The Ancients World

Chapter 127: The 14000 Mile Journey IV

Chapter 127: The 14000 Mile Journey IV

{Mark any mistakes to tired to edit.}

I feel the morning heat and see some sunshine beaming on the tent. I lean up and my body pops as I do. I look over to my sister and she is sleeping, at one point she woke me up in the middle of the night from her farting. How can such a beautiful person release such horrible smells, I cant fathom how she farted so much when we've barely eaten anything on this trip. I open the entrance of the tent and get out. I walk over to the campfire and see that the charcoal still hot, I put in some twigs and blow some wind on it gently. A little fire starts and I help it grow, I sit down and rub my neck and head. The perfect temperature for a morning is something that I didn't think possible on this continent. For all I know this nice weather is seasonal like other continents, another reason to get back to my original continent.

I get up and do some stretches to loosen up my body, tent or not I still slept on the ground. I hear some rustling behind me and I turn my head, I look at my sister as she struggles to get the gunk out of her eyes. She isn't a morning person and I'm surprised she is even up, makes me wonder if anything is wrong. "You alright? You look like you had a rough night. I know you've never been camping, but this is kind of pathetic." She gives me a mean look at my little joke. I could've worded that better, but she gets the idea. "Well sleepy head. You just going to stare at me with those dead eye or are you going to have some breakfast?" I open my inventory and toss her some of the deer meat she hates oh so much.

She stands up fully and walks over to me and joins me around the campfire on this great morning. She stands next to me and stares into the fire as she quickly devours the deer meat. "As much as I hate to say this, but this is pretty good for dried meat. I'll never look at deer the same and that's your fault you jackass." There's the Hailey I know. She gives me an eye smile and continues to eat. "When are we going to leave, I'd like to wake up before you start flying at 430mph." I look at her in surprise. She did think about letting me fly faster, and now our trip should be faster. More ground covered faster is great for multiple reasons, and the biggest one right now is our water situation. Its been more then uncomfortably long since our last drink. So finding water today is a must.

I finish my food a little after she finishes hers. "We'll leave in an hour, so make sure you wake up in that time. I'll go see if I can find us some more food." I toggle my wings back on and they sprout from my back. I burst from my spot in speed and start to weave through trees, I make sure I mark on my map where Hailey is before I leave. I'd like to find us some more food if possible, even just a small animal would be great. I search for a little bit and find nothing, talk about a waste of time. I make my way back to Hailey and see that she is full of energy like her usual self. "C'mon, we are leaving. Look out for water, I'll take us to it once you see it." I walk over to the tent and quickly disassemble it. I put everything in my inventory and walk in front of my sister. I kneel down and wait for her to climb on.

I feel her grab on and I wait until she has a good grip. "I'm ready lets get a move on." I take off at her words and launch upwards. We reach the clouds quickly and I level out so she can sit up. "If I cant handle full speed I'll let you know. 430mph might be to much for me to handle." I nod my head slightly and I burst off in speed. I reach max speed fast and now we are zooming. I feel her lean down and lay on my back. Its to fast for her to sit up now, but she is doing a good job handling it. I'll keep my eyes out for any waters sources so she doesn't have to look for them. I don't know how long Hailey can handle flying this fast, but I'll cover as much distance as possible before she asks me to stop.

I look down to the ground as I fly us and I still haven't seen any water. I dive down and get under the clouds. Hailey squeals in fear, but she isn't going to get mad at me flying at this speed. She wouldn't risk falling off from getting mad. "I'll be flying under the clouds to see if I can find any water that will be good. You just keep your head down and tell me when you cant handle this speed anymore alright. I'll slow down immediately." I feel her nod her head against my back. We have a very long journey ahead of us. If we can fly all day at this speed it shouldn't take us more than a couple days to reach the marker. "If you can handle this speed all day we'll get there in the quickest possible time." She shakes her head no this time. That's okay, asking that is a lot and she couldn't handle it. As Cera and Hailey continue to fly. There is a meeting at the church of light, and The Pope is the one opening this meeting with some concerns.

This war is going no where and we have no idea where the monsters are hiding within the kingdom of Alsoma. Its like they just went silent and that is worrying. There is no conflict anywhere on any of the fronts, and there is no new leads. We have a list of targets to go after thanks to the strike group. Its completely useless without leaders to find though. I should start this meeting and get the debates over with. "There is no good news. We have no idea where the monsters went or where they are hiding. The longer this war goes on, the more people that are at risk of an attack. They are planning something and we have no clue what about. This leave of absence from the battlefield will undoubtedly bring something sinister to the war. Now I want to hear news from the rest of you." I look at the leaders gathered here and see that many are talking to there assistants right now while there holograms are muted.

The first to start talking is Gregory. I can always count on him being ready to lead in any way. "The kingdoms in the coalition have nothing to report regarding the war. However, we want to know why the church is announcing things about the new people when they have obviously disappeared." That is a good question, and one I don't have an answer for. We simple follow the instructions given to us and announce it. "I was planning on using them for the war and saving casualties on our side. The fact that they come back to life is something this war desperately needs. We can save hundreds of thousands if we can utilize the new people." I know that Gregory is looking out for the masses, but even if they do resurrect we cant force them to help. We could spark a war with immortal warriors and I don't want that.

I look at Gregory and he understands the meaning behind my look. I stand up and walk to the center of the stage. "The new people can be used to help us, but we cant force them to help." Most leaders give bitter looks and resent my words. "We need to give them a reason to help. Rewards and land. Anything that hold significant value. If we provoke the new people and make them our enemies we'll have a worse foe then the monsters. When they return we should begin asking, and please be nice. New people have an ability to grow very strong very fast, and if we do involve them we should make the alliance last after the war." Many of the leaders don't like my words, but they agree with them. The holograms turn off one by one and I return to my seat to relax.

What Fenrir said has me thinking. Lucys reports are always thorough, and the fact that they ran into the divine wolf wasn't a coincidence. Luring out the son with rewards and fame isn't something that we should have done. We should have considered the fact that he wanted to stay hidden. If we respected that we could have built a better public image. Now we look like desperate fools trying to find the most sacred thing on Gaia. We have shamed ourselves and we have no one to blame but ourselves. If I do live long enough to see the son I'll die a happy man, and I'll be one of the luckiest Popes in the line.

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