The Ancients World

Chapter 123: A skipped meeting

Chapter 123: A skipped meeting

{Please mark any errors. It really helps, I'm to tired to edit at 1:32 am PST}

As Cera and Hailey start their 14000 mile journey the other members of the Adamo family are back in there room talking. The silence is palpable, and the first one to start talking is Chris. I look to my wife and youngest son, the one I'm most worried about is Violet. She lives for her family, and so do I. Now that 2 of our oldest are gone its hard to find anything to say that isn't about them. They aren't our responsibility anymore, their lives are their own. I walk over and sit next to my wife, and I just hug her. I run some of my fingers through her hair and just rock her slightly. She wraps her arms around me and gives me a big squeeze. I hate seeing the love of my life like this, part of raising a child is seeing them off. We did good raising them, and we taught them how to be good people.

I look to Marcus as I hold Violet and I see his sad face, out of our 3 kids he is the only one that we have left. Once he is gone, we'll be right back where we started. I personally think its great that we are back to our youthful selves. "We are going to have to find a way to fill the time aren't we... I cant believe how fast they grew up... If I didn't become young again then I'd feel like and old woman..." My wife speaks true, I feel like an old man despite not being middle again anymore. We are lucky no matter how you look at this entire situation, sure we lost friends and family. The ones that mattered most to us made it though. If this new world has taught me anything in the short time I've been here its that anything is possible. Violet and I can start our own adventure here, help rebuild the teleporter.

I let go of my wife and look her right in the eyes. "What do you want to do first? There are so many things we can try now that we are higher levels. We can go hunt monsters or search for dungeons. I even heard that the community center is being used to as a trade center for the players in the city. We can do anything you want for as long as we want, time is on our side and we have plenty of it. I want to have so much fun with you sweetheart, get to do the things that couples never thought they would be allowed to do. How cool is it that we get to be like this." I gesture to all of us, young and nimble. Having the potential to do anything. I watch her tears stop falling and she wipes them off her face.

She stand up and walks over to Marcus. She picks him up and looks back to me. "I want to go and fight some monsters together. The only way we'll be able to do all the things I want to do is if we are strong enough. So where should we head to first?" She looks at me with determination and I'll admit that is one of her best looks. Its the same look she had when each of the kids were born and she held them for the first time. I stand up and walk to her. I kiss the top of her head multiple times and look to Marcus. Violet does the same thing and covers him in kisses. His face is red in embarrassment, but he has a big smile on his face. "So sweetie? You want to go on an adventure with dad and me?" My wife asks him the question and he nods his head yes with excitement. I don't know where we should start, but finding out is part of the adventure. I interlock my fingers with my wife and make our way to the door.

While Violet and Chris start their day today, there is also someone starting theirs. This person is the man who made a meeting with Zern and is intent on being on time. I don't want there to be any reason he wants to reject my offer, if I can succeed here everything will be perfect for growth. I'm walking around the player made market in the old community center and seeing if there are any new faces. There has been an increase of activity as of late from the players. This is a great way to make progress and strive to get back to where we were. "Sir Erikson! Care to have a drink with us! Jennefer made a brewery from spare parts. she found! Isn't she the smartest girl alive!" Of course Jack would brag. She's his daughter after all.

That is quiet impressive though, made it from her own ingenuity. If my memory serves me right Jennefer has an epic builder class. It isn't near the same level as my wife, but she is going to helpful to a lot of people. "I cant I'm afraid. I have an important meeting to get to. I'll come back and celebrate with you when I'm done." He just give me a big smile and a thumbs up sign. Jack is a good man with a clean heart. His whole family was dusted except his daughter. The players have come up with a term for people before this transfer happened. I think its very ingenious, but also very insensitive. So it has been reduced to a derogatory term. Many players have killed each other over and over again from this term.

I like the cleverness, but I wont be using it when I talk directly to people. For all I know it could cause major problems for me in the future if I started using it. I make my way out of the trade center and onto the roads. The streets are now full of players in parties and monster hunting instead of hiding in the shadows. Its almost reminiscent of the times before we lost our world. People are actually smiling and having a good time, this is going to be a bustling little community in no time. Los Angeles is a big city and this is the home of millions that play. We probably have one of the biggest communities of English speakers. I make my way to the hospital and see some of my guild mates already here waiting.

The looks on their faces isn't something I was expecting though. They look like they have bad news. I walk up to them and just nod my head for them to start. "Zern is no longer in Los Angeles. Many of our scouts that were watching him saw him fly away. He took his sister with him, best guess is that he's heading back to his original continent." I am at a loss for words. Zern has the ability to fly, and that explains some of my suspicions. I look at him hard to continue. "He used giant wings to fly sir, he and his sister left his parents and little brother behind." Now that's another option. If I cant get Zern then I'll recruit his family. If he has a personal connection with my guild that is just as good.

This entire plan is a bust, but I'm not one of the best guild leaders for no reason. "I want you to report to me when you see the family at their room again. I doubt that they will talk to all of us, so I'll speak to them myself. This might be better in the end, many will not expect something like this. How many know that Zern is the divine class holder now? It could prove problematic if word spreads to quickly." My men look at me with disappointment. Guess word spread fast, people are smart and give them enough time they will put it together. I walk away from my men and start heading back to the trade center. I make it back and head straight to where Jack is. I want a drink after all these changes of plans.

Jack sees me and waves me over, this time I approach and he can see my sour expression. Instead of saying anything he just hands me a pitcher and cheers glasses with me. I suck down half of it before I pull away. "I take it you meeting didn't go well. My wife always to me to be there when my friends needed me to, so if you need my help just ask." He leans back in his chair and starts sending glares to all the guys around the bar that are staring at his daughter. I would be the same way if I had a daughter and men were looking at her like this. "I swear these guys are animals, its like a pack of monkeys after the last beautiful banana in the forest." I laugh at Jack's comparison. As long As Jennefer is in a public place she has nothing to worry about. I guess now all I can do is wait.

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