The Ancients World

Chapter 162: The Valley of Fallen Gods II

Chapter 162: The Valley of Fallen God's II

Sally screams in protest at what she hears from the church's announcement on her end. I'm not happy about this either. I'm taking the silent rage approach to this reveal. Sally is screaming incoherently now, and I think just letting her get it out of her system is good. Festering in my own anger is not healthy either. "I'm pretty pissed myself! I'm not some prize to be had! I'm not going to let this go anytime soon either! Talk about overstepping your bounds!" It's incredibly disturbing to me that this has happened. In all the time I've sunken into this world, this is the first time I've heard of this. I'm surprised that The Almighty Father or Michael hasn't stepped in.

The only explanation I can think of is not everything is what it appears to be. The old king of Zenith pulled something like this, Herold ending up exciting the wrath of my angelic family. "I'M GOING TO KILL THE ENTIRE ROYAL FAMILY AND BURN THE CAPITAL TO THE GROUND!!!" If I could see Sally's face, I might see foam coming from it. She is in a rabid state. "I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THEM!!! I'M GOING TO RIP THEM LIMB FROM FUCKING LIMB!!!" I don't understand why this is happening in the first place. The hidden politics of Gaia involve me now. I guess they always have. Now it's taking a more active role.

I can only hope it doesn't get any worse than it already has. The reward for me is a legendary class, and that is saying something coming from the elven kingdom. "It'll be a while before we get to The Valley of Fallen Gods! So please try and calm down! I don't want to listen to your screaming the whole trip there!" Sally doesn't acknowledge my words at all. I've never had someone care for me so much other than my family. Sally loves me a different way than they do, and hearing this from the church is tearing her up. The fact it's the elven kingdom makes it sting so much more for her. After all, they did it's not surprising that she is ready to kill them.

I close my eyes and drown out her screams. From what I remember about the elves, they are a unique society advanced in magic and technology. The war will swing in favor of the humans and their allies. The fairies will not cooperate in the war, with Fenrir protecting their kingdom. The monsters wouldn't dare get close. The little information I have on the elves won't help with anything. I can't ask Sally. She probably knows the same amount I do. Why are they even demanding my hand in marriage. It's not like they lack any power, and they have a very strict policy on who is allowed in their country and kingdom.

Everything I can do right now will be pointless. The war isn't going anywhere, and I lack serious power to end it. I'm allowed to fight said engagement, but by doing so, I'll make myself an enemy of all elves in their country. I'm not that messed up to commit genocide either. So avoiding the whole situation is my only current option. Speaking of situations, the one about my mysterious quest from a while back is bothering me. What would I gain at level 150 that I don't already have? The power I've accumulated so far is already greater than every level 150 on Gaia. The only thing that can stop me from killing higher-level creatures is tiers. I pull up the quest to see if I can get any information.

[A miracle in you....]

[Description: ???]

[Objective 1: Reach level 150 tier 3 before any other player.]

[Objective 2: ???]

[Rewards: ???]

[Difficulty: ???]

[???: You haven't even scratched the surface of your power, and once you reach this level of strength, there will be a change that occurs in you, and only at this point will you begin to taste your power. Do not let this world fall to ruin.]

[You have no choice but to accept this quest.]

I'm certain that whoever ??? It's a deity. The system will tell you if it's saying something to you. This Identity is being hidden. I got this quest before I even reach tier one. It slipped into the back of my mind because it wasn't important. I only have a few quests, but all of them have incredibly difficult ratings. It's definitely because of my class, and now I'm starting to see a problem I didn't see before. Soon the quests I get will grow too difficult to complete. I'll plateau until I gain enough power to complete them. I'm so glad I have three 2x exp boosts left to use. It's definitely going to be a deciding factor once I reach this wall.

Sally has quieted down now and is burying her face in the little space between my wings. I can feel small areas of wetness where her eyes are on my back. The air hitting them makes them obvious. "I'm sorry, Sally! This really brought down the good mood! Don't worry, though! I don't plan on getting wed to a snotty pompous elf! It leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about marrying someone like that! Too bad all elves can't be as sweet and nice as you! The world would be a better place!" Sally hugs me a little tighter after I say those words. She cares about me a lot, and the thought of losing me to something she hates hurts more than I could understand. As Cera and Sally fly to their destination. A meeting is happening in The Holy City. The Pope is the one leading this meeting.

The war is going to be heading in the right direction after this. Now that all the kingdoms allied for this war are here, we can start the meeting. I look over at the queen of the elves and see a victorious look on her face. I don't like the thought of betraying Syndra Rozeiros, but I had to bend to the winds of change like anyone else. "This meeting is to discuss the next step proceeding the combination of all military forces. Now that we are one army, we must discuss who leads what. Please feel free to speak freely." The first one to stand is Gregory, of course. The only real leader and one of the oldest kings. This war has taken a toll on his youthful appearance and shows his actual age.

He walks up in the center, crosses his arms, and closes his eyes. "We need to start making offensive pushes against the enemy. We got lucky when Fenrir interrupted a dark ritual of the monsters, but we can't play defense this entire war. I want to be in charge of strategic strike groups targeting high-value targets in the monsters ranks. The information we got from the ritual sight has given us plenty of targets to go after as soon as possible. If we want to win this war, we have to be willing to do this. No battles can be won without the loss of lives." He speaks true words, built upon the skill and knowledge he has accumulated in all his battles since his young rule.

Many nod their heads and agree with Gregory's position in the war effort. An important role should go to someone with his reputation. The next to stand is surprisingly queen Syndra. "We will provide medical aid with our unique and powerful healing magics. I want to be in charge of reclamation of fallen kingdoms and imprisoned females." I admire her drive to free the poor woman of this war. Being used in such a way by the monsters is sickening. "We will also help transport troops and reinforce the front lines with our war machines." Everyone agrees with the position of Syndra. The elves helping in this war will make everything more likely to succeed.

The meeting continues like this. Each king and queen takes on a part of the war effort, lending aid to other's efforts with their resources and intelligence or taking on a major role. I stand up to speak the closing words of this meeting. "I can say this is a great day in the war effort against the monsters." My stomach turns as I say those words. Deceiving the elves is going to eat my spirit to the proverbial bone. "I'm going to increase the search for the son even more so. While this is to honor the agreement we have come to, it's also to ask for his help in the war." I wear my poker face and keep the formalities straight.

The meeting soon ends, and everyone makes exits. Either by turning off their holograms or walking out of the meeting room. I make my way out of the church and to my favorite honeybun shop. It's a place I have come to since I was a little boy. People lightly bow as I walk by, and the guards behind me keep me safe. I reach the shop and take a seat at the counter. "I'll take a mammoth's foot, please." It's the largest honeybun size this got. After a few minutes, it comes on a plate nice and hit. I dig in immediately and remember the days of my childhood. When this war is over, I might open my own bakery or something akin to that. Get fat and happy with the worst days behind me.

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