The Ancients World

Chapter 122: Heading out

Chapter 122: Heading out

{Please mark any errors it helps a lot.}

We spent many hours playing and hanging out, eventually we all had enough and gave into sleep. Its very late and dark, I'm on the edge of sleep as my thoughts drift between the things I need to do. Out of all the things I have to do the most important is my divine mana aura. I have many quests to do, the most important after my divine mana aura is the dryads. Freeing them will be way harder then the fairy kingdom. If anything it will be the quest I get my first death, I plan on using my lore tablet for my divine quest. If it turns out I don't need it then that's even better. I don't know much about Bellvia. The fact they were involved makes me wary even now, who's to say that they still aren't involved in anything.

I close my eyes and sleep deeply, I have dreams of many things. Some of them I can explain, others I cant. I feel a heat on my face and I open my eyes, I look towards the light and I see a beautiful sunrise encroaching on the city. I lean up and stretch my body, areas pop and loosen up. I stand up and walk over to the window and look out over the ruined city and the amazing scenery. Its a going to be a good day to fly, I'm worried if Hailey will be okay with flying so high and fast. She has never been flying like I have, and its going to be scarier for her than other ways to fly. She'll have to ride on my back, its a good thing I'm so much taller then her. It will be a comfortable ride, and a very long one. 14000 miles is a lot of distance, but totally doable for me.

I hear movement behind me and I turn to look. Everyone else is getting woken up from the sunlight has well. I can already see the sorrowful expressions on my family realizing what's happening. "You guys want to go to the roof with me? It will be a great view to watch the sunrise." I look at them and see the tiredness in there eyes. "C'mon it'll be fun." I start to walk towards the door and everyone follows behind me. We make our way towards the stairwell and make our way to the top floor. Its mostly empty, there are some rooms being occupied though. We make it to the end of the hall and see the single 21 steps that lead to the roof. I walk up the stairs and open the old door, I walk out onto the smooth concrete and metal roof.

My family follows and joins me looking out over the massive city as the sun casts its rays of light and heat over it. I look over the edge and see the long way down, I can see players already up and heading outside the city. Seems some aren't letting the current situation affect them anymore, player moving out and leveling up is a good thing. "Do you think that we'll make it back to the continent to see you guys within the year?" I turn my head to my right and look at my mom after her question. She looks so sad and disappointed, only a mother can make you feel bad about growing up. I move over to her and wrap her in a one armed hug. She just puts her face in my chest and starts to cry. Letting women cry is a must, its a way to express and get rid of there pain.

I look to the rest of my family as my mother weeps. This is a perfect place to leave and start our journey. "You'll be back on our original continent before you know it. I want you guys to promise that you'll have fun, life isn't so gloomy. Just because we are stuck here doesn't mean its the end." I let go of my mom as she wipes her eyes. I make it to the edge and take a seat with my feet hanging off. "This is where Hailey and I will leave from. I wasn't planning on letting you guys know my secret, but I have a feeling its already getting around." When I finish saying that I toggle my wings on and they spring out my back. Powerful, long, and fearsome. I look back at my family and see their shocked faces.

My sister is the first to come forward and she starts to touch them. She is complete distracted by them. The rest are looking at me with apprehension. "Sweetie are you..." I nod my head yes before she can finish saying what she wanted to say. "I have nothing to worry about then... I'm really glad..." My mothers voice starts to shake again and my dad hugs her to calm her down. When a kid leaves the nest a mother is always going to cry, it cant be stopped. I look at Hailey as she continues to mess with my wings. I get that their cool, but no need to look at them like that. She looks like she wants to take them for herself. I don't think she'll hold off on questions for long. Once she gets over her amazement she'll be all over me like white on rice.

I walk over to my family and hug them. Hailey catches up and joins as well. I wrap my wings around them to make sure I get all of them. I pull away and look at my sister. "You ready to leave? Its going to be a long trip and we'll be traveling together for awhile." She nods her head in excitement. Before I make my final approach to the edge of the building I kiss my mom on the forehead. She tries her absolute hardest to stay composed, but the fears break free. I make my way to the edge and kneel down. "Hop on sis. We got an adventure to take." She get on my back and wraps her legs around my waist and arms under my arm pits. I spread out my wings to there longest length and flap hard off the building.

We approach the clouds fast, but I'm going deaf as my sister scream. "SLLOOOWWW DOOOOWWWNNN YOOUUUU IIDDDIIOOOOIT!!! I'M GOING TO FALL OFF!!" I leave out once we are above the clouds and she is now in an upright position. Her butt is right above mine and she has her hand right below where my wings come out so she can support herself. I chuckle as she is slightly hyperventilating. "YOU COULD HAVE WARNED ME ABOUT THE SPEED YOU ASSHAT!!!" she leans in closer and smacks the back of my head. She isn't going to like this then, I burst forward in speed and she is losing it. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She sounds like a scared little girl. I laugh harder as I slow down. "*BLARGH*" She throws up over the left side of me as it falls to the earth.

This is going to be a fun trip. "We'll fly for 14 hours a day. If we reach an ocean then we will take a full day of rest before we cross it. Let me know it you need to use the bathroom and I'll bring us down." She remains silent as I talk to her. I can feel a very slight wetness on my lower back. I cant believe she peed on me. I dive down fast and she screams even louder. As soon as I land she hops off my back and runs behind the closest tree. I hear her give a sigh of relief and a stream of water hitting the ground. "Next time don't pee on the person giving you a free ride." She just growls from behind the tree. I chuckle to myself, after another 10 seconds she come out from behind the tree with a red face, both from embarrassment and anger.

She rushes me and slugs me hard on the chest, but she recoils in pain as I hear a crack from her hand. "You are a jerk Cera. I'll let all of it go if you pull that shit again, I felt like I was going to die. If you are going to speed up or dive at any point say something before hand you ass." I chuckle and just kneel down for her. She gets back in the same spot and I take off at a high speed again. She didn't scream this time which is nice. I level out above the clouds and take a moderate speed. She gets back in her upright position and stays quiet. I start to hear her laugh after a few second, and full on yelling in joy. "THIS IS AWESOME!!! I'VE NEVER FELT SO FREE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!" She lifts her hands of my back and spreads them out mimicking wings. I'm glad I'm not alone on this trip.

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