The Ancients World

Chapter 138: Tulak City

Chapter 138: Tulak City

The faces of the men are in total and absolute fear. I look down at his severed arm and see that its cleanly cut from my wing swipe. I look back and they immediately fall too their knees. "Pl-please... Don't ki-kill us..." The weakest of the group is the first to start begging. I wonder how men like these guys live long enough to act in such despicable ways. I slowly draw my sword and one of them squeals in fear like a little toddler.

I start making an approach, but the armless one holds up his other good arm and points at me. "YOUR AN ANGEL!!! ITS FORBIDDEN FOR YOU TO TAKE MORTALS LIVES!!! THE CHURCH HAS PREACHED THIS FOR CENTURIES!!!" He looks at me as if he's won.

I crack a smile and his disappears. "Well, I'm still half human." His face twists in fear. The worst creature to ever breathe are humans. I dash forward and cut his head off. I see the other two and the weakest one that started begging has wet his pants. "Have some dignity before you die." I wear a frown as I say that. This isn't fun at all.

I dash forward and kill both of them with my wings. I look at the ground and see their blood pooling. This is cleaner then most of my battles. I toggle my wings off and turn back to my sister. She looks at my blood stained chest and runs to the side of the road to dry heave since she has nothing in her stomach. I just stand still waiting for her to return. These guys wasted their lives and they have no one to blame but themselves.

Hailey leans back up from dry heaving and looks at me with slight disgust. "Jesus Cera... Show some humanity for fuck sake..." I roll my eyes at her words. She must have never killed an NPC before. Its like killing another human so I can see how its rough on her.

She walks back up to me and looks at the dead bodies. "You know taking their gear and selling it will net you a nice profit Hailey. I suggest taking them." She looks at me mortified. Fine, if you don't want it I'll take them. I loot only the valuables on these guys and put them in my inventory. I'll get a few gold pieces for the state the gear is in.

I start walking forward and Hailey follows. I look at the three guys horses and now they are ownerless. Horses go for way more then their shitty gear. I grab their tassels and begin walking them with us. Hailey even tries to get on one, but is denied by the system since she isn't the horses owner and doesn't meet the level requirements.

She walks up to my side and stares at me. Most likely wanting an explanation for what that was all about. "I wasn't going to let them take you Hailey. They weren't going to leave without a fight." She looks down to the ground. Most likely thinking of something to say. "Next time I wont be there to save you." I watch her lift her head fast and look at me in slight fear.

She is going to have to get used to killing and not just monsters. NPC's cause problems too and they are the ones you have to worry about. Clever bastards most of the time, these ones not so much. Typical of the adventurers guild. We get closer and closer to the city in view and now we are waiting in line to enter the city. I look at its name and its Tulak. After a few minutes we get in and I head to the stables right inside by the entrance.

I sell the three horses for 5 gold a piece. I give the 15 gold to Hailey and nod for her to go shopping. "Lets meet by the airship loading area. I have some things to do and I don't want to drag you around with me." She slugs my chest and looks at me with frustration. "Get a move on." She listens and turns around and heads to the commercial district to shop.

I need to check my mail at the local church. I find it by the bank as usual and I enter it. I reequip my chest piece so I don't get kicked out. I walk over to the message department and see I have two new mail. Both are from Amelia. I take the envelops out and open them. I read the one with the date closer to the time I sent her mail.

"Its so good to hear from you son. I've heard many things about you from the churches announcements. I want to say thank you for checking in with me and keeping me up to date. I wont keep you from your journey any longer and make you read a lot. ~Love Mom"

I look at the next envelop and see that its a little fancier and has intricate designs on it. I open it and begin to read.

"The new king of Zenith, Jackson, has offered me a noble spot in his country. I'll be granted land and servants. The message he sent even said he'll give me funds to start growing my noble house and lands. I'm going to accept and become a Countess. I know you had something to do with this and I thank you for it. The kids here will now have a much better place to grow up. Please write back to me soon. ~Love Mom"

So Jackson did it, he is really making my game mother a noble in his country. Way to keep me close, and I did suggest it. I didn't think he would go through with it. Good on him for making me eat my words. I should write back to her and make sure she understands I'm doing just fine. Its been awhile since I sent her anything.

"I'm glad to hear that mom. I was in the capital talking to Jackson awhile back. Before he was king he was the baron of blue grass city. I did a mission for him and I completed it without any problems. I've had good relations with him every since, he is one of the few who knows my identity. I don't know the next time I'll be in Zenith, but when I am I'll be sure to stop by. I have important things to take care of so its going to be awhile. Once I'm done with all the work I have I'll come by. ~Love Your Son"

I fold up the letter and place it in the delivery slot. I input where its supposed to go and who is getting it and I click send. It disappears in a ray of light and I'm now done in the church. I exit and head to the bank right by it. I enter and notice there are no lines. I walk up to a teller and see the typical bank teller smile. "Name is Slayer Zern. I'd like to withdraw all funds in my account." The lady nods her head and checks my credentials with magic.

She then looks at my account balance and goes pale. "Are you sure you wish to withdraw 240 gold coins..." I nod my head yes and she heads into the back where the vault is. I patiently wait for her to return and when she does she has 4 filled pouches of gold. She puts them in from of me and I take them. "Have a nice day sir..." She looks distraught that I took out that much money. However, its not her responsibility to take care of the funds.

I walk out of the bank and place the pouches of gold into my inventory. I should sell the gear I got from those guys. I make my way to the commercial district and see an armor shop. I enter it and see a balding man at the front desk. "How can I help you young man?" He gives an excited voice and I walk up him.

I take the only valuable things I got from those guys and place them on the desk. "I'd like to sell these. I'll take whatever you offer for them." I'm telling the truth. I just want them out of my inventory. Hailey is getting whatever gold comes from these.

He adjusts his glasses and inspects the quality. "I'll give you 5 gold for everything." I nod my head and he pulls out the gold from under the counter. I take them from his hand and place them in my inventory. I exit the store and now its time to meet Hailey at the airship. I make my way to the port for its loading and unloading and I don't see her yet.

She must still be shopping. I wait for 3 more hours and I finally see her walking over. I wave my hand and she walks over. "Sorry I took so long. I wanted to get the things I needed to be comfortable. I still have 8 gold left." She spent 7 gold on non-combat clothes. Talk about wasting money. That's just how she is and who am I to complain, its not my money.

I take out the five gold and give it to her. "It costs 2 gold for a commercial ticket. 8 for a first class. I'll let you decide which one you want." She looks at me with sadness. "This isn't going to be the last time we see each other. When the players find a way to communicate after they return I'll contact everyone." She nods her head and takes a seat next to me. There is still time so she probably wants to talk about something.

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