The Ancients World

Chapter 110: Finding my family I

Chapter 110: Finding my family I

I've been flying for awhile now and I'm enjoying the view of the brilliant night sky. Earth never had such a view, and while I miss my old home I cant help being grateful for this new life. While its much harder, in the end this world feels alive. While we lost our newly acquired fortune it leaves no sour taste in my mouth. Right now money means nothing to the players, only how strong you are and how good your gear is. I'm sure that when and if players get back to their continents gold will become very important, but now it isn't. I'm about 10 minutes out from the marker, and I feel happiness at the fact I'll get to see my family again. I'm contemplating if I should tell them my secret or not, if they know it could put them in danger.

I don't want them to get hurt or captured because of me, I'd never forgive myself if that happened. A lot of things are still new, and with the recent battles its okay to assume that the system has other things planned out to. If it didn't then what was the point of testing us, why do something like this. Its outside of my comprehension, knowing the thoughts and motives of the system A.I. is not something I'm capable of. If anyone had any insight on what's going on with the system it would be Jericho and Xander, not like we know where these guys are. If they were smart they would stay hidden, and with humanities powerbase and infrastructure destroyed no world leaders are stepping forward.

That means people wont listen to them when they come forward or they have perished. I'm sure they are alive somewhere, you can count on the governments of the world to be prepared for a situation like this. It makes sense why the government was helping J&X, so that means high ranking officials have made it. Possibly a majority of our leaders, but that presents a problem. They will more than likely try to rebuild the government, and that will draw lots of attention. In the end its really up to who is stronger, because I'm sure there are millions of strong players not wanting to go back to that life. Having to obey the laws of superiors such as the government, in a way we have been freed from everything that bound us before.

I take a deep breath as I do multiple spins in the air enjoying the wind on my shirtless body. Its a warm night and perfect for this. Thinking about all this makes me wonder if they will be coming after me as well. If the old leaders had someone like me on their side they would have much more confidence. All the more reason to stay hidden, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a major conflict in the future about this specific thing. In this type of world people with power can be very bad, and while there is normally a balance. Evil has a bigger impact on things then good does, and that is what could happen to us. I think establishing some ground rules would be a good idea. However, that wont stop some. Player Killers might start experimenting soon.

The last thing we need is to worry about the ones who came here with us stabbing us in the back. I wonder if others will start to prepare for this, I wouldn't be surprised if the guild leaders or party leaders helped with this. In the end its just a way to recruit others into the party or guild by protecting them, but emotional blackmail shouldn't be encouraged. I lean my body down slightly and dip under the clouds, I look ahead and see nothing. Still to far out, but I should slow down and make a cautious approach. I wouldn't be surprised if players are outside the city trying to level up, getting spotted by one of them is something I'm going to avoid. I can make an approach on foot from here, it will take me some time to get there now that I'm not flying at 430mph. should be a little under an hour running.

I approach the ground fast and slow down by flapping my wings in the other direction. I come to a nice stop and land on my feet. I toggle my wings off and start heading west. As Cera is on the way to his family others are discussing what he was thinking about. His theory that many world leaders and government officials made it to Ancients World is true, and they are communicating with each other since they were all located in the same space when the collision happened. In fact they were discussing what do do with Jericho and Xander once the collision was over, to bad it happened. The leader and chief speaker for the UN is leading this meeting. The leader of the swiss confederacy is the one leading this discussion.

I have spoken for many years, but I cant help wondering if I'm not the man this time. Switzerland is known for its neutrality and that's why I'm hear leading and speaking this conference. As Marcel Polium I have to protect my reputation and my countries. I look out across the hidden meeting hall we have made, we are isolated from the rest of the players. We don't have any contact and we are to weak to move to a city on our own, so we are stuck here talking. While this would be good in normal circumstances, this is the opposite of good right now. No one in this room actually played the game, we only made characters like J&X said. I suppose I should start discussions first, and address the biggest problem in the room.

I can see the tired faces of my colleges and allies, this has been hard on all of us. Most have a family and we don't know where they are in Ancients World, or should we call it Gaia. I swear if I ever get my hand on Jericho and Xander... I need to focus. "There are no cities in sight, and with that we are still stuck here with the little bit of security we have. Many of the guards have been out leveling so we can move on from this place. However, I propose that we begin training as well. We are at the bottom of the food chain here on Gaia, and that means once communication and order is restored we'll have to find a way to restore power." Many get what I'm saying this isn't something I like to talk about, but if we don't have control of our people then we might as well give up on the old ways. As this meeting is happening there are others happening all over Ancients World, but they are interrupted by an announcement from the system.

[World-Wide Announcement: Dungeons will be arriving in 12 hours time! A dungeon will spawn in the center of every player city! These dungeons will be of great help to you so don't waste anytime with them! If you search outside the city you might find others! Here's a hint! Make sure you search every nook and cranny of the dungeons! You never know what you could find!]

All the players react differently when this announcement rings out. Veterans of dungeon diving are excited, while the newer players feel like they got the shaft. Cera is quickly approaching the marker the system gave him. I look past the trees every couple seconds and I can see the city in the distance. Some parts of it look like home, and it has the same look of all the other cities. Its full of overgrowth and old looking buildings. My marker is one of the buildings by the looks of it. I stop running as I enter the city and begin to walk. I look around and there are probably millions of players, either on the streets or in the buildings. I guess mom and dad got a pretty good spot. I walk the streets and see many injured bodies the closer I get to the marker.

Looks like I heal much faster, and while dying and coming back is an idea. I'm sure there are unwanted affects in the process of resurrection. I eventually make it to the marker and I'm looking at a huge skyscraper, many injured players are here. I can deduce that my family is injured, I got to go room by room searching for them. So might as well get a start on it. As I walk by rooms and search them I hear conversations about the announcement. Many are scared since they haven't even finished healing yet, and I don't blame them. We don't know how these dungeons will work, they could be different from what were used to. It takes time to clear floor by floor, being diligent is hard.

I reach a very high floor with no luck so far, I have to be getting close. I search room by room, and I come to the one at the end of this hallway. I look in and see my father and sister wrapped in bandages. I don't know why, but I have a huge spike of anger and rage, the entire area unconsciously rumbles. I quickly put a lid on it realizing what I'm going, this however draws everyone's attention to the door. I try and speak some words of hello, but I'm quickly hugged and squeezed by a very young looking mom. "I CAN'T BELIEVE MY SWEET PUMPKIN PIE IS ALIVE!!! I WAS SO SCARED!!!" She just squeezes harder and cries. I just wrap my arms around her and hug my mom, I'm glad they are okay. Well, almost okay.

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