The Ancients World

Chapter 128: The 14000 Mile Journey V

Chapter 128: The 14000 Mile Journey V

{Mark any errors. Thanks guys.}

We have been flying for a few hours now. Hailey has done a good job at letting me fly us at max speed, but I think she has had enough of this. I slow down and get under a 100mph, her body isn't as strong at mine so flying at that 430mph for a prolonged amount of time isn't good. "You can sit up now we have covered a good amount of distance. Let me know if you need anything." She sits up and stretches her upper body. I look down towards the ground and keep looking for the elusive water. We fly a few more minutes and I see a break in the forest, this break is from a nice stream of water. "Hang on I'm diving down." She holds on tight and I dive. Once close enough to the ground I stop and land us. I look at the stream of water and can see clear flowing water. Water this clear is sure to be clean. I dip my hand in it and bring some water up to my face. I clean my face and check if the water is salty or dirty. However, its completely clean and safe to drink.

Hailey walks over to my side and also begins to drink the water. "This is some of the cleanest water I have ever tasted. I wish water from earth was this clean, we wouldn't have had a food crisis." One of the many things that we failed to do was keep the water clean on earth. It led to catastrophic effects, put that together with the huge population and you got a massive problem. I dip my hand in and take a full drink. She is right, this is some of the cleanest water I have ever seen or tasted. Science did many things for the human race, and one of them was water a purification process that made water drinkable. Even though the water would technically be clean, it was still filled with chemicals from the cleaning process. "How long can we stay here Cera? I'd like to at least take a bath and try to not stink so much. You wanted one too." I nod my head yes and begin to unequipped my items.

My sister looks at me stupid as I remain in nothing other than my underwear. I dive into the cool water and it chills me. I make a bigger slash since my wings are still out. "You should try out this water!! It feels so damn good!" I encourage my sister and she uses her hand to indicate for me to turn around. I do so and after a couple seconds she jumps in too. "Doesn't it feel great! This water is a totally different experience to the water from earth!" She looks at me with a smile and proceeds to splash water at me. I don't take any form of competition laying down. I retaliate and splash her to. She is squealing from the water getting in her eyes. That's a move I learned from dad. He always knew how to get you right in the eyes and make them burn. I stop as she surrenders and cleans out her eyes from the abuse. "I could never beat dad when it came to water fights. He was a bullseye shot for the eyes." She just sighs and relaxes in the calm stream. Its just the perfect depth for all the fun you can have in the water.

I start to scrub my armpits and thoroughly clean them. I make sure to get my hair cleaned too. It feels so great to be cleaning myself. "Cera, can you turn around. I'm not wearing a bra and I want to clean my areas as well." I don't question anything and I turn around as I continue to clean myself. I dive underwater and open my eyes. Even though its a little blurry I can see pretty good. I dive down and reach the bottom of the stream. I start lifting rocks like I did when I was a kid. The rocks are mossy and slippery, but some of them have crawdads under them. I toss them into my inventory whenever I find any. I don't need to go up for water any time soon. Since my endurance is so high I can hold my breath for much longer. I hear muffles calling for me above the water so I shoot up to the surface using my wings to go faster. "YOU IDIOT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DROWNING!!" My sister splashes water in my face as I look at her. I guess I made her worried or something. "YOU'RE MY ONLY TICKET OUT OF HERE SO DON'T GO DYING ON ME!!!" Never mind, she wasn't worried for the right reasons.

I splash some water her way in retaliation for her inconsiderate words. "How stupid are you... You really think I'd drown myself or something. You need to work on trusting me. I can handle holding my breath." She gives me an angry look and starts to splash me over and over again. I return fire and eventually overwhelm her. I use my stats and wings to make my splashes more powerful. "You didn't win the first time so what makes you think you can win now. Sometimes I wonder where your head goes when you get angry." She takes that insult harder then the rest and turns around and leaves the stream. She covers her top half since she doesn't have anything covering that. Luckily she has underwear. However, they are the kind that grandmas wear. "I didn't think you were the type to wear oldy underwear. Learn something new everyday..." When those words leave my mouth she stops and turns to me in fury.

She gives me a fierce gaze and balls up her fist. "If you weren't so much stronger then me I'd beat the crap out of you! You are the meanest little brother I've ever seen or heard about!" As she flings her arms around in anger she fails to realize nothing is covering her anymore. I've never been attracted to my sister and never will. Even now when I'm getting a full view of her rather big rack. She makes men fall for her fast, but I could never and will never see her like that. I turn away and stop looking out of courtesy since she obviously forgot about it. "I swear sometimes I think you antagonize me to see what kind of reaction you can get out of me! Its so annoying." I clear my throat and to get her to notice what she is doing. However, that just makes her go off more. So I'm going to have to point it out to her. I look her dead in the eye and purposefully shift between her eyes and her chest. She looks at me in confusion and looks down as well. That's when her face goes pale.

She covers her chest, turns around, and runs away. She disappears into the trees and probably wont be coming back anytime soon. "Geez, you would think that she'd be more careful with things like that. I know that she's had boyfriends before, but if she is such a prude it makes me wonder if all her stories are lies. For such a shameless person, that was a very shameful reaction. Perhaps its because I'm her brother. I wouldn't want her seeing my thing no matter how confident about it I am. I wouldn't run away like that though, a mystery of the female gender." I relax in the water and forget about the events that have just occurred. I escape into my mind thinking about the problems I have to face. The more I think about my divine mana aura quest the harder is seems. I don't think anyone in my old future had a mana aura above legacy quality. The few that did have legacy quality mana auras had their stats and health at insane levels. Completely unbeatable compared to ordinary players.

My old mana aura was of rare quality. It was strong, but I'd be beaten a lot. I wonder what will happen to my stats once I begin to control my divine mana aura. On a scale of 0% control to 100% having just 1% control will boost my health and mana by millions. The stats bonuses don't start coming in until 20% control. However, the higher quality the mana aura the harder it is to gain more control over it. I have no clue how difficult it will be. It didn't take me to long to gain control over my rare mana aura, but this is in an entirely different league of power. I cant screw up getting my hands on it to, I'll only have one shot at getting it. The system was adamant on letting me know that I wont get another chance like this. I've been in the water long enough so its time to get out and dry off. I exit the water and once I reach the shore I smell my armpits and they don't reek anymore. I'd better make sure Hailey is alright as well. She might be embarrassed, but she shouldn't have run off to far on her own.

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