The Ancients World

Chapter 109: The Ritual II

Chapter 109: The Ritual II

{Please read author note}

I stand up and dust off my armor, many of my comrades also do the same thing. He is waiting patiently for us to get ready, I wonder what he is doing so far from the fairy kingdom. "Mighty Fenrir, if you don't mind me asking why are you so far from the fairy kingdom... I wouldn't expect to find you all the way out here..." I try to sound confident and respectful, but instead I sound timid and scared. He looks at me harder than before, I don't know why everything is turning out like this. I cant help feeling like this shouldn't be happening. I feel him use inspect on me to see my abilities and skills, I'm going to be honest I feel completely vulnerable as he sees my information. His fur waves in the air even though their is no wind, I cant fully comprehend his power.

The more I try and compose myself the worst I feel, I guess this is what it feels like to be totally helpless. "You are strong for a human, and while you received a blessing from Uriel at birth. Its obvious where your ceiling is. As to your question, what makes you think I'm bound to the fairy kingdom. While they are my allies and I'll fight for them, I'm still free to do whatever I want. It is foolish of you to presume otherwise. Perhaps I should personally visit the Holy City and remind them of who I am." I feel doom and despair as I hear those words, if Fenrir attacks the Holy City then this war and humanity would be lost. I cant let this happen, even though I'm powerless against him I still have to do something.

I try to stop my body from shaking, and while my entire focus is on Fenrir I cant help my questions about the son entering my mind. "Please... I beg of you... Don't attack the Holy City... Innocent people live there and we are trying to win a war..." I sound pathetic, if I'm to learn something from this its to not overestimate my own power. A being like Fenrir can breathe in my direction and I'd die if he so wished. He looks at me with understanding and slight surprise, I'm glad I could do something positive. "If you wish for us to leave then we will... We only came to see what happened to the monsters here and try to gather information..." I hope that our intentions reach Fenrir, if we knew he took care of things here then we wouldn't have come in the first place.

He takes a slight sigh and actually takes a seat, he looks over us individually and from the looks of my groups faces he is inspecting them all. "I have never known the church to have people willing to show humility, during my time they were not the most pleasant of people to be around. Always controlling and plotting, if you knew the truths of some of your forefathers I'm positive you would leave the church." What the hell is he talking about. The church of light has always stood for the good and just, all of the people who came before are regarded as hero's. Most of what we know and have learned is from the legacy our predecessors left behind. I refuse to believe what he is saying, if it is then the church is a fraud.

Alex and I have always been on the same side, and always had the same goals. He must not know of this either, if he did he would have told me. I want to ask what he means, but I'm to afraid. Not because he could get angry, but because I don't want to know the truth. Somethings are better left forgotten, and this is one of those things. "I will not stop you from searching this place for clues. However, do not presume to know my history or the churches. There are many things that you and your church do not know. They have long been forgotten to time, and documents waste away and crumble. If you do search for the truth of my words, you will need to leave the church before you do." I don't know why, but his words terrify me. They are a puzzle or clue to what he was implying.

I turn my head and the rest understand that they should search, I don't know how long Fenrir will tolerate us for. I begin to search as well and while I do come across useful information, there is nothing here that is ground breaking. "Saintess Lucy... When are we leaving this place... I feel nervous with him watching us..." Jasmine suddenly speaks to me, and I can understand her wanting to leave. This place isn't one I wish to stay long, along with Fenrir watching. I know that he is an ally with the fairy kingdom, but he also has vital information. He knows the true identity of the son, and while I'm tempted to ask I'm afraid of what he'll do. He might protect him, and if I word it wrong he might even kill us. That isn't something I can risk.

We spend a few hours searching every nook and cranny of this place, and we have ended up finding valuable information. Mainly being the names of powerful leaders and future targets, this has turned out to be a fruitful journey. I look over to Fenrir and he hasn't moved an inch, like a statue all he has done is watch us. I give the signal for the group to leave and they quickly do, and I'm about to leave as I hear a voice. "I'm impressed you held out so long about asking me. You were even going to leave, you are an example of what the church should be. You know most women are pushy, and loud. As well as incredibly annoying, but you are not. A wise women is rare to encounter, but who knows its been a couple millennia since I was last talking to a female human." Fenrir begins to talk, and while he gives me a compliment. I can also hear him trying to tempt me with the knowledge he has.

I have to try my hardest to resist asking, but I cant stop it from bubbling out. "I know its probably going to kill me, but may I know the sons identity please." I'm a fool for asking, but I have to try. I close my eyes waiting to be killed, but nothing comes. Instead I just hear a chuckle, and that chuckle soon turns into a laugh. I feel like I'm being mocked right now, and while I hate there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is listen to the deity laugh, he stands up and looks at me. He then turns around and prepares to jump.

He turns his head back towards me one last time. "If he wants to be found then he will, sometimes letting a person come to you instead is a good thing. Offering rewards and riches shows the true nature of the human soul, and that isn't something he wants any part of." He leaps from the ground hard as I'm almost blown back. His words are cryptic, and true. Fenrir thinks we have been doing this all wrong, and while I wouldn't agree it makes sense. Perhaps talking to Alex about other methods is a good idea. I take a breath to calm myself and make my way back to our camp, it takes the same amount of time going back. By the time I make it the group is sitting around the campfire. The ones that went with me are talking to the ones that came back.

There is a mix of many emotions on the faces of the people here, and most are pale. Experiencing that kind of power isn't something a person should be subjected to, I want to get out of this place as fast as I can. I go to my private tent and turn on my holo-communicator, I see Alex on the other side. "I bring good news, and strange news." He raises his head in curiosity. I tell him about everything we did at the camp, including Fenrir. I watch the look on his face change and I cant help feeling sorry since he is the one speaking to the council. "That's all I have to report, once I get back to the Holy City we can go over the information we found. Make sure the rulers and coalition know about this." He nods his head and turns off the call.

I make my way to my cot and just lay on it, this has been way more stressful then I could've imagined. I feel like just sleeping for a couple hours, and then leaving this place. I think the others can agree resting for a little bit would be a good idea. I take my sheathed sword and throw it onto the table so I don't have to get up. I close my eyes and I'm falling asleep fast, this isn't something I normally do. However, I need it. I fall into a deep sleep, and enjoy the few hours I get.

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