The Ancients World

Chapter 140: Chasing Real Power I

Chapter 140: Chasing Real Power I

I get out of the tub and stretch my body around. I'm now all clean for the first time in weeks. I put a towel around my waist and exit the bathroom. I walk through the party and commotion in only a towel. Everyone is to busy being drunk or horny to even notice. I make my way up to my room and open it up. I lay flat on the soft bed and release a long groan. When was the last time I got to sleep on a bed?

If memory serves me right then it was before we all got stuck here. I took a nice nap in the tub so I got extra energy. I sit up on the bed and look out the window that its right under. The night lights are creating an amazing view. Its like those really old pictures of Paris before it lost its beauty. Those photos are close to 270 years old. The people who remember are limited now and that's a saddening fact.

Out of all the memories I have the most prevalent are what my parents told me about their times growing up. The times in the 2180s were apparently the most fun times in their lives. I don't know every story they have. I do know they have been together for a every long time. It was nice to see what they look like in their mid 20s. Older people being returned to the primes of their lives isn't something I or anyone could have anticipated.

Well, this whole situation couldn't have been anticipated. So people getting younger instead of older is unsurprising giving it time to sink in. I see that the party in the inn has bled outside. I have a pretty good view from this window. A bunch of drunks is a funny sight, a state and sensation I've never know. I'll never have any mind altering substances because I have seen where that path leads. Haileys old fate is a shining example of that.

Many people claim they can control it and stop anytime they want, but I know that's a load of bullshit. I'll never understand the appeal, I don't believe in a recreational drug. Thinking about and seeing all this is bringing back old and bitter memories. That man... If I ever meet the man that twisted my sister and killed my mother I'll kill him 10,000 times and make sure his mind is broken. Evil like him doesn't deserve mercy or second chances. Not even an opportunity to speak and bargain.

All he'll get is torture till near death over and over. Many people believe angels aren't allowed to hurt mortal creatures, but I've come to understand that's full blooded angels. My half human blood allows me to ignore those rules. I can do other things other angels cant, at least I assume I can. I'm not going to go and find out. Speaking of things I can do, once I get my divine mana aura and finishing the two quests in Bellvia I should help in this war.

I've taken a seat on the sidelines, but it could prove to be the best source of exp. Grinding areas around Ancients World is well and good, but I can see the value of killing monsters in huge hordes instead of individually. I pull away from the window and remove my towel. I lift up the blanket and take it off the bed. I'm only sleeping with the sheet tonight since I know its going to be hot again tomorrow. The weather has officially changed and its only going to get warmer.

I close my eyes trying to force myself to sleep. After an hour I fall into a slumber. I sleep through the night and I wake up to the heat again. I toss the sheet off me and I equip my armor. Since it sat in my inventory for a long time its clean now. A feature I found while making my way to my family. While strange in its existence, its extremely useful. I now don't have a discernable odor for the first time in a long time. While bathing in the clean rivers on the player continent I wasn't able to become fully odorless. Just not as bad.

I roll my limbs and shift my back and everything pops. Changing from the ground to a bed sure did wonders for my back. I stand up and make my way to the door. I'd like to get a hot meal before I leave today, and the great smelling food from last night seems like the way to do it. Perhaps Sally wont be recoiling from me this time. She is the third half elf I've ever seen. They are rare since most elves don't procreate with humans.

There have been outliers before though, even in Ancients World there is still racial discrimination. Being half angel I probably wont get discriminated, but that's only with NPC's who know my identity. Elves will still treat me as a filthy human. I wonder if they are even helping in the war. Knowing their history they are probably reluctant to help against monsters who multiple by using other species females. Truly disgusting, and another reason I should help once I get enough power.

This war is my fault to. It never happened in the old future, which means the only reason its happening is because of my choices with future knowledge. I leave my room and walk downstairs. The inn isn't packed anymore, just some drunks laying around. I walk up to the counter and I can smell them cooking already. The same lady that gave me my room key comes to the counter and hands me a paper menu.

They have some pretty good stuff. I want something filled with protein and they have excellent steaks here. I look at the beef menu and I set my eyes on a 12 oz. porterhouse and a side of orange juice. I lay down the price of 2 silver pieces and she quickly comes back. "I'd like the 12 oz. porterhouse and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice." She nods her head and takes the order. She disappears into the back.

I look around the inn again and see that among the drunks there are adventurers. I don't like the fact that more and more NPC adventurers are appearing. It used to be a pretty hard thing to get into, but since the war started more have joined them. Some of the strongest NPC's in Ancients World are members of the adventurers guild and they are just as horrible as the rest of them.

I hear soft footsteps come up behind me and some take a sniff. I can figure who it is. I turn back around to look at the other side of the counter and see Sally. "You don't smell bad anymore sir!" I just crack a smile and nod my head. "So what are you doing in Tulak? You don't seem the type to be interested in what happens near the ports. You look like a deep continent dweller." I didn't know I had a look like that. Being closer to the coast isn't unfamiliar to me. My hair is darker then everyone else's though.

I look at her pointy eyes and long blond hair. She has the typical looks of a female elf, but what sticks out the most is her height. She is much taller then normal elves. Must have got it from her father. The lady from last night comes out with a plate and a glass of orange juice. "Here's your food. Enjoy it." She lays down the food in front of me and I immediately cut into it and start digging in. Sally gives me an understanding grin.

I lean up as I chew my food and swallow it. "So how did a halfling come to be in the town of Tulak if you don't mind me asking? The elves rarely procreate with other species and I haven't seen any signs that you are here with your parents." She gives me a solemn look. I hope I'm not pushing to hard. Asking about something so personal is kind of rude. "I understand if you don't want to tell me anything. Thinking about it that was very rude of me. I apologize." She looks at me with the same solemn look.

She takes a breath and looks down at her fingers. "My mother was forced by bandits on our way back to the elven kingdom... When she found out she was pregnant with me she confided in people she thought she trusted... Once the elven government found out they exiled her from the kingdom... They wont have other species intermingling with them. She died after giving birth to me." Damn... Talk about a hellish life. I couldn't imagine a mother going through all that. Only a woman would be so willing to take care of her baby no matter what. Even exiled.

I continue eating my steak some and I think of another question. "Have you ever been to the elven kingdom before? I get not wanting to go, but your mother probably had family." She nods her head and sighs.

Guess her family is just as bad. "When they found out, they disowned my mother... All I have left of her is her diary... Reading about all of it was very hard..." She looks very depressed. I would be to if I was trapped in a town like Tulak. Its beautiful and full of energy don't get me wrong, but with so much action and attention there are problems. She probably as discrimination problems. "I'd love to get out of here, but I work for my living. Without this job I'd have nothing." I wonder if she'd be open to coming with me. I'd like a person to talk to now that Hailey is gone and she doesn't seem nearly as annoying as her. It never hurts to ask. Time to make an official introduction, if she does decide to come with me I'll tell her my angelic secret.

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