The Ancients World

Chapter 132: The 14000 Mile Journey IX

Chapter 132: The 14000 Mile Journey IX

Sir Erikson does have a lot of pull and connections, not to mention he'll help us get stronger if we demand it. So hearing him out wont be a bad idea. "I can say that out of all the people that I've met here so far you are the only one being upfront about what you want." He looks at me with a neutral face and walks to my side. "If we are going to join your guild I'll have to discuss it with my wife. We are partners and we make our decisions together. If you could give me a day before I answer. That would be fantastic." He smiles at me and has a very understanding look.

I goes into his inventory and pulls out a paper and pen. He writes down some instructions. "Here. Once you've talked to your wife let me know. I know because my Riley would tear me a new one if I made a decision like this on my own. Take as much time as you need." He hands me the paper and it has places where I can find him during the day. "I'm a very busy man, and I don't stay in one place throughout the day for to long. I hope to hear from you soon." With those final words he turns around and walks away.

The walk up here took awhile and I want to enjoy this view a little longer. This could be a golden opportunity to get stronger. I'm thinking its a good idea, but I need to talk to Violet first, her opinion matters most to me. I lean against the rail to the skyscraper and look in the distance Hailey and Cera left. Even when he isn't here he is causing trouble for me. He must have gotten that from his mom, she knew how to make things tricky when she wasn't even around. One of her charms to me.

I turn around and make my way off this roof myself. I walk down the stairs for several minutes, and in the confined space I realize something. The church is looking for Cera, and if so many know about him one is bound to go straight to them once the teleporters are up and running. The good thing is the news is only confined to our city. There is no way that I can do anything to stop that, and once it happens Cera will have a lot of heat on his tail.

I make it to the ground floor and exit the massive building. I pass some people in the lobby, many are just getting up. Its going to be a hot day out today, and that means its going to be a good time to get some work done. I make it to the building my family and I are staying at and I make my ascent up the stairs. This day has had enough steps. I eventually reach my floor and I notice that its warmer up here then down on the lower floors.

I make it to our room and I see the two people I love sitting and waiting for me. My wife spots me and gives me a beautiful smile. Ever since we regained our youth everything between us has been fireworks. We haven't had a chance to do anything sexual, but everything else has been nice. "What did this Erikson guy have to say?" Now the hard part comes. I'm not going to try and convince her its a good idea, but I want her to keep an open mind.

She gets up and makes her way to my side as I look at the paper he gave me. "He wants us to join his guild. I told him that I'll discuss it with you before I give him an answer. This is a great chance for us to get some help and make leaps in our strength." She looks at me with skepticism. I did leave out the part that he wants us because Cera is our son. "I'll be fully honest. He is offering us this because Cera is the one everyone is looking for." She gives a sigh and relaxes her body slightly.

Violet has been emotional for a very long time, and seeing her calm like this makes me a little more then worried. "I don't know Chris... You make good points about us getting stronger, but I don't want to be used like this so he can get to Cera easier." I completely understand that and agree, this offer isn't without risks. "On the other hand, its not like anyone is strong enough to force Cera to do anything. So I think its a good idea, if anything we are the ones getting something out of this." That's my brilliant wife. I'm glad that we have a plan now. I'll inform Erikson tomorrow, in the mean time its grinding. As Chris, Violet, and Marcus begin their grind the day quickly passes and the sun is beginning to set. Cera and Hailey are preparing to land and set up camp.

I dive down to the ground and land. Hailey jumps off me and proceeds to vomit everywhere. She vomited after a few hours flying at full speed, but she held out the whole 14 hours at 430mph. Now we have less then 5000 to go. I walk over to her and rub her back and hold her hair for her. Least I could do after the trooper she's been. We can expect to reach a large body of water soon. Once we do we'll take a whole day to rest before we travel across it, I don't know how big it will be.

Hailey is still in rough shape. I pull away from her and I set up our camp for the night. She has finished puking, and now she is leaning against a tree with her eyes closed. "The tent is all set up. If you want to lay down in there its ready." She squints her eyes open and looks at me weakly. I walk over to her and pick her up. "Just relax." She struggles slightly. She stops after a single futile attempt, must be way more exhausted then I thought she was. I carry her to the tent and place her inside gently.

I look at her one last time and see that she is already asleep. The body heals the most when you are asleep. I proceed to make a campfire and rest myself. The sun will be setting in a few minutes marking the end of this day. We made huge progress today and I have to thank Hailey for that. She stuck out the discomfort and really hung in there. I close my eyes myself and think about things. I cant stop my mind from circling back to what the system has been doing.

Its like the system has evolved drastically. I open my quest log and see all the ones I still have left to do. I haven't made any progress on the two I have in the kingdom of Bellvia. Both The False One and An Abomination are connected. If I do one, it will lead to the other. Since An Abomination is epic grade it might make The False One easier to complete if I get any information with it. However, I could end up making The False One evolve from legendary difficulty to divine. That will be a bane for me. I wont be strong enough with the divine mana aura yet, but I'm still heading to Bellvia.

The progress I'm making is unbelievable to other players, but to my own standards I've stagnated. I'm also to blame for it too, I'm more then likely the cause for all this. My actions have deviated the timeline and now I'm facing the consequences. I look up at the night sky since the sun has set. Ancients World is the home for many now, and more were lost then they were saved. I wonder how many truly died, I suppose turning to dust is better then dying horribly.

I feel the warm crackling fire to my left. I turn to look into it and I feel more relaxed as I do. "How much must I suffer..." I hear my sister groan out from inside the tent. Her stomach and head must still be turning. "Once I get strong enough I swear I'm paying you back for all this Cera..." Having a goal like that wont work. Its based off pettiness. I release a sigh and relax once again. Hailey will be the third strongest player right behind StubbedToe.

She has potential to really make life better for humanity. I could do things to, but many consider my existence special. While that may be true, it doesn't make it any less annoying to be treated as such. I stand up and walk over to the tent myself. I open it and step inside. "Lets get as much rest as possible tonight. We are doing the same thing tomorrow." As I say those words my sister holds back her puke. I hope she feels better in the morning.

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