The Ancients World

Chapter 114: Dropping Bombs

Chapter 114: Dropping Bombs

Mom is carrying Marcus as she climbs the staircase to the high floor they are staying on. Even now she is still trying to make his life a little easier. While this skyscraper is a good place to be, these stairs are going to prove a problem. "When we get back up to the room I want to tell them the plan, everyone is going. I'll make sure you guys gain levels faster then others will, that way you guys can fend for yourselves." I direct my order to mom, but she is still not being flexible. I'll be taking all of them with me and if I have to drag her along then so be it. I'm not going to wait for an answer from her, so I'll just focus on other things right now. Mainly the people that I killed in the park, they will go to someone stronger for help. They cant help themselves, when people like them form a grudge its really hard for them to let it go.

I don't blame them either. I would have been pretty pissed if I was taken out like that, I'll have to keep my guard up for awhile. I don't know the power structure in this city. I don't know who's in charge or where they are staying. This city is also huge, millions of players are staying here and if I want to find someone specific its like a needle in a haystack. Being a solo player has its downsides, but they are too few for me to be complaining. I'm going to wait until something actually happens, waiting for trouble to come to me isn't what I normally do. In this situation its the best move possible, and reacting to an attack will prove dangerous without knowing who is after me. So if I don't want to endanger my family then staying away from them for awhile is a good idea. I'm likely the only target.

We make it to the top floor and walk to our room. I look inside as I enter and see that both Hailey and dad are sitting up on there own, they are recovering good. Mom sets Marcus down and rushes to the side of her husband. "You're supposed to be resting. I'm not letting you do anything till you can move on your own." My mom looks at me as she says that last part, declare all you want mom. They will be joining me in the dungeons along with you. "Just lay back down and I'll change your bandages." They do as she says and relax, I'll let her baby them for now. I still have things I need to think about, mainly how long I'm going to be stuck on this continent away from my missions. My family is my top priority, but staying here for an extended period of time will be a stigma in the long run.

Powering up my family to the point they are strong enough to defend themselves is the first thing on the list. In all honesty I don't have to stick around after that, and while they might resent me for leaving during such a hard time I also need to continue growing. I feel like scum with the thought of just leaving them after I make them stronger, and in truth I would be. The only one who might understand is Hailey, because when she is strong she will leave to go on her own as well. Helping the players fix the teleportation grid is noble, but that isn't something I'm going to do. In the end all it will do is save everyone else time and waste mine. There could be unique rewards, but nothing that I could actually need. So my mind is made up with everything available, I'm heading back to my original continent after I help my family.

I sit down as they continue to talk to each other, and while they are all smiles I'm going to have to bring the mood down. "I'm leaving after I help you guys level up in the dungeons." Those words instantly silent everyone. My mom goes red in the face with anger, and as she is about to start screaming my dad stops her. He give me a look to continue. "When the dungeons are opened around here and you guys finish healing I'll power level you guys. When I finish getting you stronger I'm heading out." I look at my mom to see her face and all I can see is hurt and betrayal. I don't like this, but I also need to do what's in my best interests too. If that means I have to hurt my families feelings then fine.

My mom is about to start yelling at me, but she is interrupted before she can start. My sister says something that surprises me, but isn't out of her character. "I want you to take me with you!" My mom looks at my sister with fury. I look at my sister and I see the determination in her eyes, she wants to get back to what she was doing before this happened. I bet she was close to getting the legendary class, and if she wants that who am I to say no. I'll give her a ride on my way back. I look at my dad and see that he is also hurt by this news. If there was someone he didn't want going it would be his little girl. Marcus looks confused and scared, his family is in a very tense situation right now. I would be the same way if I was his age.

I look to mom and I've never seen her so mad at me before. Nobody is going to interrupt her this time and I should just let her get any anger she has out of her system. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE LEAVING!!!! IF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE THEN YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD CHECKED!!!! I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE AND I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE MY FAMILY INTO THE DUNGEONS!!!!" I cringe as she screams her response at me, and I'm a little surprised she actually cussed. Mom is usually pretty good at not cussing, and that just goes to show how mad she is at me. I watch her take deep breaths, and try to calm down. She must think she won with that explosion, I'm going to have to disappoint her.

I stand up and make my way to the exit of the room, giving mom some time to work through this is a good idea. I turn my head around towards my sister. "When we are done with power leveling I'll take you with me. I'll be back after the dungeons arrive to collect you guys, be ready alright." My sister gives a determined nod, but my moms face contorts in rage and anger. I make a quick exit as a rock flies by my head. This is going to be a tough pill for my mom to swallow, and giving them space to work it out is the smartest move. I hear my dads muffled voice followed my mothers angry screams, I wouldn't want to be stuck in their positions right now. Now that I have free time I can start asking around for information I don't have.

The best place to ask questions would probably be the place with the most players. Around here that would be the park I killed those guys at, so I'm returning to the scene of the proverbial crime. I hope people are willing to answer some questions after what they say earlier. I make my way down the long stairway once again. After some time I make it to the lobby of the building and head outside. Time to head to the park. It takes the same amount of time to get there as it did last time, and when I arrive there are plenty of people around. I make my way into the park and people begin to recognize me. They do what I expect some to do and that's steer clear of me. On the other hand it looks like many are avoiding me, too many.

I make it deeper into the crowd and I hear a voice I'm unfamiliar with. "Looks like you came to me instead of me having to find you. I got to say I'm surprised those guys got killed by someone who doesn't even have a shirt, but that sword you have looks really gnarly." I turn to the voice and see a man with great gear, and he also has some people to his left and right. I get the feeling that I have some sort of bounty on my head. "Don't take this personal kid. I'm just doing what I'm getting paid to do." I was going to try to talk my way out of this, but looks like that wont be happening. This event has really messed people up, and if I ever see those guys from earlier again I'll make sure its slow and painful instead of quick.

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