The Ancients World

Chapter 131: The 14000 Mile Journey VIII

Chapter 131: The 14000 Mile Journey VIII

I wake up as the heat makes me sweat. This is a hot morning, and now I'm going to be taking another bath. I lean up in the tent and see that Hailey is still knocked out, heavy sleeper much. I open the entrance to the tent and feel the warm air. Talk about weather getting better, I walk over to the fire and it has no warm coals this time. No matter, I walk over to the stream we set up camp by and unequip my items.

I dive in and enjoy the cool relief. I find water to be the greatest thing ever, not only does it have several uses. Its the main thing people have to stay alive. I begin to scrub my armpits and attempt to clean them, while its not perfect its better then nothing. To bad I don't have any soap, man that would be awesome. "WHY IS IT SO DAMN HOT!!!" I hear my sister yell from inside the tent. The reaction is reasonable in opinion.

I look towards the tent and see her crawl out covered in sweat. She looks around to see if she can find me. "I'm over here Hailey!!" I wave my hand so she can see where I'm at. She locks eyes with me and she looks completely miserable. "Damn Hailey, your not looking so good..." She growls lowly at me. She pulls herself out of the tent and makes her way to the stream too. She indicates for me to turn around and I do.

She jumps in a couple seconds later and pops back up. "You should've woke me up. That tent is like a mini sauna and I don't even know how that's possible." I don't really listen to her, but I get the main point she is making. That its super hot, and it makes me wonder if the seasons are changing. I'd start sleeping outside by the campfire if its going to be this hot. "When are we eating? I'm starving just so you know." Its like taking care of an adult child.

I roll my eyes at her and she just chuckles. "We'll eat after I'm done cooling off. I caught some crawdads yesterday and I want to see how they taste." She looks at me weird. Hey, seafood is pretty damn good if you know how to cook it. However I don't, but there is no better time then today. "If you don't want any you can always have some of the deer meat." When I say that her expression changes. Its a battle between crawdads and deer now, and I think she'll choose the crawdads as her next meal.

I scrub my body some more to get as much grime and gunk off as possible. Not to mention sweat from this hot morning. After a few minutes of washing I get out of the water and go to the campfire in my underwear. I'm not dry yet, and I'm not going to put leather on in this heat right now. I pull out my sword and pick up a random rock. I create some sparks the old fashioned way and?I get a little fire going.

I place twigs and dry leaves until its big enough for branches. I pull the dead crawdads out of my inventory and put them on some sticks. I hold them over the fire waiting for them to cook. "The food will be done in a little bit! We each get three crawdads!" I focus on turning them and cooking them right. I've never had crawdad before, but one things is for sure. I don't care how it tastes. I'm starving, so that means its time to eat whatever I can get.

I hear Hailey make her way out of the water and she take a seat next to me. She is wearing a peasant shirt, and grandma panties. "Shut up, I don't want to wear any of my gear right now either. You don't know how easy you got it being a guy, its so freaking muggy." She fans herself to try to cool down. This fire probably doesn't make anything better, its necessary for food though. I look at the crawdads and they look almost done.

I take one off a stick and bite into it. It gives a nice crunch, then the delicious juices fill my mouth. Its meat is rich and I can say this is nice despite being cooked over a fire. My sister sees me enjoying it and grabs one herself. "Wow... This is way better then I thought it'd be. What did you do to make it so good?" I shake my head in an indication I didn't do anything. She accepts that and proceeds to devour the rest of her food.

I eat my delicious crawdads in the same amount of time she does. I don't feel very full with only 3 crawdads. I still have dried deer meat to dig into though. I look at my sister and see she is still hungry. "I'm having some more deer meat. I'm not full enough after 3 crawdads. Do you want some too?" She looks apprehensive, she likes deer's to much to eat their meat. "If you don't want any then its more for me." She glares at me and holds out her hand for some.

I take two helpings out for both of us and enjoy the protein. The more I eat this deer meat the more I realize the true deliciousness of beef. Don't get me wrong, deer meat is good. The cow is much better though. "So are you going to hunt another deer when we run out of food or are you going to go for something else?" That is a good question. Deer is the most common animal I've seen so far, and I don't want to chase down small game. Rabbit doesn't sound so bad though.

I take a bite of meat and quickly devour it. I look to Hailey and see her waiting in slight anticipation for my answer. She really hates eating deer. "I wont say no Hailey, but deer is easy to spot and hunt. I could go after smaller game like rabbits." She looks at me like I'm a psychopath. I guess rabbits are out of the question. "If we come across anything that might be a better option the I will, but I'm making no promises." She mods her head in agreement.

We finish eating the deer meat and I look into my inventory to see how much is left. I have enough for 2 days. So I'll start hunting again soon and find us something to eat. "Lets get ready to leave. Are you okay with flying at max speed again today? We have a little under 11000 miles to go. If you can handle an all day flight then we can knock off thousands of miles." I watch her contemplate if she is okay with that or not.

She looks to me with a fire in her eyes. "Lets give it a try. Flying 14 hours at 430mph will cover tons of distance. I'd like to get back to the continent fast, and if that means I have to suffer some then fine." I admire my sister a little more now. We can cover 6,020 miles in 14 hours, that will cut our travel in half at this point. I reequip my gear and so does Hailey now that we are dry. I walk over to the tent and pack everything up and place it in my inventory.

We make sure the fire is good and dead before we take off. I toggle my wings on and she hops on my back. I leave the ground fast and reach above the clouds. "Okay, get into a safe position Hailey. Flying 14 hours at 430mph will be tough on you." She listens and leans on my back. That is the safest position for her to be in. I flap my wings hard and I quickly reach max speed. Lets crunch out some real distance now. While Cera and Hailey are making great progress, the rest of the Adamo family is doing the same exact thing. Christian is having a discussion with a man named Erikson.

When I was approached by Sir Erikson I knew I recognized him somewhere. He is the one that wanted to speak with Cera. I wonder what he wants now. "So mind telling me why you wanted to speak to me? Cera left awhile ago and he isn't coming back." He has his back turned to me as he looks out over the city. He wanted to meet on this skyscraper, and I'll admit the view is nice. From what I've come to learn he is a guild leader.

He sighs and throws some pebbles over the edge. "You know how special your son is. Every person in the city knows his true identity by now, and that's why I'm talking to you. I want you and your family to join my guild." I knew that was the real reason, but I didn't think we would've been so transparent. Cera is in fact the divine class holder everyone has been searching for. I don't want to talk about this, but I figured it would happen eventually.

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