The Ancients World

Chapter 133: The 14000 Mile Journey X

Chapter 133: The 14000 Mile Journey X

I wake up to the heat once again, and I notice it isn't as bad as yesterday. I lean up from my spot and stretch my body. I look over to my sleeping sister and notice she isn't nearly as miserable looking. There is a much higher recovery rate here in Ancients World. That works out great for us. I let her rest and I exit the tent. She probably doesn't want to eat anything today. So that means more for me doesn't it.

I sit next to the dead fire and pull out some deer meat and I quickly devour it. While Hailey sleeps I can go out and search for some food. I toggle my wings on and I burst from my spot. I weave through the trees and vegetation. I quickly mark the campsite before its out of my map view. I focus on hunting now that I wont get lost. I search for a few minutes and see markings of elk. They have marked the trees in the area with their antlers.

They don't look to old, and I doubt they aren't that far away. I look for tracks and I find some, they are fresh too. I follow them while moving extremely fast. I reach a clearing in less then 10 seconds and see a bunch of them. I want a big one and I see the elk that looks the best to me. I draw out my sword and burst towards it in speed it cant dodge or react to. I immediately go for its neck and cut off its head.

Its dies a quick and painless death, and as I do that the rest quickly make an escape. I don't think Hailey would appreciate me gutting and cleaning it at camp. I don't have a butcher class so that means this is going to be a rough looking job. I'm sorry I'm about to mutilate your body elk, but its the only option I got. I spend the next hour doing my best to get as much meat out of it as possible. I've got us enough elk meat to last us a long time.

I look at my blood stained clothes and I strike a resemblance to a murderer. I would clean myself off, but I don't have the means to since there is no water around. I hope I don't give Hailey so much of a scare. I put the meat in my inventory and make my way back to camp. I start up the fire again and stick the meat on the ends of sticks. I place them over the fire and let them cook. If I had a chef class these would turn out great, but instead they will be rudimentary and tough. Food is food though.

I hear shuffling coming from the tent and I hear my sisters voice. "I'M TIRED OF WAKING UP COVERED IN SWEAT!! WHY IS IT SO DAMN HOT ANYWAYS!! ITS NOT LIKE THE SUN AS MOVED ANY CLOSER!!" She must not know physics and astronomy. While I cant say I do, I know that plants tilt on their axis while orbiting stars. At least earth did. That must be what's happening here. I didn't know that Ancients World had a solar cycle.

The seasons did change, but I figure that was just in the games programing. Now it means that this is a solar system. That's a cool thought, and also a little worrying. "I've got us some food Hailey!! Come on out and have some with me!" I yell for her to join me and the tent entrance opens. She sees the food on the fire and gives me a grimace. "I figured you wouldn't want to eat once we started traveling again. We'll hit an ocean soon enough, so we won't be flying 430mph all day again, just a few hour." Her face literally turns green. Its the first time I've seen this in person.

I do feel bad for my sister, she has had it really hard. "I'm not going to eat anything today Cera. You finish breakfast and we can leave. The sooner we get to the ocean the sooner I get a full day to rest. Don't even think about talking smart with me either, I'm not in the mood." Message received. I take some of the elk meat off the fire and check to make sure its fully cooked. Its done all the way through. I bite into it and notice that its a little better then the deer meat.

I finish eating and put the rest into my inventory for later. I let Hailey rest for a long as she can so I disassemble the tent slowly this time. After a few minutes I have everything ready and I look at Hailey. "Its time to go Hailey. This journey is going by much faster thanks to you being a strong willed person." She gives me a 'bite me' look. I tried man, I kneel down in front of her and she climbs on my back. Once secured I launch off the ground and hit max speed. I listen to Hailey dry heave.

Its a good thing she didn't eat anything. "This is going to be a rough final stretch isn't it..." My sister groans out a question that answers its self as she continues to dry heave. I leave my sister to her suffering and relax my mind as we soar fast through the air. We fly through the air for 7 hours and now I'm beginning to smell an ocean. We come out of the clouds and see the forest end and a beach connected to an ocean begin. "Let me off right now..." I land fast and Hailey falls off my back onto the sand.

Now we will wait an entire day before crossing the ocean. "You get 24 hours of rest Hailey. We flew for about 7 hours and that's a little over 3,000 miles. So that means we only have around 2,000 left. After our day break a little less then 5 hours will be the required time to cross this ocean." She looks at me with a pale face and deep breaths.

She lays on her side and tries to steady out her breathing. "Fuck it Cera... Lets keep going... I can handle 5 more hours..." Well... Shit. She must want to be done with it as soon as possible. I crouch down and help her get on my back. This will make her suffering shorter in the end, but damn aren't I proud of her gusto.

I launch off the ground hard as we begin the last stretch of this journey. "I'm proud of you Hailey. You are showing the will needed to be successful in this world. Its only a little farther now. So just hang on a little longer and it will be over before you know it." She just groans in pain at my words. She is going to be an amazing fighter and leader one day. I just know it.

I look down towards the ocean as we fly over it and I see plenty of marine life in the unpolluted water. I even see whales for the first time in my life. Whales are extinct on earth, most where killed off by poachers before the pollution got to them. I dive to get closer to the water, my sister pinches the skin on my stomach and twists in protest. I'm low to the water and I'm getting a good look at the life that wasn't on earth.

I see dolphins, humpback whales, and other Marine mammals. I see something approaching me fast from the depths and I flap up just in time as a shark jumps from the water. It doesn't look like any ordinary shark either. Many shark species died out on earth. The only ones that survived the pollution were the fresh water only sharks. All salt water ones died. I watch it fall back into the water and I take this split second to inspect it before I'm to far away.

[Jaws Lvl.200 Tier 4 Roaming World Boss (Easter Egg Boss)]

555,000,000/555,000,000 HP

[Description: An Easter Egg boss that roams the oceans of the world. A very rare encounter and an even harder boss. The creature pays homage to the hit blockbuster shark film Jaws made in the year 1975. An original VHS copy goes for 3,000,000 UWD's. This fan favorite movie first showed in theaters over 250 years ago.]

Well I'll be... This must have been a boss the devs created and had the system integrate. To bad earth is gone now, and one of its memories is reminded through a deadly boss. I continue flying and think about everything I'm going to miss about earth, I can count them on one hand. However, it is interesting that the Almighty Father allowed another creation that wasn't his own into the game... I wonder how many he allowed to be created for the players. I don't know the whole story of it, but that sounds like something a deity would be mad about. I focus on flying and the time passes fast.

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