The Ancients World

Chapter 161: The Valley of Fallen Gods I

Chapter 161: The Valley of Fallen God's I

We make our way out of The Holy City and onto the main road. I didn't have to get scanned since I'm leaving. I see what they are doing now. They are scanning men with magical devices. I don't know what for, though. "There is no way they'll find the son doing this! This is a colossal waste of time!" A man from the back of the line yells the answer to my question. So they are using some magic face scanner to find me. It must mean they got a sketch of me somehow. The only thing I can think of is when I was fighting that horde of monsters on the borders of Perla.

Some guy came running up to inspect me, but he was too far. He had to of seen my face and described it to the higher-ups. I wonder how accurate the sketch is? No reason to care right now. It's time to get out of here. We walk the road that sinks into the northern forest. "It feels so good to get out of that horrible city! I feel so much freer now!" I smile at Sally's excitement and feel happy for her. That place was truly terrible. "I want to let you know The Pope was asking a lot of questions about you. I didn't answer any of them. I know how much you want to keep your identity hidden." She can relate. She had to wear a hood to conceal herself from any trouble coming.

I look ahead on the road and see carriages coming and going into and from the north. There must still be outposts and untaken cities up there. "We'll get out of view and fly to The Valley of Fallen God's. It'll be around 10 and half hours before we get there. So I'll fly us full speed the whole way there since you can handle it." It's very easy to travel with someone who can handle high speed and pressure flying. She nods her head and looks excited to fly again. "I want you to stick close to me once we enter monster territory. I don't want anything happening to you. Those monsters are nasty things filled with evil." She gives a determined look, and I admire her more for it.

I can understand her being more scared of man than monster. We walk for 30 minutes, and the forest is getting thicker. There are no more merchant carts or patrols anymore. I toggle my wings on and spread them out in a freeing moment. They are like limbs to me, and I enjoy stretching them. "Let's get a move on, shall we?" I kneel on the ground and let Sally climb on my back. She snuggles close, taking advantage of the situation. I launch off the ground and reach a very high distance. It's the highest I've ever been. I reach max speed in a flap of my wings.

Sally squeals in both joy and slight fear. I look down at the distant landscape and see it passing by fast. "Once we reach The Valley of Fallen God's, I don't know what to expect! I've never heard of the place before!" The players of my old future only uncovered a fraction of what's to be discovered. From what I've learned from The Secret Keeper of Titans, this place is very special. "It's an ancient battleground! Many powerful people before modern times gathered there and fought to the death! No one made it out alive! Many consider the powers of these individuals godlike! Hence the name!" I know Sally can hear me. I have to raise my voice slightly from the noise of the wind resistance.

We have about 14 hours of daylight left. It's still early morning. We can get there before the sunsets and set up camp before continuing. "What are we going to do once we get there!? It seems like a very dangerous place to stay for long periods of time! I'd prefer not to spend the night there if possible!" As much as I agree, by the time we get there, we'll only have four hours of light left. I want a whole day to search for what I need. That is if I have to search. The objectives might update once we get there. "Are you going to answer me or not!? The suspense is killing me!" Sally has the right idea here. I should reconsider spending a night there.

So how do we keep safe if we have to stay the night, I'd not want to use Fenrir as a guard dog. I'm not going to insult him like that. "I don't know what we are going to do for staying the night! It really depends on the state of the area! If there are lots of monsters, then we'll camp a good distance away! Speaking of camping! If we do, how do you feel about deer meat!?" I still have one night of rations saved. Since Hailey didn't eat her portion on the last part of the trip, I have extra. Sally might not like eating deer meat for the same reason Hailey doesn't. Protein is important, though. It's the main energy source for everyday people and workers.

Sally hasn't answered yet, so I can only guess that she is contemplating how she feels about the idea of eating deer meat. "I've never had it before! So I can't say if I like it or not! I'm fine eating it, though! Food is food, and I'm hungry! We haven't eaten a good meal in a couple of days!" Well, I wouldn't call it a meal, but it's still really good for you. "What are you going to do first after you get your divine mana aura!?" In truth, I was going to head to Bellvia to finish the legendary quest I have. I'm also planning to ask if Sally wants any help with her mana aura. I would see if splitting up after I help her is the next step. She'll be targeted on sight in a place like bellvia.

She might not like what I'm about to say, but here goes. "I was planning to help you with your mana aura quest! After that, I was going to see if you would take your leave and head to the elf kingdom! If you did, I would go the opposite way and head to Bellvia! Our journey together is going to have to end sometime!" I can feel cold energy on my back. I must have made her really mad. "Once the new people start coming back again, I have more things to take care of! So we might not have that much time together!" As soon as I say those words, I feel her strike the back of my head.

It doesn't hurt in the slightest, but it felt like her knuckle. "HOW COULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT YOU JERK!!!" I expected that, and I can sympathize with her feelings. "I want to stay with you until I can't anymore! Why would you even think about the possibility of us splitting up!" Well, because all good things come to an end. She has a lot of vengeance dwelling in her heart. Until she resolves what the elves did to her, she isn't going to be as happy as she could be. "Is this because of what I want to do with my power!? I don't want to do it if it means splitting up so soon!" I would help her if I weren't in a hurry to gain power.

If she is willing to hold off on revenge so I can complete the quests I have, I see no problem. "Only if you are okay on holding off with revenge! I have many important things to do after this quest! Once we get your mana aura, we'll have to head to Bellvia for who knows how long! I have two difficult missions in that country and capital city!" I'm fine with not splitting up early, but we can't stay together forever. She needs to know that too. "Sally, you need to know that we will have to go our separate ways eventually! My missions will get progressively harder, and I don't know if you'll be strong enough for divine level quests!" I feel the cold rush back in full force. Sally is about to say something else, but a world announcement goes off that absolutely shocks me.

[World-wide Announcement: The church and the elven kingdom have come to an alliance agreement! The elves will give full support to the kingdoms fighting the monsters! In exchange, the elves get to have The Son of Arch-Angel Michael once the war is over! He is to be wed to one of the princesses! That is if they can find him!]

[World-wide Mission: The elves are offering a legendary class for the identity and location of The Son of Arch-Angel Michael!]

[Global Warning: The Son of Arch-Angel Micahel can fight this if he wishes! Beware the people trying to force this upon him! You are dealing with power you can't fully understand!]

I feel Sally stiffen and take a deep breath. "WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL IS THIS BULLSHIT!!! YOU AREN'T A PRIZE THAT CAN BE GIVEN AWAY!!!" I'm right with you Sally. This is absolute crap.

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