The Ancients World

Chapter 130: The 14000 Mile Journey VII

Chapter 130: The 14000 Mile Journey VII

{I'm going to use a slightly different writing format from now on, this is the first chapter with it. I also won't take this 14000 mile journey past 12 parts. I'm really thankful to all my fans, you guys have made me so happy. Making my dreams come true!!}

I'm worried about Hailey. She has been quiet this entire ride today. Its only a few hours till night fall and she has barely said anything. "You doing alright Hailey? You usually talk my ear off. If there is anything I can help you with let me know." I try and let her know that I'm there for her, but its up to her to talk to me. I feel her shift slightly and then I hear her sigh. She must be in her head thinking about things.

I personally believe that's one of the most dangerous places to be. Getting stuck in your head can lead to many horrible things. "I'm going to ask you a question Cera and I want you to be completely honest with me." I don't know what she wants to ask, but I should try and help. I nod my head and she takes a breath. "How much do you really know about Ancients World? I know you know things that shouldn't be known. I know you said you don't want me asking these types of questions, but I'm worried about you." I've made an impression that I know more then I should.

In truth I do know more than I should, but that isn't something I want to talk about. She is going to be upset with my answer. "I'm not going to tell you anything about that Hailey. There are things that are better left unknown. If you keep asking me stuff like this I wont talk to you for the rest of our trip." I actually wouldn't mind that after all her incessant prattling. She stays quiet after I give her my answer. Hopefully she isn't to pissed.

I look down and I can see a stream of water. It looks clean from here, but I wont know unless I get close. I dive down without warning and Hailey screams in fear. Consider that punishment for asking questions I told you not to ask. We quickly land and she hops off me and begins to dry heave. Cant throw up when there isn't anything to throw up. I walk over to the stream while Hailey gets over the dive. I dip my hand in and talk a sip, its clean fresh water. Its really clear too.

I begin taking swig after swig. We had water a little while ago, but its nice to have even more. Hailey walks up beside me and starts to drink some to. "I'll set up camp. You just do... something." She looks at me very mad and annoyed. She is just along for the ride and I'm taking care of everything. I set up camp and set up a fire too. Using a stone and sliding it against my sword is perfect for making sparks. Soon I have the fire up and I'm relaxing.

Hailey walks over and lays down right next to me. The sun hasn't fully set yet, still a couple hours. I just stare up at the passing clouds. "Why do you treat me so badly." My calm thoughts are interrupted by Hailey. Her question is something many siblings ask each other, and its always the same reason. Because you started it, and in reality nobody remembers who started it only that it was started.

I take a breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. "You are my annoying big sister. Its my job to treat you badly as your little brother. So why are you asking these questions?" I genuinely want to know why she is in such a negative mindset now. I have a few guesses, but nothing definite. I cant know what goes through my sisters mind. All I can do is be me, and that has to be enough. I look over at her and I see she is on the verge of tears, now that isn't right. "What are you crying for?" She looks at me in anger.

She leans up and kicks my head, of course it doesn't hurt or even move me. I look at her as she tries to stop the tears. "I miss it..." I cant find the answer with only three words. I lean up and look at her for a more elaborate explanation. "Such a guy... I miss earth and my old life you idiot..." Ohhh. That isn't something I can relate to. While our vast fortune and new life were excellent I wasn't attached to it. Simply because I didn't value that lifestyle as much as most.

She sees my unchanging look and just groans. I'm getting tired of her attitude, but I'm not going to drill into her. Everyone is different and deals with change differently. "What do you want me to say Hailey? That I miss it? I don't miss earth, and that's because Ancients World has been more of a home to me then earth ever was. I understand its not the same for you, so its just something you'll have to get through." She looks at me in some sort of emotion, maybe pity? I haven't seen her make that face before.

I lean back on the ground and look up at the clouds as the fire crackles. I hear my sisters sniffles and small hiccups. I suddenly feel her wrap her arms around me and hold me. I'm about to ask what's wrong, but she stops me. "I just need someone to hug right now, and I get you might not want to but I really need it. So please just shut up and let me have some sort of human contact." So that's what it is. Its clearer now, but it would have been nice to ask me first. I just lean back and relax.

If she needs to lean on me or hug me that's fine. I would to if I were in her shoes, I'm glad I'm not anymore. I've become callous yes, but I'm still a person who knows what people need. I close my eyes enjoying the nice breeze and warm temperature. "Listen to what I'm about to say Hailey. I can do many things right, and many things wrong. I'll always know how to be your brother, I don't know much about women or relationships. I do know how to apologize though. So I'm sorry for how I'm acting with you, I treated you like person my words cant hurt. That's on me." That's the best I can come up with.

I don't hear any response from her, and that's perfect for me. I soon fall asleep as I lay by the campfire. I don't have any dreams, but I feel my sister pulling on my cheek. "C'mon, lets get in the tent..." She sounds groggy. I open my eyes slightly and see that its dark out and the fire is gone. I get up and follow Hailey into the tent. I lay on the soft blankets and furs and feel sleep coming again. Hailey holds onto my arm as I use my other as my pillow. Not a snuggler my ass. As all the players are either sleeping or grinding into the night, there is a conversation in overworld. This conversation is between Arch-Angel Michael and his father.

Dad is adamant on making the people from earth different from the rest on Gaia, and I can see why. I don't question anything my dad does, or why he does it. Those kinds of thoughts are what led to my brothers rebellion. Its not forbidden to question him, I just don't because in the end its always the right choice. "How long do you think it will take for Angelus to adjust to her new authority. You have given her much command." I ask my father as he sits on his throne with his eyes closed.

I hear my father laugh lightly. "Michael, the people from earth will be what stops your brothers schemes. I could do it myself, but we cant always interfere with mortal worlds. When your brother starts his assault on Gaia these players as they say will be a force he cant beat. Angelus will prepare them for that war when it comes, and Cera will be the most important figure in this coming tribulation. I look forward to his choices, he hasn't disappointed since his wish." I nod my head and look off into the landscape of overworld.

Cera will be important no doubt, but my brother is not who he used to be. He is twisted and corrupted. I regret deeply what he decided to do, but he brought it on himself. I wonder how far he is into his plans so far, and I can tell that he has chosen his champion in this fight. "Do you think that the people from earth will ever be accepted father?" I look at him and see his eyes still closed. All he does is nod his head silently.

The faster the players get stronger the better. I know Angelus is in charge of the players, but she isn't the machine she used to be. She has been showing a lot of favor towards Cera, and while that's understandable it could lead to bigger problems. I should talk to her about that, and I hope she listens. Cera isn't strong yet, compared to his fellow earthlings he is unbeatable. Compared to his future challenges he doesn't stand a chance. He has time, and that's good. I'll be rooting for you Cera, my son.

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