The Ancients World

Chapter 142: Chasing Real Power III

Chapter 142: Chasing Real Power III

Sally should know what we are going after so she can mentally prepare herself. It wont be an easy fight. "We are going to get you a legacy class! If you are to be my teammate you're going to have to be stronger then you are now! Levels are good and all, but the ceiling of a persons potential is determined by their class! Besides I have something I want to check out in the fairy kingdom!" Now that I'm level 81 I can visit the fairy kingdom I helped save.

The people their wont know my identity, but The Holy Willow Tree will remember me. I still have its amazing healing perk. That's probably what saved me when I was fighting those hordes of monsters. "Thank you so much Zern!" She suddenly hugs me. I let her get it out of her system and she pulls away. "I've never seen the fairy kingdom! I cant wait to see its rumored beauty!" I'm looking forward to it too. Its been a long time since I've thought about the fairies.

In a way they were in the same situation as the dryads. "I have a relationship with the fairies! So we should be welcomed without any problems! I doubt any know my actual identity, but The Holy Willow Tree will make our time there easy!" In their kingdom the highest authority is The Holy Willow Tree. Its probably kept my secret and that's a good thing. I might have a hard time getting to see it, but that isn't going to be to much of a problem.

She is being quiet now and that's alright with me. Based off my knowledge of the areas the new fairies kingdom has set up shop in The country of Salamander. That's closer then The Holy City which is nice. I adjust course and start heading Southwest. If I'm remembering right this is the right direction. Its easier since the map has a compass with it and there is a marker on it showing where The Holy City is. The country of Salamander is to the Southwest of where I'm at based of what I can see on the map.

I should expect some sort of trouble once I reach The Holy City after I'm done getting Sally all powered up. "What are we doing in The Holy City after we finish in the fairies new kingdom?!" She likes asking a lot of questions, but we are going to be traveling together till I'm done in Bellvia at least. She is going to be a big help in my divine mana aura quest. With her and Fenrir helping my chances of getting that aura are much higher.

I just need to always remember she isn't a player. If she dies she isn't coming back. So I'll be extra cautious with anything dangerous that could prove to be to much for her. "I'm doing for my mana aura! You should already have yours since you are over level 50 and tier 1! What was your mission for your mana aura?!" She is level 70 tier 1 and that means she has a mana aura now. If she had the basic swordsman class then that means she has a low grade one.

She stays silent for a second and then gives me an unexpected answer. "I haven't done it yet! I have been to afraid since its in a different place not located near Tulak!" This is actually great. Since she hasn't completed it yet it can be changed in quality once her class upgrades. That was a mechanic that players found out they can do once certain NPC's eventually warmed up to us. It works for both NPC's and players.

Its safe to say that she is going to be one of the strongest elves alive after we are done. "That's great Sally! We can get you a better one once your class upgrades! This way you will be stronger then pretty much any elf alive." In truth The Frosts Wrath should be a legendary class, but its incredibly hard prerequisite lowers its quality to legacy. I know its going to be complicated to get, but I have no doubt we can do it if we work together to solve the puzzles.

Sally isn't an idiot and neither am I. The forum post about the class said that there is a puzzle to solve, but never gave the solution. I know all the steps except that part. "Can I ask you something Zern?!" I nod my head and she takes a moment of silence. "Should I take vengeance for my mother and against the elf kingdom for what they did to us! I think about it everyday and you are helping me make it a possibility!" I don't know. Not in the sense of a bad idea, but in the sense of literally I don't know.

Its not my responsibility to make her decisions for her. If she wants vengeance then that's hers alone to decide. I want mine against that man, but its different for everyone. "That's your own choice Sally! You can do whatever you want with your power once you have it! That's the beauty of having free will!" That is the best answer I can give her. With my limited understanding of women I don't know if its the right choice.

She stays silent at my answer. Having a heart full of vengeance is something I understand, but its my decision to torture that man if I ever find him. Others make different choices based off what they have been through, some forgive and forget. Others hurt the person beyond reason, and that's fine in my opinion. If that is what it takes to even the score with someone who destroyed your life then enjoy and relish in it as much as you want.

While many argue its bad for mental health its not an exclusive problem. Take the players for example. Some are kind and helpful and others are selfish and despicable. "If I do decide to take revenge will you help me?! I know its a lot to ask, but they deserve what they get and I cant do it on my own! So please just think about it alright!" I don't know the elves personally, but the horrible reputation they have proceeds them.

The billions of entities in Ancients World and the worst to deal with are the elves. All full and pure blooded elves are not worth the time investing in. I'm not one for committing genocide either. I'll give it some thought, but at this point my answer would be no. If I was given a personal reason to hate them then it would be an easy choice. Players rarely went into the country of the elves simply because they killed any players that got close.

They have one of the most advanced civilizations in Ancients World and they are very secretive about their magic capabilities. "We should focus on getting you stronger before you start to make plans against the entire elven race! When you attack one pureblood you attack all of them! That's how their society works! They banish mixed bloods and retaliate with violence if anyone objects! So I'm not planning on helping you at the moment!" She stays silent at my words.

I don't think its rude to ask me this. She is truly desperate for help in getting revenge. I've been there, and I'm sure I'll be there again. "Thanks for helping me Zern! I'm sorry to have asked you such a thing! I completely understand not wanting to fight against the elves!" I'm thankful she understands, most don't and pester until they get what they want. Out of all the people I could have selected to come with me, its funny I found some one who is similar to me.

I look out ahead and see the vast distances and mountains ahead of us. "How old are you anyways Sally?! I know elves have longer lifespans and retain their youth! Is it the same for half-breeds!?" She is being quiet and it comes to my attention that might have been a bad question. My mom always said never ask women certain things. One of them is age, for some reason they are sensitive about it. I don't really know why either. Everyone gets old, its apart of life.

Not anymore though. The players have de-aged and all of the older people are back in their mid-20s. I'm sure many women and men were happy about that, but no one knows if its permanent. "I'm 103 years old! How old are you!?" She doesn't look a day over 20. Another reason why the elves think themselves superior. She is one of the oldest people I've met, Wilmer and others I've met on my journeys are very old.

I'm approaching 20 years of age, but I don't know anymore. We cant keep track of time anymore. Not in terms of earth. So in truth I'm between 19 and 20. "I'm somewhere between 19 and 20! I'm sorry I cant give you a specific answer! When I do find out I'll let you know!" For all I know I'll look like this forever. Having angelic blood and powers is sure to have other effects. Once I gain enough strength I might end up getting immortality. We have a few hours to go so might as well get to know her better.

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