The Ancients World

Chapter 143: Chasing Real Power IV

Chapter 143: Chasing Real Power IV

Sally has been through a lot in her time. She isn't someone who's willing to share her story so fast. Trying to find out about her is going to be more difficult because she is guarded. "So what was your early childhood like Sally! If you aren't comfortable talking about it that's fine! I wouldn't want to talk about anything if I had a hard life like yours!" She stays quiet at my words. She is probably thinking of ways to avoid conversations like this.

I feel her hands twitch on my back. Might be reliving a memory that she wants to forget. Sometimes they can come rushing back with just a mention of them. "I was thrown into slavery after I was old enough to walk and talk! I was abused and beaten everyday! I'm unfit for marriage now too!" Ancients World has traditions. One of those being that if a man or woman has their virginity forcefully taken then they are pronounced no longer pure.

Its really fucked up in my opinion, but that's the lore of this world. Its a different story if its not taken. Its really disturbing that things like this happen in this world. I should tell her that I wont think any less of her for what she has been through. It can help people if you tell them that. "I want you to know that I don't think any less of you for what happened to you! You were powerless and weak so you couldn't do anything to stop it! You had no one to protect you from such things!" She needs to know that its safe with me. That I'm not someone to be scared of.

She stays quiet at my words and I just let her do what she needs to do. Listening to peoples problems can really help their mentalities. It good to let them know they aren't alone. "Thanks for saying so Zern! If you want me to continue then I'm okay with it!" I can tell she is not comfortable continuing so I'm not going to make her. I shake my head no and I feel her slightly untense. Telling me what she did must have taken a lot of courage and trust. She can tell me more when she is ready.

Having a life that hard as your very first memories must be nightmare inducing. I can only be there if she needs someone. I cant understand what she went through so I cant really offer any great help. I don't know what its like to be sexually abused, so just being there when she is ready to talk is my best option. At least I think. I'm not very good with women, I only know what I've learned from my mom and dad. Hopefully what I'm doing is enough.

Since she shared something with me I should share something with her. She was brave enough to tell me something so personal so I should try and have the same courage. "I want to tell you something about me Sally! You deserve to hear something about me after sharing something so personal!" She stays quiet waiting for me to talk. "At one point in time I had lost everything! My mother, my sister, and any future I had! I took extreme measures to change all that and I succeeded! They are back and I have fixed my life!" She hasn't said anything yet.

I'm not done yet, this isn't enough information about me. "Everything that's happened since the players have arrived is mostly my fault! The war! The deaths in it, and the woman suffering at the hands of the monsters! My choices to save my family and future have come at a huge cost and I intend to rectify anything that has happened!" This is all I can tell her right now. If I do end up telling her the whole truth then it needs to be when I know I can fully trust her to keep it.

Just because I'm half angel here doesn't mean that I'm perfect. Hearing this from me might help her trust me more too. It does feel good to share a modicum of the truth with someone. "Thank you for sharing something so personal Zern! I really appreciate it!" I'm glad she does. At least she says she does. I don't know what goes on in someone's head and heart. Thinking that I could is extremely arrogant and very cruel. I think this is a good start to our party.

She is going to need some time to come out of her shell and that's fine. I'm going to need time too. So the only thing to do in the mean time is focus on getting her stronger. There are many methods to do that and one is farming monsters in certain places. Once she has that legacy class its going to be easy for her to get stronger. "We are going to farm monsters after The Holy City for your legacy class! That way you can get strong and familiar with your new skills!" This is the best option I can think of.

Once we are done getting her class the next stop is my mana aura quest. She'll level up tons helping with such a difficult quest. Once my mana aura quest is done I'll help her with hers. She'll get a new and better quality one, but its going to be difficult. "What quality is your mana aura Zern!? As the son of an arch-angel I think it would be powerful!" She is right in thinking that. Once I have it and get better at controlling it my health will pass the millions.

Even having 1% control of a divine mana aura will give me more health then I ever had in my old future. "My mana aura is divine in quality! Its an extremely difficult quest that I need help on! I already have someone who is going to be helping me, with you that makes two! So the odds of me completing the quest are much better then before!" I cant see her face, but I can tell that she is giving me a stupid look. She must be thinking I'm out of my mind if I'm going after a divine mana aura.

The reality of the situation is actually getting better. "How am I supposed to help you get a divine mana aura?! That's way out of my capabilities! Who are you even getting help from other then me?! Cause we are going to need someone powerful to help us!" She is right to be worried. I would be to if I was in her situation. Sally is someone I just picked up to go on this journey with me. Telling her the extremely difficult quests I have is sure to be overwhelming.

Telling her that we'll have Fenrirs help will make it much easier on her mind. "I have a divine quality item that is going to make the mission for my mana aura easier! Its a horn I can blow into and Fenrir will come to my aid! He'll be helping us on this mission!" I feel her go very rigid and stiff. The story's of Fenrir are as old as history. The legends surrounding his powers are true. I might even run into him in the fairy kingdom. I can just ask him if he is there, if not I'll just use the horn for when I need him.

She is still very stiff and hasn't said anything. "You know Fenrir!?" I nod my head and I hear her groan. "I shouldn't be surprised should I!? You probably know a lot of powerful people and creatures! Is he as scary looking as the rumors say he is!?" He is very intimidating. The runic tattoos and his seemingly endless power is enough to put fear into anyone. The only beings that can fight him and defeat him are other deities of high authority.

I nod my head again confirming her question. "When I lifted the curse on The Holy Willow Tree I inadvertently freed him to! He has a connection to the tree! So whatever happens to the tree happens to Fenrir! After I revived the tree Fenrir soon found me! Only other divine level beings can sense each other! I tried to run, but he was to fast! I was running for no reason though! Once he explained the situation I knew he wasn't after me to kill me! That's how I got the horn to summon him!" She releases a deep sigh and I can hear her mumbling something.

She must think I'm really lucky or something. Everyone suffers something great before they gain something even greater. That's what I think anyways. Someone once said that to all great things in life that are worth while usually take great suffering to reach. I think this quote fits many people right now in Ancients World. "How long do you think it'll be till we get to the fairy kingdom Zern?!" It should only be a couple hours.

We continue flying for that time and now its early afternoon. I can see the giant tree in the distance. I bring us down fast and land. She screams just like my sister did. I let her off and she stumbles a bit. "We have to walk from here. It'll take about 30 minutes to get there. I wonder how much its developed?" She just stays silent trying to shake off the dizzy feeling of the fast dive. We are getting closer to what she needs.

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