The Ancients World

Chapter 141: Chasing Real Power II

Chapter 141: Chasing Real Power II

I don't know how high of a level Sally is. NPC's are capable of leveling up and tiering up. Their process is just different then players. "My name is Slayer Zern, but you can just call me Zern." I hold out my right hand and she shakes it. I start back on my meal and down the orange juice. "I have a question for you Sally and I hope you'll listen." She looks at me kind of confused, but she nods her head. "Would you like to accompany me on my journey. I'm heading to The Holy City and then Bellvia. I could use someone to travel with since my sister isn't going to be traveling with me anymore." She looks at me like I just asked her something very private.

I keep a straight face and try to be convincing to help her agree to come with me. This whole situation is weird, but I need a friend and she seems stuck in this place. "How do I know I can trust you Zern? This is all very suspicious to me. You don't ask a girl you just met to go on an adventure with you. Many would suspect you are a criminal." She has the correct idea and is doing a good job at keeping herself safe.

I finish my food and put the silverware down. "You cant trust me yet Sally. If you do want to get out of this town meet me at the western gates in an hour. I still have one stop left to make." I stand up and lay down a gold piece as a tip. I walk out of the inn and make my way to my last stop before I leave town. Despite the things happening in Ancients World, much of it hasn't stopped economy in smaller towns and cities. So I can probably find it at the herbalists shop.

I make my way to the commercial district and enter the herbalist shop. An old lady is at the counter helping any customers that come in. "Hello young man! How can this old raisin help you with what you need?" A nice old lady, I make an approach to the counter with a smile and look at her more closely. She is probably in her 90s by now. "You know its not polite to stare at senior citizens!!" She isn't actually mad, just a lighthearted reprimand.

I lay down 10 gold pieces since what I need is an expensive thing. "I need a drop of moonlight from a freshly cut moonlight flower." She gives me a hard look. She must not expect me to know what I'm talking about. "If you don't have it that is completely okay. I know how rare it is." Moonlight drops come from special flowers that only bloom at night during the turn of the season. It might be to early yet to see if she has any.

She pushes the gold back to me and shakes her head. "I'm sorry kid, but the military is taking this years harvests for the war. I'd normally have a few by now, but the only place with any would be capital cities own supplies and The Holy City." That's surprisingly convenient. Its actually to convenient. The ingredient I need for my idea will be in the place I'm going. That sounds to good to be true.

I take the gold back and say my thanks to the old lady. I exit the store and make my way to the western gate. It hasn't been an hour yet, but Sally is already there in cheap leather armor and a regular iron sword. She sees me and gives a little wave. I wave back as I approach. "I'm glad you showed. I can tell by your gear that you went for the cheapest options, we'll hit some dungeons before we head into The Holy City to get you better gear. Mind telling me what level you are?" She looks at me with apprehension.

I fold my arms waiting for an answer. "I'm level 70 tier 1... I have a basic swordsman class too... If you don't want me to come along its fine..." She looks ready to quit. She waits at my silence and looks up at me.

I give her a grin that conveys understanding. "Don't worry about that Sally. Its going to be a blast, I'm more then strong enough to help you get better." I want to test something too. Before we all got stuck here there was a level restriction before you could have companions. I want to see if that is still in place. I pull up my player menu and Sally looks at me weird since she can't see it. I go to the section to recruit a companion and Sally is there.

I click on her name and it sends an invite. So that is a function that's also changed about Ancients World. She gives me a shocked look. "You're a player! I've only met a few when they came into the inn before they all disappeared!" She seems excited. She must know about players and their insane apatite to grow stronger. I have a feeling I'm going to be good friends with this girl. She accepts the invite and I can now see a new health bar below mine that says Sally Lvl.70.

I smile at her and nod for her to follow me. We exit the gates and start walking the road. Eventually we make it to a forest that is covered nicely. "Alright Sally. What I'm about to share with you can never be told to another person alright?" She stops as I stop and she looks at me with slight fear. She still doesn't know me. I equip The Son of Arch-Angel Michael title. "I want you to inspect me." She does just that as I get the notification of her inspection. Her face morphs between many different expressions.

I toggle my wings on for good measure and they appear out of my back and cover a large area and give off an intimidating yet beautiful look. "I'm the son everyone is looking for. So do you think you can trust me now?" She nods her head in a very slow motion looking at me in absolute shock. I can only guess what its like from her perspective. A stranger walking into your inn, then talking to you a little bit. Only to find out he is the one everyone is searching for.

She walks up and rubs her fingers through my wings and I can feel it. Still getting used to the sensations that come with them. She begins to start tearing up and she pulls away. "Why would you choose me..." Her voice is shaking so much its sad. She has been hurt and tormented most of her life. Being a half breed will do that to you. Discrimination against such things cause certain problems that I cant relate too.

She turns her face to me waiting for me to answer. "You remind me of someone that's important to me. Besides, you made me laugh. I don't get many opportunities to laugh the way I did when you made fun of my bad smell. I'd like to have an honest person traveling with me. If you are still okay with coming along I wont mind a friend." She dries her tears and gives a small smile. She gives me an extravagant bow in a show of respect.

I'll let it slide this one time. I hope she can handle fast flight better then Hailey could. "Does that mean I have to ride on your back..." I can see the shyness and bashful look. If I wasn't so focused on getting stronger I'd have a crush. She is what you want in a woman, but I'm not looking for a girlfriend.

I turn around and get down on my knees. "Hop on Sally. I'll be going full speed to get us there faster. I hope you can handle 430 mph." She climbs onto my back and holds on tight. I flex my wings and launch off the ground fast. Since she is an NPC and a much higher level then Hailey she should be able to handle it.

She keeps her legs wrap around me, but lets go with her arms. She sticks them out enjoying the freeing feeling coming from such an action. "THIS IS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!!" She seems excited. I can see why she would question why she was chosen, she made a good impression on me. Sometimes that's all you need to do to change your life. Now I need to think about the issue with her level and armor.

In actuality leveling her up wont be an issue. Its getting her better gear and a class. I know just where I can get both of those. A legacy class is located near the location where the fairies new kingdom is. The only way you can get the legacy class is if you already have a class above legacy. Its called The Frosts Wrath. Its a special hybrid class that lets you use unique frost and ice magic while being a powerful swordsman.

The reason its only a Legacy rating is because you need to already have a legacy or higher wielder in your party. I don't know how to complete the puzzle to get to it, all I know is that their is a puzzle. The discovery of this class was an accident to. "We are heading to the fairies new kingdom first Sally! There is a dungeon there that has everything you'll need to get stronger! How many times have you changed your class already?" I don't know how many times an NPC can change classes, but players can only do it 3 times.

She brings her hands back down and places them in the little space between my wings. "I've never changed my class before! Why are you asking about this?!" She is in for a surprise. I don't plan on doing all the work for her to get stronger. Else it would have no value to her. Once I get her the class and gear, its up to her to get stronger. I don't really have a need for armor anymore. My wings are stronger then any known armor. Any I know of anyways. I have a feeling she is going to be a great teammate.

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