The Ancients World

Chapter 226: Jacksons Wedding III

Chapter 226: Jacksons Wedding III

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

The carriage ride is calm and peaceful at first, but once in the city, people who recognize it as Amelia begin to follow us. I look out one of the windows and see a long line of people following our carriage. We entered the city not too long ago. "I'm sorry this is going to be happening to you, Amelia... Now that people know you're my mother, you'll be bothered on a daily basis." The inconveniences that'll come from this are numerous. She won't be able to leave her mansion without dealing with this nonsense.

She smiles as I look at her. "It was bound to happen eventually. Besides, I want the whole world to know that you're my son. I have a lot to be proud of, you know." Sally giggles, and I sigh. Only a parent could say something like that. "I've already received multiple letters from the church since yesterday. News travels faster than I thought it did. Apparently, they want to send a unit of soldiers to protect me. They are still waiting on my response." While it isn't a bad idea for her to have extra protection now. Jackson probably has security tight in Zenith due to her being here.

I don't like the church more and more as the days go by. At first, it was easy to avoid them because they didn't know who I was, but now everyone knows my name and likely my face too. The hood I got in Bellvia has already proven to be useful the times I used it. "Don't let them push you into situations. They think that they have all the power and authority to do what they want when they want. Only small circumstances require them to ask permission. If they keep bothering you, tell them I'll take care of them." I don't like the people I care about getting bothered.

The amount of times the church has tried to bother me is unknown because there were definitely attempts to find me without my knowing. Now that a direct link to me is known, they'll try to seize that link. That isn't going to happen. Not on my watch. "I appreciate the caring and slightly disturbing words. I can take care of myself. I've done it for the majority of my life." I'll respect her words and her opinion. All she needs to do is call on me, and I'll help her in any way I can. I see the palace up ahead.

The ride is taking longer than normal due to the crowds forming and getting in the way. Some of the guards escorting the carriage have to get off their horses or break formation to take care of it. "Looks like the palace has been repaired since that time I put a hole through it. That was a bad day." The memory of that day haunts me. Experiencing the worst moments of my life again and again for who knows how long. Time worked differently there. I ended up escaping, my own rage setting me free, my own pain.

The carriage ride is noisy now that the crowds have increased in volume. Eventually, we make it to the main gate, and the guard lets us in, already recognizing the carriage. The diver takes us up to the entrance, and I see other carriages parked. He stops and lets us out. I step out first and help Amelia and Sally out. I'm going to be the only one in my gear here, which I'm not apologizing for. The carriage rides off for the driver to handle its parking and care for the horse. I see the massive doors open and receiving guests.

I follow Amelia up the stairs, and I begin to see people staring at me in disbelief. Whispering to each other. Sally walks at my side, and I wrap my elbow in with hers. We make it to the center of the room, and there is a noticeable distance between the rest of the guests and us. "I'm going to go speak to Jackson and his bride. You two should have some fun. Don't go breaking anything in here." Amelia walks off in the direction of Jackson. He and his bride are staring. His bride is flustered and avoiding eye contact.

Sally and I find an empty table and sit down. I stare at her as she is breathtaking today. I hear the click of heels walk up behind me. "Slayer Zern?" I try and ignore it. However, the female voice is not giving up. "I'm Saintess Lucy. I need to talk to you about your role in the war." I stand up in anger, and I activate my Divine Pressure skill. Everyone in the room crashes to the ground, including the Saintess. I turn around and look at her flat on the ground. Struggling to get up. Many groans of pain and protests come out of the guest's mouths.

I squat down and lift her head so she can look me in the eyes. "I have nothing to say to you or the church. This war is humanity's responsibility. I wasn't born to save you from death, to fight your battles. I'm free to do what I want and choose what I'm involved in. Let this be your only warning Saintess Lucy if you or the church tries to contact my mother or me. I'll destroy all of you." I deactivate my Divine Pressure, and there are audible gasps everywhere. Everyone tries to stand up and regain their bearings.

As this display of power and superiority happened. Many important guests and officials realized the difference between them and The Son of Arch-Angel Michael. The now who realized the most was Saintess Lucy. Never in all her years as someone other than Fenrir been able to do this to her. She was blessed by the Arch-Angel Uriel when she was born. She has powers few mortals ever dream of having. When compared to someone of actual divine blood and incredible significance. She is nothing. All her powers are worthless.

I take deep breaths as I raise my head. I look over and see Slayer Zern help up the elf girl he has brought with him. We need his help in this war. Yet, he doesn't care at all about us. I stand up and feel my body ache. I look over at Jackson and see the disappointed look on his face. He warned me this would happen, but I didn't listen to him. I ignored him and demanded things I shouldn't have. This whole situation is my fault. Now I have to find a way to fix the damage I have caused with my thoughtless words and actions.

Once fully standing and balance, I immediately bow my head at Slayer Zern. "I'm sorry for my disrespect... Please forgive me..." He doesn't respond and walks away, helping the elf girl. My soldiers quickly approach and help me to my feet. "We need to leave... If the damage I have done today is to be repaired, we need to give him the space he want's..." I can barely walk straight, let alone move quickly enough to get out of this situation. I'll admit it's incredibly embarrassing to have such a thing happen.

As Saintess Lucy and her men make their way out of the palace and towards the exit of the palace grounds. Many people look at Slayer Zern in fear. The ones who are brave enough to stay that is. Many people quickly leave, fearing a repeat of what happened in Bellvia. Many of the originally invited guests stay, but the ones coming here to talk to Slayer Zern or Amelia Zern leave. Fearing death. They are smart to do so, cause people are beginning to learn that you don't mess with Salyer Zern. You listen to what he says or suffer the consequences.

I make my way towards Jackson and his bride. I need to apologize for that impulsive act. I could have killed someone. Once in front of them, they lower their heads. His bride does more than him. "I'm sorry about that outburst. As much as I didn't want to interrupt and ruin your wedding. I fear that I already have." Jackson and his bride raise their heads and calmly explain that they did everything they could to get Lucy out of here. Sometimes stubborn people have to learn the hard way. Once they do learn that lesson, they remember it for the rest of their lives.

I watch Amelia get mad and smack the back of my head. It doesn't hurt of course, but the message is clear. "You need to do more than apologize..." I don't get her question at first. She tilts her head towards the bride and she is crying. I see now, and I think I know something that might work. I toggle my wings on, and people react in multiple ways. The bride stops crying. I reach to my left-wing and I pull out a feather. I wasn't going to do this originally but now seems like a good time to. I hold it out to the bride and her tears quickly stop.

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