The Ancients World

Chapter 225: Jacksons Wedding II

Chapter 225: Jacksons Wedding II

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

As the morning slowly passes, more and more people are entering Zenith. Nobles and rich merchants who weren't even invited. Many of whom aren't actually here for the wedding, but for two specific guests. It's easy to figure out which guests are being talked about. One of these uninvited attendees is the Saintess Lucy and a small entourage of her best soldiers. They hope that they get a chance to talk to and convince Slayer Zern to help in the ongoing war. If she can get his help, many lives will be saved.

I step out of the last teleporter, and I look around Zenith. It's been so long since I saw this place. Jackson has done a marvelous job of bringing Zenith city back to life. This doesn't excuse his actions of hiding the knowledge he had of Slayer Zern or the now known fact that he was harboring his mother as a Noble. I look around the teleportation platform and see the many shocked faces of our arrival. Even new people stop to stare, and the male stares from the new people are quite creepy. As if they have never seen a woman before.

I step off the teleportation platform and look directly into the direction of the palace. That's where the wedding is to be held. "Make sure no one gets any funny ideas about approaching me. I'm not here to talk and meet the common folk." My second in command, Franklin Harm, nods his head in understanding. My soldiers get in formation around me, and we start making out way towards the palace. It's going to take a little longer than I'd like. The crowds of people will make it harder to get there—an inconvenience of being famous.

I make a deep sigh and see the crowd getting even thicker up ahead. "Saintess, should we try and find a different way?" There is no point. No matter which direction we go, there will be a crowd. Franklin nods his head, and we continue trying to get through the crowd. They are doing an excellent job of slowing us down. Many begging for help, to heal their sick and wounded. I don't have abilities like that, so they are going to be sorely disappointed. "Everyone back away! If you don't, you'll suffer the consequences!" Franklin shouts a threat to the crowd.

That doesn't falter the most desperate of people. If anything, it makes them more motivated. I decide to take matters into my own hands, and I unleash some of my power. Everyone backs away in fear or awe. "Next time, it'll be more than just a warning!" I make sure everyone here. I don't have time to deal with all these people. The crowd parts, and I hear the weeping of mothers and fathers, along with children. It's not easy to ignore them, to pass them by in their time of need. I can't help them, though. I have my own reason for being here.

After an easier walk, we finally make it to the entrance gates of the palace grounds. I look at the guard. He is holding a list. I walk up to the gate to be let in, but he doesn't move. "Are you going to open the gate or not?" I've never met resistance like this before. Everywhere I go, doors open for me, and people know who I am. He shakes his head and for the first time in my life. I'm irritated that I'm not let in regardless of said list. I place my hand on one of the metal bars, and I bend it. He cringes but still doesn't let me in.

He sees my genuinely angry look. "If you're not on the list, then your not getting in. There are a few inns down the road to your left where more people like you are. They are starting to get full, so I suggest getting there sooner rather than later." I ball up my fist and almost punch the gate, but I calm myself down and take a breath. Instead of listening, I jump over the gate easily, and so do my soldiers. The guard sighs and ignores our actions. I turn my attention to the palace, and I make my way towards it.

We make our way to the massive doors, and I push them open. What I see is an extravagant hall filled with tables. There are already nobles and merchants here. I wave for my escorts to leave me, and they do, each heading to a different part of the hall. I look around and see one of the men I'm here to talk to. Jackson is talking to his bride right now. I walk over and tap on his shoulder. "Not now." I clench my teeth. This city is very rude. I tap again. "I said not right now!" He spins around, and we meet eye to eye. His anger disappearing, and a smile appears on his fast.

I cross my arms at the sudden change of attitude. "My, Saintess Lucy. I know for a fact that you or anyone else from the church was not invited. How about you do me a favor and leave." I can't stop myself from reaching from my sword on instinct. He back up, and I quickly stop myself. "I know why you are here, Lucy, and I'm going to personally see to it that he isn't bothered by you or your wars problems." A low growl is released from my throat as those words leave his mouth. If he wants to play it this way, then so be it.

As a huge commotion breaks out at the palace. Cera, Amelia, and Sally are all getting ready to leave for the palace. Despite the pleading and begging of Amelia, Cera isn't going to comply with getting dressed up. He is going in his gear, and no one is going to stop that from happening. Sally, on the other hand, is finally dressed in her amazing red dress. Her long blond hair is falling down her shoulders, and her deep blue eyes are capable of enrapturing anyone. Her pointy ears sticking out the sides. Anyone can fall for the elven beauty.

I turn my head away with a blush. For the first time in my life, a girl is beautiful enough to make me, Cera Adamo, blush like a schoolgirl. "You look absolutely amazing, Sally." I say this to her as I turn my head to get another eyeful of her. She looks down at the ground with a blush on her face as well. She walks up to me and holds her elbow out. I take it with a smile, and we slowly make our way out of the mansion. I know nobody will mind me wearing my gear. Amelia follows us out of the room with a smile on her face.

I bet if Gaia had cameras, Amelia would take a picture of us before we leave. "The dress is much more flattering to my feminine figure than I thought it'd be. It's kind of embarrassing and a little scary to have my curvy features more on display..." I take my arm out of her elbow and wrap my arm around her instead. I'm going to protect her no matter what, be it from monsters, humans, handsy nobles. All of them will experience my wrath, and nothing can stop that if they try anything. She leans into my side and wraps her arms around my waist.

After a minute of walking, we make it to the carriage, and we load in. Sally and I sit side by side as Amelia sits across from us. "You two are so cute together. You'd be even cuter if you actually decided to dress up..." I sigh and roll my eyes. There are some things I'll never do. Wearing a suit is one of the things that'll I've never do. "Make sure you keep Sally close. She is going to be getting the attention of many horny men, and I'd like there not to be blood spilled at the wedding." I'm not going to promise that. If a jackass tries to do something to Sally, I'll hurt him.

The carriage starts to move, and we are slowly making our way towards the city. "Sally, I'll be here to protect you from anything that a pervert might try. You should be able to wear a dress and feel good while doing it, so try and have fun. I'll make sure nothing happens, okay?" She nods her head, and I can tell she is still a little scared. I'm not afraid to kill nobles in droves, be they from Jackson's court or not. I'll paint the walls and ceiling of the palace in red if the need arises. Sally leans her head on my shoulder as we slowly travel. I truly hope she is going to have a good time.

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