The Ancients World

Chapter 124: The 14000 Mile Journey I

Chapter 124: The 14000 Mile Journey I

{Please mark any errors or mistakes. I'm totally wiped out. I thank all the extra eyes being diligent.}

Hailey has been quiet for the last couple of hours, and the only noise she has made is the rumbling coming from her stomach. I'll admit that I'm very hungry myself. I still have dried meat that is fresh and ready to be eaten, so now might be a good time to head down and get our fill. The main problem about this journey other than the distance is the food and water situation. "I'm diving down. I want to eat, I'm starving." She leans on me as I dive fast to the ground and land smoothly. She hops off and fixes her hair. I keep my wings out since I'm isolated, Hailey probably wont mind they are out. We walk a little till we find a nice spot.

I take a seat and go into my inventory. I have enough dried meat to last a few days between us. We'll have to hunt for food after my supplies run out, going to be interesting hunting with my sister. "Here, this should fill you up for now. Keep your eyes out for a stream or pond. We'll stop for water, I don't have any on me." I hand her the dried meat and tear it apart. She was hungrier than I thought. I start into mine as well and enjoy the much needed protein. "So what do you plan to do once you get your legendary class? You will have a lot of power and authority. You will be able to make whatever demands you want from guilds." She looks at with a thoughtful expression. She will be able to do anything she wants. The known amount of legendary classes is low, and I'm only a knowledgeable about a couple of them.

There are possibly way more than I know about. Some get announced and others don't. She looks at me with a small smile. "I want to know more about your class. I don't even have mine yet so no reason to talk about it." Sly girl. Trying to get to know more about my class, she looks at my beautiful and powerful wings and has a small look of envy. "The fact that you can fly so fast and far makes me want to have a flying class. Do you think my legendary class will have a flying ability." From what I remember Battlemind doesn't have a flying ability. Battlemind has many great passive and active skills. I can see that she will fit with it perfectly. Being a duelist she fits the criteria. I don't know much lore about the class, only that its something that countries highly respect. Apparently a Battlemind is regarded as a one in a millennium occurrence. 1000 years is a long time for a class to not be wielded.

I rub the back of my head and sigh. "I don't believe your class will be able to fly. Most legendary and divine classes are hard to find because they are marked as common quests. People treat them as junk and ignore them. Its quiet an ingenious mechanic, it lowers the amount by rare classes and makes a huge gap in power. For example my class has amazing stats boosts and passives, but I had to deal with a half exp debuff. I'm still not even allowed to join guilds. That's the reason I sold that guild token for our fortune." She looks at me and just shakes her head. "I'm going to tell you an important secret about classes Hailey, and make sure you listen." She focuses on me and nods her head yes. "Every class that is above legacy is more special then people give them credit for. There are common things that occur in epic and lower classes, but legacy and higher cant be compared. Not all is known about how classes function, but one thing is for sure. If you get a class above epic you will be set for life." She is listening very intently. We are very similar in wanting to know about things important to us.

She look at my wings again and just sighs with slight jealousy. I can say that is a fair reaction, the convenience of these wings is unbelievable. "So what kind of benefits do you have being The Son of Arch-Angel Michael? From all the rumors and conspiracies I've heard you have a lot of special treatment." She isn't wrong in saying that. I do get special treatment, and its both good and bad at times. "Will I get special treatment like you when I get my legendary class? I'd really like to use any power I have to help the players get back to their original continents." She is making a good point. If I wanted to I could have the church help me bring the players back, but that will surly reveal my identity. I wont risk something like that while I'm still weak.

I look at her with calculated eyes, I could help Hailey on her possible idea. She cant do as much as I could, but working together we could succeed. "You make a great point, and you could use any influence you gain. You wouldn't have as much as me, but you would be able to help the players. A legendary class just has that kind of authority. If you are serious about that then contemplate on it more. We have plenty of time before we even reach our continent." In the end this could be the way players get back way faster. I wouldn't have thought of this myself since I'm very private and don't want the attention, but my sister loves attention. Not in an unhealthy way, more in a way that is endearing. I should also spend time thinking about it.

We both finish eating and are satisfied food wise, however water is going to be a problem. I stand up and so does my sister. I kneel down and she climbs on my back. I push off the ground hard and we are already above the clouds. I hear my sisters heavy breaths from the pressure and increase in G-force. I level out and slow down, she starts to breath normally. "Keep your eyes open for any water, streams preferably. However, if you see a pond don't be quiet about it." She doesn't respond, but I know she heard me. That's all I really need. While Cera and Hailey are traveling. An NPC by the name of Krialder is meeting up with a couple of old friends. This NPC is special because he is one of the only known NPC's with a legendary class.

Its going to be nice to see my old friends Ghostzero and Creatureman. Zelly raised many of us in that shack, and after I heard that they killed Clintock I had to track them down. While I could've killed him myself, he set up a magic barrier around the city. If I were to ever step foot in it again he would instantly kill Zelly, and I couldn't risk that. He underestimated my brothers though, he was so focused on me he was blind to what was going on with them. The three of us will be meeting up to discuss the more important things, like where the rest of our orphan brothers and sisters are. While we are all grown up and powerful, I doubt that we'll see everyone in the same place again. I have a couple more days until I reach the destination, but knowing those two they are already waiting and having a good time without me.

The one I'm most excited to see is Zelly, she raised so many of us on her own. She now gets to reap the benefits of doing such a great job with us. She sacrificed so many things to keep us safe. She gave her health, her time, and her body. Just thinking about what they did to her everyday in front of us makes me so.... That time is over, and she is safe with them. If I ever do see any of those ugly faces again I'll take my sweet time. I'll show them real pain, pay them back for what they did to her. The days have been quieter with the new people disappearing, but its known they aren't gone. The church gets regular updates about them and makes sure we all hear them to. A lot of new people have been killed by my hand, they are quiet annoying. The most annoying part about them is they don't stay dead and they always come back for more. Its like they like pain and death, talk about a bunch of wierdos.

Out of all the new people the most interesting to me is the son. As the grandson of the Almighty Father he is sure to have a lot of power, not even his true name is known though. Perhaps we'll meet each other one day, as both friends and rivals. Speaking of rivals, Ghostzero still wants that rematch. Now that he has a legacy class he'll probably challenge me to another fight. He is no fool or weakling. Despite the power gap in classes, his cunning fighting will cause tremendous problems. Creatureman has never been one to test his mettle against others in combat, he prefers to take on challenges in a different form. Robbing some of the wealthiest people in history does that. He far outclasses us in terms of silence, assassination, and thievery. Seeing him after so many years will be awesome, both of them were inseparable. We made a great team growing up, and now its time to start this team again.

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