The Ancients World

Chapter 139: Haileys departure

Chapter 139: Haileys departure

{The help that Cera will get will be from Fenrir. I'm also not reading or responding to any comments on this story anymore. Despite its success in my eyes, there are lots of people who find any reason to shit on it. I find that many of my haters just hate on stories in general, but I'm tired of reading comments calling me retarded, idiotic, gay, and the sort all in broken English mind you. So I'm done trying to be a good author and read the comments. I'm sorry to my most loyal fans, but its at that point now.}

We sit in silence now that its time to say goodbye. I look over and see that sad look on her face. "If you keep making a face like that I might actually think you'll miss me sis. The airship is going to be leaving and you know where you're heading." She looks at me with sad eyes. My attempt at a joke didn't work.

She leans back and looks at the passing clouds. "Will you tell me what you're hiding before I leave? I'd like to know what changed you so much and how you know so much about Ancients World..." I look up at the same spot she is and I release a sigh.

She isn't going to like my answer. "I'll tell you the next time we meet. You'll be strong enough by then, and so will the rest of our family. Its going to be a long time before we see each other, and I'm going all over Ancients World soon. I have to head to The Holy City for a quest I have. After I complete it I'm heading to Bellvia." She looks down to her knees and tries to hold back tears. I put my hand on top of her head and that does it.

She has big crocodile tears now and is trying not to make any noise. "Dry your tears Hailey... Time is on our side. I better hear things about you in the world announcements sis. It'd be nice if I wasn't so damn common on them." She hiccups a little and stops crying. She looks at me with a bitter smile. "Go and get your ticket. I'll see you off." We both stand and walk over to the booth.

She takes out 2 gold and hands it to the teller. She gets her ticket and turns to me. "This is it Cera... I had a lot of fun despite the mishaps and conversations with your twisted sense of reality..." I'd be hurt if I disagreed. "You are stronger then I could ever be. Maybe I have been looking at this all wrong..." She walks up to me and wraps her arms around me. She squeezes me in a hug and I reciprocate.

She pulls away with a smile. "Its like hugging a steel beam. Contact me when you can Cera. Until then, farewell." I watch her load onto the airship and get out of view. I look towards the window that she should look out of. She peeks around the corner and sees me looking. I can see she has tears in her eyes again and I chuckle a little. I wave her goodbye as the whistle goes off for its launch.

The airship takes off and I watch her slowly fade out of view along with the airship. I turn around and feel a bittersweet moment. It was really nice to travel with someone for once, but now I'm back on this road. I haven't had a good meal or bath in awhile, so that is going to be my first priority. I walk the streets of Tulak and find a nice inn that also has a bath.

I enter and see the lively parties that happen everyday in inns and taverns. Their are guards, civilians, and adventurers. I walk up to the counter and see the middle aged woman doing tons of work. "Do you have any rooms available? I'm willing to pay extra for a private bath too." She looks at me and holds out her hand.

Its usually 50 silver for a room and bath. I hand her 2 gold and she beams with a smile. "The private bath will be ready in an hour. Here's your room key. Its on the second floor at the end of the hall. Sally will come get you when the bath is ready." I nod my head and take the key with me upstairs. I make it to the room and see how well its maintained and the quality of everything.

I don't want to stink up the bed right now so I take a seat in the chair and lean my head on the desk. Now the fighting gets really hard. The quests I have are absurd in quality and not everything will go smooth. I should take the warning from the system and see if I can get help with the mission for my divine mana aura.

I still have Fenrir's whistle and I bet he'd be willing to help. He would be invaluable on this quest, and I'm not wasting this opportunity to get the best quality mana aura. I open my quest for the divine mana aura and read it.

[Chain Divine Mana Aura Quest]

[Description: Now that you have reached tier 1 you must undertake the real challenge. While many mana aura quests are the same, its a known fact the the rarer a class is the harder the quests will be for that class.]

[Objective 1: Make your way to the Holy City and speak to the Secret Keeper of Titans.]

[Objective 2: Complete the quest she gives you and get the first clue to the location of your Divine Mana Aura.]

[Difficulty: Divine]

[Rewards: Information about the location of your Divine Mana Aura]

[Hint: You will need a powerful ally to help you at the end of this Chain Quest, you will not be able to defeat the boss with your current strength.]

The Secret Keeper of Titans is not an entity I'm familiar with. As well as The Holy City, I have little experience with the city. This quest is just the beginning to, its a chain divine quest and that means its extremely difficult. If I want to succeed I'm going to need Fenrir's help. I still have the lore tablet, and that is going to be crucial in this quest. After this quest the next ones are the two in Bellvia. I pull those up next to see them.

[Quest: The False One]

[Description: You have found the truth about Bellvia and their involvement with the Dryads and you have found out about the curse and who made it. You will have a choice to make, only one of the following objectives can be completed.]

[Objective 1: Expose the Kingdom of Bellvia and have them pay for their crimes.]

[Objective 2: Find the weakness of the curse and use it to free the Dryads and return them to Ancients World.]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Rewards: Hidden]

[Quest: An Abomination]

[Description: Find the research and notes of Ulma Runa on her development of the curse.]

[Objective 1: Find Ulma Runa's lab in Bellvia's capital and bring the notes and research papers back to Flint.]

[Objective 2: Hidden]

[Quality: Epic]

These two quests are intertwined. I'm going to be bringing back the dryads for sure. That's also going to bring war. Bellvia is surely going to be a point of interest very soon in the future. Their past transgressions are going to come back and bite them in the ass. I hear a knock on my door and I notice that more time has passed then I thought.

I open the door and I come face to face with a half-breed. So Sally is half elf and half human. Quite beautiful too. She is just staring at me with a slightly shocked look. "Geez sir! I understand why you wanted a bath! You absolutely reek!" She pinches her nose and I begin to laugh. That is one of the boldest and funniest things I've ever heard. She has no regard for what comes out of her mouth.

She takes a step back making sure she doesn't get stinky just by standing near me. "Now I'm in a hurry with that comment. Its been a long time since I've had a bath, I've been without access to one for awhile." She nods her head and hands me a key to the bath. She quickly makes an escape and I cant help laughing some more. That was something I needed to bring the mood up for me.

I walk downstairs and make my way to the bathroom in a separate room. I use the key and I'm meet by a steamy bath. This is something I need. I quickly put my clothes into my inventory and hop into the nice big tub. I see soap on the little table next to it and I pick it up. This is absolutely perfect. I scrub as deeply and as hard as I can. The water is magically enchanted to. Its not getting cold or dirty.

I stop with the cleaning and just lean back into the tub. I bet Hailey took a bath in those 3 hours she was gone. I didn't smell her reeking like me. I close my eyes and relax to the point that I'm drifting in and out of sleep. I paid for its use so I don't think they'll mind me taking a little nap. Tomorrow I'm heading for The Holy City.

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