The Almighty Asura

Chapter 239 - Break through the condensate

“Haha, yes, you guy, the body is so strong”

Bai Ziyue and Mu mad smiled at the palm of his hand.

Just now, Mu’s madness is like a suffocating body, but it looks like a suffocating one, but it is different. It is a suffocating temperament that can be cultivated by physical training. The defensive power is amazing, but the attack power is weaker.

As for the madness of Mu madness itself, the big heaven in the purple house, but with this defensive power, and the strong enthusiasm may not be a battle.

“You are not bad, the floating light sword turned out to be a realm of Dacheng. It is no wonder that Feng Ge praised your kid as a genius of kendo, and my broken palm is only a small one.”

Mu screamed and smiled.

“That is, this young man will become a sword fairy in the future, and fight against the world of men.”

Bai Zi Yue received the sword and said proudly.

“Okay, you have gotten cheap and sold it, go to dig the crystal core.”

Mu mad a slap in the white leaping **** smiled, he came to the body of this fast dragon, running the exercises, the vitality poured into the body of the Dragon, the blood of the Dragon corpse burned into blood, into the body. Burning and cultivating the flesh.

Mu madly gritted his teeth, and his body trembled slightly, constantly tempered.

Bai Ziyue digs out the crystal nucleus in the body of the dragon, and grasps the nucleus in one hand to absorb the vitality. He laughs: “There are still half a month, I can almost enter the realm of condensing.”

The seven-star devouring practice of Bai Ziyue’s cultivation is also the best of the suffocating qi. He extracts the metallic suffocating gas and the sharpest attacking suffocation.

Mu whistling slightly, endured the bitterness of the forging, and trembled: “I don’t know how the Feng brother practiced, it is estimated to step into the realm of condensing.”


Bai Ziyue stretched out his palm, and the white body of the body rushed out. Among his vitality, there was a hint of black and black energy.

Looking at the blue and black, Bai Zi’s brows were wrinkled and there was a worry.

From the last poisoning recovery, he had a hint of black and black energy in his body.

Among this energy, there is a poison, and the toxicity is not weak, but it has no effect on him.

“Mother’s, poisonous in the vitality, is this good or bad?”

Bai Ziyue is speechless: “It seems that after Feng Ge’s exit, I have to ask Feng Ge”

Tianzhulou, in the cultivation room.

The surrounding heaven and earth aura continued to flow into the body of Mu Feng, and the madness and refinement into the air was poured into a cyclone. The vitality of the nine cyclones became thick and thick, almost reaching the point of liquefaction.

In the heart of Mu Feng, a glimpse of Xiu Luo’s **** suffocating gas was continuously extracted and poured into a cyclone in Mu Feng’s body.

It was a white thick cyclone that had turned pale red, and the color and other cyclones were greatly different.

The color of the cyclone is getting deeper and deeper, and the energy contained is getting more and more amazing. It turns from light red to deep red, and gradually becomes blood red.

When it became completely blood red, a **** scorpion force poured into the body’s veins and came out. Mu Feng’s body surface, a layer of **** suffocation.

Condensed, broken!

The cyclone in the body has doubled in size and can accommodate more energy.

Mu Feng opened his **** eyes, and two inches of mans came out from the eyelids. Mu Feng’s mouth smirked a faint smile.

He stretched out the palm of his hand, which was full of scales, and a **** red scorpion force condensed in the palm of his hand. This energy is violent and powerful. He has the confidence to touch the small heavens and even the small heavens. Four practitioners!

“Moon, I broke through”

Mu Feng smiled.


Haoyue faintly responded.

Mu Feng’s mouth was pumping, and he said without words: “You praise me two sentences.”

“Yes, from a small ants, to a larger ant”

Haoyue has no mercy on the road.

Mu Feng’s facial muscles twitched, this basin of cold water splashed… really special depth?

He took back the power of the blood, the scales on the skin gradually disappeared, and the blood wing also shrunk back and recovered the body.

At the same time, the **** color of the hands in the hands has also faded a lot, and the momentum has almost recovered to the point where the condensed environment is heavy.

“Oh… this bloody, the human body can’t really play all the power.”

Mu Feng sighed, and after he recovered the human body, he obviously felt the weakening of blood stasis.

“Do you want to blend in the world? Have you ever thought about integrating that property?”

Asked about the month.

There are also five elements in the world, and there are some special ones, such as wind, thunder, hail, darkness, light, space and so on.

Mu Feng slightly frowned, he has not really considered it, and asked: “Do you think I am more suitable for that kind?”

“Well, if you look at the exercises, you have cultivated the thunder and eight ridiculous steps. The integration of the Thunder will definitely bring the power of the thunder and the ridiculous power to the extreme. The Thunder is a good choice. The fire is also a good place, because your nine You can exert the strongest power when you have a burst of fire.”

Haoyue thought about it and proposed two kinds of heaven and earth attributes for Mu Feng.

“Then Thunder, Ray represents the sky, haha, cultivation is the opposite of the sky, to thunder against the sky”

Mu Feng smiled.

“The power of the Thunder is the most powerful of the heavens and the earth, but the Thunder is also rare and rare, not easy to find.”

Said Haoyue.

“This is indeed a problem.”

Mu Feng also frowned.

“Well, no matter what, it is a breakthrough in the realm of condensing, haha, first eat and eat a meal, the mouth is almost out of the bird.”

Mu Feng shook his head and no longer thought about it. He got up and numb his legs and put on his shirt and walked out of the practice room.

As a result, when I opened the door of the cultivation room, I met Kong Tonger.

Hemp, this gimmick actually stayed in front of the front of the practice room in front of Mu Feng, but this cultivation room is indeed the one used by Kong Yuer, except for Mu Feng, others can not use it.

When Kong Tonger heard the stone door open, he opened his eyes directly.

“Mu Feng, you guy finally got out.”

Kong Xiaoer got up and was dissatisfied.

“What, miss me?”

Mu Feng smiled.

“Hey, who wants you to be arrogant, but you have occupied this lady’s practice room for a month, I thought you were dead in the practice room?”

Kong Xiaoer licked his mouth.

“You don’t say anything good about this girl, so we are also alive and dead, well, please go to dinner, it is a make up for your cultivation room.”

Mu Feng knocked on the head of Kong Xiaoer and smiled.

“Oh, this is almost the same”

Kong Xiaoer smiled and hugged Mu Feng’s arm and went out. The huge softness rubbed Mu Feng’s arm and made Feng Feng enjoy it.

“Right, you don’t know. In the previous two days, another college in the North Yuan Dynasty, Beidou College came to our college to exchange and study. The guys at Beidou Academy were all mad and dying. They beat many of our colleges in the **** battlefield. Inner court disciples and Scorpio masters”

Kong Xiaoer suddenly remembered something and said in a chat.

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