The Ancients World

Chapter 137: Running into pests

Chapter 137: Running into pests

My body feels hot and I open my eyes. Today is a scorcher, I sit up and I'm dripping in sweat. I immediately get out of the hot tent and try to cool down. Its hot and Hailey is going to be cranky, I unequip my leather chest piece and give a sigh of relief. I need to find better weather appropriate gear. For now I'll just walk around without a chest piece. "THIS IS THE WORST!!!" Seems like Hailey is awake.

She quickly gets out of the tent and I notice she is drenched in sweat herself. "Its a hot one today, you would think being in shade would keep it cooler." She looks at me in frustration. Probably not in the mood to talk. "We should get a move on. I think we are relatively close to a town. They will probably have a way for us to get clean. I'd also like to find out how far I am from The Holy City." The Holy City is the location I need to head to so I can start my divine mana aura quest.

She fans herself with her hands trying to cool down. I approach the tent and take it apart and place it in my inventory. "So I guess that means we'll be separating soon doesn't it." She looks a little sad saying that, but I can also tell she is excited to go for her legendary class Battlemind. "You know I thought it would take longer to get here. I didn't think that we would get here in only a couple days." Its all thanks to you that I was able to get us here early.

I walk up beside her and tilt my head for us to continue. We make our way to the road and we start walking. "The reason we got here so fast was because you allowed me too. You were a real champion, I'm positive you'll get your class without any problems." She just slugs my shoulder at my nice words. Its rare for siblings to be nice to each other. Most of the time its just a ruse to cause even more damage. I like to think we out grew that part of our lives.

I look ahead of us and see open space and rolling hills. "I don't know how far the next town is, but I do know its this way. I'd fly us, but I risk my identity doing that. So please be nice and don't beg for me to fly." As I say those words her face turns a shade of green. She must not want to fly anymore after all the highspeed travel. "Forget I said anything. If I knew you would get so sick from the mention I wouldn't have mentioned it." She gives me an annoyed look and I give a light chuckle.

She opens her map and begins to look around. I cant see what she sees, but my map would show the same thing. "This place sure has a lot of open fields, the land is healthy too. If earth had land this healthy we probably wouldn't of had a food crisis. The third world countries suffered greatly for the modern ones. I still get knots in my stomach thinking about those types of things." Hailey understood what earth was really all about. If she can accept its fate her life here will get much better.

I give her an understanding look. Many people saw the human race as doomed, and the clock on our world wasn't pasted 70 years at that point. Scientist did a lot to help extend the clock and make great inventions, but those were band-aids. "Our world is a tragedy only the players will remember. I will miss it to Hailey. Ancients World is a place we don't have to worry about that anymore, I say enjoy the freedom from death. This place is our new home, forever at this point." She gives a slightly bitter look.

Many of her friends probably didn't make it, I doubt any actually did. "Do you think humanity will ever be the same again? Cause I cant tell you how much I miss the convenience of my favorite things. You have no idea how many time I put my hand on my thigh trying to feel for a phone that isn't there anymore." I'll miss those things too. I cant lie, I do like things that make my life more convenient and many of those things are gone. I'm a little bitter about only getting to drive my Lambo once, talk about getting screwed.

The rays of heat and light from the sun are blasting down on both of us. I feel bad for Hailey because she cant take off her chest piece. She doesn't have a bra so that means she is suffering through the heat more then me. "Perhaps I'll finally get a good tan in this blistering heat. How hot do you think it is? 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit?" Just because we grew up in California LA doesn't mean we love the heat. Another thing I miss about earth is air conditioning. That sounds so wonderful right now.

My slightly paler skin type is probably going to get sun burned, but you cant get a tan without one at this point. I don't think sunscreen even exists in Ancients World. "At least you can take off your clothes. Its feels more like 100 to me. I hope the town has some clothes that are cheap. I only have enough to get a few things." She says all that in a voice implying me to step up and help pay for it. My shop should have accumulated a lot of gold by now, so I'll stop by the bank in town and withdrawn the earning.

There are things I want to get as well. I suddenly here a light humming noise. I look where the sound is coming from and I see a massive airship in the sky. "What is that noise?" I grab the top of my sisters head and turn it to where I'm looking. "Whoa..." I've taken rides on an airship a bunch of times before. That is one of the bigger ones I've seen. Must be heading to whatever town is in front of us. "I don't think I'm going to be using any methods of flight for a awhile." The journey here left a bad taste in her mouth and she isn't looking for a flying option right now.

I look at its marvelous design. It truly is one of the greater inventions of Ancients World. Since teleportation gates are expensive players use the airship alternative. Not to mention the toxic adventurers guild making it almost impossible to use the gates. "I suggest you get used to using airships Hailey. They are going to be your best mode of transportation. Airships usually dock at a town for a full 12 hours for refueling and unloading and loading of passengers." This means if we get there in time I can pay for a ticket and send Hailey on her way.

She gets the meaning behind my words and releases a groan. I bet its a few more hours till we get there so there is no need to rush anything. "I know I'm not high enough level to use the teleportation gates yet, but are the rumors about the adventurers guild really all that bad? Aren't they supposed to be the good guys most of the time." Not in Ancients World. They are some of the worst people you'll ever meet in your entire life. They are worse then nobles when it comes to attitudes.

We walk for a couple more hours and the weather is getting hotter and hotter has the time passes. We hear the clicking of horse shoes behind us and we both turn around. Their is a group of three men and all have good gear and probably good levels. I notice the pins on their jackets. All of them are C ranked adventurers. We can already see the town in the distance. So that means they have a branch in the upcoming city.

They pass us and they hop off their horses. I already know what's going to happen. I see the strongest of these guys make lustful eyes at my sister, and that almost makes me pull out my sword right now. "Well, young lady. You look mighty hot in this weather. Why don't you come with us and we'll get you to town faster." These guys are unlucky and incredibly stupid. However, many common NPC's don't mess with the adventurers guild so they probably don't get rejected often.

My sister gets behind me and they stare at me. "So this your boyfriend or something?" I don't give any reaction and just continue to stare into him hard. He really isn't liking that. "How about you hand us the girl for a little while and I'll forget about your disrespectful attitude." All the power they have has gone to their heads. I can spare 30 seconds to kill these clowns. He is getting very agitated at my disposition and reaches for my sister. I toggle my wings on and cut off the arm trying to grab her. "AAAAHHHHH YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! GGGAAGGHHH YOU CHOPPED MY ARM OFF!!" His face twists has he sees what caused it. This is going to be fun.

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