The Ancients World

Chapter 136: The Current State

Chapter 136: The Current State

I'm almost back to the tent and there is still plenty of time to sleep. I've leveled up 30 times and I've gotta say its nice not having the half exp debuff anymore. The marker is fast approaching and I land. I walk towards the hidden tent quietly and open it, Hailey is still sound asleep. I toggle my wings off and find myself a comfy spot and rest my body. I look to the top of the tent and think about that guy charging towards me.

Whoever he was, he was definitely trying to get close enough to use inspect on me. I'm glad I could kill those monsters before he got within range. I release a small sigh. This is one thing I don't like about being surrounded by NPCs. I feel Hailey shuffle in her spot and she turns to me and wraps her limbs around me. I shake my head and just push her off me. Doesn't snuggle when she sleeps is a total lie, I should've known better with all the stuffed animals on her bed.

I close my eyes and empty my mind. Relaxing as best as I can. I'm mentally tired and that's the worse kind in my opinion. The sun should be rising in a few hours so giving my head a rest sounds like a good idea. I drift into a sleep faster then I would've expected and that's nice. As Cera and Hailey sleep. There is an emergency meeting happening at the church of light. Its only between the officials of the church though. The Pope is the one reading the shocking report.

I cant believe my eyes. Soldiers fighting on the border of Perla actually witnessed the son in combat. The commander even saw his face. While we didn't get the sons name this helps greatly in the search for the son. I look at all my fellow officials of the church and Lucy is taking a break from searching the front lines to be here. "Everyone! An unprecedented event has occurred. While soldiers were fighting off an attack on Perla's borders the son intervened." Everyone stiffens at my words.

I send a copy of the report to everyone in the meeting and they begin to read it themselves. "As you can see from the report the son has grown stronger since the last time we heard anything about him. While we don't know his name, we have someone that can gives us an idea of what he looks like. The commander of the post ran to get close enough for an inspect, but he couldn't reach him in time. However, he got a good look at his face. We have some mages painting the images with magic now." Many wear faces of happiness at this news, and this is good news indeed.

This is the closest the church has ever gotten to finding out who the son is. Now we actually know what he looks like. "Are the reports about golden angels wings true?" Lucy speaks out of no where and I nod my head confirming her question. "This only means he is drawing out more and more of his latent angelic powers. I'm heading to the capital city Zenith, I have some questions for king Jackson." Must be the reports about the event that took place awhile back. I know what she's doing, and I hope it bares fruit.

Lucy leaves the hall and I'm left alone with the rest of the officials. "My fellow colleges. If we do this right and methodically we can find out who the son is and finally achieve our goals of bringing him in and protecting him. However, we must be subtle about it. We cant forget what Fenrir said." Fenrir's advice can really help us in this situation. Instead of releasing pictures of the son to the public we can set up checkpoints in every city and everyone who comes and goes will be checked with magic automatically.

This plan will make it hard for us to miss him if he decides to travel by foot to some places, however he has an ability of flight. Very fast flight by the sounds of the reports, so all we have to do is wait for him to make a mistake. "Lets keep this entire situation under wraps everyone! We can locate him if we are quiet about this. I want to say that we succeeded sooner rather than later." Everyone nods their heads as the holograms turn off and people begin to leave. I'm proud that I may actually be the first Pope to meet a person of the Almighty Fathers line, a direct blood descendant.

This entire situation must have been an opportunity for him to get stronger. He has lots of power already and I'm assuming much of his time is spent looking for ways to get stronger. This was also the first monster attack in quite some time. I find it very suspicious that it happens with the son close by. Its like it only happened because he was around. When the announcement came through the church. Lucy was already on her way with our forces. They only made it about half way with the teleport gates before we got the report.

I stand up from my seat and begin walking towards the doors of this meeting hall. I'd like to get some sleep tonight, but that isn't happening anytime soon. I make it to my office after climbing some stairs and I land with a heavy thud in my office chair. I look at all the documents on my desk and all of them are requests for funds from different countries. Its nice that we have the dwarves and lizardmen's support now, we can use all the help we can get.

I pull open my desk drawer and see a poster of Krialder. If we can get help from him in this war it will be amazing. The only other legendary class we have in our forces is Lucy, if I can convince Krialder to help us we might swiftly end this war. I know he comes from that group, but their history speaks for its self. I don't know how so many powerful people come from one specific place, but this could be the deciding factor in the war. As The Pope searches through more documents and continues work, Krialder is hanging out with his old friends Creatureman and Ghostzero.

These two have grown really powerful over the years. If Zelly wasn't the one who raised our orphanage we would've been evil little bastards. "I hear that you guys pulled off one of the greatest heists in history. Even got a legacy class from it." They both give sideways looks. "Hey, I'm not saying you have to tell me the story now. I want to know it one day though." They just chuckle and roll their eyes. We all turn our heads to see the door to the room open.

We all see Zelly carrying a plate with snacks and tea. We all get up and help the woman who raised us. We set it on the table and look at her to join us. "You boys grew into such nice men. Looks like all the things I did for you and your brothers and sisters was for the best." She begins to laugh as she finishes that. We stay quiet. All of us orphans that were raised under Zelly deeply resent what she went through to keep us safe. "Oh come on boys... Its supposed to be a good thing I lived long enough to say these things." I can never understand how she could be such a positive and great person after all the shit...

She stand up and walks over to the window. "You guys even bought me this huge mansion and servants. In truth I find it extremely unfamiliar to be in this place. Having others take care of me is something I never thought I'd get..." I look to my brothers and see the malice for the treatment from we got from those men growing up. I was going to go alone, but they might want to come along to. "I wont interrupt you guys anymore. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." We watch her walk out of the room and gently close the door.

I take some breaths to try and rid those memories from my mind. What I'm about to say brings joy to my heart. "I found the rest of the men..." They both instantly give me hard glares. "I was going to go on my ow-!" Creatureman stands up and grabs my collar.

I look at the fury in his eyes. "We are coming too." Enough said little brother. He lets go and we sit in silence knowing our new objective. We are coming for you Edwin... No matter how many cronies you have, it wont stop us. I stand up and so do they. I want to say goodbye to Zelly before we leave. "I want to have Jason all to myself." Creatureman says who he wants to have all to himself.

I look over to Ghostzero and see him full of fire. "I want Reginald. He will know what its like to feel total and absolute fear." Looks like whos getting who is settled. We proceed downstairs and say our goodbyes for now to Zelly. Bellvia here we come.

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