The Ancients World

Chapter 113: A confrontation II

Chapter 113: A confrontation II

We make it to the edge of the park and start heading back. Marcus looks at me with stars in his eyes, not a reaction I would expect. He must just be happy that I'm back, its nice to see my little brother. "Don't you dare do that ever again... I expect you to run if a situation like that ever happens again." Despite what my mom did she is still trying to make sure I do as she says, not as she does. I just nod my head in a yes motion. She knows that I wont listen to her, but that wont stop her from trying. "I'm sorry I put you in that spot sweetie... I just couldn't listen to those vile creatures anymore. Feeding on the weak and venerable should be stopped, and the way they treated woman... I'm proud of you for doing that Cera. I'll always be proud of you..." Hearing my mom say that warms my heart, and I cant help thinking I should have acted sooner.

I'm about to ask mom some questions myself, but I don't get a chance to since Marcus wants in on the conversation. "How did you cut them up like that big bro? I've never seen anything like it! You were like a chef preparing some sort of dinner!" I'm glad he isn't mentally scared from that, it makes me worried about his mentality if he isn't squeamish after something like that. He must understand that they aren't truly dead, if he thought I killed them for real then he would probably think I'm a monster. "Can you teach me how to do that!" He is a magic class so he wont be able to do something like this. He is going to be disappointed with my answer and that's something he is going to have to live with.

I look at him with a slightly sad expression and walk up to the side mom is carrying him. "You aren't old enough to learn how to do that Marcus. When you can use strong types of magic then we can talk about it okay." In truth he wont be able to use a sword. I think giving him some false motivation would be effective in his development for magic. By the time he gets to the good spells he'll learn that it isn't possible, well it might be. I still don't know what's completely changed, only the system knows these secrets. Marcus looks more motivated now, and while he is excited I can see my moms disapproving look. Being young like Marcus comes with a lot of things, and one of them is gullibility. It works out for me, but he might end up resenting me.

Marcus has a lot of potential to do something great, and that's all a family member can hope for. It will be a good day when he is able to fend for himself, and I'm sure mom wouldn't like the fact he will be ready to be on his own. "How long do you think it will take before Hailey and dad heal? Since dungeons will be arriving soon I figured it would be a good chance for all of us to get some levels. I'd be able to level you guys up faster, and I cant do that if they are still in bed." I don't think it will take them that much longer to finish healing. I shouldn't compare our healing times since I have lots of regeneration buffs to help. Having them ready for fighting will be nice, power leveling my family is something I never thought I'd be allowed to do.

Mom looks at me worried. I can see she has doubt about dungeons, I would to if I wasn't as strong as I am now. "In all honesty Cera I don't want them going anywhere near a dungeon. That goes for you too, watching them almost die makes me so scared. I couldn't bare to lose anyone of you, and I refuse that any of you go into a dungeon." Looks like mom is going to be a problem, while I respect her decision there is no way I'm going to abide by it. I'm going to dungeon dive and I'm going to do it with my family. While she may not like it, its the only way for them to get stronger faster. She will get over her fear eventually, and all I can do is help her get there. She looks at me waiting to see if I agree with her or not.

I sigh knowing I'll be making mom angry, but sometimes there is no other choice. "I'm going to be dungeon diving and I expect my family to be there. I get you are scared, but you guys need to get stronger. This is a fast track for that, and you can yell and scream about it all you want. I'm taking you guys with me, so get used to the idea." My mom stops walking and gives me a stupid look. She is about to yell, but I interrupt her. "You can be as sour about it as you want mom, but I know more about this world then you could ever know. I'm more than strong enough to protect you guys in the dungeons, so please be ready when the time comes." I continue walking as she stands there flabbergasted. I hate putting my foot down like this, but if it were dad or Hailey I'd do the same exact thing. As Cera makes it back to the room with his mom and brother, the men he killed earlier are talking with someone.

They enter a run down factory, this place it a safe haven for them. They make their way towards the single person in this place. Once they reach the person they get on their hands and knees. "Why have you come to me... I find it hard to believe that such high leveled players could be killed so swiftly." The faces of the men contort in shame. They are about to speak, but he stops them with a raise of his hand. "I'd be willing to settle the score, but it has to be at a price. I want one piece of rare gear from each of you. If you think that's unfair then you can leave the way you came." The men look at each other as if contemplating their answer. They all nod their heads yes and get up. "Where do you think your going? I want my payment up front. I don't want you guys skipping town with my reward once I finish the job." They all look reluctant to pay, but they do. "On the name of V I swear I'll fulfill this contract." The man swears an oath, one bound on honor and integrity. The man begins to prepare for his fight, and that is something he takes very seriously.

If these guys got killed by someone so swiftly then I got my work cut out for me. I heard some rumor about how it happened, but they are hard to believe. I've never heard of anyone getting dismember so swiftly. They are leaving me to my own devices now, I've never failed a contract. This guy might be the hardest fight I've had yet. I'm level 36 and I know I'm one of the strongest players alive right now. "Send out the scouts and spies, find the target and watch him. I want to know his schedule and patterns." I say this to the subordinates I have waiting in the dark. I hear whooshes as they speed away. Now I must wait, this will end up being the first challenge I have. I can feel it in my heart and bones.

While they are busy with the search I should also do some reconnaissance myself. While my group is capable I like to get out into the field myself. I equip my best gear and weapons. I want to see how the rest of the players are doing as well. This might be a chance to recruit more people to my guild, and while I like strong members, loyalty is more important to me then power. I make my way out of the factory and begin to walk the streets of our once great city. I think the first place I should check out is the sight of the incident. It was a park about a mile away, rumors say that the man killed that little group because they tried to harm his mother. Didn't even let them finish talking before he killed them all, I don't hear that very often. This guy is efficient and doesn't mess around, all the more reason to be on guard.

Out of all the people they could have pissed off it had to be someone strong, just goes to show how stupid they are with that behavior. I don't care who or what my employers are, only that they payed the fee. Sucks I have to hurt someone with potential, but that's apart of the job. I have a little bit of a walk so I should just enjoy the free time I have. I don't get many chances to just walk around anymore after all.

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