North Yuan domain, the practice of the practice is backward. Most of the suffocating people in the cultivator are the five elements of the product. The temperament of the temperament is very small, and the cultivator who has four times and five times the explosive power. It is rare.

A trace of **** gas was extracted, drawn from the heart, and poured into a cyclone.

As long as Mu Feng’s suffocating refinement is enough to complete a cyclone, he is truly stepping into the realm of condensing.

Nine rotations, the realm is the condensate of the nine.

The sputum is born into the human body, and it can also be poured into the human body. The energy is emitted to form a sputum guard, and the knife and gun are hard to hurt.

When the combination of suffocating gas and vitality, the cultivating world is also called 罡元力.

And Mu Feng, he can cultivate two kinds of suffocating, but the second type he wants to suffocate the world, which requires him to find his own.

After all, Shura’s blood is the best fit for the Shura body. Only the Shura body can exert the strongest power. The human body is not enough to exert the explosive power of nine times strength. Then the human body needs a good world.

Time has passed slowly. Mu Feng is almost constantly refining the blood of Shura. When he is hungry, he eats a grain of Dan. When he is thirsty, he takes a sip of water to continue cultivation. Other cultivations are temporarily put down, and he is trying to break through the current state of cultivation. .

In a blink of an eye, one month has passed.

In the Tianzhu Mountains, two figures are struggling with a powerful beast.

This is a dragon with a height of nearly three meters and a length of seven or eight meters.

The dragon’s legs stand up to nearly three meters in height, like an upright large lizard. The claws are sharp like a machete, the mouth is full of sharp fangs, and the tail is slender and powerful.

The repair of this Xunlong is almost in the condensed environment, the speed is very fast, and the tail is swept out. The long tail whistling like a steel whip slamming into a white leaping sneak attack.

Bai Ziyue’s face changed, and this tail was so fast that he could not dodge in the air.

“Child jump!”


However, at this time, Mu screamed loudly, and slammed his foot out, blocking the front of Bai Ziyue, and his body was a golden body.


Long tail slammed on Mu mad, shocked Mu mad and Bai Zi leaped and flew more than ten meters, Mu raging with his hands.

“Broken palm”

Two golden palm knives roared out and squatted on the tail of the dragon.


The tip of the dragon’s tail was cut off, and the dragon was roaring.

At this time, Mu Fury rushed to Xunlong, Xunlong a yellow light column smashed to Mu mad, Mu mad arms crossed body defensive body defense, yellow light column bombarded on Mu mad, shocked Mu mad back and forth, around The energy burst, Mu mad bite, and a burst of blood in his mouth.

“Floating Sword!”

Bai Zi Yue cold drink, his body is fast, a sword stabbed out, a glaring white light broke out in the sword, making people look a flower, and Bai Ziyue rushed to the front of Xunlong under the cover of white light, a sword angered to the fast Dragon eyes.



The sword pierced into the skull of the Xunlong, and the dragon shouted, and the huge body went directly to the ground.

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